War Lord

Chapter 581: The beginning of the turmoil 2

In the darkness, there is a light of fire.

"Throw the cigarette, Lieutenant Seura is here." A bald soldier reminded his companion.

Another guy who was smoking hurriedly threw half of his cigarette on the ground and stomped it out, then carefully threw it back into the pocket of his jacket, and then said bluntly, "Lieutenant Seurat is the same. The place is so serious. Everyone chooses the colonel, and every day he goes to the blood rose to look for fun. I heard that there have been some pretty good girls in the bar recently, maybe the colonel **** them every night. Perfect..."

The two men just laughed in the hidden spot like this, when footsteps came, they reduced their laughter and showed their full attention. A dark red figure passed by them, dressed in a blood-riding uniform. Lieutenant Seura was just in his early thirties this year. With a solemn expression on a square face, he rigorously inspected the towering exterior wall of the City of Shadows. This was his daily homework.

From open posts and secret posts to soldiers' equipment, Lieutenant Seurat checks the entire city's defense system almost every day to make sure that its functions can operate as usual. Regarding this point, even his immediate boss complained that he was a little too rigid. Seurat could understand Du Ze's thoughts, a forty-year-old man. In the old age it was the golden period of life, but in the new age, it is already entering the twilight stage. That means Ducho has not much potential to develop, whether it is in its own capabilities or in the military system of the Blood Cavalry.

Coupled with the transfer to a wilderness city like the City of Shadows, it can be said that Du Ze has given up on himself.

However, it's not just that choosing one person is not the only thing here. Look at those soldiers, they are nowhere near as diligent as they are in Yongye City. Far away from the base camp of the dark council, far away from the dangerous battlefield, Duze and the soldiers are becoming dull, but these can not be changed by Seurat alone. So he just fulfilled his duties and did his own job well, and hoped that one day he would receive a dispatch order from the headquarters.

Facing the wilderness outside the city, Xiura squeezed his hands. His battlefield should be in the vast and unknown world, not in an office in a small city!

"Lieutenant, Lieutenant Seurat." A soldier called out suddenly: "We found a suspicious person. Could you please come over and confirm it?"

On the city wall, there were soldiers shining searchlights towards the wall. In the beam of light, a man appeared. He was wearing a long black windbreaker, the windbreaker was not fastened, and the sides were loosely opened, revealing a strong chest. He wore a pair of trousers underneath, and finally put them in military boots. The man's face is hidden in the hat of the windbreaker, and only one chin can be seen under the light.

Seurat came near the lamp, and more and more people appeared in the lamp. When the other searchlights on the left and right were struck by, at least several hundred people were walking towards the City of Shadows. They are men and women, without exception, they wear the same windbreaker, their movements are mechanical, and their steps are uniform, just like a small army.

"Stop!" Sura yelled, his voice drifting out of the city with the wind: "I order you to stop! Now no outsiders are allowed to enter the city. If you want to enter the city, you will wait until tomorrow to pay the entrance fee. Today You can only stay out tonight, understand?"

Obviously, these people did not understand, because their pace never stopped. There was no response, and Seura's heart flicked uneasy. He grabbed the rifle from the soldier next to him and fired at the ground below the city for a while and said: "I told you to stop. If you don't accept this suggestion, we won't have any. Second reminder!"

It seemed that this row of fires had played a warning role, and the man walking in the front stopped. Then he slowly raised his head, his face was not really seen under the light, but he could be seen raising his arm, and then he waved forward.

This is a signal of offense!

"Damn, fire!" Shura shouted suddenly.

As a result, all the firepower points on the city wall were operating, and the machine guns were condescending, crossing into a dense firepower net to sweep over these people. Like harvesting straw, these strangers swept the machine gun back and forth, and then fell to the ground in batches. When all gunfire stopped, hundreds of corpses were already lying on the ground outside the city.

"Sir, this is..." The soldier next to him looked at Seurat with a puzzled expression.

Seurat himself felt weird. It was obviously a signal to attack, but these people were killed without even reacting, as if they were sending a door to feed a gun. The anxiety in But Seurat's heart not only didn't dissipate because of these people lying down, but it became more and more serious.

Just then, a soldier yelled: "Look, they moved again!"

A weird scene appeared under the light, and the people who had just been killed rose from the ground one after another. Seurat's pupils narrowed and shouted, "Tear them apart! These guys... are living corpses!"

Indeed, only living corpses can ignore bullet damage. Unless their heads are blown, these soulless corpses will never stop! As a result, the gunfire resumed, and a series of dull noises appeared in the sound of the machine gun, but two rapid-fire heavy artillery fired at the same time.

