War Lord

Chapter 506: The difference (3)

() Bann came out of the pit where he was hiding, and walked towards the explosion point happily. At the site of the explosion, the flames were still burning, and at least four or five cars were blown to pieces. The flames burning on the debris spread all around, illuminating the area tens of meters in radius.

The thick smoke was still billowing into the air, as if a banner had been raised.

The banner of victory.

A genius layout. Bann thought, in fact, when creating the first clone bomb, the magician made this bomb that looked exactly like Leah. But before that, Benn deliberately let this clone go outside the parking lot to attract an ice scale scorpion, thus creating a reasonable reason to play. As he saw, Zero really believed it straight, and let the deadly bomber hide behind him.

This is really a terrible decision.

Because of this decision, Bann's clone bomb had a chance to detonate at close range. At such a close distance, Bann had the confidence to take a heavy hit, no matter how agile and agile he was, he would definitely not be able to escape this catastrophe. ..

Of course, Bann could use this opportunity to kill Zero. But Bann needs zero blood. And only when Zero is still breathing, his blood can provide Bann with the greatest value.

That is a key to open the door of evolution. Bann believes that with zero blood, one day he will be able to break away from the category of human beings and become a super life that puts the entire planet under his feet.

In this beautiful vision of the future, Bann found zero. He fell to the ground in a wilted manner, the strange creature armor on his body had been torn apart, and blood was constantly flowing out from the gap between the fragments.

This made Benn very heartbroken.

Zero blood is worth more than gold!

But Bann was not eager to get close to zero, because zero was still alive. Just like the script he designed, the power of the clone bomb is strictly controlled at zero serious injury, not the equivalent of killing him. Zero did not disappoint Bann, he was still alive in such an explosion.

What a tenacious vitality, Bann sighed in his heart. He stretched out his hand, held the gun in his hand and fired a shot at Zero's limbs. The bullets accurately hit the joints of Zero's limbs, so that even if Zero tried to desperately, he couldn't do anything with his hands and feet completely useless.

It's really safe. Bann strode over, and raised his foot to kick Zero over and turned it over. Ling looked at him feebly. This expression made Bann very satisfied.

"Look, the final winner is me." Bann smiled and took out a dagger from his body: "Don't worry, I won't kill you all at once. First I will use this thing to cut your wrist. , Um, or a few more cuts are also possible. But no matter what, I won’t let you die right away, unless I drink up your blood first.”

"Are you a vampire?" Zero said vaguely.

"No, no, don't compare me with those filthy things." Bann shook his head and turned to the other side of zero: "I just want you to live on and let your blood flow in my body. Now, live in another form. Think about it, from now on, we will be the two together and move towards the end of the evolution of life together. What an exciting thing is that."

"That way I will only feel sick, why not just kill me?"

Bann took Zero's right hand and said, "That's too wasteful, believe me, your blood is the most precious thing in the world."

"Really? In that case, I can't just give it to you!"


Zero, who was dying, suddenly exuded an unparalleled power. It was like a depressed volcano, now it's time to erupt. Bann was taken aback. He didn't expect that Zero would still retain his energy, and his energy aura was so strong that it was almost the same as when he was not injured.

Following Zero's mouth opened into a shape, a gray light shè from his mouth.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment, and Bann saw the bone spur the size of a finger. On the surface of the bone spurs, the red energy brilliance was flowing, and it was clear that there was a cloud of energy storm attached to it.

A death crit made in an alternative way!

When Bann reached this conclusion, he had two options.

One is to send a dagger to Zero's heart. At this moment when Zero's limbs cannot move, Bann's success rate is extremely high. But in this way, he will inevitably be hit by a death crit or be wiped by him. No matter which one it is, it will trigger the power of death crit. At that time, Zero will definitely have to die, and his Bann may not be alive; the second option is much simpler, that is, to temporarily let Zero off, and avoid this death crit first.

Bann instantly chose the latter.

He bounced up and suddenly turned sideways, allowing the bone spurs to pass by the tip of his nose. But before Bann had time to be happy, he saw a flash of light in the parking lot directly in front, followed by a metal bullet soaring!

