War Lord

Chapter 584: Declare war 1

A windbreaker came into Lein's hands. The windbreaker itself was nothing special, but the coat of arms behind this black windbreaker made Lein frowned: "This is..."

"Hall of Valor..." With a sigh, Ryan thought of the beautiful female warrior two years ago.

Valkyrie, goddess of victory!

"We found things like this on the corpses of other invaders." A hunter with long hands and a little hunchback said excitedly: "My lord, this is the hallmark of the Hall of Valor. Does that mean we Going to war?"

(War? It’s not impossible. Those old grandpas have started to move around all these years, and the Hall of Valor just gave them an excuse at this time. But, is this too coincidental?)

"Don't make any guesswork, just do your own job. We don't have our turn to consider other things. Did you choose the cause of the colonel's death?" Ryan asked casually.

The moustache who found him before was walking diagonally across the street: "It is already certain that the colonel first killed a group of invaders over there. But then he met the opponent's elite and initially judged that the guy who killed the colonel. Possesses power enhancements above Tier 5 but below Tier 8. There are no traces of strong elemental activity in the nearby space, so the opponent should not be a capable person in the element domain. But there is a reaction of residual energy in the space, which is a sign of an instantaneous explosion of biological energy . Considering the colonel’s profession, this seems to be his masterpiece. However, there were signs of blasting at the scene. From the perspective of the nature of the damage, it is not caused by explosive abilities such as violent slashing, but more like a biological cannon. Handwriting."

"Bio-powered artillery?" Ryan asked with his arms around his chest, wondering: "Has the equipment level of the Hall of Valor already surpassed us? We are still in the research room for the concept weapon, they already have a finished product?"

"It's not yet certain, but here..." Moustache nodded on the ruins of the building beside the few people, and then shook the energy analyzer in his hand: "The colonel in this place has received a second attack. It is obvious that , This time he doesn't have the slightest strength to resist..."

"I understand." Rein nodded. "You ask someone to take away the colonel and the corpse of Lieutenant Seura on the wall. The other corpses are cremated in a concentrated way to avoid the plague."

"Yes, my lord," the two hunters said at the same time.

Lein walked towards the temporary camp set up by the biochemical experts. Near the camp, the specimen collectors and some assistants entered and exited, appearing to be very busy. Ryan got in, and a temporary operating table had been set up in the tent, and four isolators were working at the same time, each generating a photon isolation wall to wrap the operating table. Two biochemical experts were dissecting the corpse of a man in black inside. Several assistants went in and out, and kept keeping some organs or cell specimens in the blast freezer. It seems that they intend to transport them back to Yongye City to continue. Research.

Not long after Rhein entered, a biochemical expert walked out. This is an old man in his fifties. His hair has turned pale, he is short and thin, but his eyes are very flexible. Lein remembers his name is Madel, a director of the Biochemical Department of the Academy of Science and Technology. The ninth knight greeted him and asked, "Is there anything to discover?"

Dr. Mader took a sterile towel from his assistant and wiped his hands. He said: "It is basically certain that the invaders are not humans. Most of their organs have stopped moving and look similar to living corpses. But the hearts of these things are. They replaced them with organs similar to crystal nuclei to supply energy for their actions, but these things did not look like artificial transplants, but rather the products of some kind of mutation. Then it was their heads, and they were found near their thalamus. Pocket chips, I guess they should be used to control the behavior of these living dead. In other words, these things are more like biological weapons."

"As for more information, I have to go back to Evernight City and use professional instruments for analysis. The only information we can get now is probably only this." Mader finished speaking, and left. His face is very bad, it seems that the dissection work for several hours has consumed a lot of energy, so he should have gone to rest.

(Bio-powered artillery? Biological weapons? Have biological weapons that can kill a seventh-order colonel? When will the technological level of the Hall of Valor lead us so much?)

Ryan walked out of the camp with a faint worry on his face. If the opponent can completely defeat the biological weapons of those with abilities below Tier 8, then even if the council has exhausted the blood, there is no advantage in fighting. Of course, the Scarlet Knights are just a force announced by the Dark Council. And inside the council, there are two knights, Yongye and Abyss. Regarding the information about the two knights, even Elein's authority does not know much. The Dark Council is just like its name. It is like a cloud of darkness that is too thick to dissolve. Even when outsiders think that they know it enough, they will only find that what they know is just the tip of the iceberg.

When the next day came, the investigation team set off. The soldiers who died in the battle, including citizens, all gathered for cremation after the servants worked through the night, using a high-temperature flamethrower to spray a stream of fire of nearly a thousand degrees, and soon the corpses were burnt to ashes. After doing these things, the servants were able to leave. From then on, only one city ruin remained in the Shadow City, which became a paradise for the vagrants or scavengers in the wilderness.

