War Lord

Chapter 547: Interlude  3

As soon as they entered the village, a dozen and a half-old children ran out of their house shouting joyfully, and then went around a few times.レm♠思♥路♣客レBetsy’s face was a little embarrassed, and said to them: "Go and go, this time I stopped by and came back, but I didn’t bring you any gifts."

Although there were a little disappointed expression on each of the little faces, the children ran away laughing and joking. Looking strangely at the man in front of him, Betsy pulled on the brim of the cowboy hat with his hands, lowered his head and said softly: "The resources in the village are very limited, and I have to compete with the alien beast for territory. Since I am sensible. Everyone is too bad. Until I met him, I was able to use the money earned from him to improve the village. Now everyone’s life is much better than before, but it’s a pity that I can’t help them much anymore. "

Zero looked at him up and down like he met Betsy on the first day. The latter laughed and said, "Don't look at me like that. I can be merciless to people outside, but these people are the only people I can't do. And without them. , I think I've become a madman like Peder Fanny a long time ago. At least, with these family members, I won't feel empty."..

Zero silence.

Indeed, if there is no ties and checks and balances with too great power, people will go crazy. The main reason is the emptiness in my heart that constantly devours the soul like a black hole. In order to fill the emptiness in their hearts, many people have become lunatics who only know **** or yù, but these things never fill the hole in their hearts.

So the hole will only get bigger and bigger, in the end it can't help but devour others and ruin myself.

The bald man who had stopped a few people on the sentry tower carried a machine gun and walked to Betsy's side, and then carefully glanced at them. Betsy said lightly: "It's rude, LaVille, they are my guests."

"Well, guest. This is the first time your kid has brought a guest here in so many years. It's really surprising." LaVille laughed and punched Betsy: "How long are you going to stay this time? Maya knows. You must be so happy when you come back, eh"

Betsy gave the big man a punch and pushed him back several steps, even more than he could hold him from behind so that he didn't fall. This is why LaVille was surprised. He looked up and down at Betsy and frowned, "Are you injured?"

Lavelle is the strongest man in this village except Betsy, but he only has Tier 4 power. And he knew that Betsy was an eighth rank strong, not to mention receiving a punch from him, even standing and letting him hit ten punches and a hundred punches would not frown. But now, a light punch made the man back again and again. The weakness that came out of Betsy's body was clearly conveyed to the big man's head through Lavelle's fist. He is curious, who can hurt Betsy?

Betsy smiled bitterly, but said jokingly: "Yeah, I have suffered a serious injury. I don't plan to leave again this time. You will all have to support me in the future, just as I helped everyone before. Interest."

"What stupid thing to say, as long as we have something to eat, we will definitely not miss you. But this hurts."

"Don't ask my friend." Betsy said lightly: "I remember you should go hunting at this time. The active period of those wild beasts is approaching in the year. I remember that there are several mountain wolves nearby. You seem to have to clean them up first."

"Okay, okay, I'll find a few lads and leave. Greet Maya for me." Lavelle smiled honestly and waved goodbye.

"He always talks a lot, but he is very nice. When I am away, he takes care of Maya for me. By the way, Maya is my wife." When Betsy said this, his face was relaxed. Come, smile from the heart. As if thinking of something, he added: "Sorry, she doesn't know what I'm doing outside? So if I can, I hope."

"I just want that thing and other things, we won't talk too much." Zero interrupted him, and said lightly.

Betsy signed and said sincerely, "Thank you."

He walked through most of the village with a few people, and almost everyone who saw Betsy greeted him, regardless of age or sex. Judging by the kind smiles on everyone's faces, Betsy is very much loved by them in the village. After all, everything that this man had for working hard outside was used in this village, and naturally no one would dislike him.

Finally, they stopped in front of the only two-story house in the village. On the balcony on the second floor, a woman was drying clothes. Her movements are not swift, on the contrary, she is very slow. You always have to feel for something with your hands, and only put your clothes on a wooden pole after making sure. However, her hearing is very keen. She was on the second floor, but she heard the footsteps downstairs.

So the woman lowered her head, this is a graceful face. It's not pretty, but it's very fresh and gives people a very comfortable feeling. She has long linen hair and soft hair, which is exactly the same as her temperament. It's just that she was blank in her big eyes. She looked down but didn't know who was coming. The woman smiled and asked, "Is it Lavelle? Stop pretending, I heard your footsteps."

Betsy's eyes were dark.

Ling looked at the woman, then at Betsy, who said lightly: "Maya was born in a cave. It can be said that her childhood has been spent in a dark environment, so her eyes have deteriorated."

Although Betsy's voice is not high, the woman upstairs has already heard it. Her expression froze, and tears came from Dou Da: "Betsy, is Betsy you?"

"It's me, dear!" Betsy said loudly, "I'm back, and I will never leave you again!"

The woman yelled happily, then turned around and fumbled into the room. After a while, the door downstairs opened and Maya ran out and rushed into Betsy's arms. Seeing the two of them hugging each other tightly, the three of them were speechless.

Sometimes, happiness is not necessarily inexhaustible money, or inexhaustible power, or the highest power controller. Happiness can sometimes be a trivial thing, such as the ability of two people who love to hug each other tightly. For them, this moment is happy.

Just like these two people hugging each other in front of Zero's eyes, even if the world is destroyed in the next moment. At least at this time, it is enough to be able to listen to each other's heartbeats and feel each other's body temperature.

For a long time, the two people reluctantly separated. Maya realized that Betsy did not come back by herself, and asked in surprise, "Who are these?"

"My friend. Maya, go and prepare dinner for us." Betsy said with a smile.

Maya nodded happily: "Betsy has never brought a friend back. Great, Betsy, you take these friends to the living room to sit down, I'll go to prepare dinner right away. It happened that LaVille had some shares last night. Give me the wolf meat, I marinated it, and it just happens to be used as a steak for you to eat."

