War Lord

Chapter 542: 强援  2

[Thanks to "zth140", "User 64329813", "Demon Dance Liuhua", "Xiao Jingxin", "Yiqi Discuss" and other big monthly ticket support! In addition, please subscribe again o(∩_∩)o Ha! 】

Staley slowly followed behind the few of them, watching the scene where the sword light flickered and the bullets flying in front of him, he habitually wanted to touch the wine bottle. But I found that the metal wine bottle in my jacket pocket had only an empty shell, so I shook my head with a wry smile, and then sighed: "Zero, this kid is really lucky. Where did he come from such a group of sentimental and righteous subordinates? It's really enviable the chapter of a novel."

While speaking, a group of land worms carefully bypassed the gang of them who were mad, and rushed towards the drunkard, Starley. The latter covered his forehead with his hand: "It hurts my brain, do I seem to be so bullied?"

Even though he said that, Staley raised his leg straight, his toes raised high, when the first land traveller was a few meters away. Staley's erected foot suddenly pressed down, the heel tore the air, and even pulled out a milky white wave because of the speed of breaking through the sound barrier!

This ripple was half-moon-shaped, and instantly submerged into the land traveler's body. The land worm's body was stiff at first, and then as if cut open by a sharp weapon, it turned into two neat corpses. Behind it, more than a dozen insects were affected by the energy shock released by Starley, and they were bombed in the air, and then turned into shattered corpses and fell to the ground. At this time, the sharp sound of breaking through the air was long overdue.

There is no doubt that the destruction of the capable is huge. However, the protagonist of this war was not them, but the murloc army that kept surging behind Starley. Under the command of Baltimore, this army broke through the sea of ​​insects abruptly and continued to kill towards the high ground. Compared with the army of Kazeroth, the number of Gregnia is much smaller.

After seeing Merlin capture Ademili in Storm Fortress, Baltimore immediately sent people to Greentown for help, while he and Starley and others followed the zero left signal generator all the way north. And one night before they were about to walk out of the Turashi Mountain, the reinforcements from the Green Capital arrived in time. This is a force composed of three thousand five hundred murloc swordsmen and one thousand long-range support soldiers. The number of less than five thousand people is indeed not too obvious when facing a sea of ​​worms with as many as twenty to thirty thousand. Advantage. However, regardless of the murloc swordsman or the long-range support soldier, the quality of the soldiers of this Ludu army is far better than that of the land worms and self-explosive worms.

Under the command of Baltimore, three murloc fighters and a long-range support soldier formed an independent combat unit. Often three swordsmen stabbed up and suppressed the enemy's bugs. At the same time, the long-range arms would make up a deadly shot in the rear, making the entire combat unit advance very quickly. Baltimore himself led five hundred murloc swordsmen to form a fast-moving force. They rushed back and forth in the worm sea, forcibly tore Kazeroth’s feet to pieces, and then was wiped out by thousands of combat units. .

Soon, Layden discovered this support army, and because of their reappearance, most of the insect army in the high underground began to focus on the fighting center of the Green Capital reinforcement army from the south.

After slaying several landline insects in succession, Su had already seen the high ground full of insects from a distance. She took a deep breath, and the blood-red light on the sword seemed to resonate with the ups and downs of her breathing, and the flow of energy and flames continued to increase. When Su exhaled, the original outline of the epee was no longer visible, and Su seemed to be holding a flurry of light in his hand.

A light that destroys everything!

Close your arms and sweep!

The action that couldn't be more succinct, but released more than a dozen continuous strips of sad red light from Su's hand. They instantly swept across the sea of ​​insects in front of them, slicing hundreds or more of insects into hundreds of corpses, and then gathered into a stream of scarlet energy in the middle. The torrent of energy turns on the ground and outlines a clear arc, and then whizzes across the stone wall on the south side of the plateau, taking away the bugs located in front of the torrent’s propulsion track, and finally blasting straight into the sky, diving into the sky and disappearing into the clouds. not see.

In Zero's eyes, the trajectory of this torrent of energy was clearly reflected. The familiar breath passed from the torrent, so that Zero's spirit was refreshed. That was the so-called Thunder Slash, as the iconic ability of the Destroyer, it was still so overbearing. In the red light rising into the sky, at least hundreds of insects' bodies were annihilated invisible by energy.

Reached forward and caught it, just holding onto the forelegs of a land trip insect. With zero force, he pulled back, and the insect suddenly fell to the ground. The battleship artillery in his hand stretched forward, and it shot a shot on the big head of the insect. The bullet blasted the land traveler through, and it continued to castrate, and then passed through the body of another worm behind him before it exploded, but it was a burst bomb.

The explosive power of the blast bomb made the alloy warhead distorted and shattered, generating fragments that sputtered on all sides, and immediately exploded blood holes in the bodies of several nearby bugs.

