War Lord

Chapter 521: Time 1

At a place leeward of the mountain, Betsy put a few pieces of dead wood on the fire, and then put his hands on the fire to bake, so that the stiff palms gradually returned to warmth and softness.レm♠思♥路♣客レ At this moment, he is the lowest time in his life. His left hand has become a decoration, and his physical strength and energy have fallen to the bottom. Not to mention a high-level, even a sixth or seventh-level ability could kill him.

And Pederfani sitting next to him is not much better. The **** queen's almost entire body is covered with torn fabrics on the chest and waist to cover important parts. A scorched and long scar from the chest to the waist persuades the fierceness of the previous battle. Although the energy has recovered a little, it can be seen from the fact that the wound is still not healed, Pederfenni's recovery is extremely limited.

In the face of such two severely injured high-level capable people, Midra had to desperately hold back the hope of killing them, so as to stand not far away from them as if nothing had happened. He also personally called a few ice tusks in the mountains to satisfy their hunger, knowing that a high-level means dozens of evolution points, for the highly evolved life like Midra. Not to mention dozens of evolution points, even ten are extremely rare. ..

Killing the two people in front of it, it can immediately obtain nearly a hundred evolution points, which is of great benefit to improving its strength. But as it said before, Kazeroth still needs to cooperate with the forces behind these two people. In order to sit on the throne of the King of the West, Midra can only bear it, not wanting to lose out.

After a few pieces of rat meat, the body gradually became warmer. Energy is like melting ice water, gathering bit by bit. But even Betsy doesn't know how long it will take to restore to the previous level of the vast ocean. In terms of recovery, he could not compare to Peder Fanny, the purgatory will begin to show its advantage at this moment with a special physique.

After Pederfenni digested the protein in rat meat, it turned it into a nutrient matrix for repairing the body. In the scorched black wound that Betsy roasted with a high-temperature flame, countless meats were growing crazily. They squeeze away the charred scabs and join them together to form a thin fleshy membrane. It's a pity that Pederfani's energy is also limited, otherwise new skin tissue will continue to grow on this layer of sarcoid to completely seal the wound.

But now, Peder Fanny's restoration work can only be temporarily stopped, but it is much better than Betsy.

Seeing that the two had finished their food, Midra finally said, "Then let's talk, what are your plans. Or, do you have any new instructions for your adult?"

Betsy said frankly: "Do you think we seem to be able to contact the adults? But no matter what, the adults' orders must continue to be executed. Zero must die, but our power is limited now, so we want to use the power of the insect kingdom . If Mr. Midra wants to get help from us, I hope you will show the least sincerity. And until now, complaining to me bluntly, I only see you want to be alone. Or is it just perfunctory?"

Midra let out a series of low laughter: "If I want to be alone, I won't be invited to the Storm Fortress and show up openly. Now as long as the Gregnias return to the green city, they will immediately join me. Kazeroth declared war. So, from the moment I stepped into the Storm Fortress, I have stood in the same boat with you, sir!"

"Very good, then, can Mr. Midra be able to transfer a real army from Kazeroth, so that we can bury the Gregnians and our goals together on the way to the green city with a numerical advantage? Betsy asked lightly.

Midra gently pulled its two sickle feet, as if the forelimbs made of alloy gave birth to sparks in the friction, splashed in the air, and disappeared into the invisible. The insect king said solemnly: "Perhaps we have a better way."

"Oh, I would like to hear the details."

The face of a human gentleman made a deep voice: "I have a plan, a plan to take down the green capital without a bloodbath. Of course, it can also help you clear the target by the way. But first you have to trust me, otherwise this The plan cannot be implemented."

"What the **** is the plan? Just say it." Pederfani snorted, she didn't have the patience to listen to a bug nagging.

A fierce light flashed in Midra's eyes, but it flashed. It seemed that it had not heard the words of the **** queen, and continued: "To be honest, I was fortunate to have caught an important figure of Gregnia, and now I am planning to take her back to Kaiserlas. This person can be said to be Gregny. The leader of the jīng **** of Asia, and it just so happens that I have some methods to control her thinking, as long as some simple transformations."