Excitedly greeted a few people into the house, and Maya went to the kitchen busy. The living room in the house is not big and the decoration is also very ordinary, but it is warm everywhere. Whether it is a hand-woven cloth cushion, a flower basket made by yourself, or a bouquet of wild flowers placed in the flower basket, the owner's intentions are everywhere. In Zero's view, these things are more valuable than expensive commodities.

Betsy's eyes showed a faint soft light, and his fingers stroked the tender wild flowers: "She is always like this. She can't see her eyes, but she can always set up the warmest picture in the home. You know? Every time. When I was leaving, I thought it was a cruel choice."

"If it were I would feel the same way. A warm home, a woman who loves you. I would rather trade the whole world for such wealth." Ling said indifferently.

Betsy nodded: "Yes, it's a pity that many times we can't help it. So every time I leave cruelly, but this time, I have no choice, I must stay forever."

Betsy felt relieved when he said this.

Feng coughed at this moment and said, "Excuse me, Mr. Betsy. Do you think you can give us that important thing first, and then you can tell the old story with your wife?"

Betsy hit his head and smiled: "Sorry, I almost forgot to do business. You guys wait a moment."

After speaking, he walked to the door, squatted down, and took off the carpet at the entrance. Betsy fumbled on the ground, pressing down with his hand. A slap-sized floor tile sank, and then a hidden grid opened. Betsy reached into the hidden grid on the ground, and a moment later he picked up a box.

He didn't conceal anything during the whole process. After closing the secret compartment, Betsy put the box on the table in the living room and moved it to Zero's eyes.

Zero opened the box, and there was a file access device in it. Betsy said: "I make a backup of every communication and store it in this little thing. You can take it and have a look. If you send it back to Asgart for a technical appraisal, it can be used as evidence against him. ."

After a pause, Betsy said solemnly, "But I hope you can kill him on the battlefield. You know, it doesn't hurt you to me, doesn't it?"

"Thank you for the evidence." Zero took it up and handed it to Feng.

Feng took out a pocket brain and connected the access device. Zero continued: "But how to deal with it, I can't give you an accurate answer now. I can only say, try not to cause you trouble. Not for you, but for your wife."

Betsy gave a slight sign, and then nodded vigorously, "Thank you. But I have never brought anyone to this place. He probably wouldn't know that I am hiding here. But you, take it as my advice. Don't let it. He opens the domain, and if he must fight, he must be culled with all his strength in the first place!"

At this time, Feng's intellectual brain began to generate images. He moved Zhinao in front of Zero's eyes, and Zero directly used fast forward. Anyway, with the data processing speed of his brain, he can record all these images by browsing. After only a few minutes, Zero had already read a large number of communication records. In these videos, although Tyre has always avoided showing himself in the window, he has even modified his appearance through instruments in many cases. I have to say that this person is very cautious, even when communicating with his subordinates, he has made changes to his voice and appearance. But no matter if you modify the voice or appearance, you can still restore it if you compare it with a dense instrument.

What's more, there are times when people who know clearly are negligent. In these years of communication records, there are exactly one or two scenes that reveal Tyre's true face. And this is the proof that Betsy used to protect himself, but now he has transferred it to Zero.

After reading it, Ling nodded in satisfaction. With this evidence in hand, he was not afraid of Tyre denying it. The only thing to worry about is Douglas' intentions, if he wants to follow the boat and expand the territory with Tyre's hand. So instead of ending this war, it will get worse and worse.

When the time comes, how should the zero pair deal with it?

There is no answer to this question for the time being, and now I can only take one step and count one step.

Soon after, a strong smell of meat came from the kitchen. Maya came out of the kitchen and said, "Betsy, help me clean up the table. I will be able to eat soon."

"Okay, dear," Betsy said cheerfully.

Night fell.

Few people have not eaten much in order to hurry up these days. On the road, he either used nutrients to fill his hunger, or just called in a few snow beasts and roasted them indiscriminately. Just to satisfy hunger, but not delicious. But the meat steak cooked by Maya tonight is different. After being beaten and marinated with the meat of the wolf, the meat steak is not only delicious, but also exudes the aroma of the seasoning, which makes people smell it. I couldn't help but move my index finger.

After this meal, Feng alone ate four steaks. He gobbled it up like he hadn't eaten for a few months, and finally couldn't stand it anymore. If he hadn't coughed, I'm afraid that when Maya smiled and pushed her steak toward Feng, this guy would shamelessly take it all.

After finishing the meal, Zero got up and said goodbye. Maya heard that they were about to leave, and said in surprise: "Why is it so urgent? It's already very late now~lightnovelpub.net~ It's not safe to walk in the mountains at night. You'd better stay one night and wait until tomorrow morning. ."

For this kind and docile woman, she had no good feelings, she smiled and said: "No, we still have something urgent to deal with, so I won't bother you and Mr. Betsy."


What else Maya wanted to say, Betsy tapped her mouth lightly with her finger, and said softly: "Just let them go. Don't underestimate them, each of them has the power not to lose to me. Oh."

Hearing that Betsy was so good, the hospitable woman nodded and said, "Okay, then please be careful."

Betsy and Maya kept sending them to the entrance of the village, and when the three of them moved away, Maya's soft laughter sounded in their ears, it seemed that Betsy had said something to make her happy. With a slight smile, this village really makes people feel very warm. Zero hoped that they would be able to survive this way, and when they returned to the foot of the Tulash Mountain, the smile on Zero's face had disappeared.

For him, Betsy and Maya and the village are just an episode in his life. It may be very warm, and I will never forget it in the future. However, when he set foot on the Turashi Mountain again, the cruel world was waiting for him again!