War Lord

Chapter 605: Old friend

([This month will increase the amount of updates, at least 5,000 words per day. Then continue to ask for subscriptions, the bosses let me raise my salary o(>﹏

It was still tight-fitting black leather pants, and the outline of the figure was enough to make men burn the most primitive flames. But today Alice's face is pale, and even her lips don't even have a trace of blood. Her energy aura is still exuberant, but it is too conspicuous, as if the dying flame is spitting out the last heat and brilliance.

Faced with the question raised by Jin, Alice smiled faintly: "The people who gave me the order are dead. What's the point of killing you?"

Kim didn't seem to be surprised by this answer. He just smiled plainly, then frowned and said, "Your situation looks very bad."

"It's not good." Alice seemed to be talking about other people's affairs, shrugging her shoulders and said: "My genes have begun to break down. The speed is not fast but it can't be reversed. Forget it, I probably have only one month left. Bar."

Jin Shensheng said: "You should receive treatment!"

"Treatment? Forget it, it doesn't make much sense to live anyway, isn't it, but you use your abilities to purify the cultivated land. It's a waste, but you seem to be very happy?"

Jin stayed in a daze, then nodded and said, "Indeed, I used these hands to change the environment here. The progress is slow, but it feels more fulfilling than using the ability to kill people before."

"This is great, as long as you like it, just let it go. Now, you are free." Alice turned around and looked in the direction of the town: "This place is very quiet, and you are here. If I If you want to spend the rest of your life here, you shouldn't drive me away, right?"

Jin sighed and said, "If you like it, stay."

"Then you have to support me?"

Alice turned her head, the evening light behind her made Jin unable to see the expression on her face. The wind blew the hair around her ears, and Ai Li reached out her hand and gently gathered it, so this picture was deeply imprinted in Jin's eyes.

So that evening, people discovered that when Jin came back with a **** and glamorous woman, everyone guessed her identity. In the next few days, this woman seemed to have plans to live long. She changed from the tight leather pants that came to town on the first day, and put on normal clothes. Just like Jin's wife, the woman would cook and mop the floor at home to do some housework, and take care of Jinna's kennel neatly and cleanly.

Occasionally, women will sit in a daze in the house. When she was in a daze, some men under the house would watch her and follow her in a daze. At this time, she found that she was abnormal downstairs. She would give everyone a smile that was not enthusiastic but still friendly, and then disappeared in the eyes of the men and returned to the house.

Women rarely come out, and they have almost nothing to do with the people in the town. She seems to be living in her own world, plain and quiet, and the women in the town admire her. Because she looked so beautiful, and even when Kim was away, the men in town didn't have any special thoughts about this beautiful woman. Women admire her beauty, and men also know that people who can live on the radiant surface without any abnormal organization, they are usually capable people. The same is true for geologists like Jin, and as long as they are capable, no matter how low their rank is, the ordinary people in the town can't afford it.

So men are very self-disciplined, they just look at her from a distance without arousing women's disgust, watching this beauty that is not part of the wilderness.

After seven or eight days in this way, everyone has become accustomed to having one more person in the town. That evening, when Jin was pushing the broken copper and iron back into the town, a few cars drove in from the entrance of the town on the other side. In the front is an old Ford that can almost enter the recycling bin. The left door of the car is dark gray, which is a little different from the black body of the car. It looks like it was disassembled from another car and installed. Everyone knows that this old Ford belongs to Mr. Spit, and King has also heard of Spit. He is a businessman, to be correct, a wilderness businessman. Wander around the coastline villages or towns, buy some metals or other valuable gadgets, and then resell them to large companies in need to make the difference.

Said it was a businessman, but Spit really didn't make much money. Because in this dark age, he is already one of the few businessmen with a conscience, which makes everyone like him. But today, Spit seems to have brought some other people, and they seem to have some identities. Jin looked at it casually, and behind the old Ford were two cars, without any signs on the body, and the body was not new. The paint is drawn here, and the surface of the car shell is gray and gray, and it looks like it has been stored in a warehouse for a long time. On the surface, cars are nothing special, at most they are the cars of small bosses in those big companies. But Jin knew that these two cars actually performed very well. You could hear that there was almost no noise when they passed by. The cars were usually well maintained. As for the dust and paint on the surface, it may be just a disguise.

If you can sit in a car with superior performance, the identities of the people in it will not be low. But they need to hide their identities, in other words, they are not members of the parliament, or at least not the core figures of the parliament. In just a few seconds, Jin came to these conclusions. He deliberately walked to the side of the road and didn't want to attract attention. Putting his hat on, Kim glanced into the car. At the same time, someone inside looked at him.

When the eyes met, a group of golden flames seemed to ignite in the car, making Jin immediately turn his head away.

In the car, a woman asked: "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, just saw an old friend." The man sitting next to him said lightly.

"Oh, then why not go down and say hello?"

