War Lord

Chapter 607: Intersection

Among the soldiers who jumped out of the parliament car, a man who looked like a captain wore sunglasses and looked at Spit who was coming up on his face blankly and asked: "You are from the Kellington Company?"

"Yes, sir. レm♠思♥路♣客レ" Spitt handed a cigarette to the soldiers and lit them again.

The soldiers were very useful. They tasted that Spitt's cigarettes were all good products, and they were not available to low-level soldiers like them, so they valued the old guy a little. Only the captain shook his head and rejected Spitt's cigarette, and he asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Sir, you know, our Kellington company mainly produces water purification and radial separators. Recently, the company has made new breakthroughs in this area of ​​technology, and is currently conducting experiments around here." Spit calmly Said.

The captain cast a glance at the few soldiers behind. One of the men who should belong to the engineering and military class took out a tablet brain to connect to the parliamentary network terminal. After searching, he quickly found the information of the Kellington Company. The data shows that Kellington is indeed a wilderness company registered with the council, and the company's main business is the research and production of water separators.

The engineer nodded to the captain after checking it, and the captain showed a smile on his face: "You're lucky, old fellow. If you have something to hide, I just used this big guy to greet you." He clapped his hand. On the machine gun, and then looked at the flue in Spitt's hand: "You are not bad."

"Sir, you really know the goods, this is not something you can buy." Hehe smiling, Spitt stuffed his cigarette into the captain's jacket pocket.

Several soldiers laughed dryly, satisfied with Spit's performance. The captain snapped his fingers and was about to close the team. At this moment, I accidentally glanced at the old Ford, and suddenly saw a pair of long legs on the side of the steering wheel. The legs are so slender and slender, and after just one glance, the captain felt a fire burning under his abdomen. He snorted and called a few soldiers to go over.

Spitt's face sank slightly.

"Open the door, get off!" The captain said solemnly when he came to the car.

In the car, Hai Wei glanced at Ye Liu innocently, and secretly made a "beat him" gesture, apparently asking Ye Liu. The latter shook his head, so Hai Wei shrugged and got out of the car with Ye Liu. When the two girls got into the car, the eyes of the soldiers of the council clearly lit up. Whether it is the energetic Haiwei or the naturally staying Ye Liu, they are rare beauties. Especially Hai Wei, a blonde girl, after more than a year of exercise, her legs are longer and her skin glows with a healthy glow. These soldiers can't help but want to hold them in their hands. kiss.

Swallowing, the captain looked at Spit fiercely and said, "Old man, you know how to enjoy it."

Spitt has been in the wilderness for so many years, and he couldn't hear the meaning of what he said, and he hurriedly said: "You misunderstood the sir. These two are my granddaughters. They are not what you think."

"Granddaughter?" Several soldiers laughed dryly. The captain walked to Spit and put an arm on his shoulder and said, "So, let your two granddaughters play with us for a day. At this time tomorrow, I promise to send them off. Come back. Also, I promise that no one else will interfere with your experiment, how about it?"

Spit smiled bitterly: "Sir, my two granddaughters are still young. Or, I will find you two, no, three or four women?".

"Damn, don't shame the old guy!" The captain yelled after catching Spitt by the collar, "I want to play with these two chicks today. Don't worry, I won't kill them!"

Spitt slowly put away his smile and said, "Idiot, I have always wanted to save your lives, but you keep rubbing against the knife. Forget it."

The old man looked at Haiwei and the two: "Good job."

The soldiers were taken aback for a moment, wondering what Spit meant by this. But Hai Wei was eagerly gearing her hands. Recently, she was bored, and now she finally has a chance to beat someone. Unexpectedly, she was the last to move, but Ye Liu had already raised her hand and snapped her fingers.

In an instant, a black light flashed in the space around the few people.

This is when a mutated unicorn fairy just flew out of the grass, but it hit the flickering black light, and it suddenly turned into two pieces. The section should be very smooth, and even no blood spattered. It wasn't until it fell to the ground that blood flowed out of the corpse. Looking at the other soldiers, their expressions were stagnant, and then they found themselves floating slightly, then turned around again, and suddenly saw their headless corpse!

Spit just watched the heads of several soldiers bounce up at the same time, and then fell to the ground with their headless corpses, until the blood came out of his neck. The grandfather was calm on the surface, but his fingers trembled slightly. From zero there was no objection to two girls dangling beside him, and Spit knew that these two seemingly weak girls should be capable.

It's just that they didn't expect that when they used their weapons, the methods were so simple and harsh that they didn't even leave the other side a chance to resist. Thinking about it this way, these two girls are both bodyguards and terrifying watchdogs.

On the other side, Hai Wei already shook Ye Liu and complained: "Didn't you say you can let me come? Ye Liu, you lied to me again!"

Ye Liu shook her eyes and stared at Venus before squeezing out a word from her mouth after a long while: "Let you come, too slow."

Feng, who was on the other side of the forest, read the conversation between the two through his binoculars and couldn't help but smile. He picked up the walkie-talkie and called Brown, and then said: "The two little girls in Ye Liu killed a few council soldiers, and now you have to go."