Betsy nodded and said: "I understand, you want to use this person to achieve the purpose of controlling the green capital. But don't forget that the real king of Gregnia is Hamomis. Even if you control their number two Characters, Ludu may not be able to easily submit."

After Midra let out an unpleasant laughter, he said, "The jīng color is here. This person has a natural jīng **** connection with Hamomis. Whenever Hamomis is sleeping, it is through The jīng god’s contact allowed her to issue orders on her behalf. As long as I control her, I will have a way to influence Hamomis’ will through her, so that the green capital will voluntarily fall to me. So I want to invite two of you. Let go of your goal for the time being, and let him go to the Green Capital. At that time, as long as I control the Green Capital, the human called Zero will turn into a trap!"

Betsy examined it carefully, and Midra's plan was indeed good. It can be said that the victory of Green Dugnia without a single soldier is very much in line with the cunning style of the bug yīn. The one concerned is whether the technology of Midrana's transformation to control the thinking of others is feasible. After all, this is the determining factor. And Betsy also knows that Midra will not tell the specific details of this technology for Betsy to judge, so now, the cowboys can only take a gamble.

"Well, just do as you say. I don't know what Mr. Midra needs our help in this regard?"

If this plan can proceed smoothly, Midra can even go it alone without them. Now that I heard the insect flute call to see me, it was definitely not because Midra kept his promises, but just because it couldn't do some things on its own.

"Mr. Betsy is really a clever man. Talking to clever people saves me a lot of effort. I will tell you frankly. As long as you leave the Tulash Mountains, from the north of this mountain range is my Kaizeroth boundary. But. Before that, a powerful guy will definitely catch up. To be honest, that guy’s power is only me alone, and I am afraid it is difficult to contend, so I want to use the power of two people. Of course, I will help both of them recover as soon as possible. "Midla said with her feet interlaced.

Betsy showed an expression that he had known for a long time, but he simply said directly: "No problem, you are referring to the red prince Merlin. It just so happens that we also have an account that we want to ask him to settle. That's all. "

"That would be great. The two seem to be unable to continue on their way, so let my subordinates take the place for them." Midra stood up straight and emitted a special sound wave from his mouth.

After a while, the sound of insect wings flapping into the air sounded, and after a short while, two scarlet flying insects fell in front of Betsy and Peder Fanny. Midra made a gesture of "please" after learning from human beings, and Betsy was not welcome, and each sat on the thick back of a flying insect. The head and tail of the red beetle are three meters long, and it is more than enough to carry one person. Under Midra's signal, two flying insects fluttered up, and Midra turned into a silver lightning and flew across the mountains, and soon disappeared in the vast mountains with Betsy.

It was another morning.

Before the morning light had time to spill to the ground, a motorcade slowly drove out of the tunnel leading to the outside world from Mobistone Market. It's a fleet, but it's not a coastline city or Asgart's team consisting of trucks or off-road vehicles. This convoy that drove from the bazaar used a two-wheeled truck with a wooden structure. The truck was full of goods and was tightly wrapped in tarpaulin. The two-headed dire wolves or the overlord snails are the mutant beasts with great strength and sufficient endurance that are pulling the cart.

In addition to these, the most in the fleet is still slaves. Slaves include some uncivilized alien races and a small number of human refugees caught from the wilderness. They will be rushed to some place as hard labor with the convoy, and the future fate of these slaves is foreseeable. No matter what the ending, they are destined to have nothing to do with the word happiness.

So as soon as they left the tunnel, slaves began to try to escape. However, whizzing from behind, the whip with iron thorns will make them regret their stupid things. This kind of whip with steel knots and sharp thorns wrapped with iron wire will bring a large amount of flesh and blood when it is swept on the slave's body. Especially when the whip is held by the rabbis, it is even more powerful.

