War Lord

Chapter 575: Much-anticipated

An unnatural blush appeared on his fair face. The skin of Ling's body was flushed, and then bleeding lines slowly flowed from the mouth and under the nose. He reached out his hand to wipe off the blood, and found that his whole body was shockingly hot. That's because of the backphagy brought about by the force of the void. In Zero's body, a thin layer of fibrous membrane has been added to the cavity wall, blood vessel and bone outer layer. This layer of fibrous membrane is the initial means of the memory team to deal with the void backlash. There are large areas of tiny channels in the fibrous membrane that are difficult to detect with the naked eye. When the force of the void counterphages, these channels will absorb most of the counterphagic power, and then through the vibration and dispersion of the fibrous membrane, reduce the impact on the body and organs.

However, the power of nothingness's counterphagy is more damage to cells and genes. Therefore, the injuries on the surface of Zero seem to be not serious, but the 30,000 memory group in his body began to function in the first time. The entire memory team was put into efficient operation, and the blood of the whole body was accelerated, and the body temperature also soared.

The brain quickly collects the extent of its own damage and draws a conclusion. Zero can only guide the power of nothingness once more. If it exceeds this number of times, the power of backlash will cause a total collapse of genes, which is irreversible damage. Even if all the one hundred thousand memory groups are awakened, this result cannot be changed, not to mention that only one-third of the memory groups he can call now.

"But... it's enough. And... this is the situation you want? The opportunity you said, Hamomis?" Ling straightened his body, and the temperature of his body was returning at a slow rate. drop. The 30,000 memory team initially wiped out the damage caused by this void backlash, and the follow-up work is still going on, but it will not affect the next battle.

More importantly, the other temperature is rising. This kind of temperature does not come from zero body temperature, but from the scorching sight of more than 3,000 eyes!

Much attention!

I never thought of a term from the old days that was used to describe his current situation but it was not too much. The warriors of Doomhammer, the Gorgonias in the marauders' cockpit, and the Grand Duke Merlin and some of his subordinates. Now the eyes of all the lives around the entire barracks square are on Zero, who hasn't been watched by so many people before it comes.

To be honest, he was a bit uncomfortable.

Why they stared at themselves, Zero knew very well. Because of the man who was almost invincible like a demon god, one of his arms was completely blasted into powder by his punch just now!

No one knows how it was done, except for Zero and Hamomis.

The third power of the universe can lead all things into nothingness, which is a rule that transcends the higher dimensions of energy and power. To a certain extent, it ignores the power and rank gap between the two. So Zero can do this miraculous thing, but other people don't know the existence of nothingness, so they judge based on common sense, and the conclusion is: Zero has the power above Tyre!

And this is exactly what Hamomis wanted.

Located in the hall of the temple in the Green Capital City, Hamomis sat alone on the huge throne. Although he was not present, as if he had witnessed everything with his own eyes, he smiled and said, "That's it, zero. Only when you show unmatched strength can my people be able to surrender to you without any reservation. With my promotion, after tonight, you will be the new king of Ludu!"

"And in the near future, you can definitely become the uncrowned king of this world. At that time, it is time to crusade it. Let the mother who created us and the roots of this dark age come to be completely expelled from this planet!"

Returning to the square, Tyre panted heavily, and rigorously pulled a proper distance from Zero. His brain is working at full capacity. Although he is not good at calculation, every high-level person has amazing memory. People with high-level perceptual abilities can even divide the 1-second memory picture into hundreds of pictures to analyze the most subtle differences.

Although Tyre couldn't achieve this level, the passing of the punch with Zero just now appeared in his mind like a video replay. He recalled the moment he touched with Zero Fist, but he couldn't parse any conclusions in it. It can be said that the additional power of Zero Fist at the time was only eighth rank. Even if Zero used some special techniques to improve his fist power, he would definitely not be able to beat his arm to the extent that it would instantly destroy him.

What's more, the two hundred tons of boxing power he hit was like a mud ox into the sea, and he was eaten cleanly. It was as if Zero's fist was a huge black hole, quietly swallowing all his power.

Tyre knew that this was not the case, but that Zero used a certain... ability that he didn't know?

Zero also showed signs of injury afterwards, but it didn't look like he was injured by his heavy punch, more like a sequelae of some ability.

(So, does it come from the power of God's creation?)

Tyre looked towards Zero’s right eye, and the golden pupils seemed to ignore the other parts of Zero’s face, as if traveling through time and space, looking at a certain life called "God" from the last epoch. .

