War Lord

Chapter 608: remuneration

Several cars drove bumpy all the way through the night. After leaving Windmill Town, Faro's team drove south along the coastline road and toward the dense forest in the direction of the big crack. In the car, Faro's face was low, while Jin, who was sandwiched by two tall horses in the back seat, lowered his head and was silent all the way. Finally, Faro couldn't help calling a stop, and then roared at Jin: "Where are you taking us? Don't tell me, those outsiders are heading towards Death Mountain?"

"Yes, sir." Jin raised his head, his face looked panicked, and even his body was shaking, looking very scared: "I heard those outsiders say that it seems to have found something in the forest near Death Mountain. , They took away the men from the town, mainly because they wanted to dig out that thing."

"Damn it, that's not a good place," Faro muttered.

The soldier in charge of the car asked softly: "Lieutenant, shall we go yet?"

"Go! Why not?" Faro said sharply, "I want to see what the **** outsiders want to dig!"

So the team continued to pull, maybe because the sky was too dark, Faro didn't see the slightest fear in Jin's eyes, but with an imperceptible smile.

Soon, the coastline road came to an end. When coming down from the highway, the condition of the road surface becomes very rough. Several cars have been modified, the chassis has been raised and the driving force has been upgraded, so that they can drive on harsh roads, but they will be bumpy and make people feel like their bones are about to fall apart. The people in the car didn't stop shaking for a moment. After driving a few kilometers away, the car had to stop because they had reached the edge of Death Mountain. Going forward is the endless virgin forest. Faro let everyone get out of the car, then grabbed Jin to push him forward and said, "Lead the way."

"No, it's already here," Jin said.

Faro was taken aback, and said: "You are fooling me, there is no outsider here, where is anyone digging for something?"

"You are right in the first half, sir, I'm really fooling you. As for the second half, I'm not mistaken. You are actually digging here. It's just your grave." Jin said with a grin.

"What did you say?" Faro said in shock. He finally realized that the young man who led the way seemed too calm now, but it was too late. Faru felt a sudden pain in his abdomen, and looked down, a sharp stone cone pierced out of the ground without knowing when. It pierced into his stomach fiercely, and then the stone cone continued to stretch upwards, actually pushing Lieutenant Blood Cavalry into the air!

Seeing this, the other soldiers fired one after another without the commander's order. There was a burst of intensive gunfire at the edge of the forest, and the bullets splashed all the way to the ground and chased Jin. When Jin lifted his hand, the ground shook, and several three-meter-high stone walls rose from the ground in an arched shape to protect the gold. The bullet hit the stone wall without any damage.

But as the anti-aircraft machine guns on the two off-road vehicles fired, the heavy blows immediately caused a few stone wall debris to splash. Behind the wall, Jin was able to count things in his spare time, but the place where his finger was pointing was the location of a soldier. At this time, a soldier jumped from the troop carrier, and he aimed at Jin's direction with a shoulder-fired missile launcher. After a simple aiming, I felt a pain in my chest before launching. But a stone spear pierced from the ground and penetrated his body instantly. At the same time, another stone gun plunged into the missile launcher in his hand, so the soldier who had not died immediately saw desperately seeing the missile in the launcher pierced and detonated by the stone gun.

Amid the rumbling of the explosion, a ball of fire rose among the soldiers. A dozen soldiers who were closer to the explosion site directly blew them away, and those farther away also made their footing unstable by the explosion. Before falling down. However, the soldiers who fell to the ground did not make adjustments, so they pierced the stone spears that pierced from the ground into hedgehogs.

The stone gun pierced from the ground, like its own laser positioning, submerged into each soldier's body with unparalleled accuracy. In the continuous screams, nearly a hundred soldiers were killed. In the end, even several off-road vehicles and personnel carriers were assigned a particularly strong stone cone. The stone cone was pierced directly from the fuel tank at the bottom of the car, and while the car was flying on top, it also exploded into fireballs.

Watching the soldiers on the ground get killed and the car blown up, Faro roared. With all his strength, he hit the stone cone with one punch, and a circle of invisible shock waves swept away, and the stone cone burst into pieces. In the roar of Faro, blood fell from the sky with blood. His eyes were flushed, and he slammed his fist towards Jin's back. But when the person was in the air, a few pieces of ice sheet as thin as paper flew out of the darkness suddenly, passing over Faro's body, pulling out blood lines.

It didn't stop there. An ice cone suddenly rammed out, and the pointed cone sank into Faro's body. The ice on it climbed onto Faro's body and quickly froze it. When the cone of ice was gone, Faro had already hit the trunk of a nearby giant tree. Faro opened his mouth wide, his whole body was covered with frost, and it had been frozen into a human-shaped piece of ice. With a sound, the ice cone burst into pieces, turning into thousands of floating crystal powder and falling.

