War Lord

Chapter 511: shadow

It was still early in the morning when large clusters of snowflakes mixed with the violent cold wind kept blowing from the peaks of Tulash Mountain. The cold wind is violent, and the sharp whistling noise is eroding this mountain range all the time. Perhaps in a hundred years, the altitude of the Tulash Mountain will be greatly reduced, so there is nothing to protect the natural tundra to the west of it.

Nature is cruel and does not depend on the will of any creature. It only follows the invisible rules and runs according to the set program like a super brain.

However, even though the Turashi Mountain was flattened by the erosion of the cold storm and snow, the altitude was reduced, and the tundra on the west was exposed to the cold wind in the chapter of the novel. At the same time, in the face of the threat of cold wind, the substances and microorganisms on the tundra will adjust or evolve a suitable survival mode according to different environments. This is the greatness of nature. As long as life is endless, you will always find the best mode of survival.

In a certain peak of Turash Mountain, a natural mountain road spirals around. It is the only way to cross Turash Mountain. And when this traffic artery passes through the highest point of the mountain, a broken fortress can be seen.

The fortress is built with a reinforced earth and stone structure. It is very magnificent and occupies almost the entire mountain peak, like a giant beast hung between the mountain roads. From a high altitude, you can see the towering fortresses scattered on the commanding heights of the fortress. Inside the fortress that has not had time to be topped off, various functional buildings such as training squares, dormitories, equipment depots, and material warehouses have been built. Snow whizzed through it, not knowing how many years it had been abandoned.

This is the storm fortress, even if it is not completed in time, it is more occupied than the ice-winged Malrogg. But judging from the half-built fortress scale, it is not difficult to imagine that when it is completed, it will be a majestic military building. In fact, in the plan of Green Capital, Storm Fortress was designed as a small, self-sufficient city. In addition to the functional facilities that have been constructed inside the fortress, there should also be recyclable units such as a water purification machine room and a wind turbine generator.

Now there is a huge gap in the training ground inside the fortress. Looking down from the gap, it is a space like a black hole. It is convenient to inhabit Marrogg, a powerful abyssal beast. If someone enters its lair and explores it, they will find that part of the fortress has been transformed by the ice wings into an environment suitable for their sleeping.

There is a country of cold ice, and ice crystal pillars formed by zero degree frost form an intricate labyrinth. The ice-winged Marrog lives in the depths of the labyrinth. The complex environment and the frosty home are always shrouded in it, making the crusade against Marrog an almost impossible task.

Malrogg is still very young, less than ten years since he evolved his wisdom and successfully promoted to the abyss-level mutant beast. Therefore, it does not usher in its own breeding period like Angie Gullit, so this monster that inhabits the depths of the storm fortress is very stingy. After delimiting one's own territory, no other life is allowed to live in one's own territory.

Of course, for those lives that pass by but are not many, as long as they stay for a short time, Malrogg doesn't bother to wake up from a deep sleep to expel or kill these lives. Unless it happened to be during the active period of Ice Wing, then Malrogg didn't mind cleaning up the guys who stayed at his door by the way.

And now, there is still a month before Bing Wing wakes up.

So in this early morning, Betsy, who was still wearing a long windbreaker, was able to stand unharmed on the edge of the gap in the fortress training ground and look down. Pederfani stood beside him, casting her gaze into the dark abyss below the square, and even the **** queen couldn't help but shudder: "Then it's not a certain monster's lair, it's just like this. It also makes people shudder to look down. I said, this place is too weird."

"Who knows what's inside, or you go down and take a look?" When Betsy ran against his colleagues, his eyes fell on the same scarlet and majestic figure not far away.

Red Duke Merlin!

After the failure of the Mobistone Bazaar and the death of the magician Bann, the Red Duke of Ggenia sought out Betsy again. Merlin claimed to know the line of action of the Zero Party and was willing to provide help, so under its leadership, everyone arrived at this abandoned fortress before yesterday evening.

Leaving the square, Betsy came to the fort platform where the Red Duke was. Merlin stood on the fort like a statue, his eyes pierced through the wind and snow and fell on a certain corner of the road. He didn't know what he was thinking.