Ling Jiang kicked the bug away, and Alloy Heavy was too late to issue a second blow, and it was used as an iron rod in his hand. He swept it and swept it, and then flew out a land zodiac bomb. The worm's head collapsed in half, and it seemed that it could not survive. But immediately, its position was replaced by a new bug. Looking around, the entire camp is densely packed with insects from Kazeroth!

"Everyone hold on, our reinforcements are coming! Do you see the energy flow just now? That's the signal!" Zero shouted, and then shot another, blasting the first few bugs into sludge.

Now, hundreds of Tukzu warriors have formed a circle to protect women and children in the middle. Zero, Tuxian, and Mei Lin are interspersed on the periphery of the defense line. They are the most powerful force in the entire defense line, and they are also the solid pillars that have supported the round formation to this day. Otherwise, just these hundreds of Tukzu fighters would have to smash a large number of bugs abruptly shortly after the start of the battle.

Hearing Zero's words, the Tukzu warriors lifted their spirits. They let out a roar of letting go of their lives and widened the circle of battle by several meters. It's just that the good times didn't last long, and a large number of bugs were soon forced back. Under this kind of attack that hardly stops for a moment, there are multiple attacks falling from the head every moment. Avoidance and defense are no longer options. Only offense can gain breathing space.

The Trojan warriors have already started to reduce their personnel. As long as one carelessness is required, the Planks will use their forelimbs to pick up the warriors. Once it falls into the swarm, even advanced fighters will be torn to pieces in an instant. The gallery fighters can only keep shrinking the circle to reduce the attack surface. In the contact battle that lasted less than half an hour, the Tukzu warriors were already scarred, and the three strongest men also had a lot of color on their bodies.

Among the three, Merlin was the most injured. However, the wound on his body was bestowed by Bilaiden, and the land worm was not qualified to inflict serious wounds on the Red Duke's body. It's just that the injury caused by Layden made the archduke's movements not as flexible as usual. He had to rely on the cover of nearby Tukzu fighters, attacking from time to time, and occasionally sending out a ripple of energy to repel the enemy.

Tuxian was relatively flexible, and the patriarch occasionally crashed into the Zerg with his agile body skills and then retreated. His high-frequency blade is best at close combat, and the worms are all disintegrated as he flicks his hands. But even so, after each attack, Tu will more or less leave new injuries on his body. This is also helpless, after all, there are too many bugs.

Only Zero is the best, thanks to the Naga exoskeleton. The black exoskeleton armor on his body is comparable to the alloy. Although the forelegs of the land worm are sharp, each time it hits, it can only rub a white mark on the black bone. After experiencing a series of fierce battles, although the exoskeleton on Ling's body left many criss-crossing marks, it did not cause him to suffer slight injuries.

But even if there is no injury, the uninterrupted battle has caused the physical energy to plummet. This is an indisputable fact and cannot be compensated by any technique. Although under Agradis’s transformation, his right eye has been able to absorb the light in the space and transform it into the energy he needs, but the amount of supplementation is far from keeping up with the rate of consumption. For Zero, he is completely pregnant. Salaries for cars make ends meet.

If he is like this, the consumption of other people is even greater.

After killing another round, Tu returned to the circle and gasped, "No, there are too many bugs. If we fight again, I am afraid that the reinforcements have not arrived yet, we have become worms!"

Ling killed a bug, and then bombarded and killed several land worms. With a flick of his left wrist, several Nagas Bone Spurs shot out and nailed the two self-explosive insects that were about to sneak attack to the ground. Then there was time to say: "It's up to now, only if you rush out. Now the situation has changed, and then you will defend the high ground. It is purely unwise. On the contrary, as long as we can rush to the ground and join the reinforcements, there will be a silver lining!"

"Zero is right, let's decide now!" Merlin roared~lightnovelpub.net~ waved an axe and chopped a landline worm into two pieces, and then picked a few bugs. Flew out. After this action, more blood leaked from the wound on his body and began to drip to the ground.

Tu first smiled bitterly: "Is there any room for me to choose now?"

He shouted again: "Listen to the Tukzu fighters, we are going to move our position. The senior fighters act as forwards and attack with all their strength in the direction of the gate. As long as the others get to the ground and meet the reinforcements, we have a chance to survive! If you don’t want to die, give me all my strength and go!"

As the patriarch shouted, the circle began to rotate. The only five remaining senior fighters of the Gallery Clan came to the front of the formation facing the gate through personnel rotation. Tuxian took the lead and launched a charge, while Merlin and Ling guarded the left and right wings, together with other fighters, maintaining an oval shape. The formation rushed towards the gate!

Tu rushed to the forefront of the formation first, waving his hands at an unimaginable high speed. The high-frequency blade attached to the hand pulls out air cutting, cutting the insects in front of them into pieces. And the fish that slipped through the net were solved by five high-level fighters. But only 100 meters away, the insect army of Kazeroth launched a intensive attack, which immediately increased the pressure on the array.

At this moment, the array is less than a hundred meters away from the camp gate!