War Lord

Chapter 606: big project

When King left, Spit was already recruiting workers. The job of recruiting for high-quality updates is actually quite simple. The old guy takes a son and writes down the names of the registered capitals, and then takes a piece of red mud for them to confirm by fingerprints, and then he will take out 50 yuan in his pocket. Give it to the applicant, then the contract will be established.

The contract on the wilderness is far less troublesome than the contract for the cooperation of large companies. Even if a person's name and a fingerprint are signed, this is still a normal practice. It is common for some bad companies to directly use force to force people to work, and not to mention the guarantee money, even the wages are very meager. On the contrary, the 50 guarantee money that the boss behind Spit had directly put out was enough to dispel the worries of the men in Windmill Town. This is also a signal at the same time. Since the other party is willing to do this, he won't do anything like killing his mouth, otherwise he will just take the person away and do the job, so why bother. And the owner who can get the money is not afraid that the workers will take the money and run away. Like Spit said, you can always be found even if you hide in hell.

With the money, everyone naturally feels at ease. So some took the money home, and some immediately went to the only bar in town to spend it. But Spit said that all the people who left their names on his son will gather at the entrance of the town on time seven days tomorrow morning, and bring a change of clothes. It is estimated that it will take ten and a half months to return. As for other things, you can’t ask too much. Men also know that if the boss doesn’t want to let himself know too much, then the best way is to shut up and work obediently. I took the money back when I was done, otherwise I would ask too much, and maybe I wouldn’t be able to come back.

Jin knew that he couldn't find out more information, and he was not interested in making the one hundred and tens of dollars, so naturally he didn't follow to join in the fun. He was just wondering, what did Ling look for these workers to do? He doesn't think that there will be a shortage of people for Zero, and nothing else, as far as he knows, the woman of Zero is the head of the black rose, and it is not as many as there are so many people. And he ran all the way to the coastline of the Eastern Continent, looking for workers from the land, and contacting wilderness merchants like Spit as a middleman. There is no shortage of money. Seeing this, what he wants to dig should be around here. And that thing is estimated to be too small, otherwise the locals will not be hired, in order not to attract the attention of the dark council.

This night, the last lively before Windmill Town. Especially in the only bar in town, the low-quality beer with water was sold crazy, so at least one-third of the money the men got in the morning went into the pocket of the bar owner. Of course, no one cares about this, they just want to have a good time, so no one cares whether the wine is delicious or whether the dancing girl is spicy enough.

Just have fun.

The next morning, before seven o'clock, the two large carts had already parked outside the town. The men said goodbye to their families with large bags and got into the car. The truck started and carried more than a hundred people onto the coastline highway. They didn't bring too many things, most of them changed clothes. There are no tools, because Spit said that the boss will supply these, and all that is needed is manpower.

Everyone was silent along the way, some were sleeping, and some looked at the scenery outside. In fact, there is not much beautiful scenery, first it is a monotonous highway, and then the car drove into the wilderness. Occasionally there will be four or five skinny wolves passing by, and one or two living corpses can even be seen wandering on the road. The high-quality update Lean Wolf will startle the car away, while the living corpse will follow up somehow, and then become a target for several guards in the car to practice marksmanship.

The next is a boring journey. The men found that the wilderness was retreating and ushered in a virgin forest. It’s far from the coastline road, but the car still doesn’t stop. They continued to deepen in the forest, and it was already night when they finally stopped. Just in the forest, the man in Windmill Town spent the night in the car. We continued to set off in the early hours of the next day and did not arrive at the destination until noon.

This is a big lake on the edge of Death Ridge, the lake is blue. It looks beautiful, but experienced wilderness residents know that it actually has such a beautiful color because it contains a lot of radiation. In this turbulent age, there are often deadly things hidden under the beautiful appearance. It is the common sense of everyone who lives in the wilderness not to be fooled by the beauty of the appearance.

When getting out of the car, the men opened their mouths wide. The trees next to the big lake were almost completely felled, clearing hundreds of meters of space. Several high-power pumps are already working, and the lake water is constantly being pumped out in the rumbling sound and then poured into the already dug trenches. There are already workers working at the scene. It can be seen that Spit and the boss behind him have not only recruited people from Windmill Town, but people from several wild towns on the coastline.

A man murmured, "Damn, what big project is this? It takes so many people?"

"Shut up and just do a good job," the other bearded whispered.

At this time, Spit came over, and behind them were guards dressed as soldiers. They were pushing several hand stackers with radiation protection suits for field operations. Spit pointed at these things, let the guards distribute them to each worker's hands and said: "Put on these things, I know you guys have more or less abnormal tissues, which can play a role in anti-radiation. But believe me, the radiation here is much greater than in other places. This **** forest is like a monster. If you stay here for a long time, you won’t die if you go back, so don’t even think about using it anymore. For that. You yourself, remember to wear this thing when you work."

