War Lord

Chapter 528: Strike 1

With a loud bang, the attention of the nearby Tuku tribesmen was drawn to the past. Under all eyes, Merlin flew out of the tall building, snorted coldly after landing on the ground, and flew back into the tall building. The next second, an invisible shock wave shook the wooden structure building. As the tall building turned into a piece of debris, the two figures also ejected from different directions.

After falling to the ground, Merlin held his battle axe, and Zero raised his pistol flatly, maintaining a confrontational attitude.

The noise made by the two disturbed the Tuku tribe. In the patriarch's room, a Tuku tribe woman ran in in a panic, and said to the picture first: "You'd better come and have a look, the situation is a bit bad in the novel chapter."

Tuxian also heard the movement outside. He walked out of the tall building and looked at the two Meilin in the corridor with the guardrail. The confrontation didn't last long, and he quickly put away his pistol and turned away.

"What's going on?" Tuxian asked in a loud voice.

Merlin snorted, thrust the tomahawk upside down into the ground and replied: "It's nothing, we are separated. I have said long ago that he is not my friend, just because he is walking together temporarily for the same purpose. Now we can't achieve it. The same opinion, so the situation is as you can see, he is gone."

Tu first looked at Merlin, then turned to the woman next to him and said, "Go and prepare another room for him."

Then he went back to his house.

Merlin watched Zero disappear outside the Tukzu's base camp before taking back his gaze. At this time, the woman from Tuxian came forward and took Merlin to another house. As for the collapsed building, there are other Tuku people to clean up the mess.

The zero speed is not slow and fast, keeping a constant speed through the Silent Continent. He seemed to be very angry, and he met a few lurkers along the way and suddenly became his target of venting his anger. When he left, a tall figure appeared beside the body of the lurker. This is the first Tuku tribe to attack Zero before. His name is Bud. Bud is a young warrior in the clan, brave and ambition.

With a cold light gleaming in his eyes, Bud scanned the corpses at his feet. It can be seen that the lurker was almost smashed by brute force, but the seemingly messy slash made the edge of the wound smooth as a mirror, which showed that Zero used techniques such as energy shock. Only through energy shock can the body tissues of the lurkers be destroyed first, and then they can be easily dissected with military power.

Otherwise, with the unusually hard shell of the lurker, the wound should now appear jagged rather than smooth.

Bud's chest rose and fell violently, and he calmed down after several iterations. He is very eager to play against zero, but reason tells him that this is not the best time and place. So he could only bear it hard, tap the ground with his toes, and he flew like a big bird in the mist of the Silent Continent. This is where he grew up, and Bud would never take a wrong step even if his eyes were dull.

The special body structure of the gallery people is fully reflected in Bud's movement. He is light and like dancing in the wind. The air-jet organs on both sides of the abdomen can accelerate and change the trajectory of the movement, which makes Bud's movement more traceless. This was what he was most proud of, but in the short encounter with Zero not long ago, Bud’s most proud speed and disorderly movements were locked by Inevitable Zero. When he thought of this, Bud felt his chest feel tight. Uncomfortable.

Moving constantly in the silent oasis, Bud quietly followed Zero. He was confident in his tracking skills, and using the environment of the Silent Continent, Bud was confident that he would not be spotted by zero. But when Zero walked out of the oasis, that was another matter. However, due to the wide field of view, Bud was able to open a longer distance to track zero.

After this lasted for nearly two hours, Bud watched Zero enter the Turache Mountain.

There was no need to follow, he thought he had got the information he wanted, so Bud turned back to the Silent Continent. But not long after he left, he suddenly returned, wandering around for a few laps, confirming that there were no clues, and then he really left.

Minutes later, Ling stood at the position where Bud just appeared, looking at the direction of Silent Continent, and said lightly: "The bait has been cast, and now I'm waiting for the big bug to hook."

Bud returned to the Silent Continent almost straight, unreserved in speed throughout the process. He has to return to the oasis as quickly as possible, otherwise people will discover his whereabouts. After returning to the oasis, Bud did not immediately return to the base camp, but came to a muddy pond. After confirming that there were no other people around, Bud made a gurgling sound in his throat, then opened his mouth and spit out a long tongue.

