War Lord

Chapter 6: Guns and Lovers


With a crisp sound, the rearview mirror on the right side of the tank became history. Hult cursed, but had no intention of stopping or turning around, which meant that the people in the car were not prepared to clashed with the mob.

Looking backwards, with the change of the silver pupil in Jin's right eye, the visual distance was narrowed again.

In sight, the mob who fired was a beard-faced man. He was wearing a tattered vest and there was a line on the front with the words "Go Giants" written in English. Naturally, such clothes cannot provide the slightest protection, so the man's body is black as coke due to long-term exposure to strong ultraviolet rays. In addition to his dark complexion, Ling also found substances similar to the stratum corneum on his shoulders and forearms.

That should be a certain degree of variation, zero thought.

Above the wilderness, radiation is everywhere. If it is not a supernatural person, then walking in the wilderness must wear radiation protection suits like Zero and others. After several generations of improvements, the latest radiation protection suits are no different from ordinary clothing. Zero they are obviously more cumbersome, closer to military uniforms, and the models are relatively backward. But compared to the mob outside, I don’t know how much better.

The chariot went away, leaving the mobs far behind, zero retracting his sight.

"They want to grab the car." Zuoge said, smoking a cigarette.

Zero lowered his head, his heart was clear.

The uninhabitable surface, various bases, companies, or simple settlements are hidden under the ground. The distance between these locations is usually more than a thousand kilometers, and today's world has become extremely vast. If there is no means of transportation, it is difficult for ordinary people to cross the dangerous wilderness. This is also the logical reaction of the mob when they see the chariot.

After walking for another half an hour, the chariot stopped. In front of the vehicle was the entrance of the town, and the sign that was inserted next to the highway with the words "Welcome to Silver Tree City" was thrown on the ground. But there was a human head stuck in the lone iron rod. It was a man with a frightened expression. His head was inserted into the iron rod, and the iron rod penetrated through his neck, leaving the man's head to be exposed to the sun, exuding bursts of stench.

The hot air generated by the sun makes the town look distorted from a distance, like a devil's city. Silver Tree City is very quiet, occasionally when the strong wind blows, I heard the sound of cans rolling on the ground.

"The vision of the living corpse has been degraded, but the sense of hearing and smell are very developed. If we drive into the city, we will undoubtedly tell the sleeping guys: Hey, the food is here." Zuoge made a motion of shaking his head, and then I laughed myself, I couldn't feel the nervousness at all.

Ling listened to his words, and the information revealed in Zuoge's words was quickly remembered, classified and summarized by him. So in my mind, the information about the living corpse is gradually taking shape. Zero is not idle, listening to Zuoge's meaning, and then he will walk into the town, so routine inspections are essential. He quickly checked his own equipment, a miniature automatic machine gun, a dagger, a certain amount of ammunition, and a pot of secondary drinking water.

Seeing the orderly movements, Zuo Ge showed approving eyes. The others quickly completed their self-checks, and the leader Zuoge opened the door and jumped into the hot sun first.

Ling followed also got out, left the space where the tank was cooled by the refrigeration system, and for a while came to the ground where the temperature was comparable to that of the desert, almost thinking that people would burn with it. But after a brief period of discomfort, his body adjusted quickly. Even Zero himself did not realize that even if he was baptized by sunlight containing high-intensity ultraviolet rays, there was not a single drop of sweat on his body.

As for the others, they were already sweating in just a moment.

Silver Tree City is not big, a curved urban street traverses things in this small city. In a small town of 120 square kilometers, there are various urban facilities such as residential areas, schools, libraries, hospitals and police stations. In the old days, this quiet town had a resident population of about 1,000 and was famous for planting a large number of ginkgo trees.

Now, naturally, no green vegetation can be seen, and the buildings in the city are half-damaged. Only the only school in the city is still intact. But it has also become a place where living corpses live, so it is marked with a big red "Danger" on the map in Zuo Ge's hand.

After entering the city on foot, the team temporarily took a rest in the garage of a house. Zuoge took out the map and drew up a simple plan.

