War Lord

Chapter 544: Evidence 2

The buzzing of energy continued to sound on the battlefield, and rows of lights crossed the battlefield like flames, harvesting the lives of countless insect army. With the cooperation of a trio of Murloc Swordsmen, Ludu's long-range support soldier is the **** of death on the battlefield. The arrows of their beam weapons are not false, the terrifying penetration of the energy beams and the high temperature of up to thousands of degrees, even the stubborn vitality of the Zerg has become fragile under these beams.

But the destructive power of the Ludu army was only comparable to that of a squad composed of purely capable people. In the absence of worries, their combat power is brought to the fullest in the novel chapters. This team is like a storm of destruction, wherever they go, death is like a shadow.

Of course, those who are favored by death are their opponents.

Among this team, nothing is more dazzling than plain. The Destroyer is born a fierce general on the battlefield. After opening the destructive posture and the aura of war intent, Su is simply like a human-type killing machine. Between the epee swings wrapped in the energy flame, the continuous scarlet light swept across the battlefield, silently turning a large swath of insects into a corpse.

The occasional thunder slash is a big killer to clear the battlefield. First, it issued a continuous sword energy slash, and then gathered into a torrent of energy like a mad dragon. When the Thunder Slash disappears, there will often be a very wide vacuum on the battlefield.

It is no exaggeration to say that a single person is equivalent to a legion.

Even among those with the same level of ability, only the higher level of the element domain can be compared.

Covered by this dazzling light, the performance of other abilities has become dim and dull, even if there is no enemy under the magical Maple sword, even if Starley's heavy fist is also a big death. But at this moment, Suwan is eye-catching!

On the battlefield, it is undoubtedly the most exciting thing to have such a fierce powerhouse like Pixel. The thunder slash that did not appear has become the point of the sword. Whenever the torrent of red energy passes over the battlefield, the murloc warriors in the green capital will be boosted. Invisible, they Both the combat power and momentum have improved a lot.

In this way, the reinforcements with the so-called forwards have penetrated into the hinterland of the battlefield and smashed towards the obvious high ground.

The arrival of reinforcements, especially those with abilities like pixels active on the battlefield, is undoubtedly a huge pressure for Kaizeroth. But now, it is not Lyden who is under this pressure, but the adjutant of General Zong Country.

Leiden and Tuxian were in a battle early, and as Merlin appeared after a short break and intervened in the battle circle, Leiden was one enemy two, and the pressure immediately increased, so there was no thought to command the army. Therefore, this burden falls on the adjutant. But for most alien races, their warfare methods are very single. There are several tactics that come and go, which are far less than the art of war that humans have accumulated from history. .

So now seeing that the enemy's battle formation killed the green capital's reinforcements, the adjutant had no idea for a while. Fortunately, there is Betsy standing next to him. Although Betsy is not a good commander, at least as a human, he still knows some common sense of tactics. At present, the battle formation on the Kazeroth side has almost been cut in half by the Green Capital Army, but now, because the Green Capital Army has gone too deep into the hinterland, they are advancing at a speed that is still dominant in the number of insects. It has not come as soon as the original.

Bei Qi aided him and asked the adjutant to gather the army that had been dispersed by Ludu, and gathered them into a huge force to counterattack the Ludu reinforcements from behind. In this way, it can form an encirclement with the army in the hinterland. As long as the speed of the Ludu army is dragged over, and then suppressed by the advantage of quantity. When the spirit of the support army was exhausted, the victory of Kaizeroth was only a matter of time.

After listening to the adjutant, he happily issued the order. But Betsy didn't smile. It was just a result measured by normal conditions, but now on the battlefield, there are too many variables that affect the outcome of this war. First of all, the team composed of capable people, without the suppression of strong people of the same level, would kill them without knowing how many insects' lives would have to be sacrificed. Followed by the Taku family on the slope, and zero three strong.

Currently, Layden is holding back Tuxian and Merlin. As long as zero is removed, the others are not a concern. Thinking of this, Betsy ejected a high-temperature ray and fell into the Tukzu’s battlefield. He immediately killed a few soldiers and a dozen women and children in seconds, and successfully attracted zero attention. Betsy's five fingers are wide, and the elemental beams are sent out in succession. He wants to take advantage of zero after a series of battles, regardless of physical strength or energy has fallen to the bottom of the disadvantage, to kill him.