The rabbis are one of the intelligent races in the western tundra, and they look like kobolds. He has a head like a Shar Pei, a human-like body, with yellow hair all over his body. They are strong, agile, and more importantly, they are as loyal as a dog. Therefore, for Lavícia, the Rabis are the best overseers. As long as they are paid enough, these kobolds will faithfully implement Lavícia's orders without any discount.

This day was the child who sent supplies to Kaizeroth. These supplies included food, materials, medicine, equipment, and slaves. Procurement of supplies is the main task of Lavisya stationed in Mobistone for many years. The transportation of materials like this happens twice a year, and each time Lavisya must personally supervise and ensure that they can safely reach the country of insects.

There is no doubt that this journey is not pleasant. But Lavichia completes it without compromise, after all, it can get rich awards every time the supplies are delivered. The big insect believes that as long as it takes so few more trips, it will be able to enter the palace of the highest power of the insect kingdom. At that time, maybe Midra-sama will transfer it from Mobistone, a place where birds don't shit, and return it to Kazeroth.

Lavícia misses the cháo and warm environment of Insect Kingdom very much. That's where it should go.

Now, Lavícia is lying on a big bed that is ten meters long and wide. Under the big bed, at least twenty slaves lifted it hard and walked forward. Every step taken, the slaves must do their best. And this big bed will be carried all the way from Mobistone to Kazeroth, the country of insects. As for how many slaves will be exhausted on the way, it is not within Lavidia's consideration.

When the big bug was smoking a cigar in his comfortable bed, its loyal bodyguard orc Kabi came to the side and said, "Boss, just received a confidential letter."

Kirby's hand spread out, and inside was a green bug. The insect is a bit like a spider, with three pairs of arthropods, no head, only an eyeball embedded in the middle of the body.

Kazeroth referred to this kind of insects as messenger spiders. They can survive in almost any environment, so they are widely distributed, and there are traces of their activities on the natural frozen tundra west of Mt. Turashi. After artificial cultivation and training, the messenger spider can send out a special wave band, and transmit secret messages to thousands of miles through multicast, which is a main means of communication in the insect kingdom.

The messenger spider in Kirby’s hand is obviously a breed cultivated by Kaiserlas. After the orc spread its palm, it jumped onto Lavygia, and then released a paragraph that only Lavygia understood. sound. The sound is composed of very peculiar syllables. It is the language of Kaiserlas. After listening to it, Lavichia's eyes wandered, obviously conveying an unusual message.

"What's wrong with the boss?" the orc asked. As Lavikia's top bodyguard, it is necessary for it to understand the actions and thoughts of the boss.

Lavícia has no doubts about Kabi's loyalty, so he didn't hide it from many things, including this time. The big bug groaned: "What I just got was the message of Lord Midra. It's strange that the adult asked us to temporarily change the transportation route. I don't know what the adult thinks, and instead of leaving the previous route, we are asked to go to silence. Confluence of continents ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Silent Continent?" Kabi didn't seem to have heard of this place, and the orc tilted his head in confusion.

La Vichya explained: “It’s an area north of Mount Turache, and it’s also a buffer zone between Kazeroth and Mount Turache in our worm country. It’s just that it’s not peaceful, except for danger. In addition to the cunning ice lurkers, there are also terrible things such as mud guards and thorn trolls. But the most troublesome thing is the Tuku tribe. Those primitive savages don’t buy their accounts. They should enter their area without leaving no goods. , Or leave the corpses, they are all rude bandits!"

Kirby scratched his head and said: "If this is the case, then our current guard strength must be increased by at least three times to be enough."

Lavisya threw the messenger spider on Kirby's face angrily, and the latter opened his mouth wide and swallowed the messenger spider into his stomach. And its boss shouted: "You don’t need to remind me, my dear Kirby. Even if I only have one head, I know that we are not strong enough, let alone I have two! But now we can’t assemble new guards. , And Master Midra's order cannot be violated. So even if we die, we have to go to the Silent Continent. Understood!"

Kirby hiccuped and replied loudly, "Got it, boss!"