War Lord

Chapter 541: 强援  1

"Patriarch, we will only have a dead end if we continue to fight, we might as well surrender."

"Yeah, if you don't surrender, you will die. If you surrender, there is at least a glimmer of hope."

"Think about it, patriarch!"

Several Tukzu people gathered around Tuxian to persuade him to surrender to Kaizeroth. Although the others did not stop him, they also remained silent, while the woman and child in the distance hugged each other, waiting for the fate of the last known. Seeing all this, Tu sighed first and said: "I understand your feelings very well. I don't want to die like you. But have you ever thought about it, even if you want to surrender, Kaiserlas may not accept it."

"How can I know if I don't try it?"

"Yes, they have seen it in our previous battles. We will die if we fight, but they will also lose a lot. I think if we surrender, Kaiserlas should accept it."

Several people spoke in a few words, but they all tended to try to surrender to the bug kingdom, and there was even a senior soldier among them. Tu knows it first, and they won’t change their attention anymore, so they said, “Well, I won’t stop you if I want to surrender. But even if I’m alone, I’ll fight to the end. I said, we are free to come and go. The wolf, I'll be the first, and I will never be a watchdog for those bugs!"

As a result, the faces of those Tuku tribes became ugly, but at this time of life, freedom was nothing. So they decided to surrender to Raiden, but Tu didn't stop them first, and let the door open a gap. A few Tukzu people got out like this. To show their sincerity, they didn't carry any weapons.

This is undoubtedly an adventure, if it fails, it will be a death anyway. But if they succeed, they have a chance to survive. Even if this opportunity is only one in ten thousand, no one is willing to give up. They walked cautiously down the slope, when the large forces of Kaizeroth had basically gathered on the high ground. From a distance, it was a sea of ​​black worms.

The gallery people walked with trepidation, even the senior soldiers with feathered shoulders trembling. After all, the aura formed by tens of thousands of insects is true, and it is just a joke to say that there is no pressure.

Leiden looked at these aliens from a distance, and was very puzzled by their act of coming to die, so he didn't order the attack immediately.

When the distance between the two was only three hundred meters, the Tuku clan stopped, and the senior soldier stepped forward and said loudly: "Dear General Leiden, we are convinced by the strength of your country. We are willing to submit to Kaiserlas, You see that we all have good abilities and are good at fighting in complex terrain. If the general agrees to our return, then we can face any enemy for Kaizeroth!"

There was a brief silence, and then Leiden laughed. If it wasn't for only one arm, he would even applaud the soldier's passionate speech.

The senior soldier was relieved when he saw Layden let go of the Ripper's hand. Immediately afterwards, as Leiden stepped towards them, his mood began to become tense again. Leiden walked up to the high-level warrior, but his line of sight passed him, and he pointed at the gate of the high ground: "You said you can face any enemy for Kaizeroth. Very good, I will give you a chance now to help me. Bring your patriarch's head over, and I will agree to your surrender."

"These" several Tuku tribe members all broke out in a cold sweat, and the senior soldier said consolently: "General Layden, Patriarch Tuxian is the strongest among us, you request this."

Before he finished speaking, Leiden's hand suddenly retracted and swept across the soldier's head. Immediately there was a sound of broken bones, and the soldier's head was twisted by Leiden, and the general kicked the headless corpse away with a kick. Leiden threw the warrior's head down the slope, immediately caught the few land worms below, and blinked his eyes to clean the worms.

Leiden said coldly: "Even Tuxian's head can't be cut off. What do we and you gang of trash return to do?"

At this time, several Tukzu talents yelled, turned around and ran away. But soon, the land worms entrenched in the high ground jumped up the **** and pushed these Tuku tribes into the sea of ​​worms down the slope. The screams reverberated, blood was splashing, and the Tuku tribe who was about to surrender immediately became a snack for the bugs.

Leiden walked back to the place, pulled out the ripper with one hand, and yelled towards the gate of the high ground in one fell swoop: "Attack, give me a kill without leaving, I don't want any prisoners!"