"So, shall we continue?"

Zero has calmed down the backlash from nothingness, and said calmly.

Hearing that, he raised his head, and Tyr felt a burst of irritation for no reason under the other's pale eyes. The more calm Zero is, the more he feels this is a kind of humiliation.

No one can maintain such a mood when facing him!

He took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled a scorching breath: "Zero, don't be proud. It was just me careless. Next, I'm going to slap your beautiful face."

"It doesn't matter." Zero said flatly: "But I will take your life. Tyre, here, is destined to be the end of your life."

"Don't be ashamed!"

Tyr yelled and strode out. He launched a charge, and every time he landed, he went deep into the ground. When he raised his leg again, he kicked the ground, raising a large cloud of dust and smoke, and his momentum was terrifying to the extreme.

In a blink of an eye, he came to Zero, and Tyre's left arm muscles shrank sharply, and then suddenly popped out, releasing a huge force. Although it did not have the horror level of 200 tons in the previous punch, the punch strength of this punch also reached at least 40 or 50 tons. What Quan Feng pointed to was Zero's handsome face!

With black hair and black hair, he seemed to have no intention of avoiding it. Seeing Tyre's huge fist fall, he folded his hands, actually planning to take Tyre's punch.

Zero has his own plan.

Now, he has to cooperate with Hamomis' painstaking efforts to perform a good show with Tyre for everyone to watch.

Although he destroyed Tyre's arm with a punch before, he still hadn't fully grasped the power of nothingness, and could not use the third power of this universe at any time. But others don't know, especially the fighters of Ludu, they will only think that he is better than Tyre now. But the fact is not the case. If zero choice is evaded at this time, it will give people a sense of not being weak.

So what he had to do was to resist Tyr's attack and tell so many eyes that he was not afraid of Tyr's power. And then there will be evasive actions, then everyone will only regard it as a tactical need. After all, no matter how strong a person is, he will not be too arrogant to avoid every attack from an opponent of the same rank!

However, this kind of thing is easier said than done. Tyr's power is placed there, acting on himself with a special field, allowing Tyr to display a power above the tenth level at the level of ninth. This gap in power can no longer be made up by will. What he needs to do is also to manage a illusion. What he relies on is the 30,000 memory group in his body.

The fist fell.

Zero gritted his teeth, ignored the reminders of instinct and consciousness, gave up all evasive movements, and fully met Tyre's punch.

The whole body shook violently!

An unimaginable amount of force penetrated through her body, and Ling almost heard the wailing of her bones all over her body. The huge force on Tyre's fist shook Zero's bones and internal organs, causing terrible injuries that could kill ordinary people hundreds of times in an instant!

Almost immediately after Juli invaded the body, the 30,000 memory group began to work. They desperately secrete a new biological matrix to repair the body without injury in time. At the same time, the damage suffered by Zero was recorded, and a targeted defense strategy began to be formed. As a result, they generate hundreds of unnamed substances, and more than 90% of these substances do not even exist within the scope of human knowledge.

As soon as they appear, they quickly swim with the blood to the whole body of zero. With the speed of electric light and flint, certain body functions are evolving at full speed.

Evolution is the theme that runs through all life. From the emergence of the simplest cell to all kinds of organisms with complex functions, they are all products of evolution. The purpose of evolution is to improve self-adaptability, to survive, and to cope with the cruel living environment. This belongs to the evolution of instinct, and until the advent of the new era, the emergence of capable people, the popularization of ability maps and occupations, the evolution of life becomes targeted.

However, the evolution that took place in the body at this moment was purer in purpose. The only purpose of all organisms evolving is to block Tyr's punch!

Increased bone strength!

Increased bone density!

Increased muscle flexibility!

The overall stress resistance is improved!

Increased adrenaline secretion!


Each instruction flies through the zero brain ~lightnovelpub.net~ Each instruction corresponds to a significant evolution of body function. The span of these evolutions is so large that some of them need several or even dozens of generations of life to produce. However, under the full operation of the 30,000 memory group, they only happened to Zero in a second or two!

So this punch was eventually received by Zero.

Zero stood still amidst the explosion. The calf has sunk into the ground, and there are countless cracks in the surrounding ground, but he does not retreat, like a high mountain that will never fall.

And this is also since the war with Tyre, Zero is the first person to receive a punch from the God of War without being knocked into the air!

The next moment, cheers came like a tide. With the cry like a tide, Tyre's face was blue, and he took a few steps back, and roared incredulously: "This is impossible."