War Lord

Chapter 510: Storm Fort (2)

"What about the second option?" Staley asked.

Ademili replied: "The second way is to climb the Turache Mountain and pass through the Storm Fortress. Down the mountain is the Emerald Wild, which is a natural ice tundra. Our green city of Gregnia is just west of the ice tundra. side."

"What is the difference between the two roads?" Zero asked directly to the point. There must be a huge difference between the two roads, otherwise Adimili would not ask what she meant with Staley.

"Passing through the Hall of the Dead from the old tunnel will save you time, and you don't need to be affected by the icy climate brought by the high altitude. It's relatively easier to walk through some novel chapters. But the problem lies in the Hall of the Dead, where we once sent troops to sweep it. However, a team of three hundred people did not return more than ten people. The Hall of the Dead was already occupied by the ice corpse demon. As far as our number is, even if there are two of you captains and other powerful subordinates, they want to pass. A certain price must be paid." Ademili said sternly.

"Ice corpse demon?" Obviously, neither Zero nor Starley had heard of such a monster.

Ademili explained: "These monsters all evolved from the corpses of base staff. At the beginning, they were just corpses that survived. A small number of the living dead left the base and wandered around in the Emerald Wild. We found them. Afterwards all were wiped out. From this we discovered the existence of the Hall of the Dead. According to the traces of the living dead, we found the Hall of the Dead and fought with the living dead inside. However, the reconnaissance team at that time only had about fifteen people. This number was quickly overwhelmed by the living dead."

"After confirming that the reconnaissance team was completely destroyed, we sent another team to the Hall of the Dead. There, our soldiers found that the living dead had eaten up the bodies of the previous reconnaissance team members. And without food, the living dead started. Cannibalism. The team did not dare to stay and quickly withdrew. When we organized a team of 300 people to kill the dead, we found that they had changed in the Hall of the Dead." Adimili said: " According to the description of the survivors at the time, we know that the living dead have evolved. We don’t know whether it was the reason that swallowed the bodies of our scouts, or the living dead caused their genes to mutate by killing each other. In short, they have evolved into others. A kind of monster. They become more agile and fast enough to dodge the attack of high-energy beams. They become stronger, and both their strength and defense are greatly improved. The most significant change is that they are actually resistant to both ice and darkness. The induction of the element can release a substance of shadow ice mist. In the shadow ice mist, the field of vision will be greatly restricted. Not only that, but also the mental perception and exploration equipment will be greatly affected. In addition, ultra-low temperature The ice mist particles will affect the speed and will continuously consume the energy in the organisms in the ice mist. This is a homelike existence, except that the home arena is supported by the ice corpses."

"In addition, a deep cold lord has already been produced in the ice corpse demon. This corpse demon king comes with a deep cold halo, which is similar to the shadow ice mist, but the negative effects are far greater than the shadow ice. Fog. In addition to this, we only know that it can also release cold flames and ice thorn hell, these are high-level ice abilities. As for whether the deep cold lord has other abilities, we don't know." Adimi Li emphasized: "So if we want to pass through the Hall of the Dead, we can save time on the journey, but we have to face an army of monsters composed of a deep cold lord and more than three hundred corpses. Even if we can pass by then, I'm afraid there are only a handful of people who can come out."

"So what about the other road? Then what storm fortress is an old age base?" Starley asked.

Ademili shook her head and said, "No, Storm Fortress is a defensive fortress built by our Gregnia."

Because there is the Emerald Field behind the Turache Mountain, which is already within the range of the Green Dugnia, so Gregnia will build a defensive fortress on the Turashi Mountain. The storm fortress is located on the only way down the mountain of Tulash Mountain, and it can be said that it guards the traffic arteries. If you don't get Gregnia's permission, then unless the northern wings are long, any creature that attempts to force through will have to accept the test of the storm fortress.

At the beginning of the design, Storm Fortress was a steel fortress with both offensive and defensive capabilities. In the fortress defense plan adopted by the Green Capital, Storm Fortress will station two hundred murloc swordsmen, 100 murloc spearmen, ten captains, two deputy commanders, and one commander. In addition to the individual equipment, the equipped weapons are also equipped with a heavy artillery type weapon "Pneumatic Cannon" independently developed by Ludu.