The tongue was rolled out, and a small tube of bone flute was lying quietly at the tip. Bud gently picked up the bone flute with two fingers, and then blew it. But there was no sound from the flute. After blowing it three times in a row, Bud rolled back the flute with his tongue and hid it in his body.

He waited quietly.

Without making him wait long, a silver figure appeared in the mist. It was Midra, the insect king of Kazeroth wandered over and walked directly in front of Bud. Half a head shorter than Bud, but Midra was full of momentum and stared at Bud pretentiously. After Bud hesitated for a moment, he knelt down on one knee and said respectfully: "Dear King of Insect Kingdom, I have brought you an important message."

Midra nodded with satisfaction, and said, "Let's talk, I hope it's useful news."

"The target you made me pay attention to has appeared not long ago. Moreover, he also brought a helper."

"Oh? The old man Merlin has a helper. Is it a Gregnia?"

"No." Bud said solemnly: "It's a human being."

"Human? What does he look like?"

"Black hair, black left and right golden pupils, is a difficult man." Bud briefly described.

Middra's eyes on the human face suddenly opened: "It's the fellow called Zero! The old ghost, Merlin, didn't keep trying to kill this man. Why did he suddenly come together?"

"I heard that they acted together for the same purpose." Bud added.

"Ademili!" Midra immediately thought of the possibility: "Where are they now?"

"The Red Duke is currently in our camp, and our patriarch has promised to let him stay for one night. As for the man named Zero, he broke up with Merlin not long ago and left alone. I saw it with my own eyes and he entered. Turache Mountain."

"Oh? That's normal. Merlin's stubborn old thing has never liked humans. It's normal to fall out. But are you sure that humans did leave?"

Bud solemnly said, "I'm pretty sure."

"Very well, let's go, what do you want?" Midra asked lightly.

Bud raised his head, his eyes gleaming with ambition: "I want to leave the Silent Continent and have a place in Kazeroth."

Midra lowered her head, and the two alien faces were almost stuck together. In the end, the insect king said slowly: "You have ambitions. I like ambitious people, that is the driving force behind the evolution of all things. Very good, I can agree to your request. But if I take the liberty to ask, you are not that way. Do you like this place? Although it is barren, at least it is free."

"Freedom is not a meal, and what I need is not what the Silent Continent can give." Bud replied calmly.

"Then go back and wait for me outside the oasis at dawn tomorrow. I will bring you a brand new living environment. I think you will like it."

Midra straightened up and waved her scythe.

Bud knew that he had issued an eviction order, and he did not speak at the moment, and disappeared in the mist that concealed in the oasis.

After a while, Osm, the captain of Midra's guard, walked out of the mist. This very huge scarlet flying insect stood up and said to Midra: "My lord, what do you want to do next."

"Tell your people, raise your spirits, and give Merlin a surprise in the evening," Midra said lightly.

Osm said hesitantly: "But my lord, the Red Duke is now being sheltered by the Tuku tribe. If we attack their camp, it is equivalent to declaring war with the Tuku tribe."

"So what?" Midra proudly raised a pair of scythes, waving as if to tear up an invisible enemy: "Compared with the Red Duke, the Tuku Clan is just a side dish. In the past, let them go. No matter, that’s because it’s unnecessary. Now we are destined to dominate the entire tundra. The Tuku Clan is just one of the stumbling blocks that cannot be smaller. On our way forward, such stumbling blocks are just kicked off. Do we have to Consider the feeling of the stone?"

"Yes, my lord! The subordinate was ignorant before, so the subordinate immediately arranges the evening work." Osm said in a deep voice.

Midra nodded. It looked around and sneered: "The Silent Continent has been silent for so long, and it's time to erase you from the map!"