However, the group of suspected living corpses under the city no longer stood stupidly and let the Shadow City attack at will. They suddenly dispersed and rolled towards the Shadow City like a large black wave. The bullets pierced through the edges like weaving, but the soldiers' reaction obviously couldn't keep up with the speed of those people, so most of the line of fire fell through. Occasionally shot on them, but seeing these guys protect the head, as for the other parts, let alone.

Only rapid-fire heavy artillery can inflict deadly damage on them. Unfortunately, there are only two such heavy-fire weapons. Seura regrets not applying for more heavy weapons from the headquarters. Now he can only fight with soldiers and machine guns. This is not to blame him, after all, the Shadow City is not a major city, and it has never appeared in the strategic posture of the Dark Council. Will there be a blood cavalry colonel, a lieutenant, and three hundred soldiers, or because the City of Shadows pays sufficient fees to the Dark Council, otherwise the Dark Council will arrange an army here.

Below the city, the black wave has reached the wall and hit the black wave. One by one, the guys in black trench coats climbed up quickly from the city wall or from the rocks on both sides of the city wall with their bare hands. Their speed was so fast that the self-defense system seemed very slow under their actions. But in the blink of an eye, these guys have already climbed the wall!

"Damn! Fight, you will be notified to choose a colonel, and sound the alarm!" Seura shouted, and at the same time his hands shook, there were blue and purple electric snakes entangled in his hands.

When he walked towards a black-clothed man who fell nearby, and with a wave of his hand, an electric light struck the man and bounced him into the corner. After that, a series of electric arrows blasted off, abruptly turning his head into coke.

However, other people are not as strong as Seurat, they are just ordinary soldiers, and they don't even have the most basic ability enhancement. When the black army rushed to the wall, the soldiers found that the guns in their hands had become a display. These agile guys avoided their ballistics at will, and then killed the soldiers with bare hands as they approached.

For a time, the wall became a mess. From time to time, soldiers screamed. They either had their hearts gouged out, or their heads and bodies were separated. There are no shortage of people who were thrown down the city wall and fell alive. The gunners of the two heavy artillery were still shooting desperately, trying to stop more monsters from coming up from under the city wall, but they were quickly killed. One of the heavy artillery was killed. The barrel was even bent and jammed and exploded!

Alarms and explosions sounded through the entire Shadow City, and the sleeping people were awakened. Some citizens walked out of their door to look at them with a bewildered expression, and saw a dazzling fire blazing from the direction of the city wall. When I didn't know what was going on, my eyes suddenly went dark, and then I lost all consciousness, but those in black uniforms had already begun to kill into the city.

These people are also merciless in the face of unarmed ordinary people, harvesting their lives like a **** of death. They are like black demons killing people when they see them, and some even break into the houses and ruthlessly corpses the people who are still asleep. But they are decisively different from the living corpses, that is, they only kill people, not cannibals!

Wherever the black wave passes, there are screams and flames. Looking down from the city wall, the city has already begun to burn, starting from the street close to the city wall, and continuously spreading towards the inner city.

Seurat was trembling with anger, his hands were still entwined with electric lights, and the corpses that fell under his feet already had dozens of them!

At this time, the sound of the wind is whistling ~lightnovelpub.net~Sura's hair is standing all over her body, which is a sign of extreme danger! He turned around in an instant, and there was a flower in front of him, and a tall figure fell in front of him, shaking the city wall slightly.

The man who was also wearing a black trench coat and was nearly three meters tall gave Seura a huge sense of oppression. This person's right hand has obviously been modified, and it is a long and vertical robotic arm. On the mechanical arm composed of steel sheets and rivets, there are several steam exhaust holes at the shoulders. Hot steam is ejected from these small holes from time to time, thus forming several plumes of smoke on the head of the giant man.

Sura yelled, hands covered with electric snakes and patted the giant man again. Immediately, the electric snake spread, enough to wind an elephant with the high-voltage electric current that electrocuted an elephant instantly, but the other side seemed to be totally unaware of it. The mouth under the hood gave a cruel smile, and the moment the mechanical arm was suddenly raised, there was a strong wind, and the hood on the man's head was also fluttered, thus revealing a bald head. Seurat saw that this person was no different from ordinary humans, except that the eyes were embedded like black pupils, and the black pupils were filled with bright red circles, but the original eyeball position was only a little gray like rice grains. Replaced by light.

This is a pair of demonic eyes.

With Seurat's authority, he didn't know that these demonic eyes were the sign of the disorderly!