War Lord

Chapter 512: Insect King Midra

The long figure that made zero cares came and went like flying between the smooth, mirror-like mountain walls, and the moving room was as convenient and fast as walking on the flat ground.レm♠思♥路♣客レ In the new era of rapid change, the human body structure is far from perfect compared to many other beings, or even far behind. Except for those with high-level abilities that can make up for the lack of physical structure through their own strength, middle-to-low-level and most ordinary people have to admit that the bodies of certain alien creatures are far more advantageous than humans.

Just like this insect crawling fast on the vertical mountain wall, for humans, it is like a mountain that cannot be crossed by the sky, but it makes no difference peacefully. This insect is nearly three meters long and has an exceptionally beautiful streamlined body, wrapped in a crystal-like thin and light carapace. A faint silver light flows on the surface of the carapace, and the sky radiates a faint red light from the clouds. However, when the light is cast on the shell of the insect, the silver light of the carapace flows like water, and the part cast by the light turns unexpectedly. Be transparent, so that the bugs blend with the current environment. ..

This is an alternative invisibility and can play a very good concealment effect.

This insect looks a bit like a praying mantis. It has three pairs of arthropods protruding from under its abdomen, and the back two pairs are long and powerful, and the arthropods are covered with bristles. These bristles, like steel thorns, allow insects to cling to objects well when they come into contact with them, even on vertical and smooth mountain walls. The pair of arthropods in the front are shaped like moon sickles, with the metallic luster of dark gold flowing from time to time, like beautiful weapons from the hands of a master.

There were two long tentacles growing on the head of the bug, each with eight compound eyes evenly distributed on both sides of the head. Its mouth is long and narrow, with a large and sharp hook sticking out on each side. When the insects inadvertently open their mouths, they can grow to the point where they are covered with strange teeth like sharp cones.

If Zero is here, you will be very surprised, because this worm, which is like a metamorphic creature, vaguely reveals the breath of life equivalent to a Tier 9 ability person!

This strange insect quickly climbed up one of the hills of the Tulash Mountains, and it stood upright like a human, and then its head split a small gap through it. Unbelievable things happened. The insect's head split like a mask, and then retracted to the left and right, revealing a cavity in which a viscous liquid dripped. But soon, something gradually appeared in the cavity. When the bug turned around to face the shining light of the sky, what appeared in the cavity of his head turned out to be a face like a human middle-aged man.

This face resembles a male human being, with profound features. The eyes on the face were closed tightly, but the eyebrows and eyes formed a kind of arrogant temperament, coupled with the eight-character mustache that seemed to have been modified by a jīng heart, if the body of the insect was removed. This face alone can only remind people of aristocratic men among certain human beings.

When this human face appeared, the upper mouth opened, and the strange bug emitted sound waves of a certain frequency from the mouth. The sound wave passed away quickly, and then the monster stood like this, with a strange silence on the top of the mountain, until it was broken by the sound of flapping its wings.

On the other side of the mountain, a dark cloud suddenly rose. The dark clouds are densely packed with hundreds of flying insects. These flying insects are huge, each measuring about five meters in length, and when they spread their wings, they are about seven or eight meters wide. The flying insect is shaped like a unicorn, with a strong and mighty horn growing on its head. The carapace on them is dark red, and there is no dark red flame flowing on it, making the carapace look more like a heavy armor.

When they land on the top of the mountain, they have arthropods spread out on each side of their abdomen. Like the weird insect with a streamlined body on the top of the mountain, these flying insects also have three pairs of arthropods, but their arthropods are stronger. The arthropods are also covered with a thick red carapace, just like a bug wearing a full-body carapace.

The pair of arthropods in front of the insects have claws shaped like giant pincers at the ends. The giant claws are covered with hard thorns, and the inner side of the claw tip is long with a row of short and pointed serrations. It is not difficult to imagine that if caught by the giant claws of flying insects, the prey will inevitably tear the inner serrations of the giant claws to pieces.