Faro's corpse fell along with it. The corpse fell to the ground under the tree, and Faro's eyes widened, as if he didn't believe that he died.

Jin looked at the corpse of the bloodriding lieutenant, and Alice’s voice came from the woods: "You have a lot of precision in the control of the elements, but you still made a most basic mistake. Next time you want to kill, you should just be more aggressive, don’t Leave the opposing party a chance to fight back."

A enchanting figure slowly walked out of the woods, and Alice was wearing her leather pants again, exuding a cold breath. Jin smiled bitterly: "I know, sister."

"So, what are you going to do next, and then pick out the other party's monitoring station? I can lead the way if necessary. I just happened to discover several such things when I was walking recently." Alice said flatly.

Jin Xin thought, your walking range is too big. But he said: "Windmill Town can't stay anymore. Although they appeared from scratch, I knew that this town would not stay long. I just didn't expect the people from the council to come so quickly. This time I took care of these guys for the company. Anyway, I have to charge him some wages. I don’t have the habit of doing white jobs."

Alice smiled: "That's good, it's not for you to be a geologist. But do you know where he is?"

"I don't know." Jin said straightforwardly, "But I did something on that old man of Spitt. If you find him, you should be able to find zero."

"Then go."

"No, wait. After killing people, we naturally have to deal with the aftermath. We are professionals." Jin laughed, and at the same time stretched out his hand, the invisible fluctuations suddenly spread out, covering the battlefield just now.

As a result, the ground began to vibrate slightly, then the mud, petrifaction and sand flowed slowly, swallowing the corpse and the wreckage of the vehicle one by one. By the time Jin and the others left, the ground here had turned into a quicksand belt, burying all traces of the battlefield.

In the early morning, Ling woke up amidst the noise of people. After covering Leah with a blanket, he put on a coat and walked out of the marching tent. There was a loud voice outside the tent. It turned out that the water and grass on the lake were basically cleaned up. Several engineers all asked the workers to connect the towing cable to the hull of the spacecraft with a holder. The connection points of all fixtures are precisely calculated, so the requirements for the connection position are very strict. The engineers had to be there in person, each holding the walkie-talkie and shouting hoarsely.

The workers also worked hard, and they all knew that the work had come to an end. If you do this last job, you can get the money and go home. Is there anything more wonderful than this? Therefore, they were unwilling to make mistakes, which delayed the progress of the entire work. With the cooperation of everyone, by about noon, every fixator appeared in the position requested by the engineers.

It was almost noon, and Ling Zheng was listening to the reports of several engineers. The salvage work is expected to be completed at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, followed by the spacecraft drainage and other clean-up work, which is expected to take six hours. After all this is done, the spacecraft will be equipped with towing components, and it will be possible to return by early tomorrow morning at the latest. Zero Side recorded the time when all tasks were completed and quickly formulated a defense plan for the return journey. When he took the tablet brain and carefully compared the return route and pondered some relevant details of the defense plan, the intercom rang.

"Zero, you have guests. However, I'm not sure if you know them." It was Feng's voice, and he reported a name.

After listening to Zero, he replied: "I know them, let them come."

"Are you sure, these are two high-level."

"It's okay, they would have done so long ago if they were going to make trouble."

"Well, you are the head, listen to you."

After a while, Zero saw Kim and Alice. His eyes stayed on Jin's body first, and then on Alice's body. This cold-blooded woman looked grayer than before. Even if Zero didn't use the ability of genetic deconstruction, she could feel that Alice's life was coming to an end.

Jin looked at the work on the edge of the big lake and whistled: "I haven't seen you for a while. You have become a big boss. The world always surprises people, isn't it?"

"That's true. I heard Old Chali talk about you, geological expert Jin." With a zero smile, he said, "Come to talk in the tent. You shouldn't just come to me to talk about the old days."

Jin nodded, and Alice behind said: "Let's talk~lightnovelpub.net~I'll walk around."

Feng, who had brought them over, looked at Zero and gave a questioning wink. Zero shook his head and motioned that he didn't need to look at Alice. Then he and Jin got into the tent, and Jin said straightforwardly: "I helped you deal with some troubles, I think, you should pay me some compensation for this, right?"

Zero smiled and said, "It depends on the size of the trouble."

"A lieutenant blood cavalry, plus a hundred soldiers." Jin shrugged.

"It seems that it's not small, so how much money do you want?" Xiaoxiao asked. He believed that what Jin wanted was by no means as simple as money.

Jin sighed and said, "My sister, you know. I want to ask if you can save her!"

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