War Lord

Chapter 557: Nothingness 3

"Nothingness?" Zero obviously cannot define the meaning of this word.

Hamomis sat next to him, picked up a long grass and turned it between his fingers: "This planet, the origin of these substances is a process from nothing. The condensation of energy produces molecules, the aggregation of molecules It is the same to form matter. From this point of view, the ultimate form of existence in this world and even the universe seems to be energy and matter. And Agradis and Prosius represent the concrete manifestations of these two forms. The former transforms energy into matter, and the latter does the opposite. But I have been thinking about a question, that is, does the universe have a third form of existence?"

"The answer is yes, but that form is difficult to detect, and it is also extremely rare, or even impossible to grasp. Apart from you, because you are the first person selected by the will of the planet to inherit the materialization of energy Ability. Zero, you are the person who has the most opportunity to guide that form of power and master it." Hamomis said indifferently: "Agradis can't completely erase Prohus, because the two sides are equal. Represents the two ends of the balance. Their confrontation will only result in meaningless consumption, and they want to try to use the power of a third party to solve this matter, but I can say that Agradis himself did not notice this form. Existence. After all, for him, converting energy into matter is just as common as breathing. Who will pay attention to the subtle changes between breaths?"

"You mean that kind of power. The kind of existence you call nothingness occurs at the moment when energy transforms into matter?" Zero grasped the point of Hamomis' words.

Hamomis nodded and said: "Yes. When energy is transformed into matter, it is a series of aggregation and fission between energies to produce changes. At this short moment that can't even be described in an instant, there will be a gap between energy and The third power between matter. It has the characteristics of energy, and there is no node of formation, so this power is unpredictable like air. Unpredictable, of course, it cannot be rebound and guide. If you use it to attack Opponent, then as your enemy, even if the opponent possesses high fighting skills, he can only passively defend and use his own power to offset it. And this power is the only power that can cause damage to volitional existence!"

"There is still this kind of power between the two forms?" Zero frowned and stretched out his hand. As the energy flowed, a dagger popped out of his empty palm in an instant. He shook his head: "I can't feel it at all."

"Of course it’s not that easy. First of all, you need to learn how to calm your mind, concentrate all your will, make the flow of time hundreds of times slower than your will, magnify all the details, then you have so little opportunity I feel the existence of nothingness." Hamomis smiled.

"In other words, a monk may feel the presence of this kind of power more easily."

"Perhaps. Now that you have formed your own unique combat system, I have nothing to teach you. Starting tomorrow, you will learn how to feel nothingness in my place. Even if you can't master it, but if you can lead it out in battle Then once or twice, it can definitely cause considerable trouble to the opponent."

Nodded, naturally agreed. But he had another idea in his heart, that is, the "nothingness" mentioned by Hamomis, whose essence is almost the same as that of Longinus' gun. The object materialized by the origin of the world, Agradis called it the gun of reality, which can directly give the opponent a hundred percent impact regardless of all defenses and any means of interference. Isn't this the power of nothingness?

In other words, perhaps Agradis had noticed the existence of nothingness early in the morning and had materialized it in the form of a weapon. If this is the case, then a new problem arises. Now that Agradis has mastered nothingness, why didn't Prosius be killed in the Fourth Age, but instead just imprisoned the dangerous star beast?

Suddenly, Ling felt that this was about the survival of the planet, and it seemed that it was not as simple as the surface.

In a trance, Ling woke up from the deepest dream. When I opened my eyes, I saw the hall of the Ludu Temple. After a day of training, he returned to the real world. Although it was only one day, it felt so far away. After all, he had been in the world of will for three months.

Hamomis seemed to be very tired. He didn't speak, but waved his hand to let Zero leave by himself. He nodded and pushed open the two doors of the hall of the temple. Ademili stood by as usual, and she saw nothing. She stared for a while and said: "You have indeed changed."

"Really? It seems that I finally did not live up to your adult's expectations."

"It's a bit early to say this now, and the adults' expectations of you are definitely more than this level." Ademili said seriously.

Zero shrugged, this woman always looked so serious.

During dinner, Feng kept staring at Ling's face. Zero sighed and said, "I know you want to say that I look different from before. I've heard many people talk about this, please don't say it."

"But I still can't help but want to ask, how did you do it. It's just that you haven't seen you for a day, how do I feel like you have been fighting for a long time."

