War Lord

Chapter 577: Replacement

[Dafeng today, there is a chapter with five thousand words in the evening. Would you please help me if I subscribe? 】

Looking at her slightly deformed right hand, Zero frowned. The bones of this arm had broken, and the muscles and blood vessels had become a mess. It is the best result to be able to maintain a rough shape under the backlash of the void power. The 30,000 memory team started repairing again, and the broken arm was easy to say. Even if the entire arm is blown up, the biological matrix generated by the memory group can regenerate a new limb in just one to two days.

In this backlash, the serious injury did not come from the limbs, but from the genetic level of injury. The third backlash caused a strong shock to Zero's genes, and even before he fully evoked the power of nothingness, backlash appeared, so that the punch that must hit was deviated, and instead of hitting Tyre, it fell to the ground.

The backlash of nothingness actually comes from the correction of the planet's will. After all, nothingness is a force that does not belong to the material world. Zero forcibly guiding it to the real world will produce a series of variables in the material world. Therefore, under the influence of Agradis's own rules of world operation, the damage caused by nothingness to the material world will bounce back to the user in a certain proportion to maintain the basic balance of the material world.

Even if Zero is the inheritor selected by the planet's will, he cannot ignore the corrections derived from the operating rules, and can only offset or weaken it with his own power.

And when zero can't offset the correction from the original rules, it will cause a complete genetic collapse. This is a fact that even the planet's will cannot be changed.

Now, he can no longer lead out the power of nothingness. Otherwise, without Tire's hands, his body will not be able to bear it for the first time. What's strange is that after Zero feels that after these three uses of nothingness, this power does not disappear completely after being guided out like the previous two times, but there are so many strands remaining in zero. in vivo.

Obviously, such a weak force of nothingness can't completely wipe out the matter, but it is several points stronger than any kind of energy in this world. The traits that cannot be defended with skills or abilities alone are unmatched by other types of energy. As for why it remains in the body...

Perhaps, while the body of Zero is constantly being damaged, it is also adapting to the power of nothingness. It is not difficult to imagine that as Zero guides the void more times, his physique will gradually adapt to the existence of this power, and can store a part of this power in the body without having to transform energy into matter every time. In the process to extract and guide.

Of course, in this way, the power will be reduced, but it is better than stability and continuity. The most important thing is that extracting nothingness from the transformation process of the two forms is tantamount to entrusting it to luck. The power of the nothingness guided out is huge, but it is difficult to control. In the battle of higher and higher levels, what Zero needs is to precisely control one's own power, rather than leave it to luck to decide.

Seeing Yuankeng's opponent with a calm look, Tyre also had a heartbeat. Zero didn't lose a single shot and showed depression or irritability. He still kept that calm. However, Zero was too plain, and he didn't even reveal the murderous aura he had when facing the enemy.

When he thought of this, Tyre suddenly moved in his heart.

If you recall carefully, it is not difficult for Tyre to find that he has remained in absolute peace from the moment he shot his hands until now.

(Does that kind of ability need to be activated in this state of mind?)

Tyre suddenly thought of this possibility, so he laughed. If this is the case, then zero is not difficult to deal with.


Tyre's voice sounded: "I remember that you have a woman besides Beyoncé. What's the name? By the way, it seems to be Leah, right?"

Ling's heart jumped suddenly, and his breath was slightly distracted, but he was quickly restrained by him. He looked directly at Tyre and said lightly: "What do you want to say?"

"No, no, no, the next words are not for you."

Tyre smiled brightly, then took a deep breath, and then suddenly shouted: "Leah! Zero woman, are you here too?"

The thunder-like sound shook people's eardrums pain, not to mention everyone near the barracks square could hear clearly, even the sky above the inner city of Ludu echoed this huge sound.

In the square of the Temple of Hamomis, Leah made a slight sign. She didn't know, why would this man know his name?

"Leah. No, I should call you a substitute! That's right, you are not Leah himself at all, but a substitute made by zero keeping Leah’s blood, coupled with gene cloning technology! Really Leah, died in the wilderness two years ago!"

Tyre's voice reverberated in the night sky, Leah opened her eyes wide, and she covered her mouth, almost unable to believe the words.

The memory suddenly became confused.

She tried to remember the past, trying to find out to prove her existence. But found that there is too much darkness between the two scenes of waking up in the laboratory and lying down in the wilderness. Too much, let this be enough for anything to happen.

"No, it's not like that." Leah shook her head, as if saying to herself: "I am not a substitute! I am Leah, I am Leah!"

But tears came out of his eyes, and under the violent impact, in the silent darkness, it seemed that some other pictures appeared.

That is a green picture.

Among them, she saw Zero, and Victor. They looked up at themselves, why is it such an angle?

The picture disappeared again.

Leah held her head, only feeling a splitting headache. She didn't dare to recall it, not because she was afraid of headaches, but because she was afraid of discovering the truth hidden in the dark.

Zero-sum Victor's posture looked at her scared her, it was like...

It's like watching a clone in a cultivation tank!