Betsy coughed dryly: "Blame me for taking the liberty, but for the sake of everything. I want to ask the respected red prince why you are so sure that our goal is to pass through this fortress. Know that if they take another route and miss it, we More time will be wasted. Now, we seem to have no extra time to waste."

Merlin replied in a deep voice: "Because I know Ademili, she is a person who does not want to take risks, so she will definitely take the route of Storm Fortress. You can rest assured with a hundred, if you still have doubts. If so, I am willing to use heads as a guarantee!"

You can be considered a fish head at best. Betsy secretly said in his heart, but said in his mouth: "Since your Excellency said so, I naturally have no doubts. But the Grand Duke has done so much for us, but I don't know what kind of remuneration you need?"

Merlin turned around in a whirlwind, and said every word: "Kill me that man with black hair and golden eyes is the best reward for me!"

"Naturally, there is no problem. Our target is actually this man. It's just that I am curious, why are you so obsessed with a human being for his life."

"This is my personal business, and I have no obligation to answer you." Leng Leng dropped these words, his cloak raised, and Merlin, dressed in bright red heavy armor, turned and left.

Looking at his back, Betsy put a hand on his left chest and bent down and said indifferently: "Of course, everyone has sex, and I respect your secret."

But when he raised his head again, a cold smile appeared on the cowboy's face.

Merlin left the fort, not knowing where to hide in the fortress. Although the red prince of Ggenia was mixed with Betsy and the others these days, except for the necessary communication, he was usually alone, very cold and weird. Soon after May left, Pederfani also came to the fort. Sitting down on the stone fence on the edge of the fort, she swayed her thrilling long legs randomly in the void outside the stone fence. Sometimes the cold wind blows, making Pederfani flutter in red makeup, like a ball of flame.

The **** queen pulled the hair tossed by the cold wind, and spit out a word from her mouth: "I can't believe that murloc."

"I don't believe him either." Betsy put his hands on the stone fence, and said lightly: "But this does not prevent us from working with him. Merlin is familiar with the environment here, and knows the mermaid who is mixed with Zero. With the Red Duke here, we can save a lot of effort."

"Do you think that the red bricks will make a move when they show up?"

"This can't be judged. But it doesn't matter. Anyway, I didn't count Merlin in our combat power from the beginning."

Pederfani's face was stern: "The destroyer is mine. I will tear that woman to pieces and bathe with her blood!"

"Whatever you want, but you'd better suppress it with all your strength at the beginning, otherwise don't cry and beg me to save you." Betsy took out a cigar from the long windbreaker and put it to his mouth, and then stretched out a finger to pop a flame. ignite. Taking a deep breath, the cowboy exhaled a ring of smoke, but it was quickly blown away by the wind.

"But with our current power, is it too thin? In addition to zero, they also have a great swordsman, a destroyer and a martial artist. In addition to these four high-levels, there are some annoying bugs." Peder Fanny frowned.

Betsy bit his cigar and smiled: "I'm glad you can think that way. You finally learned to think about things with your head instead of using your extra meat."

Pedro Fanny chuckled when she heard the words, and deliberately rubbed against the cowboy. She straightened up the tall twin peaks and rubbed against Betsy's chest, and said: "My two masses of meat are sometimes more useful than my head."

The cowboy reached out and grabbed the empress's chest, he even used a little flame power. The faint blue flame in the palm of her hand grabbed one of Peder Fanny's peaks. The **** queen's red dress showed no signs of burning, but the high temperature fell on the sensitive flower buds on her chest. But as far as Pederfani’s physique is concerned, this kind of stimulation not only did not make her feel pain, but gave birth to a strange pleasure, which made her groan, a blush that was as delicate as a ripe cherry.

Betsy squeezed and kneaded, the trousers were already bulging up, but he still said in an indifferent voice as if he didn't know the reaction of his body: "Our strength alone is naturally not enough, and he received a message from an adult the day before yesterday. Sol also followed. My lord meant to solve Zero first before Sol appeared. For this reason, I have contacted our crawler allies. The crawlers of Kazeroth should be there in two days, and we are here. Let’s break this mountain from Ling Lai completely."