Three days later, a meeting of the highest standard was held in the conference hall of Yongye City. Not only the four giants and three major companies, a total of 24 congressmen, attended the meeting, but Oglock, the speaker of the Dark Council, also attended the meeting. The main content of the council was about the destruction of the shadow capital. Rhine's investigation team brought back astonishing news. Both the appearance of the Hall of Valor and the technology they showed shocked the senior leaders of the dark council.

Early in the morning, vehicles from wealthy families arrived in the deliberative hall square on the west side of Yongye City. These vehicles are painted with some special coat of arms, and each coat of arms represents a prominent family. However, several branches between families will add other small patterns on their coat of arms to distinguish them, which makes The heraldry exploded in multiples, which made the guards of the square miserable. They have to carefully distinguish where these coats of arms belong, and guide the vehicles to park in different locations that have already been distinguished in the square.

In general, only the 24 members who have the right to vote in today’s meeting do not prevent others from participating in the listening. Therefore, no matter how large or small the family ranks in the city, they will be sent. Some important members of the family came to participate, so as to grasp the actions of the dark council coming down for the first time. The news that Rhein brought back has already been heard by anyone who is not deaf. The appearance of the enemy, the Hall of Valor, made many people already smell the smell of war. Oglock is not a magnanimous speaker. War may be inevitable, but there are many differences in how to fight. And as long as a slight difference determines the future decisions of many families, as long as they are qualified to listen in today's meeting, they will not intend to give up this rare opportunity.

Rhein also participated in today's meeting. The difference is that he was neither participating as a member of the council, nor was he listening in on the family's future. As the head of the investigation team, he is obliged to explain the findings in the shadow capital for all members and answer relevant questions raised by them as an important reference for these members to vote.

Ryan was sitting quietly in a black extended RV that marked the coat of arms of the Augustus family. His face was as calm as water, without any waves. Looking at the scenery of the city outside the window with a sloppy, even outsider's gaze.

"Rhine." A majestic voice rang, it was a middle-aged man sitting opposite the Ninth Knight. His appearance was somewhat similar to Ryan, but he was more stable than Ryan, and the silver-white double fringe gave him a mark of the vicissitudes of time. He turned a finger on his hand, and there was a pattern of angels with wings on the finger. This is the coat of arms of the Augustus family, and this middle-aged man is Lein’s father, Leo Augustus, the head of the responsible family.

"Your status today is special. I hope you will objectively explain everything you have seen in the Shadow City from a fair standpoint. Don't add your own feelings to it, so as not to mislead the judges of the councillors. Can it be done?"

"Oh." Ryan replied casually. He still looked out the window, and said: "I thought my father wanted me to win something for the family."

"If it was in the past, I would definitely do it. But today is different. After all, the opponent is the Hall of Valor. No matter what the outcome is today, it will have an incalculable impact on our family, the entire council, and even this continent. So today , For today only, I ask you to forget who you are, Ryan." Leo said with a serious face looking at his son.

Ryan nodded and said, "I see."

Looking at him, Leo shook his head and said, "It should be redundant for me to say that. Many times, Rhine, you don't think of yourself as a member of the Augustus family, do you?"

Ryan laughed, and he shook his head and said, "Don't say that, my father, I will not forget my last name."

"Then why don't you come back and help me? Don't tell me that there are so many tasks assigned to you by the Blood Knight headquarters. As far as I know, many of your so-called tasks are just excuses for leaving Evernight City!"

Ryan heard the slight anger from his father's tone~lightnovelpub.net~ He was still unmoved, and said indifferently: "The family matter, isn't there a brother Hart. Whether he is in personal force or political power. Shangdu is far better than me. That family doesn't need me at all."

"Fart!" Leo drank low, his hair erected, like an angry lion: "Listen to Ryan, I have two sons. One is Hart and the other is you!"

Ryan's smile stagnated slightly, and then he lowered his head and said solemnly, "I apologize for the rudeness just now, father."

Leo hummed, and said softly, "No matter how dazzling Hart is, in my heart, I will always remember that gentle and sensible child, Ryan."

(Even if my mother came from a humble background? Father.)

In the car, the father and son said nothing. At this time, the RV turned into Parliament Square, and the driver reminded the two adults behind: "Sir, we are here."

As the car door opened, Lein got out of the car. Right in front of him was the assembly hall of Evernight City. The silver exterior wall was full of futuristic streamlined buildings, and it was also the place of the highest power in the city!