On the side of the barracks square, Feng had a bitter expression on his face: "This **** actually knows this secret. Damn, the secret we worked so hard to keep, was just like this being broken by him. The boss, he will be very angry, right?"

Not very angry. Zero is now so angry that he can't add to it. He carefully guards this secret, so that he is afraid that Leah will know the truth. She would not be able to bear this fact, let alone what the consequences would be. But now, all efforts have become futile under Tyr's few words.

Leah finally knew the secret.

"What the **** are you doing!"

Zero yelled, and golden flames were ejected from Jin's right eye. He squatted, leaped, volleyed across the pit and threw a punch at Tyre.

In the temple in the inner city of Ludu, Hamomis sighed softly: "Don't let anger dominate you, zero. In this case, you can't defeat that man at all!"

As if to confirm Hamomis' words, Tyre laughed. Leaning to the side and letting out a fist, he clenched his fist and slammed it heavily on Zero's back. Ling's whole person suddenly blasted into the ground, the ground burst and collapsed, and the sand in the big canopy dumped into the round pit. Zero bounced from the sand and was knocked into the air by Tyre again.

"I actually said something like that..." Zero got up again swayingly, blood flowed through his eyes, but couldn't block his sight: "Leah, she is definitely not a substitute!"

In an angry roar, Zero rushed towards Tyr again. But what greeted him was just knocked into the air again. He wanted to stand up again, suddenly a huge shadow appeared under him. Following Tyre's voice sounded behind: "It's time to end, zero."

Tyre held Ling's head in one hand and pressed it heavily to the ground. Lingyi's face was pressed tightly to the ground, and he wanted to support it hard. But as the power in Tyre's palm continued to increase, he was gradually pressed into the ground. With Tyr's violent shout, Zero's head was pressed in by him, and the ground shook, giving birth to many hideous cracks!

"Sure enough. Once you can't keep that indifferent and calm, your murderous aura is so obvious that you can't help it if you want to deliberately ignore it. In this way, I can easily figure out any of your movements!" Tyre He stood up, raised his foot and kicked heavily to the ground, and stepped on Zero into the ground: "You just lie here for me, Zero!"

Before the big feet fell, Tyre suddenly shook his whole body. The red light around him exploded, and the continuous rays of light staggered across his body, shocking him to step on the empty space. Looking back, all the rays of light converged into a torrent of rushing energy and hit him, abruptly knocking Tyr away.

However, Feng Chao Tier, who had initiated the destructive posture, was killed by Su Yu Tang's unsheathed sword.

"Don't come over and make trouble!" Tyre yelled coldly, and he held the torrent of energy formed by the thunder slash with one hand. Amid the roar, his arms raised, and the energy stream of Su bounced toward the night sky, blasting straight through the radiation cloud, forming a continuous beam of light flying diagonally between the sky and the ground!

There was a burst of hot smoke from the palm of his hand, and Tyre snorted coldly as he looked at his subordinates. Leaning forward, he ran with all his strength. Tyre's hill-like body smashed across the ground like a tank, and the ground where it fell was exploded with mud and rocks, and then separated like a wave on both sides. Exuding a mountain-like aura, Tyr plowed a straight track on the ground, and the front end of the track pointed directly at the two capable people Su and Feng.

With a straight punch that couldn't be more simple, a storm-like scream was raised from the fist, enveloped in the cone-shaped ripples visible to the naked eye, and violently blasted at the two! Su gritted his teeth and slashed with his heavy sword, hitting Tyre's fist. The Jianfeng didn't bounce up because of the collision, but stuck to his fist, and then pressed towards Su. When Feng saw this, Tang's knife rested on Su's sword while shouting loudly, and joined her to resist Tyre's heavy punch.

However, the combined strength of the two could not stop Tyre's fist for a moment. So the two had to keep the distance between the two sides by constantly retreating. In this way, the two were almost pushed back by Tyre. Seeing them hit, the looters on their impact track quickly retreated. Tier laughed, pushing the two of them into the rock wall!

The rock wall quaked, Su and Feng gritted their teeth and held their weapons, but they were helplessly pushed into the rock by Tyre. The rock wall was like a piece of cream, allowing the two to sink deeply. It wasn't until they were all sunk in the rock that Tyre withdrew his fists. As soon as the pressure of the two was light, they sprayed blood at the same time.

After retracting his fist, Tyre didn't even look at them, and turned and walked towards zero again. But a sorrowful red halo lit up behind him, and Tyre grinned and said, "Since you want to die so much, I will fulfill you all!"

He slowly turned around, facing Su who came out of the rock wall and was holding the epee high. The light armor on Su's body retracted into the body. This is the Destroyer's strongest fighting posture. All defenses are discarded in exchange for the strongest and most terrifying power! Every piece of light armor disappeared, and the energy flame on the Su Jian became stronger. After that, Su seemed holding up a blazing flame, and the light even illuminated the valley!

As the energy was about to reach its peak, Tyr also raised his fist. However, before he had time to punch, Ling suddenly appeared behind him silently. The only left hand was covered with a faint gray light, which was the residual energy of nothingness. The palm of the hand wrapped in gray light instantly shook Tyr's arm, and the giant's arm burst immediately, and blood was splashed!

