War Lord

Chapter 550: Brother 3

"God of War Tier!" On the roof, Hefitos didn't see how he exerted his strength, but the sound from his generous chest was like thunder, and it rolled out: "Today, this place is your graveyard!"

Wearing golden soft armor, Tyre puts his hands around his chest and smiled and said: "I can't tell, your human language is pretty good. レm♠思♥路♣客レHephytus, the owner of the Blackrock Temple Excuse me, open your eyes and take a good look. Whose cemetery is this?"

The flames are burning and the building is dumping. Human war machines are humming and rolling over from the ruins. From time to time, a wave of fire emerges from the artillery of the tank, or the scream of missiles from the tactical armored vehicle. What they bring is destruction. And destruction. The army of the Blackrock Temple can only linger in the ruins, not to mention repulsing the enemy, even the defense line is torn into countless pieces, and its destruction is only a matter of time.

Hefitos knew this very well, but as long as he was not dead, the Blackrock Temple would still stand.

And as long as the human commander on the ruins is killed, there is even a chance for a counterattack in this war. Hefitos suddenly thanked Tyre for coming, which gave him a chance to comeback. ..

The dark rock moved, Hefitos backed out 100 meters, and then accelerated again. His thick, short-shaped body only ran a hundred meters away, and bright flames faintly grew from the edges of his body, as if the meteorites in outer space were violently rubbing against the earth's atmosphere!

When he came to the edge of the roof, the big feet wrapped in the pitch-black stomach were pressed. From a point on the edge, the cobweb-like cracks continued to spread. The building cracked and collapsed under the pressure of great force. The broken steel bars and crushed concrete blocks were leaning towards the ground. In this ash waterfall, Hefei Toss slanted toward the ground from a height of 100 meters. He didn't take any protective measures, and he didn't even have to unload his strength. The whole person was nailed straight to the ground like this.

In an instant, the ground began to sink, and Hefitos slowly sank to the surface. And the terrible impact spread from the soles of his feet in all directions, large cracks continued to form on the ground, and the concrete road began to arch. When these cracks spread to the collapsing building behind, the foundation suddenly shattered and the building collapsed at an accelerated rate. What followed was an explosion and strong wind, a wave of white air lifted up to a height of nearly 20 meters, and it lifted up tons of powder, which emptied like a wave of ash!

Tyre still didn't see any movement, but when Grey Wave came to him, it separated from the two sides automatically, and Michelle reunited behind him, and finally rolled into the ruins and streets in the distance. At this time, Hefitos almost sank to the ground, and with him as the center, a round pit ten meters long and wide appeared!

Lift your foot and swept forward. Just a simple action, Hefitos brought a thrilling roar! He started to run, and in just one step, he moved from the center of the pit to the edge. Lift up again and slide out a distance of ten meters. The body, which is not very tall, makes a deafening sound every step of the way, like a giant running on the ground.

Hefitos's own weight and the weight of the stomach reached a very considerable level, and the solid concrete floor could not withstand his rolling. The earth burst under his feet, blowing up smoke and dragons. Behind Hefitos raised a ash ribbon, and rushed towards Tyre with an astonishing momentum!

Tyr finally put down his hands and ran towards Hefitos as well. The speed of the two was almost the same, so they met in the middle section and slammed into each other fiercely! The whole earth seemed to shook slightly, followed by the feet of the two of them, and the ground crackled to pieces. Hefitos groaned from the mask, and he staggered back a few steps like a drunk man, but Tyr flew out a few meters. Hefitos' breastplate was shallowly sunken, and it was obvious that the impact was uncomfortable. There was even a smear of blood hanging on the corner of Tyre's mouth, and after the God of War wiped it off indifferently, he ran towards Hefitos again.

Hefitos yelled and greeted Tyre with his arms outstretched. The moment the two approached, the big man swept across his arms and pressed towards Tyre's temple. How could the God of War let him do what he wanted, so he put his hands up and caught Hefitos's arms. Hefitos roared again, unmatched power burst out, pressing the two of them to sink into the ground at the same time, and the burst of shock wave spread in a ring shape, scraping the ground by another layer.

But Till's hand was always stable as before, but judging from the blue veins that jumped up on both sides of the temple, God of War is not easy at this moment.