For Betsy, this is an excellent opportunity.

As we all know, for those who are mainly capable of long-range attacks, they all use the four basic methods of long-range suppression, evasive attack, search for flaws, and full force to kill the enemy as the battle rhythm. And because of the different abilities that are good at, there are subtle differences between the capable people, but in general, the battle basically follows the above rhythm.

Betsy knows that Zero is also a long-range strike capable person, but unlike his ability, Zero is more inclined to sniper. In previous contact battles, Betsy has seen zero sniper methods. Basically, as long as zero enough environment and conditions are given, almost all players of the same level can kill with one shot. Peder Fanny, who died on Mount Turache not long ago, is an example, and Betsy was impressed.

The zero fighting rhythm can be said to be inclined to find flaws and fully kill the enemy. If you want to counter him, then the most direct way is to prevent him from entering these two links, so Betsy is half the victory. In this environment, Betsy can do this easily.

After attracting Zero’s attention, Betsy’s use of elemental beams, a low-level but extremely high-frequency ability to interfere with Zero’s movements, can be said to be the most correct tactic. But to his surprise, Zero did not evade, but rushed towards him against the elemental beam. Zero's movements are very complicated and changeable, and every time you step, you can always step on the space not covered by the element beam, forcing Betsy to have to adjust the point of the beam according to the position of zero, which is actually at the disadvantage of passiveness. situation.

But more importantly, Zero One changed his previous fighting style, which made Betsy very uncomfortable.

There was a strange golden symbol floating in the right eye of Zero. The symbol flickered from time to time. Each time it flickered, the attack coordinates deduced by the prophet would appear in Zero's mind. What Zero needs to do is to avoid these coordinates and get close to Betsy. He wants to end the battle in a short time. Obviously, it is difficult to suppress Betsy, the ashes spreader, using previous combat methods. Therefore, he changed his strategy and launched a personal offensive against Betsy using the increased defense, strength, speed and other basic abilities during the action of the Naga Genome.

Betsy made a mistake in judgment and missed the first opportunity. When Zero dashed down the slope, crossed the battlefield of Raiden's trio, evaded Betsy's interception with the ability of the prophet, and successfully cut into his defense range, the battle was over from the beginning.

The soles of the feet were on the ground, and the ground was torn apart by Zero, and the impulse gained in exchange made Zero tore the air like a water-breaking boat, pulling out a faint figure and rushing towards Bei Qi with great speed. Betsy snorted, and a mysterious symbol flashed in the depths of his pupils. Suddenly, a high-temperature barrier was immediately activated. This kind of concealed and no dead-angle energy field is the top defense method that Betsy can master.

Only when Betsy activated the high temperature barrier, the symbol in Zero's right eye also flickered. The prophet received the energy changes in the space environment and drew several conclusions after a series of derivations. The second conclusion, the "high temperature barrier", was immediately recognized by zero, but he did not slow down because of this. Instead, with a wave of his hand, three bone spurs flashed out, hitting Betsy's high temperature barrier with the same drop.

There is no suspense, as soon as the bone spurs enter the barrier, a bright flame is lit up, which is the repulsive force of the barrier. The bone spurs quickly dissipated, and the three bone spurs only created an inconspicuous ripple on the high temperature barrier. An awe-inspiring divine light flashed in Zero's eyes, his five fingers folded into a palm knife, and he stabbed straight to the center of the ripple!

During this process, the gray stratum corneum of Zero's whole body continued to shrink and shrink. This movement extended from the sole of the foot all the way up, and finally ended in the palm of Zero's attack. Through the contraction of the stratum corneum, Naga's special force system converges a huge force into the zero palm.

The hand knife suddenly disappeared, and for a moment, Betsy thought it had plunged into a mysterious space. But then it appeared in the high-temperature barrier, along the energy ripples created by the impact of the three bone spurs, and continued to expand the cracks in the high-temperature barrier.

This is the direct impact of energy, there is no room for buffering, only the most primitive force collision! The high temperature barrier immediately turned the stratum corneum covered on the zero palm from gray to charred, and then burst into pieces, exposing the flesh and blood inside; while the hand knife continued to penetrate the barrier, trying to isolate the barrier between Betsy and the outside world. Create a channel on the top.