Volley turned over and landed in front of Tyre. Zero turned his head, facing the giant and said flatly: "Stop it, Su. He is mine!"

The same is plain, but at this moment Ling's anger and murderous aura is very obvious. Su looked at his back and hesitated, but in the end he slowly put down the epee and dissipated the violent energy from the sword.

Frowning looking at the big wound on his arm, the flesh and blood in that place disappeared out of thin air, and the fractured surface was even as smooth as a mirror.

(Although the power cannot be compared with the previous two, the nature is the same. In other words, the guy's ability has become stable, which is tricky. It seems that it is time to use that trump card.)

Tyre smiled and said, "Zero, no matter how angry you are. I can be sure that you can't kill me."

"Is this your last words?" Zero moved the five fingers of his left hand, feeling the power of nothingness flowing between the fingers. This remaining power is fading, and it should disappear soon. Before that, he must give Tyr a fatal blow.

This is his last chance!

He lowered his body and made a prelude to the attack. Tyre smiled and tapped his head with a finger: "I'm not kidding you. There is a pocket sensor in it. Once I die or the sensor is damaged, it will release a signal through some information relays. , This signal will be sent back to Asgart. Guess what will happen?"

Zero's pupil narrowed slightly, and he said in a deep voice, "What did you do?"

"Some insurance measures. I hid a gas bomb in the office of the beautiful owner of Black Rose. After receiving the returned signal, the gas bomb will..." Tyre made an explosive gesture. Said: "Hey...then Black Rose's mansion will be enveloped in poisonous gas. This is the first-class goods I specially purchased through the dark merchant. Those with abilities below Tier 4 will not survive a day in the poisonous gas range. As for the ordinary People, you can only hold on for an hour at most. If you don't get the antidote within an hour, then I don't need to say more about the consequences, right?"

"So, do you still want to kill me now?" Tyre smiled very brightly.

The fist was slowly lowered, and suddenly the anger and murderous intent on Ling disappeared completely. He looked at Tyre coldly and said, "How despicable are you as a person?"

Tyre laughed: "Don't be naive, zero. The two armies confront each other and do everything. When you are regarded as an enemy by me, I am fully prepared. I am a person, never Will fight an uncertain battle!"

"So now, what are you going to do? Do you use your weird ability to smash my head, or let me beat you to death?" Tyre started walking towards zero: "Choose, zero It’s a pity that there doesn’t seem to be much time for you to choose, so you have to make a decision as soon as possible!"

Zero gritted his teeth, he was already in a dilemma. If you don't shoot, you will be killed by Tyr; if you shoot, Beyonce will die!

The flash of the night sky appeared at this time.

Without any warning, a splendid brilliance flashed in the night sky. Following a beam of light flowing down like a waterfall, the beam of light exudes terrible energy aura. When it appears, all those with abilities above the eighth level will perceive its existence. But as soon as he raised his head, the beam of light had already bombarded Ludu's purifying force field. At the moment of contact, the beam of light suddenly expanded, turning into a blue-violet light river with a diameter of ten meters!

In the violent impact, the purification force field was silently disintegrated, and then there was a continuous explosion that enveloped the entire green sky!

This sudden change made everyone stunned, including Tyre. The God of War knew that this devastating energy beam could not be released by any weapon in his convoy. But seeing the beam of light ruthlessly tore off Ludu's purifying force field, it seems that the opponent will not be a friend of the Gregnia!

Where is it sacred?

This is almost a question in everyone's minds. When the purifying force field disappeared in the continuous explosion, the beam of light disappeared. But the next moment, a little brilliance lights up again. The energy beam that fell to the second degree was dozens of times faster than the previous one. Almost as soon as it appeared, it has penetrated the world.

And what this beam refers to, UU reading www. Uukanshu.com is actually the God of War Tyr!

Tyre retreated violently, already tens of meters away at the moment the beam of light reached his body. This is the fastest speed that can erupt when he is hovering around the edge of life. After he bounces off, the ground bursts. The energy beam that fell from the sky sank into the smoke dragon raised on the ground, then turned and passed out in an instant, and sank into Tyre's chest from bottom to top. Before Tyr's toes fell to the ground, he blasted his heart to pieces!

"Who is it?" Tyr yelled terribly.

When the energy beam slowly disappeared, he fell to the ground. Holding his hollow chest, Tyre opened his eyes wide. The strength was disappearing little by little, and life began to leave him. He couldn't believe that he had already controlled everything, why did it end like this in the end?

Kneeling to the ground, Tyre's mouth was open, like a fish thrown on the shore. When he was about to fall, he was suddenly held up, and in the corner of his eye, there was Sol with a complicated expression. Looking at Thor, Tyre smiled bitterly, and squeezed out a few words from his throat with all his strength: "I...not reconciled!"

As soon as the voice fell, Tyre's head lowered heavily. This man who looked like a **** and demon died just like that on the battlefield in a foreign land.