"Go away!" Tyre sipped softly and kicked it out like lightning, hitting Hefitos's chest.

The **** immediately flew out and rolled twice on the ground. When Hefitos stopped, he found that Tyr was no longer where he was. He suddenly raised his head, only to see a yīn shadow under the sky expanding. Tyre fell straight, his legs bent, and hit Hefitos's shoulders with his knees! With the muffled sound immediately, Hefeitus' shoulder armor continued to rupture, and the two ferocious iron thorns in the armor leaf exploded into iron powder every inch.

Hefitos snorted, and the whole person pressed Tyre into the ground a little. He was about to reach out to grab Tyre, and the latter used his waist to push and press against the ground, and he threw Hefitos into the mud. Hefitos slammed his eyes off the gold star, shook his head, and tried to stand up with his hands on the ground. His waist suddenly sank, and the whole person was about to stick to the ground.

But Tyre leaped from a height and nailed his feet fiercely! A gray wave of air blows away, and more power is acting straight down on Hefitos. There were several cracks in the stomach of the back immediately, and the three or four thorns were directly broken by Tyre! Tyre smiled faintly, jumped up again, and stepped on again. Repeat this endlessly, and one by one is heavy. In the muffled sound, Hefitos's body gradually sank into the ground, and the impact force acted on the ground under him, bringing countless cracks to spread around!

After another heavy pressure, Tyre jumped up again. But this time, he found that his body had never fallen. A layer of strange power enveloped the surrounding space, leaving Tyr temporarily in a state of weightlessness. Hefitos was finally able to stand up, his mask was shattered, and even only one corner of his helmet was left hanging on his scalp. He simply threw the helmet away, revealing a face that looked like a stone carved out.

Hefitos's eyes flashed with a yellow halo, he bluffed five fingers at Tyre, and then pressed down hard. Immediately, Tyre felt his weight increase exponentially, and his whole body hit the ground uncontrollably. In the violent shaking, Tyre knew that the muscles and bones had been injured in a large area, which was caused by the collision with the ground after the weight surged to several tons!

Still gaining weight, Tyr sank into the ground uncontrollably. He quickly felt the strange force field shrouded in space, and soon discovered that it was not his weight gain. But in this space, the gravity of the earth has changed!

"Gravity control?" Tyre said in astonishment: "I didn't expect you to have such a rare ability as a big man?"

"It's too late to be afraid now." Hefitos said coldly: "In my gravity field, I can control the gravity of this planet as I want. No one will be my opponent, including you. Inside."

"It's too early to say this!" Tyre said lightly, while pressing his hands on the ground, he stood up slowly against the ten times the normal level of gravity exerted on him.

"Innocent!" Hefitos flipped his palm and raised it up.

At the next moment, Tyre suddenly felt lighter all over his body, and the tenfold gravity disappeared without a trace. But he flew up. Under Hefitos's control, the gravity in this area continued to weaken, so that in addition to Tyre, there were countless gravel, steel bars and even broken vehicle wrecks floating up one by one. When he floated up to a height of 20 meters, Hefitos pressed his hand down again, and the gravity increased sharply, causing Tyr to fall down involuntarily.

Hefitos hit Tyre's stomach with a heavy punch at the same time. Tyre's eyes widened, ten times the gravity made him fall from a hundred-story building, and he took Hefitos again, stabbing Tyre to bow like a cooked shrimp. Two pieces of golden soft armor shattered and flew away, and Hefitos's strength in his fists, even the close-fitting tactical uniform on Tyre's body cracked silently.

Following Tyre, he bounced out, and was severely pressed into the ground by the gravitational field, sinking, and unable to move!

Hefitos was the only unrestricted existence in the gravity field, and he ran towards Tyre. Jump up, step on it! A pair of big feet panted on Tyre, and Tyre could not help but spout a mist of blood. After that, Hefitos pressed directly on Tyre's body, and the fists wrapped in the stomach were fired in bursts, one punch was heavy, and it fell on Tyr's body like raindrops.