Pederfani has been spitting out fire by the cowboys, and she uttered a mother-beast-like roar from her throat: "No matter how much he is, let's stop now."

While speaking, Pederfanny stretched out her hand to untie Betsy's pants. But the cowboy grabbed her hand and pushed the void outside the stone fence of Bloody Queen hard. Peder Fanny instantly disappeared, and quickly reached out her hand to clasp the stone fence, and stuck herself on the outer wall of the fortress.

"If you want to do it, go to Denton, that big guy will definitely make you very cool." Betsy blinked at his colleagues mockingly, and then left with his cigar biting his cigar, without even looking at the **** queen.

Pedro Fanny pulled her hand and jumped onto the stone fence. She screamed toward the cowboy's back: "Betsy, incompetent fellow, don't you dare to sleep with your old mother? You coward! Coward!"

The **** queen's hysterical voice hovered above the fortress, but it was not enough to vent her anger, so loud noises came from the fortress soon after. Even the den where the Ice Wings inhabited was constantly rising from above, causing Marrogg to open his eyes. But his eyes were less than half open, and there was a burst of tiredness. Bingyi yawned and closed his eyes and went into deep sleep.

It was another night.

The difference is that the zero party has reached the halfway from the foot of the mountain. This is a leeward col, where the team rests. It is already night, and it is obviously unwise to still hurry. Besides, they are very tired, and even Zero feels a little tired. Turashi Mountain is far more difficult than they thought. Not to mention the steepness and narrowness of the mountain road. The ground covered with a layer of vertical ice makes walking a difficult task.

Even the high-ranking players in the team cannot advance quickly in this environment. Others have to lower their center of gravity to maintain a sense of balance in order to move slowly on this icy mountain road. In some places, there are almost no mountain trails. The mountain wall is steep and almost perpendicular to the ground. If it weren’t for the fact that there were many protruding stones on the surface of the mountain wall for climbing, the team would have to spend more. Only strength can pass.

At this time, the limitations of the human body are fully revealed. Except for a few high-ranking people who walked easily, others including Brown, the big guy, had already made the difficult mountain road torment weakly. But fish people walk more easily, not only because they are familiar with the environment, but also because of their special body structure.

But Ademili, who has nearly 90% similarity to the human body, is obviously not so relaxed. She has to be taken care of by Baltimore along the way, and in some places, the head of the bodyguard directly carried her on his back. If this special murloc were to walk Tulash Mountain by himself, Ademili would definitely have to be buried on this mountain.

At the end of the day, due to the slow speed, the team only came to a position halfway up the mountain. But if you stand on the edge of the cliff and look up, you can see the outline of the storm fortress. According to this speed, the team should be able to reach the fortress tomorrow evening. The environment there is much better than this half of the mountain. At least without waking Ice Wing, the team can set up a tent in the fortress, instead of just wrapping themselves in a marching blanket to keep out the cold, after all, it is bumpy. The uneven geographical environment is not suitable for camping at all.

Standing on the edge of the cliff, his slender body seemed so small in the cold wind, as if a gust of wind could blow him off the cliff. But actually ~lightnovelpub.net~ he plunged into the ground like a nail, and no matter how hard the cold wind was, he couldn't move him.

Looking down the mountain, the earth was dark, like a bottomless abyss. Just like this era, human beings, animals, and other different kinds of life are helplessly living in an abyss called despair. Fighting for survival every day and every moment. Fighting against other beings, fighting against your own compatriots, even if you have to stain the earth with blood.

To change the status quo, we must cast a glimmer of light into this abyss. What Zero is doing now is looking for the kind of fire that can bring light. Sometimes he would think that in Greek mythology, the **** who stole fire from the gods and brought hope to the world would not end well in the end. And what will be the final outcome of yourself who is going to do the same thing?

He stretched out his hand, feeling the cold wind passing between his fingers. The answer is like this cold wind, you can clearly feel it, but you can't grasp it anyway.

At this moment, Ling suddenly felt something, and quickly looked to the smooth mountain wall in the distance to the left. There was a long figure sliding across the mountain wall like a gecko and crawling upward, disappearing into Zero's sight in a blink of an eye.

what is that? This question passed through Zero's mind, but this is another question with no answer.