Only a thought of "how did he do it" flashed in Bann's mind, and then his consciousness slipped into the eternal sea of ​​darkness. Naturally, he would not know that his head was directly shattered by the alloy bullet, followed by the headless corpse, which was lifted by the shock wave behind him, and finally hit the car hill behind him heavily.

Che Shan collapsed, pressing Bann's headless body under more than a dozen abandoned cars.

This is a fatal trap.

In this process, zero is not without risk. In fact, Bann made a serious mistake, otherwise he is very likely to succeed and let Zero change from setting a trap to stepping into a trap.

The key lies in Leah's clone bomb.

Zero had to admit that the clone bomb made by Bann was vivid. When I first saw it, it was hard to tell the truth from zero. It's just that Bann doesn't know that since Leah has mastered the ability of the Mind Chain, he has almost set a permanent position for Zero, so that the two can communicate through the mind at all times. Therefore, when Zero One saw Leah, she originally subconsciously sent a communication signal to Leah through the chain of mind, and wanted to inform Leah to leave.

Unexpectedly, no response was received, so in an instant, Zero knew that Leah was a fake, it was a clone bomb made by Bann. Next, Zero played a good show, and even let the clone bomb approach him. And all this is to fool Bann into the past.

After that, the clone bomb exploded, and the petty Naga Bone Spur broke away from the bomb's **** at the critical moment, thus earning the opportunity for full defense. In a critical juncture, zero hug the head and group body to minimize the attack surface. Coupled with the protection of the Naga armor, it made Zero seem miserable on the surface, but in fact the injury was not as serious as it seemed.

Otherwise, he would not be able to launch a death crit with a bone spur hidden in his mouth at a critical moment.

It was this death crit that made Bann step into the zero trap.

If Bann was ruthless at the time, fighting to lose and avoid the death crit, maybe he would die, and under the circumstances, Zero might also be hit hard and even die with Bann. But Bann cherished his life too much, so he chose to avoid it. But as a result, he retreated to the pre-determined trajectory before zero.

The battleship artillery left Zero in a certain car in the sniper position. Of course, only heavy snipers could not sniper Bann at the right time. But at that time, Ling was inspired by snoopers and used his memory to create another small creature. Ling named it "cao controller". The appearance of the cao controller is like a pocket ant, and its body length is less than a millimeter. Its function is to emit an electromagnetic wave, so that energy storage items such as high-altitude batteries can generate electricity instantly. The cāo controller, like the snooper, can communicate with the demon eye of Naga through remote sensing through special wave energy.

In this way, the battleship artillery can fully realize the new attack mode of unmanned sniper.

After all, the battleship artillery is a weapon of the new era. The kinetic energy of the bullets does not come from the old firing pin, but is driven by the internal high-capacity battery, and uses the miniature magnetic explosion generated by the power generation to send the bullets out. In normal manual use, it is natural to command the battery to generate electricity by pressing the trigger. With the cāo controller, as long as one command is zero, the cāo controller can make the high-capacity battery instantaneously generate electricity to generate shock kinetic energy.

So when Bann chose to evade the death crit, Zero also gave the cāo controller the command to strike. However, if Zero was able to make Bann a headshot successfully, there was some luck in it. No matter how well the trajectory is set up, after all, Cāo is not the one who controls the heavy sniper. But even if he didn't kill Bann with a single shot, heavy damage was necessary. In that case, the result is no different for Zero who is really seriously injured.

Bann is always not Zero, even if he has the same figure, almost the same ability as Zero. But Ling dare to risk his life as a bait, and Ban En obviously had the chance of losing both sides, but he missed it because he cherished his life. In the end, he was shot headshot by Zero. This is the biggest difference between the two. It is this difference that determines the final winner between the two.

The four warheads gradually rose from the zero limb joints and eventually fell to the ground. Although Bann accurately hit the joints of Zero's limbs, he didn't know that Zero's bones had been strengthened a lot under the influence of the Naga Gene. The warhead did not crush zero joints, and was stuck in the bones. The self-protection mechanism in Zero’s body has been activated. After the foreign bodies in the body are expelled, the injured bones begin to repair themselves, and the injured nerves and capillaries are also repaired or regenerated by the biological matrix generated by the memory group.

