War Lord

Chapter 507: Betrayer (1)

After several hot lines forced Feng to dodge left and right, Betsy quickly backed away.レm♠思♥路♣客レ embraced her arms, and when she waved it again, a crimson cloud of fire drifted slowly towards Susu. Although the fire cloud is as light as cotton wool, it is known that if it is touched, even the steel will be melted into molten iron by the high temperature of more than two thousand degrees in the fire cloud. She didn't want to use the extra defensive power generated by the destructive stance to bet whether she could block Huoyun's attack, so she let go of the sword that she had already gained the upper hand and was going to give Pedevani.

The Destroyer moved away, so that Tian Hao let Betsy pass unimpeded. The cowboy still had time to pull the brim of his hat and smiled and said, "Excuse me."

He took Pederfenni with one hand and pulled her into a nearby tunnel gap. Feng's figure flashed continuously, rushing into the gap when he saw it. But when he reached the edge of the gap, his face changed, and he backed away like the wind. A high-temperature pillar of fire spurted out of the gap after a while, and if Maple ran into it directly, it would probably be burned. When the pillar of fire went out, the gap was exuding high-temperature gas, and the two of Betsy had naturally gone without a trace.

Feng looked at Su, and the two smiled bitterly at each other. ..

After the two mysterious powerhouses left and were supported by Feng Hesu, Brown quickly killed all the ice scale scorpions near the tunnel. At this time, the sky to the east was slightly bright. The giant scorpions that have lived in the crypt for many years are not used to moving around in the daytime, so the scorpions that are still alive in the market left one after another. They got in from the crack in the ground near the parking lot as they came, and then walked along the passage. Leaving Mobistone.

Not only did the Ice Scale Scorpion retreat, even the clown who had stopped the wolf king Kayton also received some kind of signal. After giving the Wolf King a fierce attack, the Joker took advantage of the chaos and left, which made Kaiton a little depressed.

The chaotic night finally passed, and the market became completely unrecognizable. When Zero came out of the parking lot, the sky was already dark. Looking up, thick black smoke was rising everywhere in the city, and the flames burning on some houses still refused to extinguish. At least two-thirds of the entire bazaar was destroyed, and the deaths and injuries are uncountable. Zero walked back to the streets of the market and saw the dead bodies of alien races and giant scorpions abound.

Coming to the street where Kayton and the Joker were fighting, Ling saw from a distance the Wolf King was sitting on the steps in front of a shop, panting. Kayton's hair was blackened in many places, and there were wounds more than ten centimeters long on his hands and back. It seemed that the clown was not easy to deal with. When Ling walked to Kayton, the Wolf King raised his head and said before Ling said: "You don't need to thank me, I'm just paying you back. We won't be in arrears anymore. See you next time, and I will still not let you go. "

It stood up, the golden eye of the beast gave a vigorous look, then turned and left.

Looking at its back, Ling shouted: "Next time I meet, if you want to challenge me, I will not refuse. But I prefer to entertain you with wine that welcomes friends rather than weapons used against enemies. Fenry Wolf Lord, consider my proposal. Between race continuation and meaningless hatred, I think you will make the right choice."

Kayton's figure paused, but didn't say anything. Turning a corner, the Wolf King disappeared into Zero's eyes.

In a zero-packed mood, he walked to the Green Forest Hotel.

When they came to the block where the Green Forest Hotel was located, the aliens were carrying the corpse of the giant scorpion. Unexpectedly, the surrounding buildings in this block except the hotel were almost completely destroyed, and the bodies of giant scorpions were lying there. According to a rough estimate, there are hundreds of scorpion corpses nearby. Of course, alien corpses also appeared nearby. But judging from the attack of the scorpion, there wouldn't be too many alien corpses that could not even be counted as a hundred.

Walking into the hotel, the lobby has become a temporary infirmary. Many wounded aliens were placed on the ground, with the figures of Ademili and Leah pierced in between, but they looked like nurses who took care of the sick.

Regardless of whether it was a sick person or other alien races who were not seriously injured, even though their races were different, Zero could obviously feel that they were all glowing, and he no longer hated the human being Zero as much as before. Even some aliens greeted Zero, which surprised Zero.

"You seem to have done something terrific."