He patted the radiation protection suit, and said: "These things are one of the benefits the boss gives you. He doesn't want you to fall ill because of this job, so you who know you have to do it well. Also, when you go back. Give them back and let me know which brat dared to hide even one glove, and Spit will let you know how bad his temper is!"

The little old man looked funny when he said this, but no one could laugh. The soldiers on the side looked at them with sorrowful eyes, and the men knew that only those who could be called butchers had such cold eyes.

Spit called over a man who looked like an overseer, and said, "This is Diego, in the next few days, you can do whatever he asks you to do. Then, these boys are left to you."

Patting Diego's arm, Spit left. The overseer shouted: "You can call me Diego, or you can call me a punch. Why, because if I am unhappy, a fist can blow your little heads. If you don't believe it, just try it. High-quality updates. So, you better don’t offend me. Do what you owe? Don’t ask for more work, then I will have a good temper. Maybe I can ask the boss for some beer for you to drink during the rest of the night."

"Now tell me, do you want to drink or try Lao Tzu's fist?"

When Spit walked to a makeshift radiation-proof camp, he just heard the men behind him yelling "I want to drink." The old man shook and said, "Really a bunch of energetic guys." Then he opened the account and walked in, where several people were talking. Standing in the middle, with a black-haired Asian face is the boss behind this project.

Spit only knew that his name was zero. As for the others, he didn't know and didn't want to ask more. He had to live for a few more years, but he didn't plan to go to **** so quickly. But Spit knew he was not easy, because several engineers from the Black Rose family had to treat him respectfully when they saw him. As for the role of engineer, any city or company thrown in the wilderness can be regarded as the number one person, and they are simply rarer than capable people.

Of course the old man knew where the Black Rose family came from, and on whose site they started. So all activities are premised on concealment. When Spit came in, the engineers seemed to have reported the situation to the young man called Zero. After they withdrew, the young man looked at Spit and said, "Would you like some wine?"

A smile appeared on Spitt's old wrinkled face: "No, I don't have the habit of drinking during the day."

"It's a good habit." Ling said, "Thank you very much for your help this time, Mr. Spit, otherwise I can't find so many local workers to work."

"It's nothing, I take a lot of your commission. It's okay to do some work." Spit laughed.

"No matter what, just follow what we said before. After this time, I will arrange for you and your family to go to Asgart. As for the related procedures, Black Rose will arrange it for you, so you don’t have to Worried."

"Thank you very much, sir. If there is anything useful to me, please tell me at any time." Spitt said from the bottom of his heart, and made his body tremble slightly because of the excitement in his heart. To be able to go to the legendary city of heaven in Asgart, the reward is far more than the commission that Spit gets. He doesn't care, but he can let his family go to Asgart together, which means that his children don't have to run around in the wilderness like him. Let the children live better, this is the wish of every father.

So when he left the camp, Spit was still a little excited. It was much more reasonable to get the personal promise from the adult inside than the wilderness agent of Black Rose at that time. Spit felt that the whole person was as excited as twenty years younger, and life seemed to have never been so good.

In the camp, Zero is watching with a tablet brain. After arranging some things for Asgart, the spaceship to investigate Beyonce also came up with a plan. According to the plan, the wilderness agent of Zero and Black Rose approached Spit, and the wilderness merchant recruited workers in the villages near the coastline. The equipment needed to salvage the spacecraft was transported to the location of the spacecraft in a concealed manner through multiple and different routes. In order to ensure that there is no need to purchase a large amount of necessary equipment in the local area to attract the attention of the parliament, of course, in order to prevent the attention of the parliament during the salvage process, necessary measures are indispensable.

One of these is related to Spit, and Black Rose is not just looking for a wilderness merchant. The reason why he came to Spit was because the old man had applied for residency rights to Asgart through Black Rose, but was beaten back because he did not meet the standards. This time, the Black Rose family paid him a heavy reward for going through the whole set of related procedures, which was enough to win his loyalty. And the second and most important point is that the old man Spit has in his hands several company information officially registered in the Dark Council. In the unlikely event that members of the council come to the door, if there is no need to use force, it is entirely possible for Spit to lie on the grounds of the company's business.

In fact, the real difficulty of this project is not in the salvage process, but in the subsequent transportation links. The engineers of Black Rose have prepared the towing parts and necessary vehicles of the spacecraft, and it is not difficult to pull the spacecraft back to Asgart. The difficulty is that they can conceal themselves by various means when they come. But going back, something the size of a small passenger airplane of the old age, but you can’t hide it if you want to hide it.

So when you leave, you will draw the council's attention that is a 100% thing. The key point is whether the parliament directly sends high-level capable people to intervene, or just sends regular troops to deal with it. This depends on the time when the parliament receives the news and the amount of information. After all, it is now during the preparation for war. If it is not necessary, the council will not randomly send out high-ranking ones.