Feng couldn't help feeling that way, and Staly and Su also felt that way. The feelings of these high-level abilities are very keen, and the subtle changes in their body cannot hide their perception. In general, there is not much difference in the form of Zero, but the power of the whole person is a little different from usual. Perhaps due to professional reasons, the prestige of Zero is very cryptic, but it has a huge explosive power, like a volcano with a calm surface and boiling magma inside. But now, his power is obvious, but he is as deep as wind and thunder, like a boundless sea.

He is still at the eighth level, and his energy level is also there. But in the perception of the people of Starley, they felt that the strength of Zero now was only the surface of the sea. What kind of undercurrents under the sea and how deep trenches exist, none of this can be noticed.

And if all this is a transformation that has taken place after a long time of war, then it's justified. The weird thing is that zero change happens in one day, which is a bit unacceptable.

The dinner was going on in the sound of questioning, and Zero always just kept smiling, and calmly kept delivering food into his mouth.

For the next day, Zero will report to the hall of the temple on time, and enter the world of Hamemis' will to conduct training like an ascetic monk. After training every day, Zero's power will be further condensed. Even if he doesn't do anything, just simply stand forward, it will generate invisible pressure. That is the natural transformation brought about by the continuous exploration of the nihility, which is called the third existence form of the universe by Hamomis. However, what makes people worry is that the state of Hamomis is getting worse and worse. It seems that letting Zero train in the world of his will is also a big burden for the king of the green capital.

The days just passed by day by day.

On the night of the tenth day when they came to the Green Capital, at the foot of the mountains south of the Turashi Mountains, large tracts of woods were being brought down. This situation began before dusk and was cleared out of Nuo at sunset. Come in a large open space. Some of the felled trees are used for fuel, and they provide several large fires for the open space, illuminating the entire space.

More woods were sawn open and then sawn into pieces of wood of the same length, which were then used to build guard fences for the guard tower. When a wire mesh is pulled between the wooden strips, a simple line of defense is formed. Then another soldier dug a trench outside the barbed wire to form a second line of defense. At ten o'clock in the evening, the simple towers were erected, and a fast-fire heavy artillery was arranged on each tower, so that the standard defense line of the inner and outer three layers was completed.

At this time, from the depths of the forest, soldiers and personnel transport vehicles, as well as tanks with different functions, came continuously. They entered the cleared space in an orderly manner and parked neatly under the guidance of the soldiers. Following the opening of the transport vehicle, the servants of the golden tomahawk jumped out of the vehicle, and then partly filled the vacancies in the defense line under the order of the non-commissioned officer, and the other part set up a marching tent on the open space.

In the busy, well-trained soldiers of the Golden Tomahawk, tents were erected neatly and planned, and finally formed the embryonic form of a camp.

The door of an armored command vehicle opened ~lightnovelpub.net~The tall God of War Tier walked out from inside. He jumped to the ground and looked up to the north. He saw the lofty mountains in his line of sight. Tyre smiled and said, "I'm finally here."

After a long journey for more than half a month, Tyre's army finally came to a place separated from Greentown by a mountain. It's just that the natural barrier of Mt. Turashi crossed the front, but it made the chariot of the golden battle axe impassable. To attack Ludu, one is to bypass the Tulash Mountain, and the other is to abandon the chariot and let the soldiers walk over the mountains and run for a long distance. But these two methods seem so unsatisfactory.

In the commander's tent built by the soldiers, a plasma panel was pushed out. After the power was turned on, the plasma panel showed a flat map of the vicinity of Ludu. In addition to the senior officers of Tyr and the golden battle axe, the elites of Doomhammer are also on the list. It's just that the high-ranking fighters of Doomhammer were sloppy about the combat meeting held by Tyre, and they seemed to be uninterested in this combat meeting. This made the officers of the Golden Tomahawk very reluctant, so the atmosphere in the tent did not seem so pleasant.

Only Tyre remained smiling. He stood next to the plasma panel and said to these people in front of him: "Gentlemen, we finally arrived here after many hardships. As long as we cross this mountain range, Ludu will be exposed to our guns. This The war has finally come to an end. I hope everyone can fight me again in a beautiful victory, and then it’s time to taste the fruits of this wonderful victory!"