To the west of the city, next to the police station is the only hospital in Silvertree City, "Mary Hospital". The hospital drew a red circle on the map, and the left grid clicked on it and said, “This is our goal. The Mary Hospital has five floors, and the medicines are in the underground storage room. The situation there is unknown, there may be living corpses or Other monsters, especially spaces like basements, are their favorite paradise, so we must act with extreme caution."

Zuog took off the lighting on the helmet and machine gun, and said: "Everything that can generate a light source must be removed. If a light source appears in the underground space, it is equivalent to telling these monsters that we are here. All switch to infrared reconnaissance. You must install a muffler on the muzzle. Those guys’ ears can be smart."

Zero Yi was stunned, but he did not receive any infrared detectors and mufflers. Fortunately, Zuoge seemed to have anticipated this a long time ago, so he took these two things out of the marching bag and gave them to Zero.

Take out another map, which is the floor plan of the basement of the hospital. Zuoge lit the door and said, "Hot, stay here, and install enough explosives on the door. Once we get the medicine and retreat, if there are living corpses chasing us, it's up to you."

Huo Dongjun nodded, patted his chest and said, "Leave it to me. I will take care of those guys' eggs and blow them up."

Zuog smiled and clicked on Karl, Tony, and Zero. He said: "The three of you will go in with me. I will be responsible for finding the way. Carl and Tony will be responsible for providing fire support when necessary. As for you...Zero, I hope that when you retreat, you won’t Suddenly a certain living corpse jumped out to obstruct it."

Zero did not speak, but did not object, which meant that he had accepted the job.

Finally, Zuog said to Allen: "You find a suitable stop point for me to ensure that when we withdraw from the hospital building, we will not chase the living corpses and bite them. At the same time, you have to arrange a retreat route for yourself, we Will gather outside the city. Well, gentlemen, if you are ready, I think it’s time for action."

"Now, proofreading time! We still have four hours to go before sunset. Act fast!" Zuoge took this as a closing remark, representing the beginning of the action.

After leaving the garage, Allen temporarily left the team. Five people, including Zero, swiftly advanced towards the hospital. After a while, they stood outside the building of Queen Mary Hospital.

The fifth floor of the hospital building has collapsed. Fortunately, the building below is well preserved. The door of the building was open, revealing the dark space inside. Standing outside the door, the cold wind was blowing, as if the building was an abyssal hell.

But now, Zuoge and the others have to jump into **** by themselves. After the captain gave a brief signal of action, he himself got in first, followed by Hult, but zero was at the end.

Zero's goggles had already been removed, and the infrared detector was wearing on the right side of his face, just covering his golden right eye. Opened the safety bolt of the machine gun, Zero arched his waist and fell silent, like a cat gracefully burrowing into the darkness of the hospital building.

Under the action of the infrared instrument, the corridor in the dark is clearly visible in Zero's eyes.

The windows of the hospital were closed tightly, and some kind of paint was splashed on them, blocking the entry of sunlight, making them extremely dark. Facing the door is the outpatient hall. I saw newspaper racks, drinking fountains, and chairs all on the floor. It was very embarrassing. And there are still a few corpses on the ground. The corpses have been skeletal. I don't know how long they have been dead. They are still wearing the doctor's white coat, and the skeleton of the corpse is not complete. Judging from the uneven fractured surface, it should be abruptly torn off by something.

Zero's skin wrapped in the protective clothing felt a very faint puncture sensation, and his instinct told him that the hospital was very dangerous. Absolutely, not as calm as its surface.

In the line of sight, Zuo Ge made a gesture, indicating that everything in front of him was normal. Zero followed, and the team walked out of the fire exit on the left side of the outpatient hall, and walked down the stairs outside the corridor to the gate of the underground storage room.

The door was not locked, half open and half closed. A corpse sat down by the door, looking at the attire that should be the security of the hospital. The left forearm of the corpse was missing, and even the head was gnawed at something, making everyone frown.

Zuoge gestured to Hult to stay. The black patted his chest, made another "OK" gesture, and then began to prepare for the placement of explosives.

The team continued to advance.

After the gate, there is a passage extending from left to right. Zuoge came to the wall, looked at the plan of the medicine storage room hanging on the wall, and immediately locked a position. That is the storage room for antibiotic medicine, located on the east side of the basement, which belongs to a deeper position.

