War Lord

Chapter 508: Betrayer (2)

The battle ended in minutes.レm♠思♥路♣客レ

Thor still stands proudly on the battlefield, his thunder and lightning warhammer still spit out electric snakes. And under his feet, there was a shallow hole ten meters in diameter. The entire shallow pit was already scorched. In the center of the shallow pit, half of the scorched corpse of the alien commander lay quietly on the ground. The commander's body showed signs of inward depression, which were the scars that Sol directly hit on it with Thor's Hammer.

If you dissect the commander's autopsy, you will find that half of the muscles, blood vessels, and bones inside have become coke, and the remaining half has become a mass of batter. Thor's Hammer is Sol's unique energy manifestation weapon, which possesses both physical and energy qualities of destruction. Some of Thor's unique abilities must be released through Thor's Hammer.

In the confrontation with the alien commander just now, Thor savagely knocked his opponent to death with Thor's Hammer, but he didn't even use a special ability. For him, the alien commander who is only relative to the Tier 8 power is not yet qualified to see his true strength. ..

The death of the commander was undoubtedly a huge blow to this alien army, and when the ground vibrated and the sound of artillery tanks and armored main tanks rolling across the ground was heard in the air, even the bravest fighters couldn’t help it. Change for it.

Human chariots are undoubtedly a nightmare for alien soldiers. These large movable iron blocks are difficult to disintegrate by ordinary attacks, and at the same time they are loaded with various powerful weapons. After the human army crossed the Shadow Gorge, the army of the Blackrock Temple has suffered from these big iron blocks.

Sol also heard the sound of the chariot moving, two artillery tanks and an armored main tank coming from three directions. After reaching the preset location of the plan, the two artillery tanks opened fire first. The large-caliber artillery shells screamed sharply and created fireballs in the army of the Blackrock Temple. Even if they hid behind the bunker of the building, they would be blown to death by the shells.

The remaining armored main tank fired several tactical missiles. Their penetration was stronger and their attack range was much wider than that of artillery tanks. But in this way, the cannonballs and missiles pouring down from the sky also enveloped the members of Doomhammer, including Thor. However, it is the weak who participated in this battle. Thor's hammer was held high, and with a swipe forward, the capable people of Doomhammer should have shuttled through the artillery fire, playing the role of sharp knives, and severely torn from the rear. The position of the enemy's army makes it even more impossible for them to organize an effective counterattack.

At noon, the battle finally ended. In this way, a thousand-man army in the Blackrock Temple was eaten by the combined forces of the Golden Axe and Doomhammer. The end of the battle meant that the entire northern block of the city had fallen into the hands of the human army. After disposing of the Blackrock Temple, the army located in the north square, the remaining alien army could only retreat to the south of the city.

In the bombing and fighting of Lian Rì, the blocks north of the city have been turned into ruins. Roads broke, buildings collapsed, and smoke and rubble were everywhere. For this reason, despite taking control of the North Block, Tyre had to suspend the attack. Soldiers need to rest, roads need to be cleaned, equipment needs to be inspected, and tanks need to be repaired. The rare rest time brought to both sides of the war has made this smoky city unusually quiet.

On a collapsed commercial building, two figures stood side by side on the edge of the building. The remaining wall was pushed down, so that the scenery in front of the two of them was not affected by any obstacles. After using the tactical binoculars, you can get a clear view of the scenery in the distant block.

Tyre put down the telescope and handed it to his brother Sol: "Look over there, at two o'clock. Tell me, brother, what do you see?"

This was the second day after the war, and the two legion chiefs were occupying a high place to observe the situation in the south of the city. Although there are only five floors left in the building they are in, it doesn't seem to be too high, especially when compared with the few intact skyscrapers in the south block, the height of the five-story building is really nothing. But for the North Block, which has been almost razed to the ground, a five-story building is already considered a taller building.

Sol took the binoculars and looked at the direction Tyr had said. There is a commercial plaza, and there should be buildings such as musical fountains on the plaza. But these buildings have been cleared away, and an arsenal was built in the Blackrock Temple. That's right, the arsenal destroyed by Zero before is now being rebuilt. They are scattered in the south block that is tightly protected by the Temple Army. Of course, neither the number nor the scale can be compared with the previous ones.