"Firstly, our current status is uncomfortable. Secondly, this friend doesn't seem to want people to know that he is here. So, just pretend that you haven't seen anything." The man whispered.

At this time, the car stopped. Outside, is the house of the mayor Cha Li.

Windmill Town is not a big place. The mayor is often like ordinary residents. He also needs labor in exchange for capital for survival. Only when it was important, Cha Li would change into his suit that he didn't know where he picked it up from. The suit is very old and patched, but for the people in this small town, it is already a decent outfit. Cha Li's son even hoped his father would include it in the inheritance, so after Cha Li died, it would belong to him.

What is the important time? For example, when meeting important guests, usually such guests are only Spit, and it is only when he first met Spit that Cha Lee will dress solemnly. After that, they almost became friends who talked about everything, and they were naturally dressed more casually. In addition, it is the annual council meeting in the town. This is a meeting where all men from the whole town are brought together to discuss the development of the town in the coming year and other odds and ends. In fact, meetings like this are not needed at all. The small town is so big, there is no special thing to discuss year after year. Only the mayor insisted, so such a meeting would be held once a year. But more people think that Cha Li just insisted on holding such a meeting just to give his suit a chance to see the light.

But no matter what, Cha Lee put on this suit again today, because Spit said that he would bring a few important guests over in the evening. They have a business that will probably increase the income of Windmill Town several times or even ten times in previous years. The specific Spit is not very clear. He only heard about what these guests wanted to salvage, and he was just a middleman.

Hearing the panting sound of Spit's classic car outside the house, Chali quickly stood up and ordered his wife to prepare some tea and biscuits. These things were sometimes gifts that Spit gave him and he was reluctant to eat them. But today, Cha Li was generous. At the same time, he opened the door by himself and walked out of the house, and he saw that the old Spit got out of the car, and then the door of the car behind also opened at the same time, and two people walked out of it.

It looks like a pair of men and women from the body shape, they are all wearing long trench coats and hooded ones. The hat covers the head and can't see the face clearly, so I don't want people to see it. When Cha Lee couldn't speak, Spit made a gesture, so the town hurriedly invited the guests into the house.

When the door was closed, the two guests lifted their hats. Cha Li was taken aback. He thought that the so-called important guests that Spit said were middle-aged people even if they were not old people. But the two guests are quite young, especially the man, who has rare black hair, and his eyes are actually black and gold on the right.

Spitt gave a dry cough and said to Chali, "This is Master Zero. He has a job. I wonder if the people in your town are interested in coming next?"

When Cha Li met with important guests, Jin returned to his own three-story small house in the east of the town. The house had been abandoned for the Golden Year before he came. Jin repaired the broken stairs, replaced the new doors and windows, repaired the damage to the external walls, reconnected the wires and so on. The arrival of Alice made the house clean. She used some shabby blankets to cut into special shapes, and then sewed them together to form carpets with decorative patterns. Every morning, she would go for a walk in the wilderness outside the town. When she came back, she would always bring a bunch of wild flowers, and put them in a bottle in the living room, which gave the home a fresh feeling.

Jin likes this house more and more, not only because it has become more welcoming, but more importantly, there are more figures in the house.

When I got home, Alice was making small pancakes. The material is the meat of an unlucky monster. When she was walking in the morning, she ran into a hungry wolf, and the hungry wolf wanted to eat her but failed and asked her to bring it back. The hind legs of the hungry wolf were chopped off, and after removing the hair and bones, there was not much meat left, only enough for her and Jin to eat. As for the wolf carcass, it is currently frozen for Alice and kept in the cellar. It is estimated that it can be eaten one or two more times.

After the wolf meat is chopped into mud, it is fried into golden round cakes. As soon as Jin entered the room, he smelled the rich smell of meat, and he couldn't help spitting up. Alice’s voice came from the kitchen: "Go wash your hands, you can eat."

After speaking, Alice laughed casually. In the past, the two had good living conditions, not to mention washing hands, bathing was common. But now in places like Windmill Town, water is an extremely precious thing, so how can anyone waste it on washing hands?

After three or two pancakes were made, Alice put them on the plate and brought them to the table. Pour two more cups of clean drinking water. This is a fairly wise dinner for the two. While eating the fried meatloaf, Kim said, "Guests are here in town tonight."

Alice nodded and said, "There are two very condensed auras in the third car. There are also three or four capable people, and their average level is not weak."

"Good guy, he has found so many powerful helpers. But he himself, it seems that his ability has fallen back, which is really strange." Jin picked up a small piece of meat pie with a fork, bit it into his mouth and talked.

Alice patted him and said, "Don't talk while eating."

But she asked again: "Who is he you talking about?"

After Jin swallowed the food, he drank his saliva and said, "You must be surprised, it's zero. That guy is sitting in the car, he is so easy to recognize, I don't think I can admit my mistakes deliberately."

