War Lord

Chapter 530: 虫潮 1

[Don't laugh at me, today I learned that there is a dynamic option in the book review area. You can see the rewards and monthly tickets in it, and the essence of the monthly tickets that were given to me before is instantly available. Thanks to "top dog", "little pig", "high dada" and other big rewards for monthly ticket support, no I thought I could only work hard to make it more exciting! 】

When the fire blazed into the sky in the camp, Ling returned to the bottom of the high ground like a wandering ghost. He glanced slightly in the direction of the camp, then pulled his body into a black line, and in a flash, he came to the entrance of the Tukzu camp. Not in a hurry to enter the camp, Zero's figure flickered and appeared on one of the guard towers. Then, the guns of the battleship behind him were dismantled, using the fence of the guard tower as a support, and the muzzle of the alloy heavy sniper quietly turned towards the position where Merlin and Midra were fighting.

Zero half squat, steady hands fixed the battleship artillery. Without releasing the slightest murderous aura and might, he stayed in the tower like a lifeless statue. The next thing to do is very simple. As long as Merlin forces Midra to reveal even one flaw, Zero will be able to severely injure or even kill the insect king of Kazeroth. As long as Midra goes, even if Adimili has been transported back to the worm country by it through unknown channels, Gregnia can let those insects return Adimili.

Under the curtain of night, the Tuku people have been awakened. Tuxiangen had already woke up when the first explosion appeared. The patriarch flashed out of the tall building, looking at the flames rising to the sky, the two figures suddenly merged, and they were engaged in a fierce battle. Among them, the silver shadow stung Tuxian's eyes.

"Midra?" Tuxian snorted coldly, when a soldier came behind him. Obviously different from other tribesmen, this warrior was wearing a cloak that came to his waist, and three gorgeous feathers stuck in his left shoulder.

They are the most elite fighters of the Tuku clan, and each one has reached the level of Tier 7. There were as many as fourteen soldiers like this, and they came quietly behind Tuxian like a tide.

"Those who tell us, don't intervene, it depends on the situation." Tuxian said briefly.

There was a blast in the air, and two shadows of red, silver and gray pulled out light tails of different colors and quickly fell to the ground, shaking out two shallow pits on the ground respectively.

Merlin was holding a battle axe, and fell from a height of 100 meters, but did not even make the slightest defensive posture, and directly nailed it straight to the ground. Midra appears to be much lighter. When it touches the ground, its body flickers several times, directing its power into the ground in a special way, and waits for the surrounding soil waves to form a shallow crater before it becomes stable. Stand firmly on the ground.

Midra's head, the human-like face had disappeared, and the worm head like a mask was closed. Now Midra is a silver worm, but at this moment, it is truly in a fighting posture. The insect king's two sickle feet kept trembling slightly, and with each vibration, invisible ripples swept across the space. Each ripple has the properties of shock and tearing, and even the space is slightly distorted due to their influence.

In the battle just now, Midra greeted Merlin with these lethal energy ripples. Beyond the insect king's expectation, Merlin didn't seem to panic because of the sudden attack, and the Red Duke calmly knew that he was coming. Even Bud's injury did not affect Merlin at all. Even if Midra put more than half of the attack on Merlin's injury, the flame ruling cut and cleaved the room, and there was no sign of injury.

All of these made Midra unavoidably guess that this is actually a trap. A trap that Merlin and Bud even colluded with the Takuzu to lure themselves into appearing!

Unfortunately, no one will tell it the answer. Merlin dropped his axe to the ground and ran towards Midra with strides. Every time his soles landed, as if a sledgehammer fell, the ground cracked and shattered. When Merlin pulled up his heel, a plume of smoke would pop up. In this way, Merlin rushed to him, and his power was like a mountain weighing heavily on Midlar.

The insect king flicked both sickles, and when he withdrew slightly, he rushed forward. At this moment, an unspeakable sense of crisis enveloped the whole body. The crisis came from behind, and Midra couldn't care about Merlin's turning around. The compound eyes on the bug's head kept flickering, so the picture of a rotating alloy bullet was frozen in its eyes. Midra let out a scream, her feet bounced and she wanted to intercept, but her movements were not as smooth as usual, and there was obviously a delay between the instructions from the brain.

