War Lord

Chapter 540: Beyond Despair  4

More than one kilometer of clouds was filled with crimson flames, as if there was a large amount of magma rolling in the clouds. Even if the distance is far away, everyone who sees that terrible cloud vortex will involuntarily feel the air become hot. Then, the magma poured, and as the curtain of fire poured down, the ultra-high temperature liquid mass wrapped in the flame was scattered all over the sky.

This is a deadly rain of fire, like the bullets that erupted during a volcanic eruption, the high-temperature liquid mass descended from the sky like a bolide, traversing countless light trails in the sky, like fireworks in full bloom!

However, behind that beautiful, there are chapters of destruction novels.

Ripped apart his clothes, his Night God tactical suit was damaged when the volcano was detonated, and now he wears a foreign-style oversized cloth like Mei Lin. After the clothes were torn apart, a slender but well-proportioned body was revealed. This body possessed infinite explosive power, but it was not strong enough to prevent the attack from the fire and rain of natural disasters.

So he needs another body.

Naga Genome, start! Following a command from the brain, the independent genome was extracted in a very short time that could not be expressed in an instant, and quickly switched with the original gene. As a result, patches of gray stratum corneum appeared on Zero’s whole body, covering Zero’s whole body in a blink of an eye, including Zero’s face, and only the eyes remained human-like. But the rest of the body has already revealed an inhuman aura.

As the stratum corneum appeared, black exoskeleton armor emerged, wrapping and protecting the important parts of the zero body. Immediately afterwards, the black bones in the front half of the arms continued to proliferate, forming the image of a muzzle. From the muzzle, sharp bones pricked out. At the same time, a magic eye is generated on each of Zero’s chest and shoulders, which emit multiple modes of detection wave energy. After scanning the space, all data will be fed back to Zero’s brain, so that Zero can clearly grasp the range of 500 meters. Everything in the entire space.

Ling raised his head, a mysterious floating trumpet floated in his left eye. The prophet worked at full force, locked hundreds of fire rains falling towards the gate, and quickly deduced their falling trajectory and where they fell. Then stretched his hands flat, and the bone spurs of Naga in the arm barrel shot into the sky one by one, and the sky immediately burst into hundreds of dense **** of light. They were all fire rain detonated by the bone spurs of Naga!

The shock wave produced by the continuous explosion fell to the ground. When the Tukzu warriors who had blown the bottom were unstable, they looked at the sky with nearly a hundred light clusters that had not yet disappeared, and were thankful that these things did not fall on their heads. superior. However, there was more rain of fire falling towards the camp. Putting down Merlin, Tu snorted first, and his hands waved at high speed as if they had disappeared. The high-frequency blade attached to the hand pulled out a wave of air cutting waves to face the fire rain in the air, so some of the liquid group was intercepted.

It's just that he and Zero are only two people after all, and there is no way to count down to intercept all the rain of fire. So masses of fireballs hit the ground, causing violent explosions again and again. The camp's walls, towers, and ground kept flaming up. Along with the flames came bursts of scorching air currents, and the unlucky Tuku tribes couldn't avoid it. They either smashed the fireball directly, or melted through the body with the high temperature sputtering after the explosion.

All of a sudden, the camp exploded, flames raged, and screams one after another. This wave of natural disasters and fire rain almost completely destroyed the camp. This was the result of letting Zero Sum Tu intercept part of the fire rain first. If the fire and rain of natural disasters completely fall on the camp, then there is no need for the Zerg to take action, I am afraid that the Tuku tribe will have been killed and injured. But even so, dozens of Tukzu people still died under the attack of the rain of fire.

The direction of the gate of the camp was only slightly affected. After all, this position was the focus of the interception by the two people of Linghe Tuxian. But under the attack of Betsy's fire and rain of natural disasters, the two strong men on the Tuku clan's side had no time to look after him, so the Zerg took the opportunity to suppress it. The land traveler cleared the way, and the self-explosive insects interspersed in it, forming a strong offensive.

They withstood bullets and the corpses of their companions successfully crossed the Tuku tribe's firepower net, and slammed into the camp gate severely. Several self-explosive insects flew in, and immediately swelled and detonated. This was undoubtedly a terrible attack for the Tuku tribe camp behind the gate. A dozen Tukzu warriors were located in the center of the explosion. They were soaked by their venom before they could escape, and there was no sound of screaming. In a flash, these dozen soldiers melted their flesh and blood, and only one was left. skeleton.

One of the high-ranking fighters was very tough, and even though he made evasive actions, he still got half of his body. Seeing that he couldn't survive, he suddenly held two high-powered grenades, rushed out of the camp with a roar, and forcibly pushed away the several land worms that had broken through the line of fire. During this process, the sharp forelimbs of the land worm had appeared on the soldier's body many times. Even if he had not poisoned the venom of the spontaneous worm, he would definitely not survive.

But before he died, he laughed and detonated the grenade. As a result, the orange fireball rose up in the Zerg camp, not knowing how many insects' lives were harvested, and at the same time gained precious buffer time for the tribesmen in the camp behind him.