It's already night, but there are still lights in the Tuku clan. These aliens can't be called hospitable, let alone have friends. There are many enemies. It's just that they rely on the terrain of the Silent Continent and don't provoke giants like Kaiserlas and Gregnia, so although many people have offended, they have survived to this day. At this moment, a banquet is being held in their base camp. The protagonist of the banquet is Merlin, who is barely a friend of the patriarch.

It's just that Merlin didn't like such a banquet, and he was thinking about Midra in his heart, so he seemed absent-minded at the banquet. The Tukzu people have always been martial arts, and the performances at the banquet were mostly fighting. Two or more Tukzu people caught each other in the center of the banquet venue. Although they did not use weapons, they fought to the flesh, so the scene Very hot.

Merlin's mind was not here. Although he watched the scenes in the field, he didn't seem to be half-hearted. The picture first looked in his eyes and smiled slightly: "What's wrong with you, old stuff? Why don't you have any energy at all, or else, you and me will go down and play?"

Merlin wanted to refuse, so he thought about it, but nodded: "It happens that my hands are itchy, so let me see if your bastard's skills have regressed."

So Tu stood up first, waved his hands apart, and signaled the tribesmen in the field to withdraw. He jumped into the arena first, with the light body unique to the Tuku Clan, the picture first floated to the ground like a fallen leaf. When the toes hit the ground, they buckle the ground, but they feel calm as a mountain. Two extreme feelings, one light and one heavy, appeared in Tuxian's body at the same time. Not only did it not feel contradictory, but on the contrary, it was very natural, as it should have been.

Mei Lin sighed inwardly, the picture is the outstanding figure in this alien group. He was a very powerful warrior when he was young. He hasn't seen him for many years. His fighting skills can only advance and never retreat. Judging from the brilliance he shows now, this man has a deeper understanding of strength. If there is a life and death battle, Merlin is not sure of victory.

The red prince got up from the seat, he had already taken off the scarlet heavy armor half of his body. He is now naked, with a pair of loose-fitting trousers on the lower body. The trousers depict a totem of flame, which is a symbol of the Takuzu. Merlin just walked toward the picture like this. It seemed normal, but every step he stepped on would make people feel that the earth swayed once. And as the distance between Tuxian and Tuxian kept getting closer, Meilin's momentum also rose, and he continued to climb new peaks, seemingly endless.

This kind of aura seemed like an endless improvement, gradually calming down the Tuku tribe who had been cheering for the patriarch. They can clearly feel the pressure of a mountain on Mei Lin. Only then did they know why the patriarch, who has always been above the top, would reluctantly admit that Mei Lin is a friend. It is because the strength of the two is almost the same. Compassionate and sympathetic.

There is only one picture in the room that can maintain his freedom under Merlin's enormous power. The patriarch looked at the Red Duke with a smile, and said with his palm: "I didn't see it, old thing, your aura is a bit less ostentatious than before, but a bit more dignified, it seems that you haven't been idle these years."

"Of course, I never stopped thinking about the scene of knocking your old **** to the ground, how could I be idle."

"Then what should I do? Are you coming first or me first?" Tuxian haha ​​asked ~lightnovelpub.net~ Merlin stretched out her finger and hooked it: "What if you let you come first."

"Then I'm not welcome." Putting away his smile, Tuxian's eyes became sharp and cold. Instead, he was no longer facing a friend, but an enemy of life and death.

Suddenly he moved, and in a short blink of an eye, the picture turned into a thousand butterflies, leaving countless afterimages in the air. That was the ultimate speed, even Bud, who had always been confident in his speed, was overwhelmed with surprise when he saw it at this moment. If you know how to increase the speed to the point where it leaves an afterimage, Bud can ask himself.

But he absolutely couldn't do what Tuxian completely ignored the acceleration process, and directly increased the speed to the extreme. And there can't be so many afterimages left. The afterimages resemble a flurry of butterflies, which means that the picture is moving in a complicated to infinitely complex trajectory!

At this moment, Bud suddenly thought, if he let Tu know what would happen to him and Midra in private.

The answer is that Tuxian will definitely not let him go, and under Tuxian's terrifying speed and disorderly movement, Bud probably will kill him without even having a chance to counterattack!