In addition, a skyscraper was also transformed by the Temple Army. An energy spar was erected at the top of the building, and the volume of the spar was only one-third the size of the previous one. There are energy transmission tubes extending around the base of the spar. The transmission tubes are entangled on the outer wall of the building and extend to the ground. They are then connected to the arsenal in the block for energy transmission.

That is a small energy furnace, and its appearance has once again provided energy for the production of biological weapons in the Blackrock Temple.

After seeing all of this, Saul put down his binoculars, his face solemn.

"I have to say that the other party's commander is indeed an amazing person." Tyre sighed softly: "This guy does not hesitate to take the thousands of troops in the north block to draw our eyes firmly here. When we are trying to seize the North Street When the district was very happy, they had already taken advantage of this time to re-establish the energy furnace device and the biological weapon factory, which means that at the beginning of the fight, the other party planned to give us the North Street District. But at the same time, again Let us not make it so easy."

"So, isn't it meaningless for us to occupy the North Block?" Saul frowned.

"Can't say that, brother."

Tyre patted him on the shoulder and said: "We wiped out the opponent's nearly 5,000 troops. This is not a small number, even if these are cannon fodder that can be sacrificed at any time. But for those guys, this is not the case. A small loss. I don’t believe it. They can still send another five thousand cannon fodder for us to kill. So now it’s the opponent’s jīng sharp who occupies the Nanjie district. The next battle will not be as easy as these days. The opponent's jīng died sharply and one less, as long as we take them again, nothing can stop us from advancing to the west tundra."

"I hope so." Sol looked at the bio-weapon factories in the South Street District, his expression uneasy at all.

Footsteps sounded at this moment, and a messenger appeared at the top of the stairs. As soon as he came up, he said to Tyre, "Master Tyre, the hundred people of Rennes have grown back, and he said that he has important things to report to you!"


Tyr looked surprised and glanced at Thor and said, "He should go to the west tundra with Zero and the others now. How come he will come back at this time."

"Go and see, there may be important things." Sol said.

Tyre nodded, and left with Thor in strides.

In a low bungalow that served as a temporary command post in the camp, Tyre met Ren. Ren's face was haggard, and a circle of green and dense scum on his chin was full of vicissitudes. Even Ping Rì Reagan’s short stabbing discovery was not lying on his stomach, if it weren’t for the special soft armor with the golden battle axe on his body and the golden battle spear held upside down in his hand, Tyr would hardly recognize this as a wilderness in front of him. A mercenary-like man will be his own hundred people.

"Ren, why are you back?"

Tier asked straightforwardly, and he looked up and down the captain of the hundred people again: "Only you are coming back? Zero? Where else are your people?"

Ren opened his mouth and replied, seeing Saul again, and swallowing the words back to his lips.

Tyr said slightly angrily: "Sol is my brother, if you have anything you want to say, how can you be like a man hesitantly!"

"Yes, sir." Renn cleared his throat and said in a deep voice, "I am coming back this time to report an important matter to Lord Tyre."

"What made you make a special trip back?"

"It's zero." Renn looked at Sol, and said with a faint sarcasm in his tone: "Master Sol's nobility has blatantly betrayed Asgart. Two adults, Zero now wants to take the green to Gurney. Ya’s weather weapons are known. On the way to the west, we were attacked by the mutant beasts. Linghe’s subordinates tried to kill me while they were in chaos. Fortunately, I rushed out and rushed back to report to the lord. Otherwise, I am afraid that when Zero returns, he will point the finger at the two adults!"

Upon hearing the news at first sight, Thor's whole body was shocked. There were electric lights flashing in his eyes, but to Rennes's expectation, Thor was very calm. He just said solemnly: "You said zero betrayal, is there evidence?"