Brown's hearty voice resounded on the intercom: "Don't worry, I'll take care of the aftermath."

After a while, the big guy drove a locomotive to the scene. Brown took out Spitt's cigarette from the captain's body, took a spot from it, and whistled the bodies one by one onto the council car. The aftermath is also a learned job, cleaning up traces, removing corpses, and creating illusions, so that even if the council finds that a few soldiers are dead, they can't come to the door immediately. These tasks are easier said than done, but not so simple. But Brown, who has extensive mercenary experience, naturally has no problem in this regard.

After he threw the soldier's body into the car, he asked Spit to clean up the scene, including covering up the tire marks from here to the coastline highway. As for the rest of the work, he took care of it. Spite agreed, seeing that Brown was skillful and swift, and the old man had an intuitive understanding of the strength of his zero hands.

Brown drove the car away directly, and threw his light motorcycle into the back seat of the car, so he went all day. In the evening, I rode a light motorcycle back to the camp.

At noon the next day, the parliament found the bodies of the missing cars and people. People and vehicles are attached to a monitoring station nearby. There are 300 soldiers and a blood lieutenant stationed here. The main job is to patrol the border and prevent the enemy from infiltrating. One of the patrol cars did not return last night and lost contact with the soldiers in the car. So this morning, the monitoring station sent a search team and finally found a ruin located more than two hundred kilometers west of the highway based on clues found on the coastline highway. , Found the bodies of patrol cars and soldiers in a largely collapsed building in the ruins.

The search team found a large number of bullet casings at the scene, and dense bullet holes appeared on the surrounding walls. The patrol car was overthrown and seemed to be used as a cover. The soldiers' bodies were behind the car, and they were dismembered cruelly. Dozens of corpse wolves and the remains of more than a dozen living corpses were also found nearby, obviously after a fierce battle here. Although the soldiers tried their best to fight back, they could not escape the fate of being killed in the end.

When this discovery was formed into a report and submitted to the Lieutenant Blood Cavalry at the monitoring station, the matter would have ended in this way. Any accidents may happen when patrolling in the wilderness, and encounters with a large number of mutant beasts or living corpses forced to fight to death are not uncommon. From the surface of the report, there is nothing special, but today Lieutenant Bloodrider Faro could not do this, because there are important figures in the monitoring station today.

It’s not news that the Augustus family has used the council’s name to use Phoenix as a frontline base. The giants of this council have already stocked a large number of soldiers there, and even the Augustus family has obtained authorization from the council to use nearby places The authority of a monitoring station. The authority includes the ability to share intelligence data of the monitoring station and mobilize soldiers from the monitoring station when necessary.

Today, Lein, the second son of Augustus, came to the monitoring station to inspect. This young man is not only a wealthy son, but also the ninth-ranked strongman in the Blood Knights. No matter which aspect, Faro is not a person who can offend. Tian Qiao happened again today. Ryan has already questioned the quality of the monitoring station personnel. Naturally, Faro should take this matter seriously. Therefore, as soon as he got the report, he immediately reported the information discovered by the search team to Rhein's hands.

At this moment, in Faro's office, Ryan was holding the report submitted by Lieutenant Blood Knight. After reading the information in Zhinao, Ryan's gaze fell on Lieutenant Blood Cavalry: "Lieutenant Faro, what do you think?"

Faro bit his head and said: "Sir, such incidents of soldiers being attacked by mutant beasts occur from time to time when they are on duty in the wilderness. I think this kind of thing is normal. After all, we are not Evernight City."

"It seems like that, has the body been shipped back now?"

"It will arrive in two hours."

"Then notify me after the corpse is shipped back."

After speaking, Ryan patted the lieutenant on the shoulder and left the office. Two hours later, the corpses of the dismembered soldiers had been simply put together in the morgue at the monitoring station. Both Lein and Faro arrived at the scene. After seeing the body, Lein said nothing. But after returning to the office, Lein said solemnly: "Lieutenant, it seems that this matter is not easy."

"I don't understand what you mean, sir." Faro shook his head.

Lein asked him to pass the tablet brain, then opened the map of the nearby coastline road, and then said: "There are two doubts. The first one, as far as I know, the patrol area of ​​your monitoring station did not reach the location of the accident, then Why are your soldiers there? Second, the soldiers’ corpses look like they were torn apart by mutant beasts and living corpses. But did you notice that all the soldiers’ necks, bones and blood vessels there are The cuts are very smooth, not like being attacked by a mutant beast, but more like being cut directly by a master with some kind of sharp weapon or some ability."

Faro was speechless. Although he had checked the body just now, he hadn't found so many things like Ryan.

"Where was the last time they contacted the monitoring station?"

Faro came back to his senses and hurriedly pointed out a coordinate on the coastline road. Ryan nodded, and then pointed out the second coordinate at the location of the accident: "What is your patrol radius?"

"About three hundred kilometers, sir."