Sitting on a chair, Leah is dressing up the wound herself. In fact, these wounds are not a big deal to Zero. With his current recovery ability, these wounds will be gone by tomorrow. Kelia still insisted on bandaging him, the reason is to prevent infection.

Hearing Zero's words, Leah bandaged and said, "It's all the credit of Ademili, she changed people's hearts."

He simply said to Zero last night that Ademili told the aliens in the hotel to participate in the defense work, and she smiled: "She may not be a brilliant warrior, but she is definitely the best lobbyist."

Because of an accidental attack by the Ice Scale Scorpion, Zero and Ademili decided to stay in Mobile Stone for two more days for rest. And soon, the team's casualty report came out. The most serious of these is that Ren's servants have been wiped out, and even Ren himself is missing. Afterwards, Brown sent soldiers to search the mountains near the tunnel, but no trace of Rennes was found.

In addition, Zero and Starley’s troops also suffered damage. In short, when Brown reorganized the remaining soldiers, the number of servants has been reduced to about the name.

As for the others, there was no serious problem. Except that Haiwei was injured by Peder Fanny's dark flame, so the injuries were more serious, the others also suffered some minor injuries, which was a great fortune in misfortune.

As for the market, the losses were heavy. More than half of the blocks were destroyed, and more than a thousand foreigners were killed or injured. This is a huge blow to the Mobistone Bazaar. It is conceivable that the bazaar will not be able to restore its former prosperity in a short period of time.

But everyone is not without gain, at least after the disaster last night, the aliens in the market have somewhat changed the way humans are. Maybe they can't change their impression of humans all at once, but the fire has already been sown, and when the time is right, it will turn into a raging fire that can start a prairie fire. In terms of actual gains, the losses caused by the disaster were minimized because of the efforts of the Zero Class and the Gegnias. Therefore, when Adimili wanted to purchase the materials needed for the next journey, the market merchants almost Sell ​​food, clean water and other equipment supplies to Ademili at cost prices.

The one who gained the most was Zero, killing a person of the same level as Bann, allowing Zero to gain an evolution point in one fell swoop. For him who is already an eighth rank, this is not a small fortune. Coupled with the various battles before, especially those few battles in Shadow Canyon, Zero has won a lot. Zero silently calculated that he has now accumulated 375 evolution points, and the number of points required to advance to the ninth rank is not much different.

Maybe there will be a few more battles, or another Tier 8 capable person, Zero will be able to raise the ability to Tier 9.

He felt relieved, no wonder everyone said that the best stage for obtaining evolution points was the battlefield. In that kind of life or death environment, the tremendous pressure forces you to continue to evolve. As long as you can't die, it's hard not to get an evolution point.

In the next two days, both zero and ordinary soldiers received adequate rest. Apart from rest, the disappearance of Rennes was shrouded in everyone's mind like a dark cloud. Logically speaking, it is impossible for a rank 8 powerhouse like Renn to fall in the battle of the same level last night. But now that no one is born or a dead body is seen, it makes it impossible to guess what happened to him.

After all, Renn was a member of the Golden Tomahawk. Now that this situation occurred, after Zero and Starley discussed it, they all felt it necessary to notify Tyr. Even if Zero now knows that Tyre is behind the scenes of this war, he is still the highest commander on the human side before he rips his face. Therefore, a servant took the report jointly signed by Zero and Starley, and returned to Shadow Canyon with enough supplies.

But even Zero did not expect that the servant soldier disappeared before leaving the Zambes Mountains. He could not bring this report back to the front at all.

In this way, two days passed.

On the morning of the third day, the team prepared to leave the market and continue westward. Renn is missing, and now the only one in the team who can be called an "outsider" is Staley, and Zero is already considering whether to tell Tyr's true face to this straightforward man. It can be weighed and weighed, zero or decided to suppress it first. In the final analysis, the person he wants to expose is Tyre, a prominent war exploiter, and there is no direct evidence in his hands.

Now that Zero Hope and Ademili arrive in Greentown, the Hamemis in her mouth should be able to show the actual evidence to prove the truth behind Tyre’s war. Zero can take Starley first. Fight over, and then win Thor's support through Starley. Only if Saul believes all of this, can Zero be sure to resolve this battlefield.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for him to defeat the giant Tyr, the **** of war, by his own strength.

Just as they were about to leave, a news blew up in the Mobistone market.

