War Lord

Chapter 52: Conversion

At night, the underground base of Remut was still brightly lit. The generator set on the surface continuously delivers electricity to the underground base, providing bright lights for the streets and buildings of Remut. However, Remute hasn't the luxury of being energized all day long, and the generator set also needs to be cooled or repaired, so the power supply is only limited to the period from nine in the morning to nine in the evening.

After nine o'clock, the people in the base either went to sleep, went to the house they rented on the surface to experience the old times, or went directly to the bar to have fun.

John's clinic also closed at nine o'clock and closed its business. So for Leah’s examination time, Dr. Zero sum set at seven o'clock.

After dinner, Zero took Leah's hand and walked down the commercial street. Lara is still pressing on Zero's shoulders, but she also has a good impression of Leah, so occasionally she will stuff her fat body into the girl's arms.

Leah was wearing a hooded cloak, whose hood concealed her beauty, but it could not conceal the pleasant breath emanating from her body.

In the afternoon, she dedicated her body to Zero. This body, which has been treasured for eighteen years, has many things that Leah is proud of, such as the strong twin peaks and the strong and slender legs. Ling searched for secrets in her body, and finally both of them climbed to the peak of spiritual and physical happiness.

Leah finally bid farewell to Girls' Generation. There was no legal restriction between the two, but Leah already regarded Zero as her husband. She is now like a happy little bird, leaning on the big tree Zero. Zero was also relieved. Since the death of Old Jack, although Leah didn't say anything, Zero could always feel the sadness and haze in her heart.

This feeling didn't melt into one with the happiness of mind and body until Ling Shen entered her body, and gradually disappeared.

Now, Leah's remaining problem is the constantly alienating body. Remut's stationed inspection had confirmed that she did not carry any virus on her body, but the alienation of Kelia's dark red spot had not stopped. When he thinks of this question, Zero's heart trembles slightly.

He didn't want to admit it, but instinctively told him that things would not be that simple.

After walking two blocks, Zero and Leah came to Dr. John's private clinic. The doctor did not receive any patients at night because of the change. When the two arrived, the beautiful nurse in charge of the reception took them directly to John's office.

"Oh, you are here."

The office is full of scenery, maybe John is in a panic when he is idle, and he is playing an intimate game with two nurses. Seeing the two nurses stretch their long legs and let the doctor play and kiss, Leah's face flushed slightly. Fortunately, Petty's cold eyes made John's enthusiasm fade immediately. He hurriedly drove the nurse out of the office, and then welcomed the two in.

"Doctor John, if possible, I hope to conduct a detailed examination for my wife as soon as possible."

Zero face was expressionless, but Leah's words were heard in her ears, but she was happy in her heart. Zero admits her wife's identity, which makes Leah more happy than any sweet words.

"Of course, of course, in fact, I have everything ready." The doctor pressed something under the table, and moved with the bookcase behind him, revealing a ladder extending downward.

That is John's basement. Usually, some inspections or treatments that cannot be known to Remute officials are carried out in the basement. The medical equipment there is at least one or two generations more advanced than those in the clinic. John can purchase these equipment, which shows that his charges are not cheap.

The fact is also true. In addition to the initial deposit of 20 yuan, Zero also paid a prepayment of 500 yuan. What Zero wants is nothing more than an ordinary virus and genetic mutation check. If it is treatment, the cost will be much more than that.

The doctor took the two to the basement, which was divided into four parts: operating room, examination room, laboratory and rest area. The size of the basement is comparable to that of a small hospital, and it can be seen that John is doing quite well here in Remut.

The doctor called a nurse to come down to help. The nurse took a blood sample for Leah, and at the doctor's order, he took her to the examination room for the exclusion examination of body variant tissue. As for John himself, he took Leah's blood sample to the laboratory for preliminary analysis. The most leisurely one was zero. He could only sit in the rest area boredly and read magazines of unknown age.

Intermittently, a nurse passed by and glared at Zero. Those who can find John for secret examination or treatment have some money in their pockets. In addition to assisting Dr. John, the job of nurses also includes squeezing out the money in the client's pocket by other means. As long as Zero is willing, there are even secret rooms in the clinic for him and the nurse to use. It's just that Zero doesn't have that thought, so whether it's the full twin peaks that dazzle in front of you, or the scenery under the skirt that deliberately disappears, it can't attract Zero's attention.

In the end, the nurses can only dispel this moving idea and do their job honestly.

When the hour hand on the wall reached the eight-thirty position, the doctor came out of the laboratory, beckoned to zero, and said with a solemn expression: "Sir, I'm afraid you have to come and take a look."

Zero took a deep breath and followed Dr. John to the laboratory with the mood of walking towards the battlefield. John scratched his head and said, "Sir, what exactly has your wife been in contact with? I have never seen cell activity like this. Sorry, I know that the rules of this line of business cannot deal with the privacy of guests, but this is really weird. ."

John came to the computer and sat down, and some deconstructed pictures and moving pictures of cells appeared on the screen. UU reading www.uukanshu.com Unfortunately, Zero can't see any way to come. The doctor also knew this, so he took a pen and pointed at the screen on the computer to explain to Zero: "Just now, I analyzed your wife's blood components. Other data is normal, but there are two cells in the blood. Kind. One kind is very large in number, showing the characteristics of human cells, which should belong to your wife. The other kind is not many in number, and from the point of view of characteristics, it is obviously an outsider. And this kind of foreign cell is right on your wife’s The original cells perform a series of strange actions. Look here..."

On the computer screen, under a gray background, countless cells are slowly moving. In the marginal area, there are several individuals different from normal cells. They are irregular diamond shapes, and the constant shrinkage of the margin makes them look aggressive. These cells are quietly approaching other cells, like a killer hiding in the dark.

After approaching the opponent silently, the foreign cells wrapped the original cell with an abnormally rapid movement, and then spit out quickly. The original cell that can be vomited has undergone a change, transforming into a cell exactly like the outsider in less than a second. Then, they spread like a virus, repeating the movement of swallowing and transforming.

The palm of his hand was cold, and John wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and said: "It's too dangerous. These outsiders are obviously transforming the original cells, turning them into the same thing as the outsiders. If all the cells are transformed, your My wife, I’m afraid it will become another...creature..."

Suddenly, the images of Hans and Leah overlapped in Zero's brain.

Leah, will become a monster like Hans?

(Recommend a new silver book: The Tearful Comprehension of Gemini God Soldiers. The book is easy and funny in the early stage, passionate in the middle stage, tragic and strong in the later stage, and has content.