Under Midra's feet, a stream of pitch-black energy lines entangled the insect king's body like seaweed, making it unable to react as quickly as usual.

Shadow entanglement, a supporting ability of rogues. It does not have any attack characteristics, but it interferes with the target, thereby creating an opportunity for the rogue to win. This ability is rarely used in zero peace, because most opponents can't compare with him in speed and agility. But Midra is different, the streamlined body of the Insect King has already demonstrated its ability to be good at sports.

Therefore, it is very necessary to limit its speed.

Although the flow of energy entangled by the shadows broke apart in the twinkling light of Midlar's compound eyes, the insect king had already missed the best opportunity to evade. In desperation, the sickle foot swayed, and arc-shaped energy ripples swayed from the sickle foot, slashing in the center on the alloy warhead. The metal bullet split into two silently, but under the impetus of inertia, the split warhead still rubbed Midra's body.

Although avoiding the danger of getting a head shot from a metal bullet, the sickle foot on the right side of Midlar was broken. The strange thing is that the insect king did not spew out the slightest blood. Almost the moment it was shot, the picture moved first. The patriarch leaned forward and disappeared into the air. When he reappeared, the space around his hands was constantly twisted, staggering and waving on Midlar.

Under the cutting of the high-frequency blade, the hard shell of the insect king groaned sourly, and then the carapace cracked, and the cracks expanded rapidly.

"You..." Midra exclaimed.

A red light flitted across its slender waist, and the upper body of the insect king floated. Midair, Midra looked behind him, and in his eyes was the figure of Merlin slashing with an axe!

With the cooperation of the three, the king of Kazeroth fell heavily to the ground with only one upper body. But it was still dead, raising its head and shouting at Tu first: "You dare to intervene!"

"I'm sorry, if you only hurt me on my territory, you will surely be angry with our family afterwards. Then, you should just kill you here!" Tu raised his right hand first, and then slammed toward Meade. Pulled his head away.

If he was caught, the FM blade attached to his hand would cut Midra's head into pieces. But Midra's head suddenly opened to the sides, followed by a ball of black objects flying out of his head like a cannonball. At this time, Tuxian grabbed Midra's head with a palm, and the worm's head burst to pieces, but there was nothing inside.

Tuxian had a solemn expression, watching the group of black things passing a parabola in the air, and finally fell into a corner of an oasis in the dark.

In the sky, the red beetle flying worm symbolically throws a high-temperature fireball towards the Tuku tribe’s camp, and then flies away in the same direction as when it came, leaving only a burning camp. The gallery people are already busy drawing water to put out the fire without the command of the patriarch. And Zero also jumped from the guard tower and came to Midra's body. He frowned, squatted down to play with Midra's body, and found that this thing didn't look like a corpse of a creature at all, but rather like some kind of mechanical wreckage.

There are no organs or muscle fibers in Midra's corpse, and its entire body is almost hollow. Except for the outer carapace, there are only simple bone tissue and nerve-like wires in the body. All the nerve bundles are concentrated on a nerve base pad on the head. Above the base pad is Midra's head, but now there is nothing inside.

"What kind of monster is this guy?" Merlin frowned.

Tuxian puts his hands around his chest: "No matter what it is, we are in trouble if we fail to kill it this time."

Looking at the Red Duke and Zero again, the patriarch said coldly: "It's a lot to thank you. I don't see that you are still excellent actors, and you lied to me too!"

"I'm very sorry for this, but if we don't do this, we won't be able to draw Midra out." Merlin said.

Tuxian said angrily: "For your own little trouble, can we all be pulled into the water? I knew it would be like this, old stuff, I should have chosen to cooperate with Midra at the beginning."

"It's already happened, what's the use of talking about it. If I were you, it would be better to mobilize everyone to find it out and solve it at the moment when Midra was hit hard. It is far better than waiting for it to escape back to Kaizera to win. Turn around and come back to find your troubles." Ling said lightly.