Pneumatic gun is a heavy gun that uses air compression technology combined with physical shells to achieve long-range strikes. The shooting distance is up to two kilometers and the firing frequency is ten rounds per minute. The pneumatic gun has two shooting modes, direct fire and projectile, and direct fire mode. The speed of the cannonball can reach 2,500 meters per second, and one cannon can blast the entire mountain top; the ejection mode can precisely control the bombardment point, and the explosion coverage of the cannonball can be increased by about 20%. It is a weapon for positional attacks.

It can be said that the equipment of the entire storm fortress is very complete. It is guarded on Mount Tulash like a copper wall and iron wall. As long as it exists, it will be an insurmountable barrier in the new era of lack of air flying tools.

However, during the construction of the Storm Fortress, something happened that prevented the fortress from being completed as planned, let alone garrisoned troops.

"When the fortress was halfway built, an abyss-level mutant beast attacked us. It was the ice-winged Malrogg. Although we tried our best to prevent it, the abyss-level mutant beast did not even have a regular army at that time. After being attacked by Ice Wings, all the workers and soldiers stationed in the construction were killed. Even the unfinished Storm Fortress suffered huge damage. In the end, our Storm Fortress became This monster's lair." Ademili's tone was faintly helpless.

Zero has personally experienced how tricky an abyss-level mutant beast is. Just below the base of his own company, there was once an abyss lord Angie Gullit. In order to eradicate this mutated beast that day, Zero can be said to have abolished the strength of the two tigers. And at that time, Angie Gullit was in a period of weakness to get what he wanted. If it was the heyday, it was still a question of whether everyone present could retreat.

Abyss-class mutant beasts have often evolved intelligence, they are clever, cunning, and cruel. After occupying a place as a nest, at the same time it will delimit the vicinity of the nest as its own territory. Without its permission, other creatures cannot live in its territory. At that time, Angie Gullit allowed a variety of creatures above the base to exist, but he planned to use these creatures as food for his baby after the birth.

Every Abyssal Beast is by no means easy to deal with, even if there is only one in number, it is comparable to an army. After hearing that Storm Fortress was used as a nest by an abyssal mutant, Zero couldn't understand why Ademili chose this route. Compared with the ice-winged Malrogg, the Frost Lord and the Ice Corpse Demon in the Hall of the Dead are much more cute. Obviously, the pressure to pass through the Hall of the Dead is less than that of Storm Fortress, even if the place is equally dangerous.

Seeing zero doubt, Ademili explained: "Although the Storm Fortress is occupied by Ice Wings, only in the summer will Malrogg wake up from a deep sleep and appear in the lair. Now there is still a month before it wakes up, and we can safely pass through the storm fortress. But the Hall of the Dead is different. The ice corpse will never close their eyes. The dead will always wander in the hall and attack everything. Enter the life of the base."

"So it seems that there is no need to choose. As long as you are not a fool, you will choose Storm Fortress instead of Hall of the Dead." Starley laughed.

At this point, Zero will naturally not give up easy and hard. Although he is very interested in the Hall of the Dead, he also knows that it is not a good time now, and he has no right to drag everyone into a dangerous situation for his own selfishness. So tomorrow the route to the Storm Fortress was confirmed. Seeing that it was too early, Ademili also left and went back to his camp to rest.

Zero also returned to his tent. The tent was very warm, thanks to the constant temperature system of the marching tent. This kind of marching tent developed by Asgart has a temperature self-adjusting function. In addition to being able to isolate radiation from the wild, it can also maintain a moderate temperature in the tent.

The skin of the wild bear that had just been hunted was spread flat on the ground, and Leah slept sideways on the skin of the bear. She was covered with a marching blanket and seemed to be asleep. Zero knew that she was not asleep, because when he came in, Leah's breathing increased a little, and she was obviously still awake.

Zero came to her and lay down, gently stroking Leah's hair with her hand, and said, "Can't you sleep?"

Leah turned around and got into Ling's arms, her hands tightly wrapped around Ling's waist and smiled and said, "I haven't seen you back, how can I sleep."

"Actually, you don't have to accompany me to suffer in such a place to be safe." Ling lightly kissed the girl's forehead and said lightly.