The ground kept shaking, and dense cracks formed in the ground around the two Tyr. The crack spread nearly a meter and then burst into pieces, causing both Hefitos and Tyre to sink into a round hole on the ground. Blood stains began to stain the ground, and blood constantly seeped from Tyre's mouth, nose, and the surface of his skin, and stained the ground red. But Hefitos' fist was still moving, he was like a cold machine, mechanically closing his fists and punching them. In less than a minute, he has blasted hundreds of punches! !

"You're dead!" The continuous punches made Hefitos pant violently. After he struck another punch, he held his hands high and hugged, and he was about to give Tyr a heavy blow.

Suddenly seeing Tyre's blood-stained face, a pair of eyes became icy. This terrifying look caused Hefitos's movements to be slightly stagnant, and when he was about to take a shot after recovering, an invisible wave emanated from Tyre and dispersed. Hefitos only felt a line of ice rising behind him, swimming across the spine to his brain in an instant. This was a signal of extreme danger. Despite some unknown reason, Hefitos immediately bounced and jumped out of the shallow pit, away from the man who seemed to be able to kill at any time.

"What a surprise."

A low sigh came from the pit, and it was Tyr's voice: "I didn't expect to force you to open the field, Hefitos, you do have a hand."

When he heard the word "Domain", Hefitos' pupils suddenly contracted, and then slowly expanded.

Domain, that is the space of certain rules governed by the capable. In this space, the realm will bless its dominator and counter other lives. It can be said that if two people with similar abilities have a field or not, it will determine the balance of victory or defeat. Hefitos did not expect the human commander in front of him to be a strong man with a domain. Although his gravitational field can be regarded as a kind of domain, it is not a real domain power after all.

It's just that he doesn't know, what is Tyre's field?

"You are probably guessing now, what is this guy's domain?" Tyre said through Hefitos's mind, and slowly got up in the shallow pit. He fumbled around on his body, and there was a constant crackling sound from his body. It was Tyr who used energy to pull Hefitos's dislocation and even smashed bones and fix it. Finally, Tyre pulled his head with both hands, and the dislocation of the cervical spine immediately recovered. He shook his head to make sure that the injury on his body was generally stabilized.

Then he walked out of the shallow pit, his eyes were cold, but he walked towards Hefitos with a smile on his face: "You also know that my title is God of War, but you probably don’t know it. In mythology, God of War has an excellent strategy. In addition to the means, he also has the power above the gods. So my domain is called"

Standing, Tyr was already standing in front of Hefitos.

"The power of the gods!"

The moment he said the name of his domain, Tyr reached out and squeezed Hefitos's arm. Ignoring the gravitational field released by Hefitos, Tyre lightly smashed Hefitos to the ground. Hefitos was absent for a second, and then he saw Tyre lift his foot and step on it, hitting his chest. In an instant, Hefitos thought it was a majestic mountain that was pressing on him. The terrible force penetrated through the body, first destroying his stomach, followed by the bones, and then severely injuring his internal organs all the way!

In the next second, thin blood lines spurted from the cracks in the stomach of Hefeitus' whole body.

The blood splashed on Tyre ~lightnovelpub.net~ God of War showed a cruel smile. Pressing Hefitos with one foot, he grabbed the **** arm and raised it suddenly. A burst of flesh cracking sounded, blood gushing out in front of Hefitos' eyes like a fountain, followed by a sharp pain that was transmitted to the brain through the nerves, and with his perseverance, he couldn't help but let out a cry of pain. Look again, Hefitos saw that he threw an arm at Tyr.

"In my domain, I am a god. I can dominate my own power. In theory, I can keep it growing until it surpasses any opponent. Under normal circumstances, my power is only level 9. His fist strength is about ten tons. So let's try, how about twenty tons of fist strength?" Smiling, Tyr clasped Hefitos by the throat with one hand and lifted him up.

Then he swept out a punch, and immediately brought a few white air currents from the fist, and slammed Hefitos's face fiercely. When a huge force of twenty tons broke out, Hefitos flew out, crashed into the ruins of a building, and knocked off two load-bearing walls one after another before he stopped.

The building banged and began to collapse. However, the loud noise of the collapse of the floor still couldn't conceal Tyr's voice: "Next is 30 tons of power, are you ready?"

Hefitos barely opened his eyes and saw Tyre coming in against the falling rock. He has a smile on his face, but he is as cruel as a demon crawling out of hell!