After these weird flying insects descended on the ground, they only retracted their wings. Their wings are wide and long, and the surface of the wings is formed with natural patterns like flames. When the flying insects also stand upright, their wings hanging to the ground are like a cloak depicting flames, making these insects even more mighty and extraordinary.

Among the hundreds of these giant insects, one took a step forward first. This giant worm raised its right claw and waved it in the air. After making a gesture like a salute, it said to the silver worm in their unique language: "Respected Master Midra, Osm is leading the protagonist. The guard'Hellfire' salutes you. We have been waiting for a long time."

This silver worm that gave birth to a human face was Midra, the king of Kaiserras, the kingdom of worms. And these giant flying insects like unicorns are the guards of Midlar. Each giant insect has the power equivalent to the sixth level of human beings, and the captain of the guards is the one who reported to Midlar. The bug named Osm has the strength of the seventh rank.

It can be said that these hundreds of flying insects are comparable to the power of a small army, and their flying ability is a headache for any opponent. Obviously, in the new era of lack of air superiority, any creature that can fly in the sky at will is tricky.

The silver worm Midra used its anthropomorphic face to nod and said: "Very good Osm, you rushed over from the border of our Kaiserlas in just three days. It is better than I expected. It's going to be a long time. It's worthy of being the sharpest unit in my Kazeroth."

"Thanks for your appreciation, sir. Then please tell your sir, where our enemy is, we will use the fire of **** to burn everything that is enemy of the adult to ashes!" The giant insect Osm said passionately.

"No hurry, my dear Captain Osm. Don’t forget that our allies are still waiting in the fortress. You can pick up nine more players to go to the fortress with me. As for the others, they’ll be on standby in secret, when needed. , You will give our allies and enemies a big surprise." Midra laughed, its laughter was sharp and full of swindle.

At the moment, Osm, the captain of the Guard, selected nine extremely strong flying insects from the team. Then it fell to the ground, spread its wings and flapped lightly and said, "Master Midra, please come up."

Midra was naturally not polite. It jumped on Osm's back, and the four pairs of arthropods underneath were firmly fastened to the gaps in the carapace of the big flying insect, thereby fixing itself. Osm flapped his wings wildly, fanning out a red cloud, and it seemed to emit bright red flames all over his body. In a red shadow, the flying insects carried Midra up to the sky, and the selected guards also lifted off one by one, and then followed Osm towards the distant storm fortress.

As for the other flying insects, they also soared high in the sky, but ran away from Midlar. They are shaped like red clouds, passing under the night sky, and then descending vertically, hiding in the mountain of Tulash Mountain. After they left, the mountain was quiet again, as if the flying insects had never been there.

split line

Another day passed, and in the evening, the sky seemed to be ignited by flames. Looking around, there are endless fire clouds spreading thousands of miles.

Very rare, the wind and snow gradually stopped at the moment when Xishan was falling, which greatly increased the speed of the team's advancement. After passing by a piece of ice rock that almost hung in the void, Zero finally saw the outline of the storm fortress. This magnificent building occupies high on the highest point of Tulash Mountain, like a giant beast guarding the traffic arteries leading to the Emerald Wild.

Just a silhouette left a very deep impression on Zero. The straight lines and distinct edges and corners formed a mountain-like momentum that surged far away. The storm fortress occupies almost every corner that can be passed, if you want to go to the Emerald Wild. One was to get the approval of the Green Capital, and the other was to fly over the fortress. The last one is only wanted to attack this behemoth.

However, it will not be easy to pass from a high altitude or attack a fortress. The former is served by a ground-to-air weapon such as a pneumatic cannon. As for the latter, it may have to pay a considerable price.

I have to say that it is very strategic for Ludu to build the Storm Fortress here. It is a pity that this military building was taken over by Icewing Marrog before it could be completed. Now only those broken city walls and towering fortresses have become witnesses of time, and the entire fortress exudes a taste of helplessness and depression like a depressed man.

Just before night fell, the team finally came to the steel gate of the fortress. This is a steel gate with a height of 100 meters, and the alloy steel plate with a thickness of centimeters makes it hard to rush. I don't know what method was used to transport this large piece weighing more than 100 tons to the mountain, but now the gate that can only be opened by hydraulic machinery is half-hidden.