"I am the evidence!" Renn raised his head and said, "My adjutant and servants were all killed by Zero Massacre. Only I escaped back, Lord Sol, I hope you understand that as a golden battle axe Members, how shameful it is to escape. But I would rather bear this shame and have to bring the truth back. I can swear with the glory of a soldier that if I have a false statement, I will die on the sickbed instead of on the battlefield! "

Thor fixed his eyes firmly on Ren, who felt the tremendous pressure from Thor. The air seemed to solidify like cement, and Renn could barely breathe. But he didn't let it go, and stared at Saul, and even the breath confrontation between the two caused the air to constantly ring with subtle tremors.

It wasn't until a moment later that Thor retracted his gaze, and Renne's legs trembled, almost unable to stand.

"Brother" Tyre said lightly: "Should I pass this news back to Asgart's headquarters?"

"Not for now." Saul shook his head: "Zero is my person. If he really betrays, then I should take full responsibility. I believe Renn did not lie, but at the same time, I still can't believe that Zero will betray such a betrayal. Asgart, betrayed us. He is not a reckless person. Based on what I know about him, Zero has always acted cautiously. If he has the heart to betray, Zero will not keep the Asgart location before the expedition. The company base, and a large group of people under his hands. At least at that time, he was fully capable of transferring these powers and wealth, instead of suddenly betraying like now, but leaving us with such an obvious handle."

Tyre embraced his arms and said, "Although it is so, it is not a temporary intention. If it is true that Renn said, let him get the weather weapon of the alien race, he sits on the strength to sweep the mainland, how can he care about that room? Small company?"

"Maybe." Sol sighed softly: "It seems that only I will confirm it personally. I will leave it to you here, Tyr, I will leave Doomhammer, and its command will be temporarily handed over. Here you are. I will pass the e-authorization letter to you later. As for Zero, if he does betrayal. Don't worry, I will bring his head back!"

Tyre frowned and said, "Does it need to be like this, brother. You have to take a trip by yourself for a zero? His strength is not weak, and there are several powerful subordinates, but your Doomhammer is not a vegetarian, either. Can you just send two or three teams to deal with him?"

"No, I have to go in person." Sol emphasized.

For Beyonce, I must go. Zero, if you really betray us, how do you want Bess to deal with herself? If so, I won't let you go anyway!

Naturally, Tyre would not know the inner thoughts of his brother.

Sol left the command post, and it didn't take long for Tyre's brain to receive his electronic authorization. In this way, the command of Doomhammer was temporarily transferred to his hand. Tyr can't be happy, Doomhammer, an army that can't be mentioned as an army, can only exert its full combat power in Thor's hands. Even if he has Thor's authorization now, he can't be commanded at all.

Those high-ranking powerhouses in Doomhammer will not sell his account, even if they have a power of attorney in hand, they are quite satisfied that they can give half their efforts to execute the order. As for the middle and low-end part, it is completely worthless to Tyre.

But no matter what, at least in name now, Tyre is the veritable supreme commander of the Western Expeditionary Army~lightnovelpub.net~ After sending Rennes the message, Tyre closed the door and ordered the sentry without his permission. , No one is allowed to disturb him. When Tyre was left alone in the command room, he took out a video recording device. After activating the video recording function, Tyre sat in his chair, folded his hands on his chin and said, "Betsy, things have changed, I have new orders for you."

"Ren has brought back the news of Zero Betrayal. In other words, Bann has failed in battle. The guy who can only do magic is really unreliable, and now he can only count on you. Just now, Thor, the Thor, has decided to personally confirm Zero. In the matter of betrayal, Sol’s power is no problem to solve Zero. But he is not an ideal candidate. The relationship between Sol and Zero is complicated, and it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no problems. So now, I need you before Sol arrives. Solve the zero as soon as possible."

"When necessary, you can contact our allies. I think the big reptile of Middra will be interested in the Nethresian Shield of the Green Capital. You can tell the big reptile. As long as it helps solve zero, then We will help it get this thing. Of course, after killing Zero, I hope you will save his body properly and bring it back as soon as possible. That's it, good luck to you!"

After all, Tyr pressed the stop button. Then the video is imported into the brain, and then through a series of cāo works, the video is compressed and encrypted and sent out.