There were battle reports from the Shadow Canyon, and the human army was approaching, and the alien coalition led by Hefitos was on the verge of breaking the city. Through the two days of staying in the bazaar, Ling also gradually learned the general situation of the western tundra from Adimili's mouth. There are many kinds of aliens living in this tundra, and most of them belong to three circles of influence.

One is Green Dugnia, the other is Kaiserlas, the worm country, and the other is Blackrock Temple. Among these three powers, Hamomis of Gregnia is one of the Seven True Kings, and the Green City, established by Hamomis, is in fact a biochemical kingdom with distinct classes. As for the Insect Kingdom and Blackrock Temple, their members are made up of wild alien races.

Among them, the king of the worm kingdom is named Midra, and the leader of the Blackrock Temple is Hefitos. Unlike Gregnia and the Wormland, the members of the Blackrock Temple are of various races. The temple adopts a parliamentary system, and representatives of the ten strongest races are selected to participate in the regular operation of the temple. Hefitos is the president of the temple. The dispatch of troops to meet the human army was an action approved by all members of the Temple Council.

In terms of the number of soldiers alone, Blackrock Temple is undoubtedly the most powerful. This point is unmatched by Gregnia and the Wormland. If even the Blackstone Temple cannot prevent humans from advancing to the tundra to the west, then even if the other two forces join forces, the outcome is probably not optimistic.

Therefore, after receiving the battle report of Shadow Canyon, the foreign races in the bazaar were panicked. In this atmosphere, the team composed of Zero and Ademili and others left Mobistone. Judging from the news received, Zero knew that there was not much time left for him.

It was also early in the morning when a dozen black dots suddenly appeared in the sky near the Shadow Canyon. Accompanied by sharp whizzes, these whizzes crossed the sky dome shrouded in radiant clouds, drawn a beautiful parabola, and landed on a square in the northern part of the city. The next moment, amidst the earth-shattering explosions, fiery fireballs rose. The buildings in the square seemed to be made of sand, collapsed and stretched around in the shock wave of the explosion.

The scorching air rushed past, blasting the alien corpse hidden in the bunker into the air, and then fell to the ground along with rubble and debris. At this time, the alien coalition forces in the city reacted. But at the end of the day they made a counterattack, the firepower of the fast-shè heavy artillery made fireballs one after another in the city, and thick smoke and debris began to wreak havoc in the nearby neighborhoods.

The assault team composed of more than a thousand people was divided into three teams, and under the cover of heavy artillery, they entered the square and started street fighting with the alien army that had begun to withdraw to the south. This assault team is composed of hundreds of jīng sharp members of the golden battle axe and hundreds of servants. They have an orderly division of labor and gradually press on the alien races with their firepower advantage, making these alien beings breathless.

When the commando suppressed this alien army, several more scattered teams appeared on the edge of the battlefield. They stabbed into the heart of the alien army like a sharp dagger, and soon disrupted the alien army's position. One of them performed the most dazzling. The man holding a thunder and lightning warhammer seemed to be in an uninhabited state, and wherever he passed, there must be a scorched corpse.

When the commander of the alien army saw this man ~lightnovelpub.net~, his heart was ashamed. After the human army passed through the Shadow Canyon, in the next series of battles, the alien army has often seen this man holding a thunder and lightning warhammer. He was like an undefeated God of War on the battlefield. The number of alien soldiers who died under that warhammer was unknown, and there were already seven or eight commanders.

You must know that every commander has a power comparable to that of a human being with the ability of Tier 8!

The alien commander who is now commanding the army is a humanoid alien creature, like a big fat man of humans. But the edge of the fat belly stretched out with only three pairs of sharp-end feet. The commander had no so-called arms, only a dozen tentacles with suction cups. There was a blue electric fire at the end of each tentacles. Obviously, it is not a pleasant thing to be drawn by these tentacles.

Seeing that the man with the thunder and lightning warhammer came straight in his direction, the commander knew that he had locked his position. Up to now, the commander had to put aside any worries and temporarily handed over the command to the adjutant. It slid quickly, and the fat body greeted the man at an abnormally fast speed.

There was more than a hundred meters between the two, the commander uttered a scream, a dozen tentacles waved at the same time, and he saw a ball of lightning flashing across various arcs and falling toward the man!