"Is it him?" Alice gave a thoughtful expression: "After you left that day, I was still recovering near Asgart. Later, when Thor returned with the Western Expeditionary Army, I learned the news of Tyre's death. Soon after that , I heard some sporadic news, basically from the people of Doomhammer. They said that Tyr had fought against Zero. Do you know what they think of this battle?"

Jin Da shook his head.

"Equally matched, Zero is weaker, but in general it is not much worse than Tyre. Because one of Tyre's arm was destroyed in Zero's hands." Alice said in a deep voice.

Jin took a breath: "When did that kid become so powerful, I still remember the first time I played against him, if he wasn't too cunning, even I could kill him."

"So, it should be impossible for you to feel that his ability has fallen back. On the contrary, I think he has become a lot stronger." Alice said seriously: "Till once mentioned that there is a kind of micro-control in the world of ability. Realm. It refers to a level of subtle control of the capable person’s own energy, which allows the capable person to exert every bit of power to the extreme when fighting. Zero may have reached this state, so the energy level can be controlled. Control it at a lower level."

Jin put a piece of meatloaf into his mouth again: "Do you want to confuse your opponent?"

"This is only one of the purposes, but it is more to reduce the excessive burden of energy on the body." Alice asked again: "What is he doing in town?"

"Who knows. Spit brought it, and then got into Old Chali's house, and didn't know what to talk about. However, he is sure he has discovered me, but there is nothing to say, and he shouldn't want to have anything to do with us. Intersect."

Alice said "Oh" and didn't ask any more. The two also began to change the subject. Jin planned to build another shed on the roof so that he could sleep on the roof at night in summer. For this practice, Alice gave a "childish" comment. Jin smiled, looking very happy, not at all angry for treating Alice as an older child.

On the second day, when Jin went out to work, he found that the mayor, Cha Li, had rang the bronze bell that was only used in meetings in the small square. Jin wanted to know what Ling had said to the old mayor yesterday, so he found a corner in the small square and sat down. Not long after, the residents who heard the bell came, most of whom were men. Spit also drove his old Ford to Windmill Town not long after, but he was the only one who came here today, but did not see Zero Class.

It's almost time to see the people. Old Chali coughed twice, reached out his hand and made a quiet gesture, and said: "Everyone, I must have seen it yesterday. The old fellow Spitt came to visit our mayor again. But this time He did not intend to acquire anything, but wanted to recruit some people to work. Is anyone willing to work for him?"

At this time, a middle-aged man raised his hand and said, "I just want to ask, if you don't want to be paid, can you give me a woman?"

Then there was a roar of laughter, the old inspector cursed, and waved to let Spitt come over and say, "Let this old thing tell you by yourself."

Spitt walked to the position of the mayor and pointed to the man who asked the question: "I'm sorry, I don't have a woman yet. If you have it, it's your turn, as a bastard. Women, there is no more, but the wages Enough for you to buy back two or three wives in the wilderness!"

As soon as this word came out, everyone was quiet immediately. The trade of slaves, especially female slaves, is not uncommon in the wilderness. Some large companies will even regularly go to other remote areas to raid other wilderness settlements every year. The slave men caught are treated as hard labor, and the better ones are workers. For women, the pretty or young ones are generally sold to some nobles as playthings, and the younger or older ones are sold to other towns along the coast. The wife of the old mayor is the woman he bought back before, and the price of a woman like this is generally around 30 yuan. However, for many people, 30 general currency is already more than half a year's income.

Listening to Spit's words, it seems that the wages are still very high. So the man asked before, "Mr. Spit, can you tell me how much money you have in a day?"

Spitt smiled ~lightnovelpub.net~ stretched out both hands, each crossed with one finger, and said: "Ten yuan! Gentlemen, the daily wage is ten yuan. It is estimated that it will take about ten days, that is to say. , You can make at least one hundred yuan. So I said, you can buy two or three wives."

"One hundred yuan?" The men went crazy, and someone asked, "Can you tell us what kind of job this is? Mining? Or some other high-risk job?"

"It is indeed digging, but it is not mining. As for the specifics, it is not convenient to disclose it. After all, the boss behind me paid a big price. One of the conditions is absolute confidentiality, at least before he leaves." Spit said .

A young man touched his neck and said, "Should you kill us after we're done?"

"Well, maybe there will be a meeting. But the boss said that as long as you sign up, you can advance your wages for 5 days, which is 50 yuan. This is a guarantee. If you are afraid of killing your mouth, you can spend money first. Playing for a few days, it’s worth it to die like this.” Spit said with a smile: “You know that even if you don’t have the job, it’s not easy for you to live. Should you continue to stay so hard, or take the risk of **** him. , Whatever you want. But you can talk ahead. If you can't find anyone when you sign up, don't worry, even if you hide in hell. Spit will look for you!"