War Lord

Chapter 548: Brothers 1

It was late at night, and a mountain wolf was curled up in its lair, sleeping deep. The relatives of レm♠思♥路♣客レ are much sturdier, and they are covered in gray and white long hair. Their powerful limbs can spring out their claws like black gold, so that the wolf can Tear the body of the prey. The metamorphosis beasts in the tundra have the ability to affinity with the ice element, and the mountain wolf is no exception. These beasts living on high mountains can spray low-temperature freezing fog. For other abnormal beasts, the threat of low-temperature freezing fog to them is limited. But for human beings, when ordinary people are sprayed by the freezing mist, their limbs will become stiff and their movements will slow down. At this time, they are destined to become a delicious meal for mountain wolves.

The mountain wolf, like its other relatives, has a very sensitive sense of smell. Even in a deep sleep, the smell that drifts into the nose with the air will be analyzed by the nerve center to draw various conclusions. At this time, the mountain wolf suddenly woke up with a shock, because it smelled the human scent. ..

Of course, there will be humans living in the tundra. But compared to the various higher beings that have evolved wisdom, human beings are too scarce both in terms of quantity and distribution. Even many alien races occasionally mopped up humans in order to take them back and use them as slaves. As far as mountain wolves are concerned, they prefer to treat humans as delicious food.

Their blood and meat are rare ingredients, even if the bones are chewed, they are endlessly memorable. This mountain wolf remembered a person he had eaten recently. It was already last year. But until now, it is still obsessed with it.

In the darkness, there were a few more flashes. Those are two little wolves and a female wolf. They are the family of this male mountain wolf. The mountain wolf hunts for food not only for themselves, but also to continue their family. It stood up and made a few low calls into the darkness, signalling the cubs and she-wolves to stay in the nest. It was wagging its tail, and slowly poked out from the hidden place.

Mountain wolf's night vision ability is very good, it has two different visions. At night, infrared vision allows it to see a blood-sucking mosquito 100 meters away. In the daytime, a layer of shading film will drop behind the eyelids to reduce the damage to the eyes caused by the snow from the sky.

Now, the infrared vision of the mountain wolf was activated, and three figures appeared in its sight.

It inhabits on the mountain. In order to facilitate hunting, it usually keeps its home not far from the foot of the mountain. The **** here is large, and when a suitable prey is found passing by, it can be impacted by diving acceleration. Now, the mountain wolf was lying on the ground with his belly tightly pressed against the ground. The coldness of the ground makes it jīng trembling, it is very excited, but by no means reckless.

There are three people on the other side, walking up the hillside. The distribution of one front and two backs is destined to only pounce on the man in front, but when evacuating, it needs to ring a man and a woman behind it. After all, the two men carried what should be weapons on their backs. But there was no long-barreled shotgun that scared the mountain wolf. Last year, it tried to attack several humans and eventually let it kill one person, but when it left, the deceased's companion used a shotgun to kill the leg.

This incident made it remember deeply, and at the same time, it knew that human gunpowder weapons were very powerful, even if it was such a strong guy, it would be dead if it was hit in the head. Among the three people in Poxia, except for the man walking in the front with a similar weapon on his back, the other two were obviously holding cold weapons of swords, which also strengthened the decision of the mountain wolf to regard the first man as the target of the attack. .

It is waiting, the patience of the mountain wolf has always been very good. It can do it even if it squats in the ice and snow for a day, and it waits patiently. Fifty meters is its best attack distance. It can snap the man's throat instantly, and then drag the corpse of the prey into the mountain before the other two can react. After the companion of the deceased left, it dragged the prey home. In this way, his family will not be afraid of running out of food for the next month.

What a perfect plan. The wisdom of the mountain wolf is not enough to understand the word plan, but for it, it is a tactic, often used and tried and tested.

Finally, waiting patiently. The footsteps were getting closer and closer, when the leading man appeared at a suitable distance. The mountain wolf violently rises, kicking the ground with its powerful hind feet, stepping on a blizzard. It leaned forward and used the **** of the hill to maximize its speed, like a flash of white electricity, and the mountain wolf had arrived in an instant.