Since the memory group began to wake up, the speed of zero self-recovery has been much faster than before. The injury that took several days to recover like this one has now been reduced to ten hours under the action of the memory team. After lying on the ground for more than half an hour, Zero got up from the ground, he was already able to move. He didn't rush to leave, but jumped onto the pile of cars where Bann's body was buried.

After Zero pushed a few cars away, he saw Bann's headless body lying on his stomach on the ground. The ground was scarlet red, exuding a strong **** air. Zero jumped down, and squatted down to squeeze the blood from Bann's wound with his hands. The blood hadn't coagulated yet, so Ling put his blood-stained hand to his mouth, stretched out his tongue and gently rolled in a drop of blood.

The blood mixes with saliva into the snack esophagus, and the organs in the body move with full force. A special biological fluid is born in the stomach pouch, which wraps Bann's blood and performs a series of operations that only high degree instruments can perform. Bann's blood is diluted, broken down, and divided into several units. The blood of each unit undergoes different types of analysis. Zero's body is like a high-speed instrument, constantly squeezing out information about Bann from the blood.

The information includes the magician's abilities, genes, and even fragments of broken memories.

When Lingji focused on these memory segments, one picture after another continued to unfold in Ling's mind. In these pictures, Zero sees Bann's incoherent memory. Several of the pictures attracted zero attention, and the same person appeared in all of these pictures.


Zero called out one of the pictures. The picture was still at first, followed by the movement of the picture and Tyr's voice: "I found an interesting person in Asgart. He was an experiment in the old man-made **** plan. Listen. With Bann, I need you to go to Zambes Mountain to meet Betsy and the others, and bring the clown. I need you to deal with this guy, and then use your abilities. Bann, copy that guy's genes back to me. "

I see.

The picture disappeared, and Ban's blood was completely decomposed in Zero's body. It has completed its mission. Zero first closed his eyes, and Tyre's voice kept echoing in his mind. After a while, Ling opened his eyes, his eyes became cold and cruel.

"If you want to get my genes, you have to work hard, everyone is the same, including you. Tyre!"

Leaving this faint word in the parking lot, Ling jumped out of the car, after retrieving his tactical uniform. Zero put on and left the parking lot, and walked towards the center of the bazaar in full swing.

In the tunnel outside the bazaar, Betsy released a cloud of high temperature fire. The endless fire clouds spread out, forcing Feng to keep backing away. Betsy's face was solemn, and the relaxed expression on his face had long since disappeared. Feng, the great swordsman, can be said to be his nemesis. His high-speed cutting body and dazzling attack always kept Betsy unable to draw his hand to counterattack.

And occasionally use one or two powerful attacks, but always give Feng a special technique to cut off the supply of energy to resolve the invisible ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ against opponents such as Feng, only like Peder Fanny That kind of melee player suppressed with absolute power, otherwise once Feng was brought into his attack rhythm, he would become very passive like Betsy.

It's a pity that Pederfenni is also overwhelmed by herself. Another female capable person has fought with the **** queen evenly. After the initial impulse passed, Pederfani began to use the power of Mingyan to change the situation where she fell step by step. But Su is also not simple, even if Pederfenni used the Dark Flame, but with the simultaneous blessing of both the Destructive Stance and the War Intent Aura, Su has a large degree of resistance to the Queen's Dark Flame.

This is the special feature of the Destroyer. When they activate the Aura of War Intent, they will greatly increase their resistance to all negative abilities and increase their resistance to various elements. Mingyan can be regarded as a comprehensive substance of the two elements of fire and darkness, and it is also within the resistance range of the aura of war intent. Relying on the aura of war intent to reduce the damage of the underworld, and using the destructive stance to maintain a strong power while also possessing a certain defensive power. Under the combination of the two, the Destroyer is almost like a human-shaped tank on the battlefield. Even if the Purgatory General is like a nightmare on the battlefield, he can't defeat Susu wielding an epee in a short time.

After pushing Maple away with the high temperature fire cloud, Betsy seemed to sense something. The cowboy frowned and said with a wry smile: "It seems that the adult's worry is correct. Bann has also been killed by Zero? "