This is a deadly passage!

Betsy knew this very well. When the battlefield between the two shifted to the offense and defense of the high-temperature barrier, the Ash Spreader did not hesitate to transfer all the energy to the reinforcement of the barrier.

Lingzhi felt like he had plunged into the hot magma with one hand. As the cuticle of Naga was damaged, the flesh and blood of his palm began to melt. Knowing that it won't take long, Ling will turn to his phalanx. Following the high temperature, it will destroy his arm along the way, and it may melt his whole person in an instant.

At this moment, there was no retreat, and a thin golden flame spewed from his right eye, and all the energy poured into his arm.

"Go to me!"

Zero yelling, power exploded.

In Betsy's wide-open eyes, he clearly saw zero hand through the high temperature barrier. Even though most of the cuticle of this arm has been scorched black and burst, even if the palm of the hand has melted, the front end has already exposed the phalanx. But the hand knife managed to pass through the barrier after all, and sank into Betsy's chest like a burning knife. At the next moment, Betsy could feel that the burning palm had gently held his heart!

As long as one grasps it, Betsy will die too much. In this short moment, he lifted the high temperature barrier and shouted: "Don't kill me, I have proof that Tyre is the mastermind behind the scenes!"

At this time, Zero had already shrunk his palm. But when he heard this sentence, he immediately stopped all actions. With his hand still on Betsy’s chest, he looked at him coldly: "So you are also afraid of death?"

Betsy smiled bitterly: "I just have a reason to live."

"So let's talk about it, what kind of evidence is it?" This is indeed a huge temptation for Zero. If it can be proved that Tyre's plot to plan this war is out of his own ambitions, then let As It is not impossible for Ghat to retreat. Although Zero agreed to Ademili's trip to the Green City, in fact, how to prove that Tyre was the mastermind behind the scenes and let the army including Doomhammer voluntarily retreat has always been a deadlock.

Now, Betsy says he has the key to open the knot. How could Zero not be heartbeat, but he is not a fool, as long as Betsy can't come up with real evidence, he doesn't mind crushing the man's heart immediately.

A scarlet line of blood flowed from the corner of Betsy's mouth, and Zero's light grip just now made him suffer serious injuries. He did not dare to move rashly, for fear of causing zero misunderstanding, he organized the wording more carefully: "Listen, that is a record of communication between me and him. It contains his voice and video intact, just show this This evidence, Tyre is absolutely irrelevant. But to be on the safe side, I did not keep it by my side. If you are willing to let me go, I can give it to you."

"Are you very cautious? You still keep such a hand."

"To be honest, this is my last amulet."

"But why should I trust you?" Ling asked the most critical question.

Betsy sighed: "You really are a shrewd guy. Finally, you still have to take this step. Of course you can trust me, because"

The ashes spreader suddenly shook his whole body ~lightnovelpub.net~A faint blood mist sprayed out from every inch of skin. And more importantly, Zero felt that his energy level dropped suddenly, not because of a temporary drop caused by energy exhaustion, but because of a decline in ability caused by the huge trauma. Another symbol rises in Zero's right eye, and the wave energy detected by the structure falls on Betsy's body, and the man's body data is immediately exposed in Zero's eye.

Even a person as calm and calm as Zero could not help but be slightly surprised at this moment: "You have destroyed part of your genes?"

This can be regarded as a small-scale genetic shock. At least half of the gene chain in Betsy has suffered huge trauma. This kind of trauma is not enough to cause the gene to collapse, but the ability to regress is absolute, and Betsy's gene becomes very unstable as a result. With luck, he may still live for seven or eight years. Luck is a little bit, maybe there will be a complete gene breakdown when I get up tomorrow.

It can be said that Betsy revealed his biggest trump card. Zero is very clear about what it means for a person with the ability to stand at the height of the eighth level. In addition to the decline in strength, it is also related to one's own glory and dignity. But Betsy did this. From another perspective, Zero can be sure that his attachment to life has overwhelmed everything.

He doesn't look like a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death. What kind of reason is that for such a man to live anyway?