Pushing on the back foot again, the mountain wolf jumped up and fell towards the man in a graceful arc. After half a second, it will clasp the prey's limbs with its sharp claws, and then bite his neck with sharp teeth, which will kill humans on the spot.

Everything seems so beautiful.

Until a female companion behind him flashed a red light on her fingers.

The mountain wolf still heard the sound of something cracking.

With a "hiss" sound, it felt very cold, and the surging vitality quickly faded away, so that the body that should have fallen on the man fell in its footsteps. It wants to breathe, but it feels that this ordinary movement is now quite difficult to do. Then there was a thick and warm liquid flowing from underneath, and the mountain wolf looked under him with difficulty, a patch of scarlet blood dyeing the snow red.

It was as bright red as the blood it shed when it hit a human with a shotgun, but this time, the blood seemed to bleed too much.

Before it had time to understand death, its brain ceased activity due to lack of oxygen. The mountain wolf will never know that the woman's random shot of light cut its throat like a sharp saber. It was a terrible wound that almost beheaded it!

Su clapped his hands and said to Feng Chao, "Bring it so we have something to eat tomorrow."

Feng showed an exaggerated expression and said, "You want me to carry a wolf corpse?"

"Do you want me as a lady to do this kind of thing?"

Su straightened up the proud Shuangfeng with a charming smile, and suddenly looked at Feng for a while. Then he looked up to the sky and slapped haha: "Lady?"

But in the end he walked towards the corpse, his hand still not touching the wolf corpse. Feng suddenly flashed aside, and another mountain wolf rushed down from the **** and bit at Feng fiercely. If Feng shrinks his hands slowly, I'm afraid he will bite him early. The mountain wolf pushed Feng back, but didn't chase, but lowered his head, made a choking sound from his throat and arched his head to the dead.

This is a female wolf. Feng just wanted to kill it, but he heard Ling say: "Forget it, the remaining nutrients are enough for us to reach the storm fortress. There is no need to bring cumbersome food."

Feng dismissed his attention, and the female wolf pushed the male wolf's body up the slope. The three people saw a hidden cave above. The she-wolf dragged the corpse into the cave and walked out again, staring at the three people below with faint red eyes.

"Let's go." Ling said lightly, just about to start. Suddenly, as if he had seen something, he quickly raised his head and looked in the direction of the she-wolf.

At some point, a tall figure appeared behind the she-wolf. It was a man, standing behind the she-wolf like a ghost, and there was an arc beating in his palm. He lightly patted the female wolf's head with the palm of his hand, and the female mountain wolf immediately trembled, and in the blink of an eye, a few wisps of black smoke rose up all over the body.

When the she-wolf fell to the ground, the man casually walked into the mountain wolf's cave. The next moment, a few electric lights popped out of the cave, and then he walked out again, looking at Ling and said lightly: "Your kindness will always kill yourself one day, Zero."

Zero's pupils shrunk slightly, and responded: "Cut weeds and roots may not be the only law of survival, do you think so, your honorable leader Sol?"

This is really hard to believe that Thor, the **** of thunder, appeared somewhere on the Turashi Mountain on this quiet night. No matter how you look at it, his arrival is not a good thing, but a huge change.

Sumo kept silent, she believed that Zero would handle everything; Feng was smiling, but a pair of eyes rolled on Saul, unscrupulously looking for the flaws in the legionnaire. Thorhun Ruo Mo realized, slowly walking up the slope: "Anyway, it's great to be able to see you again. You know, I rushed all the way, and finally found you before you reached the green. Then tell Where's Starley, am I killed by you?"

"Betrayer, zero!"

Yizheng, then shook his head and said: "I don't know what you are talking about, Sol. What betrayer, and Starley. He is still alive and well, in the Silent Continent to the north. If you don't believe it, Brother went there to find him by himself."