Under the command of the General Zongguo, thousands of land worms and self-explosive worms attacked along the **** toward the gate of the high ground, and more began to climb the stone walls of the high ground, from all directions to the Takuzu camp. attack. Looking down from a high altitude, the Tuku tribe’s camp is like a cake, while the army of Kazeroth is a dense colony of ants. The ant colony has started to run up from the bottom of the cake, and when they are closed, the cake will not be left at all!

The desperate atmosphere reverberated in the camp, and the Tukzu found that they had nowhere to go. Kazeroth refused to surrender, so all that was left was a fight to the death. But they didn't have much ammunition left. The second wave of Kaizeroth's offensive was so strong that the Tukus almost ran out of ammunition to win the battle. But then, they had no guns in their hands, but the base of ammunition was not even enough for one round of shooting.

If there are no bullets, then they can only fight hand-to-hand. But everyone knows that in the face of tens of thousands of insects, close combat will only die faster.

"There is no choice." Tu first tore off his cloak and threw it to the ground forcefully: "My dear people, we have no retreat. All we can do is use our last strength and blood. , Defend our dignity! If you do not have the courage to face the death of war, I will order you as the patriarch to commit suicide! In this way, at least you can suffer less pain!"

Everyone was silent.

A senior soldier suddenly roared: "Fight, fight these **** bugs. Even if you want to die, you have to kill enough money. Even if you want to die, let these filthy things never dream of forgetting our gallery clan in the future. . We will be imprinted in their memory forever!"

"Yes, spell it!"



When you know that death cannot be crossed, then death no longer seems so terrible. On the contrary, before dying, the sturdy temperament flowing in the blood of the Tuku clan, under the double pressure of death and despair, broke out in an all-round way. At this moment, both women and men have become the most terrifying warriors. As long as there is a breath, they will fight to the end!

"Very well, women and children come in the middle, and the men guard me on the outside. Even if we are going to die, we must die vigorously!" Tu Xian roared.

Ling only felt the blood boil all over, and the flame in the right eye burst with blazing light, burning to an unprecedented degree. Merlin also stood up with his battle axe, and joined the ranks of Tukzu fighters with Zero. In front of Lou Yiwan's army, the line of defense at the front gate of the camp has lost any meaning. A large number of land worms and self-explosive worms attacked from all directions, and all they could do was to fight to the last breath.

As the first tripworm jumped in from the wooden wall on the northern highlands, this war of disparity between the strong and the weak was announced!

At the same time, a figure full of curvaceous beauty appeared on a hill on the north side of Tulash Mountain.

"How is this going?"

Seeing a sea of ​​worms under the black pressure of the mountain, Su made an unbelievable voice.

Then, there was a sudden flash of red light in the middle of the Chonghai, followed by a familiar energy breath from that direction.

"Huh, is the death crit of the head?" Feng sniffed, and said in surprise.

With a flower in front of him, Su has already jumped off the top of the hill. The alloy heavy sword behind her, I don't know when it came to hand. The red light flickered, and the light armor on the body was continuously activated, instantly entering a posture of destruction. At the same time, a halo opened under his feet. In an instant, the high intent to fight continuously erupted on Su's body, and the blood wrapped around the epee was like a wave. As the Su figure went away, a seemingly hazy glow was thrown in the air.

"Impulsive woman." Feng called from behind: "Wait for me, stupid woman!"

After speaking, he jumped down. And behind Feng, the figures of Starley and others appeared one by one. Although everyone's face looked like dust and dust, and even a little tired. You can see the insect sea beneath the mountain and the energy storms that erupt from time to time on the central high ground, but everyone's complexion changed, and then they ran down the mountain quickly. At the end was Baltimore. The chief guard took a sigh of relief when he saw the sea of ​​insects, and then roared back: "The bugs of Kaiserlas are attacking our friends, soldiers of Gregnia, What do you guys say?"

