War Lord

Chapter 509: Storm Fort (1)

Five more days passed.レm♠思♥路♣客レ

During these five days, the team moved westward at a constant speed of 400 kilometers per day. If zero hits the road alone, the speed can at least double. But in this team, with the exception of a limited number of high-ranking ranks, no matter how fast or physical, other people couldn't go faster. Four hundred kilometers a day is the limit. After stepping out of the Zambes Mountains, there is an endless permafrost plain. In the meantime, the forest lays across. Unlike the desolate and quiet virgin forests of the old age, the forests of the new age appear to be more secretive. The towering giant trees with intertwined epidermis and roots stand up like ferocious demon trees.

As soon as you enter the forest, you will feel horrified.

The virgin forests of the new era are not only dangerous from the various beasts entrenched in the forest, but also from these terrifying trees.

Of course, the scenery during the journey is far more than just the forest. The team passed through high mountains and ridges filled with wind and snow, crossed dangerous primitive forests, passed quiet and beautiful natural lakes, and passed through deep and dark underground tunnels. After five days, these people living in the plains of the east finally realized the dangers and strangeness of the tundra to the west.

As the tundra deepens to the west, the climate is getting colder and colder. Even when marching during the day, the temperature of only minus 20 degrees can make people unbearably cold. This kind of temperature is quite normal for Ademili and other Gegnians, and even compared with the real winter, this kind of temperature can be called warm. But the servants in the team are not good enough, even if these surviving fighters have an average level of third-order, but the low temperature and strong radiation test their physique all the time.

This is the cruel side of nature. If it can't stand the test, it will end up sleeping in a corner of the tundra. And things like this have happened twice. There were not many servants, but now there are only 13 men left. Among the dozen people, ten belong to the zero team, and the remaining three are Starley's subordinates. It's just that Staly doesn't care about the life and death of the servants. Like many high-ranking powerhouses, in Staly's heart, the role of servants is more to transport supplies, serve as cannon fodder and decoration.

Zero can't blame anything for this, after all, this is a common problem of the strong in this era.

Five days later, the team advanced about two thousand kilometers to the west. That evening, when the team walked out of a forest covered in silver frost, another rolling mountain range lay on their way forward. The mountains are steep, like a knife cut, in a typical tundra style. That is where the mountain has been invaded by wind and snow for many years, the mountain extends from south to north, and the altitude also changes from low to high. From a distance, it looks like a slide.

The Gregnia call it Tulash Mountain. In the language of their green capital, Tulash means "stairway to heaven."

That night, the team camped and rested on the edge of the forest. The servants and the Murloc Guard cleared a large area of ​​snow, and then set up a marching tent on the snow-free ground. Then the Murloc Guards picked up dead branches near the forest and set up a bonfire. Compared to their more primitive methods, the servants used marching stoves and solid fuel to heat water and cook food.

Zero and Starley also hit a blizzard in the forest and regarded this big guy as dinner for everyone tonight. The appearance of the blizzard bear is very similar to the polar bears of the old age. The difference is that its claws are translucent crystal stones, which contain extremely strong ice energy. The prey caught by the blizzard will coagulate in a very short period of time and become unable to move, so that it becomes food for the blizzard.

It's just that tonight this violent bear was very unfortunate, and was spotted by Zero and Starley, and turned from a hunter into a prey. Traveling all the way to the west, Zero and the others also noticed that it seemed that they were affected by the natural environment of the tundra to the west, and the mutant beasts here more or less possessed the ability to affinity with the ice element. This ability makes them more resistant to severe cold, while being able to use one or several ice abilities.

Or, like a blizzard, directly storing ice energy in some organ or limb of the body, so as to inflict ice energy damage on the prey while attacking.

Naturally, there is no need to worry about food processing to zero or starly. When the violent bear is thrown on the ground of the camp, the servants will skillfully lift the fur of the violent bear. If this bear skin is bought in the Mobistone Market, it is estimated that it will sell for a good price. And even in places like Asgart that have been called abundance, the snow-white bear skin is also a luxury item that nobles rushed to collect.

And now, after it was washed off the blood, it became Leah's cloak and blanket.

Next, it is the claws of the violent bear. These spar-like claws contain extremely pure ice energy, and they can be used as energy spars. Power spar has a wide range of uses, and pure power stones like this one are even more excellent. Now even if the violent bears die, they still absorb the cold air from the surrounding environment all the time to seal them, and then gradually transform it into ice energy.

The servants originally took these crystal claws out and washed them and handed them to Zero, but Zero gave them to these soldiers. Only the number of crystal claws was limited, and only a few people with weaker physique were allocated crystal claws. Taking this crystal claw on your body can somewhat reduce the damage caused by the tundra cold to the servants.

As for the rest of the bear, its fur and claws are far less valuable. So the servants dismembered the entire violent bear, and then cut off the bear meat and roasted it on the marching stove or the murloc's campfire. After a while, when the bear meat was roasted golden, the rich aroma of meat began to drift over the camp.

A violent bear seems to have a lot of meat, but it is actually divided, and the amount of each person is also very limited. For those with more advanced abilities, it is a less efficient way to consume energy through food such as animal meat. Not everyone with abilities is like zero, and consumes energy entirely by burning food. Like Starley, after the food is eaten by him, only the protein in the food will be completely absorbed, as for other things, it is wasted in the process of digestion.

If you just eat ordinary food, the appetite of a high-level ability person has to be measured in tons. Therefore, they are usually equipped with compressed foods like nutrients, which, despite their poor taste, taste even worse. But it contains very rich energy, enough to supplement the constant needs of the capable person, and rescue the capable person from the food pile.