Leah shook her head: "No, if you want me to stay in a comfortable home and wait for you to return, I would rather go on the battlefield with you, so that I can be with you all the time. Don't worry, I will not become a burden to you. Although I am not as capable as Sister Bess, I am sure I can do something for you!"

Ling sighed: "You have done well enough, don’t force yourself too much. Besides, there’s nothing to be tiring or cumbersome, either you or Bess. You are all important to me, and it’s my duty to protect you. ."

Leah smiled happily after hearing what Zero said. She squeezed into Zero's warm chest so hard, and said softly: "Zero, after this western expedition. I want to have a baby for you, how about you?"

"Child?" Zero was very surprised.

"Yeah, don't you like it?" Leah raised her head, looking expectant.

"No, I didn't mean that. What I want to say is, one is too small, so there are ten or eight." Ling haha ​​smiled.

Leah blushed immediately, pretending to be angry and said: "You treat me as a sow, how can I give birth to so many."

"Okay, okay, let's have two. A boy and a girl. The man is like me and the woman is like you. Let's do that." Ling Paipai coaxed the pink back of the person in his arms.

Leah nodded: "It's pretty much the same."

Xuan Ji whispered: "If you like a lot of kids, I will work harder at best."

Zero squeezed the tip of Leah's nose and said, "Don't think about it so far in advance, go to bed, we have to climb the mountain tomorrow."

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Leah obediently said, she just snuggled and closed her eyes. After a while, even breathing sounded, but he was already asleep.

At this time, the smile on Zero's face gradually disappeared, and he looked at Leah and sighed in his heart.

The birth of offspring is a top priority in the new era. The cruel living environment forces mankind to fight the threat of death by accelerating the birth cycle and increasing the number of babies born. As long as future generations continue to thrive, no matter how cruel the reality is, there will always be hope.

In fact, as far as I know, there are some powerful men in the wilderness, usually in groups of wives and concubines. The only task of wives is to give birth to as many offspring as possible. Although they are reduced to production tools, they have no complaints about this. The reason for this is because of the cruelty of this era.

The appearance of capable people distinguishes them from ordinary humans. But the capable people are evolving, and ordinary people in the wilderness are not standing still. Mutated tissue that can resist strong radiation is actually a kind of evolution, but this is evolution that tends to be pathological. Perhaps after several generations or even dozens of generations of evolution, the genes of the mutated tissue will tend to stabilize, and even be optimized into something like skin tissue to attach to ordinary people, so that they can survive even when exposed to radiation.

As for the other evolution, it is manifested in women.

Perhaps out of the strong demand for reproduction of offspring, women's genes have also quietly changed. Their body organization is constantly adapting to the needs of the times, and now a 13-year-old girl has the basic requirements for producing offspring. The reproductive period has been reduced from 300 days in the old era to 150 days, and the reproductive period has been reduced by half, which means that more offspring can be born.

However, this also brings about a serious problem, that is, the chance of a newborn child is very high. Of almost ten babies born at the same time, only two to three survived.

Hearing that Leah wanted to have children for herself~lightnovelpub.net~Zero felt very emotional. Leah's physical fitness is completely suitable for childbirth, and with her strengthened physique, the baby she gives birth will be very healthy. No matter from which point of view, this is a woman's very reasonable and physiological demands. The problem is Zero. As a clone of super life, Zero knows that he has unlimited evolutionary possibilities.

Precisely because of this, he also knew that evolution must be ahead of fertility in terms of genetic priority. In other words, all the energy in his body is always ready for evolution, which is an instinct that is so strong that it cannot be reversed. Zero can leave a son in Leah's body like other normal men, but it is not known whether the son has the substance that combines with the son to form an embryo.

Because under the instinctive priority judgment, I am afraid that this kind of substance that should have existed in the child will also be eliminated early in the morning, and it will be converted into pure energy for zero use.

Therefore, Zero is not sure whether he can let Leah or Beyonce be pregnant with his child. It’s just that everything is always relatively speaking, although instinct will put evolution as the first priority, but Zero still has a hundred thousand dna memory group. In theory, if Zero can freely grasp these 100,000 memory sets, then he can completely make up for the shortcomings caused by instinct.

But for him now, although he is sitting on a huge gold mine, he still lacks a key to open the gold mine.