After determining the goal, Zuoge walked in front of the team, slowly but carefully leading the team forward. Zero is still at the end, everything is normal in his sight, except for a certain corpse lying on the ground occasionally. But the more calm, for some reason, the acupuncture sensation of Zero Skin became heavier and heavier. As if right ahead, there is a huge danger waiting for them silently.

Zero finally couldn't help it. In the strange gazes of the two Carl, he stepped forward and held Zuoge. Using his finger to write the word "Danger" in the palm of Zuoge's hand, Zero pointed to the dark area in front of him, then shook his head, and made a retreat gesture, making Zuoge frowned.

Zuoge naturally knew what Zero wanted to say, but in his opinion, Zero was too nervous.

According to the information of the base, most of the living corpses in Silvertree City live in the city's school. Six months ago, the base sent a team of ten people to perform the same task. Everything was going well. However, when the team passed by the school during the retreat, they were attacked by a large number of living corpses, and only one person finally escaped.

As for the Queen Mary Hospital, there are no more than ten living corpses hidden here. Zuoge hasn't taken this amount to heart yet.

Zuo Ge patted Zero's shoulder, then patted his chest, then raised his thumb to face him, indicating that everything is under his control. Then, Zuoge waved his hand to let the team move forward. When Carl and Tony passed by Ling, Ling saw their contemptuous eyes.

Zero knew, they were laughing at themselves for being timid.

He is not prepared to argue, since Zuoge insists on action, then Zero only needs to do his job well.

Zero fell to the back of the team, and Huang Jin's right eye constantly adjusted his sight distance under the control of his mind to help him see all suspicious things. As he passed the pharmacy room, a soft sound came into Zero's ears.

Caught the zero of the strange noise, he quickly looked towards the pharmacy room. The door of the pharmacy room was ajar, and in Zero's sight, something flashed by the door.

Zero's right eye can see quite clearly, it is a high-heeled shoe.

It is naturally impossible for the heel to move by itself, in other words, there is something moving inside.

Zero posted it up and gently opened the door with the barrel. He squatted down, and if something suddenly popped out of the door, he would not be able to attack him in the first place. Maintaining a squatting posture, the muzzle of the micro machine gun pointed straight into the door at the moment the door opened.

But there was nothing in the door, except for the medicine cabinet that fell to the ground and a male corpse.

The male corpse has only a skeleton left, but he is wearing a police uniform with a six-pointed star on his chest. UU Reading www. uukanshu.com still looks like a sheriff. It's just that the sheriff has passed away, but the corpse still holds two revolvers in his hands.

The two revolvers are the same horizontally and seem to be a pair.

According to zero visual inspection, the length of these two guns is close to 50cm, and the height is about 17cm. This is too huge for the revolver, and the bullet shells scattered under the body are frowning. He picked up one and observed for a little while, he knew that the revolver fired a .50 warhead.

Picking up one of the pistols, there was a shock, and the drum of the gun body immediately slid away. Unlike a regular revolver with six rounds of ammunition, the drum of this pistol can only be filled with five rounds.

"M500 revolver?" Zero was a little surprised. In the old days, the only M500 in the world was a revolver that fired five rounds. That's because the bullet it can fire is a .50 powerful warhead that can kill African elephants.

Ling looked at the wrist bones of the corpse thoughtfully. As he expected, the wrist bones of both hands of the dead sergeant had broken. It was abruptly broken by the huge recoil of the M500, but I don't know what the sheriff would hunt with such a powerful pistol?

After removing the two pistols from the hands of the corpse, Ling found a line of small characters engraved on the **** of the polymer material.

"For my dearest Smith-Mary"

It seems that this pistol was given to the sheriff by a woman named Mary, but now that the sheriff is dead, Zero decides to put the pistol away for him. They fall into the hands of Zero and will play a greater role.

Zero saw that there was a row of unused .50 bullets on the sheriff's body, but wanted to reach for it. When the finger first touched the bullet, the skin puncture sensation suddenly intensified. The feeling of danger rushed to Zero's heart like a tsunami.

At this time, the sound of high heels hitting the ground came from behind!