Time just passed by little by little.

The battle is going on in each other's seesaw, and the Tukzu fighters repeat the procedure of attacking, changing defenses, and attacking again. In the direction of Kazeroth, it hit the enemy's line of defense with a ladder-like attack. There were several times when the bugs broke through the firepower net, and they all caused the zero or Tu to rush out of the camp and then repelled it back, otherwise the camp would have been razed.

This was so much because in the previous attack, Layden cut off an arm to Merlin, and Betsy used a natural disaster after the fire and rain, the energy plummeted, and the two enemy generals were temporarily unable to take action. Otherwise, it is still unclear whether the two of them can repel the insect army many times by relying solely on the zero and the Tuxian. The battle lasted from dawn to noon, and gradually came to an end.

"Be energetic, the number of bugs is running out, everyone must hold on!" Zero fought on the wall, knocking out the bugs that only crossed the line of fire, and at the same time inspiring the Tukzu warriors behind the high wall.

At this time, after experiencing a high-intensity battle, both physically and mentally, these fighters are already very exhausted. It's just that the idea of ​​​​survival is still there, otherwise they would have given up long ago. The second wave of attacks launched by Kazeroth was very strong. Let alone the two generals of Leiden and Betsy, the participation of the self-destructive insects has greatly increased the pressure on the Tukzu side.

Up to now, nearly half of the members of the Tuku clan have been damaged. Among the remaining half of the tribe, women, the elderly and children accounted for at least one-third, which means that there are only less than a hundred people who can really fight.

But Kazeroth also suffered heavy losses, and now there are only three or two hundred of more than three thousand bugs. The **** was full of corpses of insects, and a thick layer of mud and blood spread on the ground, exuding an unpleasant smell. Up to now, the attacking bugs have no extra troops and are divided into the left and right wings to attack the Tukzu camp, and they gather together to organize the final wave of offensive.

This wave of offensive was disintegrated after half an hour. With the intensive gunfire and two rockets, the remaining bugs were quickly swept away. On the Tukzu side, several soldiers were killed in action, but there is no denying that they succeeded in blocking Kaizeroth's attack.

Everyone’s face was full of tiredness, but when they were too late to rejoice in their hard-won victory, one of the few sentry towers inadvertently swept over the high underground Lake Ren. The color changed and roared: "It's not bad. Cool down, Renhu has cooled down!"

This news was undoubtedly exploded like a blockbuster in the camp, and Zero looked up at the ground for the first time. Sure enough, as the sentinel said, the Lake of Ren, covering the entire Silent Continent, had already begun to cool. Zero's face became quite ugly, knowing that Lake Throne was the condition for them to restrict Kaizeroth from throwing in a large number of soldiers at one go. But now, due to the limited amount of volcanic magma detonated by Zero yesterday, and without the supplement of new magma, it is in an extremely cold region like the western tundra. The Lake of Ren is starting to cool at a rate beyond zero. This is undoubtedly a problem. A huge blow.

Even if it is only the surface of the Lake that is cooling now, this geographical environment is enough for the insect army of Kaizeroth to pass. Once the insect army confined to the outskirts of the Lake is thrown into the battlefield, there is basically no chance of survival for the Tuku clan.

You know, even if you lose six to seven thousand bugs, there are at least 20,000 bugs left in the periphery!

As if heralding the end of everyone on the high ground, they desperately discovered that the insect army cut off by the lake began to shrink their fronts. As the first land worm stepped cautiously into the area of ​​Renhu Lake, and found that the ground temperature was still high, but it was not enough to stop them, more than 20,000 worms began to move towards the high ground.

Ling looked down from the high wall, and saw a black wave rolling towards the high ground, and the high ground surrounded by the worms was like a piece of anger in the sea, and it could be submerged at any time.

At this time, everyone's face only had an expression of despair. There is no longer any way to limit the pressure of Kaizeroth's army, and the remaining hundreds of people will not be able to repel this last and most terrifying offensive no matter how desperately they are.

"No, I don't want to die!"

"Surrender, surrender, patriarch!"

This kind of voice began to appear among the Tuku people~lightnovelpub.net~Zero sighed. They are never real soldiers, and even regular soldiers, in the face of this desperate situation, will still give birth to the idea of ​​surrender, which is not surprising.

It’s just that Tuku people can surrender, so what about zero?

He took a deep breath and jumped off the high wall. The flame in the right eye is burning, like zero determination.

He can die, but he will never surrender. Since waking up, facing this completely unfamiliar new world, Zero has forgotten how many desperate situations he has experienced. In Silvertree City, when he was infected by the blood of a butcher, when Sauron calculated helplessly watching Leah die in front of him, when he was driven into desperation by the blood knights of the Dark Council in the city of shadows, in the face of Jotunheim When facing the dead queen who is almost impossible to defeat

Too many pictures flicked through Zero's mind, but he survived the desperate scenes one by one. Zero already knows that despair can't change the situation at all. Only the mood to live can create miracles!

To overcome despair, then only

Go beyond it! !