Before the departure, a few high-ranking members were allocated enough nutrients. After Starley had eaten two pieces of bear meat, he took out the nutrients and squeezed it, and the dinner was finished.

The bonfire on the Gegnian side was blazing, and the flames flickered on the faces of the fishers. Their meat has been roasted, but it is not going to be eaten right away. Instead, they closed their eyes as if praying. After a while, the fishmen opened their eyes, and the guards handed the food to Ademili and Baltimore. While the two people were eating, the other guards just waited quietly, as if Ademili had finished eating, and it was time for these guards to eat.

"Strict class system," Staley commented, taking another sip of wine. Shaking the already fluttering wine bottle, Staley began to regret that he brought too little wine, and Mobistone’s exotic-style wine Staley spit out after a sip, naturally it can’t be used as a solution to his slander. . So when the amount of alcohol he could drink became less and less, Starley only drank so little sip almost every day. His cautious appearance is like a miser who is calculating.

Putting down the bottle, Staley said casually: "The guy behind our buttocks seemed to disappear two days ago. It's strange, who would they be?"

Zero spread his hand and said: "I am also very curious about this. In short, we have to be careful."

"It's not okay if you are not careful. Renn disappeared before it reached the green capital. I always feel that this mission seems not that simple. And..." The attitude is also very strange. How to put it, always feel that you treat them like friends, not enemies."

Staley is not an idiot, in fact, no one can become a mediocre person. Knowing that he had already felt that something was wrong, he immediately asked: "Do you think that except for humans, all alien beings should be our enemies?"

"Of course not, I am not a racial discriminator. But I know my position, and you. Zero, your boundaries seem to be blurred. This is not a good thing." Staley said slowly.

"If I believe that these Gegnians came for peace, then Starley, what do you think."

Now that Starley had begun to doubt, then Zero felt it necessary to test his bottom line to decide how to deal with the next thing.

Hearing what Zero said, Staley was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled: "No, brother, do you really intend to be a peace messenger? I said at the fair, you are good or me. We didn't promote the situation. The power of this. Either conform to the whole situation, or drown in the waves."

Zero fell silent. He looked up at the sky shrouded by the radiant cloud and slowly said: "Stali, maybe you will laugh at me. But I have imagined more than once, if we and other higher beings have enough living space. At the time, can human beings live in peace with them? The end of the old era means that human beings are no longer the only intelligent life. Perhaps we should admit that this planet is not only owned by us. Aliens, animals and other life, they also have The right to survive, why should we exploit all this?"

"You are right, but those are all assumptions. The fact is that this planet is dying gradually, and the space and resources for survival are constantly shrinking. Therefore, war is inevitable." Starley sighed.

Zero suddenly asked: "Then tell me, what is the meaning of this war on the tundra in the west? You have seen these days, what is there? Barren mountains? A patch of virgin forest or ubiquitous snow. I don’t see the meaning, you know, brother. Even if we lay down the entire tundra land, is this place suitable for humans to survive? Since this land is so barren, why do we have to expedition to the west?"

A series of questions left Starley speechless. After a while, he said, "We are just soldiers. These problems should be dealt with by the big men. God knows what is thinking in their heads."

"Well, let's not talk about these for now." Zero earnestly said: "Suppose, suppose there is an opportunity for all life on this planet to have enough living space. Starley, how would you choose. It is to destroy it to maintain this. The pattern of the times, you can still fight to protect it, even if you are facing former comrades or superiors?"

It was another question that made it difficult for Staley to answer. After this bold man was silent for a while, he smiled bitterly: "I don't know how to answer you, because what you said is just a hypothesis. But zero, why would you ask like this? Question? Did you see such an opportunity?"

"It's not clear yet, I only know that after this trip to Gregnia, there will be an answer."

"Really? If it were you, what would you do? Well, I'm so stupid. Since you have the idea of ​​letting all life coexist, then you must stand up and protect this opportunity. This is a dangerous decision, but I I have to admire your courage." Staley raised the bottle: "For your courage, I have to take another sip from him."

Seeing him carefully drank a sip of strong wine, Ling suddenly felt a little bit dumbfounded. With this statement tonight, Zero did not reveal the whole truth, because without evidence, Staley would not believe that this war was in fact just a tool used by Tyre. But it was not entirely unfounded, at least Staley seriously considered the hypothesis that Zero put forward, and he did not bluntly destroy it.

As Starley said ~lightnovelpub.net~Zero gave him only a hypothesis. And when the hypothesis becomes a fact, Zero believes that Staley will make the right choice.

The sound of footsteps interrupted Zero's thoughts, but Ademili, who had finished dinner, walked over to the two captains. Adimili sat down next to them and said in an exotic human language: "I have something to discuss with you two, it's about our itinerary."

"When we come here, we have two options. One is a tunnel left over from the old times under the Turash Mountain and traverses the entire mountain range, but on the way we will pass through an old human base. The name of the base is very different. Weird, it is named after the white blood cells in the human body. But this is not the point. The important thing is that the base has now become a paradise for the dead, and we prefer to call it the Hall of the Dead."

When he heard the three words "white blood cell", Zero moved in his heart. In the previous base, which was also named white blood cells, data obtained from zero showed that there were not only one experimental bases established for cloning projects in the old days, and they were all named "white blood cells." So in the so-called Hall of the Dead in Ademili, is there any information about the clone project? Or even, where is the collection of the super life of the Quaternary Period?

No matter which way it was possible, Ling felt it necessary to go to the Hall of the Dead.