A murloc swordsman raised his sword, pointed it at the sky, and shouted with all his strength: "Kill all those bugs!"

"Kill all those bugs!"

"Kill them all!"

The roars came one after another, but behind Baltimore, there were murloc swordsmen and remote support soldiers standing full of them. There are so many of them that the team stretches from the top of the mountain to the trail behind.

Baltimore released the double swords behind his back, swiped down the mountain vigorously, and shouted, "Kill all the bugs in Kazeroth!"

With his two swords and one finger, countless murloc soldiers surged from both sides of the body of the guard, and Baltimore soon joined the wave. So this raging wave formed by Ludu's army began to rush down the Tulash Mountain. They followed behind the first few capable people, headed by Su and Feng. This raging wave cut in from the south of the battlefield, fiercely. It collided with the sea of ​​insects in Kazeroth and immediately caused a wave of death.

Su Leng hum, the long sword in his hand is wrapped in a layer of bright red energy flame. The energy flame on the surface of the epee constantly vibrated at a very high frequency, and often cut through the insect's body under Su's control. The energy flame easily tore the insect's carapace in the buzzing sound. Then the epee blade slashed across, suddenly expanding the wound to the point where it could not be recovered!

In this way, the epee in Su's hand undulated, drawing a deadly red light curtain, randomly beheading one after another insects.

It's different from Su Da's, domineering slash. Feng is like a smart wind, with a playful smile on his face, walking through the sharp forelegs of the tripod. It's just that every time a bug passes by, the Tang knife in his hand will always plunge into the gap of the bug's carapace like a poisonous snake, and then driven by inertia, Feng can always dismember each bug easily.

In terms of speed, he is not much slower than the original, but the power used is much cheaper than the former.

As soon as he cut a bug into quarters with ease, a young girl's clear cry sounded behind him: "The uncle in front, get out of the way, don't get in the way!"

The smile on Feng's face immediately became stiff, and a petite figure passed by Feng with a gust of wind. The short light blonde hair was flying, and the girl who was blatantly stopped when she was about to hit a few tripworms. The air waves driven by the sudden brakes rose to the sky, making her blonde hair even more like flames! Haiwei turned around, her slender right leg was about to cut through the air, bringing up ripples in the air. When the right leg blasted straight out, all the ripples continued to converge in one place, eventually forming a circular shock wave as large as a round table. !

Hai Wei put her foot on the land car, most of the power penetrated the insect's body, and across the insect's body, the four or five land insects in the back were also blasted into flight. The insects that flew up in the air crackled and burst into pieces before they landed, splashing with blood from the sky.

Just after flying a bunch of insects, two self-explosive insects sneaked up behind Hai Wei. These insects are much more cunning than the land worms, they use the cover of land worms to sneak close to their prey, and then violently attack. Seeing that the self-explosive insects are about to explode~lightnovelpub.net~, there are a few black energy threads entwined around their bodies. As the energy thread suddenly tightened, it silently twisted the two insects into pieces.

The black hair was flying in the air, and the natural dumb girl with a delicate face but expressionless fell behind Hai Wei and said faintly: "After you have said how much you are, don't expose your back to the enemy casually."

Hai Wei stuck out her tongue and laughed: "What does it matter? I know Ye Liu will definitely be behind me!"

After speaking, the girl rushed to the worm pile near Su shén again. Ye Liu looked at the short blond hair and said softly, "But if one day, I won't be by your side?"

Obviously this is an unanswered question, and a rough voice interrupted Ye Liu's sentimentality: "Get out of the way. If you don't get away and get a stray bullet, don't look for Lao Tzu!"

Hearing this sound, Ye Liu immediately flashed a few meters away. The next moment, the roar of the revolving machine gun sounded behind, and hundreds of bullets with strong kinetic energy tore the air and blasted into the Zerg army, immediately shoveling down pieces of insects like a bulldozer. Watching the corpse of the insect flying in front of him, Brown, who was biting a cigarette, comfortably spit out a smoke ring from his mouth: "Damn, it's so happy!"