But the necessary defensive measures are still to be done, so this time Zero brought out all the powerful masters around him. Asking himself, as long as it is not the Scarlet Knights from the council, he still has the confidence to deal with it.

On the Zhinao screen, there is a report on the current situation of the spacecraft. After the instruments and personnel entered the water for inspection, the situation of the spacecraft was not very optimistic. The first is the serious damage to the fuselage behind the hull, and the damage area is estimated to be about ten square meters. The lake water has been inverted, but the emergency system seems to have been activated in the body, and some of the space has been closed, so the spacecraft has not completely entered the water, so it remains suspended in the water. However, because of the large amount of abnormal water weeds in the lake entangled the spaceship, it was unable to emerge from the water by itself. In addition to this damage, the wing-like parts of the spacecraft were also damaged in many places. As for the other damaged areas of different sizes, they were not detailed in the report.

For more, you have to salvage the spacecraft and transport it back to Asgart for further evaluation. Now the engineer's plan is to drain the water first. Naturally, it is impossible to drain the big lake, but at least until the water and grass in the lake are exposed. The next step is to enter the lake and clean up the water weeds. This link is the most time-consuming and laborious. It is initially estimated that it will take at least several days to clean up the water weeds entangled with the spacecraft. Finally, it is fixed on the spacecraft with a tractor to fish it out of the lake. After that, as long as the water in the hull is drained, the towing parts can be installed and then pulled back to Asgart.

After turning off Zhinao, Zero walked out of the camp. On the edge of the big lake, workers are unloading the machinery from trucks for assembly. One of the cranes has been assembled. The thick robotic arm points directly to the big lake. They only wait for the water to be pumped and the plants are cleaned before they are lifted. Operation. The busy scene at the scene made me feel that I was too leisurely. When he thought of this, he couldn't help but laugh, thinking that he had moved from the lowest level of wilderness mercenaries to now have his own city-state and power, but he was a little unaccustomed to such easy days.

The days are spent in the panic of idleness and the busyness of the workers.

By the next day, the water level of the Great Lake had fallen to the point where it could be operated. Standing by the lake, you can already see the outline of the spacecraft entangled by water, grass and vines, and many workers are amazed by this. Before they came, they didn't know that the ship to be salvaged was actually a spacecraft. In particular, this six-wing spacecraft has a peculiar shape, which is obviously not a product of this era, and it is natural to be surprised. But with the orders of several supervisors, they began to get busy, and it was not easy to clean up these water plants. Especially working in the water is more laborious and must be handled carefully so as not to damage the spacecraft. Therefore, the workers flew into the water in several batches in turn.

After three days, the water plants were almost cleaned up. Only those who are entangled in the hull and the wings on both sides are left, but these tasks are more time-consuming and the progress has been so slowed down. Two days later, the cleanup work had come to an end. When Ling was watching the workers work by the lake, he received a report from Feng in the communicator: "Head, we are here as a guest."

"The parliament?" Ling asked.

"Well, but there is only one off-road vehicle, like the Border Patrol."

"Apart from you, who else is there now?"

"Want to kill them? I don't think it is necessary. Old Spit has already come forward to deal with it."

"Spit? Are there any guards around him?"

"Ye Liu and Hai Wei panic when they are idle, they happen to be right next to the old man, and I'm watching, don't worry."

Zero nodded and said: "Then leave it to you. It's best if you can't use force. If you use force, remember to deal with it. Call Brown. If you need to use force, he knows how to deal with the aftermath."

"Listen to you!"

After finishing the call ~lightnovelpub.net~ Feng called Brown again. He is at the edge of the forest, sitting casually on the canopy of a big tree. I picked up the binoculars and looked at it. From the direction of the coastline road, an off-road vehicle would reach the roadblock that Spit had set up on the side of the road in about ten minutes. A sign saying "Kellington Manufacturing Company" was still hung on the roadblock, which was genuine. As long as you use your brain to connect to the parliamentary network, you can find out that there is indeed the company's registration information under their name.

At this time, a classic car drove out of the forest, it was Spitt's old Ford. A few soldiers standing guard by the roadblock saluted the old man who drove down. These soldiers are the guards of the Kellington Company and all have electronic identification certificates. Even if it is checked, there will be no problems. In order to do all of this, Black Rose even bought the entire Kellington company, which is a well-planned plan. Of course, a peaceful acquisition is naturally impossible, and the use of some force is necessary. I'm not afraid of being exposed afterwards, anyway, the salvage plan will be a matter of ten days.

To ensure that the truth will not be revealed in more than ten days, Black Rose still has this strength.

In the telescope, the parliament patrol car finally arrived, and four or five soldiers jumped down from above, all of them large, and they looked quite scary. There was a smile on Spit's old face, and he stepped forward with his hands on his back.