The wind blew out from the inside of the fortress, making a sound like a low roar of a beast. Inside the door is a dark world, but there is no smell of wet or moldy. In fact, in this cold weather, the entire fortress is extremely dry.

A few beams of light cut through the darkness inside the door. It was a tactical searchlight from a few people. The beams of the searchlight were concentrated but not scattered, so the distance to shine was very long, which allowed Ling to see that inside the door was a deep tunnel, which led to the inside of the fortress. The tunnel is about one hundred meters long and was finally cut off by a partition wall. Lighting equipment has been installed on both sides of the tunnel, but now these equipment is left with debris and cannot work. This makes the world in the tunnel like a tomb, so quiet that you can hear your heartbeat echoing.

The team filed in, and after passing through the tunnel, there was an exit on each side of the partition wall. After choosing an exit at will, push open the failed automatic door, and after the exit, a complicated maze-like branch appeared in front of the team. Ademili told them that this is the transportation trench of the fortress, which extends in all directions. It can quickly lead to the fortress above the fortress and the fortress and other places. And in the event of an enemy invading the fortress, it can also play a role in delaying.

Ademili seems to have been to Storm Fortress many times. Regarding these complicated branch roads that make the strangers who come here for the first time for the first time, Ademili takes them through the maze with ease. During this period, the team passed through the ammunition warehouse, temporary rest room, concealment department and other facilities. There is also a half-built power station. Of course, there is no equipment in it. Only the various energized pipelines reserved for the equipment and the cables that have not been put into use are seen.

When Ademili led the team out of the maze, a training ground nearly a kilometer long and wide appeared in front of everyone. There is no doubt that when the area or volume of anything reaches a certain order of magnitude, even if there is nothing, it will give people invisible pressure. This is the case for the training ground in front of me, not to mention that there is a gap of hundreds of meters wide in the middle of the square, and under the gap is an abyss that cannot be seen.

That is the exit of the ice wing in and out of the lair. From the width of the exit, it is not difficult to infer the size of Malrogg, and the result is naturally letting people take a breath. Of course, no abyss beast is known for being petite. These intelligent beings are often huge in size, and the larger the size, the greater the biological energy they can possess.

For the Abyssal Beast, its strength is directly proportional to its size. Although the physique of hundreds of meters long and wide is enough to describe it as huge, as far as a few people have seen Angie Gullit, the body shape of Marrog is just moderate. This gave zero a sign that Bingyi was still very young.

Young means impulsiveness, and at the same time it has reached its peak in combat experience and biological energy level. Although such an abyss beast is tricky, it doesn't mean it cannot be dealt with. It's just that impulse sometimes means recklessness, so compared to the cunning guy who has been alive for a long time, Malrogg may be more dangerous.

In short, there is no need to provoke Bingwing. This is the conclusion reached by Zero Brain Center after collecting all the information~lightnovelpub.net~ The sky above the training ground is the fortress sky dome that has not yet been capped. Under the dark red sky of the radiating clouds, you can see that the fortresses at that time had already built the structure of the sky dome, and the steel bars covered with thick mysterious ice depict the arc-shaped shape of the sky dome, but unfortunately they could not complete their mission. Can only hang in the air lonely above with the cold wind.

Obviously, this is not suitable for the team to rest. So Ademili led everyone around the square, and finally took a rest in an abandoned barracks. The barracks are basically completed, with a five-story building with ten rooms on each floor. A total of fifty rooms are enough for the team to rest. And there are as many as ten barracks like this, they are neatly planned, but there are still six barracks that can’t be built with a well laid foundation, and now there is only one frame.

After arranging the servants to stand on guards around the barracks, the others chose a room to rest. Zero and Leah naturally lived in the same room. The two chose a room facing the training ground as a resting place. There was no equipment in the room, and the walls were in vain. But the two didn't mind. Putting the bear skin on the floor was a soft bed.

It's just that Zero was not sleepy yet, he stood in front of the unobstructed window, facing the deep darkness outside the window.

As if you could just stand like this until the end of time.