"Okay, let's put aside the life and death of Starley." Sol suddenly sighed and shouted: "Just tell me, Zero, why you betrayed Asgart!"

Ling Yi's face was cold, and said lightly: "Like what I said just now, Sol, I don't understand what you mean at all."

"Then let me tell you. Remember Rennes?"

"Ren?" Zero naturally remembered the Golden Tomahawk Centurion who disappeared at Hobbitstone: "We were separated from him at the market. Because of this incident, Captain Staley and I also signed a report jointly. , Let the soldiers take them back to the front and give them to you. Don’t you know?"

At this time it was Sol's turn to sign slightly: "You said Renn was missing, and Staley knew about it?"

"Obviously, Captain Starley and I were suddenly attacked by a large number of ice scale scorpions in the Hobbitstone market. When we cleaned up the monsters in the market, we found that the Rennes Centurion had disappeared, and he All members of the team including the adjutant died. Because of the seriousness of the situation, Captain Staley and I would jointly sign the report." Ling paused and frowned: "But now it seems that you did not receive that. A report?"

Sol showed a thoughtful expression: "It seems that things are a bit strange. If Starley also signs, then I can believe you for the time being. Listen, zero. You are in a bad situation now. Renn is back on the front line, and Accuse you of betraying Asgart. And the reason why I came here is to investigate this!"

Zero did not speak, and Su blurted out exclaimed: "This is impossible. Everything we do is done in accordance with the instructions. How could it be possible to betray Asgart."

Thor glanced at her, then stared at Ling: "Then can you tell me if you have betrayed us? Are you planning to take Ludu's celestial weapons as existing, and then use them to dominate the mainland? and , The reason why the three of you are here, all of this, I need a clear answer from you."

Hearing Saul say this, Zero smiled instead: "This is what Rennes pointed to me? I see, it turns out that's the case."

"Sol, I have not betrayed Asgart. Believe it or not." Zero took out an intellectual brain: "Secondly, we will appear here. It's all because of this. You came just right, so please take a look. It depends on me betraying or your best brother. Our supreme leader Tyr is using power for personal gain!"

Clicking on the communication record provided by Betsy, Ling handed Zhi Nao to Sol. Saul took over the brains in disbelief and browsed these records at a speed no less than zero. In these images, Tyre’s ambitions and yīn’s conspiracy were clearly recorded, including assigning Betsy and others to attack Zero, and having Bann disguised as Zero to attack Ren, so as to achieve the goal of framing Zero and a series of crimes.

"This war itself is a conspiracy, Thor. We, including you, all Doomhammer fighters have been used by your best brother and turned into a tool to realize his ambitions!" Zero loudly said: "Let's take a good look, Thor. We can't let this war go on. Do you know what the so-called celestial weapon in Ludu's hand is?"

"That is not a weapon at all, but an air purification device. The Gregnia call it Nethresian Shield. This is an important technology. If it can be promoted, these devices will be used globally. In the case of the node, we can artificially create an energy cover similar to the ozone layer. In this way, the atmosphere will be purified and resources will be reborn~lightnovelpub.net~ Humans and alien life can coexist. Then do you think, Is this war necessary?"

Sol did not answer. After watching all the videos, he said to himself: "So, not only did Tyr lie to me? He also lied to his father, including the whole Asgart?"

"This is very obvious."

"Really? But I think it's a joke." Saul suddenly laughed: "Zero, you shouldn't be naive to think that based on this unilateral so-called evidence, you want me to suspect that I grew up together. Brother?"

"Don't you think this is too ridiculous?" Thor's hand was beating with an electric arc, and after his brain crackled for a while, a wisp of black smoke popped out, announcing his scrap.

The faces of the three people in Zero changed, especially Zero. The difference in his face now is a bit worse than the encirclement of Kaizeroth.

Just because the only evidence that could prove Tyr and prove his innocence was so ruined in Thor's hands!

"Is the person slandering my brother nearby? Very good, like that shameful person, just let him disappear forever." Sol said calmly.