Rhein quickly drew two circles on the map, the centers of which were the previous two coordinates, and the radius was the number of kilometers mentioned by Faro. The two circles met on the map, and Lein's finger fell on the point of the intersection and said: "Send someone to check here, and you might find any clues."

Then he said: "I have been out for too long and have to go back to Phoenix. If you have any questions, you can contact me at any time."

"Don't worry, sir, I will find out what happened in this!" Faro said in a deep breath.

After bidding farewell to Rhine, Faro took hundreds of soldiers and drove three off-road vehicles and an armored personnel carrier to the spot Rhine just pointed out. On the Zhineng screen in Faro's hand, the place where the two circles meet happens to be a small town.

Windmill Town!

"All right"

Jin stretched his waist and looked at this piece of soil that had been purified by himself recently. In this nearly one hundred square meters of soil, most of the radiation objects have been cleaned up. They only need to be regained with nutrients through natural nourishment, and then some easy-to-live crops can be planted. Jin plans to plant some mutated tomatoes, but he does have some seeds. Just sprinkle the seeds on the ground, water and irrigate, and in time, this barren land will be revitalized.

He smiled contentedly, and then laughed at himself: "I am really more suitable to be a farmer."

At this time, some sounds were heard in the ears. After filtering and analysis, Jin's mind flashed through the picture of the off-road vehicle.

"It looks like another guest is coming." Jin murmured, the smile on his face disappeared.

At this moment in the twilight, he walked back to the small town with the cart, and the sky cast a long shadow on the ground. When King returned to town, it was already dark. Several beams of light appeared on the road outside the town. They turned a corner when approaching the town, so several off-road vehicles and an armored personnel carrier appeared in Jin's eyes.

The sudden arrival of the car broke the tranquility of the town, and many people came out to wait and see, including the mayor Cha Li. The car quickly drove into the town and stopped in the small square. Many soldiers jumped from off-road vehicles and armored personnel carriers. These fully armed guys immediately dispersed and quickly took control of the entire town. Cha Li saw that something was wrong, so he went to the square. It happened that Faro caught a man asking who was the mayor. Chali quickly stepped forward and said, "Sir, what happened? I am the mayor of Windmill Town. Although our town is small, it can be regarded as a member of the council. , What are you planning to do?"

Faro took a sip towards the ground and said, "A place like you where birds don't **** can be considered a member of the council? If Lao Tzu happened to find something today, I don't know that there is a town like yours nearby. Old man. Things, you are the mayor, then tell me, have you seen strangers in this recently?"

Cha Li's heart shook, he thought of the young man Spit had brought. If Faro had come up a few days ago, he would have to tell the whole story without even thinking about it. But now it's different. Nearly 80% of the men in Windmill Town have followed Spit to work. If this is said, I don't know if other people will be involved in this matter.

As soon as the old mayor rolled his eyes, he decided to change his view. Faro is not an idiot either. If you look at Li, it is obvious that his face has changed and he knows he has found the right one. At this time, Li did not tell the truth, and immediately gave him a kick and kicked the old mayor directly to the ground. Faro stepped forward and lifted Chali's head and said, "Old guy, give me tricks? Come on, what do you know. Damn, a few of my people died today. If you can't give me an answer , I want everyone in your town to be buried!"

At this moment a soldier came forward and whispered in Faro's ear. Faro smiled even more: "My soldier told me just now that there seem to be only women left in your town. Say, where are all the men?"

Cha Li was so scared that he couldn't speak. Faro was about to punch the old man again when he heard someone say: "They've all gone to work, sir."

Faro let go of Cha Lee, and looking back, it was a young man standing on the edge of the square. Faro waved to him, told him to come over and asked, "Where did they go to work?"

This person is naturally Jin. Jin shook his head with a confused expression: "I don't know the name of the place where they work. I only know that a wilderness merchant came to our town to recruit workers a few days ago. By the way, he also brought a few students. Face, said it was the boss or something, and then everyone heard that the salary was a lot of money and they all signed up. I can't go because of my lame leg, or I will go too."

"Damn~lightnovelpub.net~ if you didn't say it, you didn't say it. Fresh faces? They must have killed me." Faro said angrily.

Jin said again, "Although I don't know what the place is called, I know how to get there, sir."

When Faro heard this, he nodded and said: "Then you will take us there immediately!"

"Do you have any money, sir?" Jin asked.

Faro smiled grinningly and walked to Jin and punched him in the stomach, hitting Jin into a bow like a shrimp. While Jin pretended to groan in pain, Faro pushed him towards the other soldiers and told them to throw Jin into the car. Then he grabbed Jin by the hair and said, "Don't worry, I will pay you. The reward is Your life, if you did not lead the wrong way, I will spare you. Otherwise, I will chop you up to feed the wolf!"

In this way, Faro retreated, and several cars drove out of Windmill Town amidst the roar of the car, leaving all scared residents behind. Everyone, including Cha Li, was terrified, so no one noticed that the lights in Jin’s small building did not know when it went out, let alone the one that rarely appeared at night after coming to the town. The beautiful woman walked out of the house and left the town along the street.

Outside the town, the night is thick.