Tuxian glared at him, but knew that Ling was right. So the patriarch walked back to his own clan with an anger. After a while, the dozen or so Tuku clans with feathered shoulders led the rest of the warriors out of the nest and began a carpet search of the entire oasis. Be sure to take advantage of the rice. Della now completely kills the Insect King when he is seriously injured.

An oval-shaped object rolled across the grass, and finally hit a coconut tree and stopped. The side that it faces upward is surprisingly the face of a human middle-aged man, and it looks like this is a human head. But after it kept trembling for a while, it drilled a limb with a sharp tip from its ears. Then the mouth opened and widened to a width that normal humans could not reach. A cluster of fleshy feet like tentacles suddenly stretched out of the dark mouth. As the previously stretched limbs were nailed into the ground and swayed vigorously, the face turned 180 degrees and turned into a face downward. , Which allows the fleshy feet that grow from the mouth to support the entire head.

On the other side of the face, there was a head like a squid. The surface is covered with a thin fleshy membrane, and there is still a viscous liquid flowing on it. Under the fleshy membrane, we can see a strange brain that is different from that of human beings. The deep brain grooves show that it has extraordinary intelligence. At the front end of the squid's head, a pair of compound eyes were rolled up. The compound eyes were constantly shining with lights of various colors, so segments of encrypted messages were sent to the oasis in all directions.

After a while, there was a fluttering sound from the top of the squid's head, and a large man landed in front of it. Osm, the captain of Midra's guard, landed on the ground and carefully picked up the squid's head. At this time, a cross-shaped crack appeared on the front end of the squid, and a voice from this mouthpart rang out Midra's voice: "Osm, we have to leave the Silent Continent immediately. Now I have lost my body, but I can't let the gallery Those bandits of the clan found out that you have to protect me until my replacement body is delivered."

"Yes, sir, your replacement body has been transported with the army. After re-pairing at that time, you will be the wise and brave Insect King Midra again." Osm said in a deep voice.

"Well said, I'll want those **** Tukzu people to regret what they have done then."

This squid-like thing is the real midra, it is a parasite-like life. Have huge energy, but not a strong body. Therefore, it needs to be assembled in a specially made body to be able to exert its true power. This is the biggest secret of Kazeroth. Those who know this secret can be counted by five fingers.

"Tuxian probably didn't know that before I entered the Silent Continent, I had assembled a large army. Whether he was willing to cooperate or not, the Silent Continent had to become history in the end. Now he angers me, Osm , What do you say we should do!"

"That is of course to level the Silent Continent. General Layden has assembled an army of 20,000 to come, and then we can bloodbath the entire oasis. But..." Osm held Midlar up and let himself and himself This insect king looked up.

It seemed that the Captain of the Guard had grasped a little tightly, and Midra shouted: "Osm, I am very fragile now, let go of your paws. If you hurt me, be careful that I drop your position. "

"I'm afraid you can't do it, Master Midra," Osm said.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean ~lightnovelpub.net~ If you know that Lord Midra died in the hands of the Takuzu, would you say that General Raiden will attack the Silent Continent more desperately. The end result is that the Silent Continent will be razed? Ping, and General Leiden unfortunately lost his life, so Kazeroth can only let me Osm take over."

"What?" Midra screamed, "You stupid, how can you take over Kazeroth with your strength. I advise you not to mess around, Osm, I can act as if nothing has been heard, as long as You protect my words."

Osm chuckled and said: "Master Midra, you are so suspicious and fickle, since you already know what I'm thinking, how can you let me go. If you miss tonight, I will die without a place to bury. As for power, you Don't worry, after absorbing you, I will have the power to match the identity of the Insect King!"

"You...do you want to absorb me?" Midra struggled desperately, but now the sharpest weapon on its body is only the pair of arthropods. But no matter how you look at the arthropods, they can't make a hole in Osm's thick chelate feet.

Instead, Osm's chelated feet pressed together, and immediately tore a hole in Midlar's body. Amidst Midra's screams, Osm put the parasite to his mouth, and followed madly sucking Midra's brain. In the end, Osm simply stuffed the insect king into his mouth. The mouthparts were opened and closed, and the whole body of Midra was grinded and swallowed into the stomach!