War Lord

Chapter 609: Destiny

Several off-road vehicles came down from the end of the coastline road and drove to the edge of the forest at Death Ridge. A few engineers jumped out of the car and walked around with unknown instruments on their backs. Soon, one of the engineers shouted: "My lord, I found it."

Ryan jumped out of the car with a solemn expression. This time he did not drive his bullet locomotive, but took the car at the monitoring station. Pressing his hand on the one-handed sword "Arthur", Ryan asked in a deep voice, "Are you sure?"

"It's very certain that the signal fed back by the locator in Lieutenant Faro's body is nearby. It's just..." The engineer also looked around very suspiciously, seeing that there were dense forests, and there was nothing suspicious.

Ryan went straight forward, and soldiers jumped down from the car behind them. They were afraid that the second son of Augustus would fail to keep up. They didn't know who would take care of whom if something really happened. Rhein's feet sank without a few steps. His face changed slightly, and he felt that his feet were no longer solid ground, but floating soil. He squatted down and stuck his hand into the ground.

After the palm of the hand passed through the floating soil layer of about ten centimeters, there was a feeling of gravel. Ryan snorted, wandering his hands in the sand, and soon came across a cold hard object. He grabbed it and pulled out a machine gun. Behind the machine gun, there was also a soldier's body held tightly. In this way, half of the body was revealed from the ground. Ryan clapped his hands and stood up, succinctly shouted: "Dig!" Warlord 609

Twenty or so soldiers behind him dared not neglect, and immediately picked up the machine gun. Without tools, they dug up the floating soil with their own hands, and then found a corpse in the sandpit. In order to prevent accidents, Rhein sent someone to bring a safety rope, tied the soldier’s waist with the rope and then connected the off-road vehicle to the outside. After taking this simple protective measure, a dozen soldiers went deep into the sand and finally found it. Faro's body.

When the corpse of Lieutenant Blood Cavalry and dozens of ordinary soldiers were placed side by side at Rine's feet, he sighed, knowing that he still underestimated the outsiders. Although the Lieutenant Faro is an officer outside, he can only be regarded as cannon fodder in the core combat power of the blood cavalry. However, in this wilderness, it is obviously not easy for the opponent to eat a lieutenant and hundreds of soldiers.

Looking at Lu's injury again, a penetrating wound appeared on his chest, but it did not directly hit the key. As a person with the ability of fighting domain, this kind of injury is not enough to kill Faro. Ryan used his slender fingers to wipe Faro’s face, and a faint feeling of coldness came from his fingertips. Looking at the corpse, there were signs of freezing all over the body. It was obvious that Faro’s fatal injury was caused by the ice of the elemental realm. Department of ability.

"Check if there is any quicksand terrain near Death Mountain?" Lein said.

An engineer immediately retrieved the data with his brain, and replied after a moment: "Report your lord, there has not been any quicksand in Death Mountain."

"That is to say, this is man-made." Lein looked at the front of the sandy land where Faro and a centurion team were buried thoughtfully: "It should be a high-level soil system that can change the regional environment. The one who killed Faro, even if it was not a high-level ability of the ice system, had at least six or seven attainments. In other words, there were at least two guys with a high level of ability among the outsiders. Is this their trump card? Or is it just that? Part of the power?"

No one could answer Lein's question, and the Ninth Knight did not expect the soldiers to answer his question. He just sorted out the context of the whole incident in his own way. Rhein's father often put the phrase "the wise man goes first" on his lips. It means that a wise person can always see farther than others, so things go one step ahead. Rin asked himself that although he didn't have the talent of his eldest brother Hart, he was not a fool. He couldn't do it if he was two or three ahead of everything like Hart, but he could do it if he guessed the opponent's means one step ahead.

From the previous crash of a patrol car to the death of Faro and a small team, it has shown that the opponent's strength is not weak. And to use this level of power, then their purpose is certainly not simple. Ryan immediately asked the engineers to bring a tablet brain and call up a nearby topographic map. With Death Mountain as the boundary, the coastline road has been cut off as it continues to the south, and here north is the circle of influence of the Dark Council. It is basically certain that if those outsiders want to leave, they will only have to go west. Of course, it cannot be ruled out that they will take the risk of taking Death Mountain, turning over the cracks and entering the southern end of the coastline. But the consequence of doing that was just to try out Hart, who had already been re-arranged in Phoenix.

These outsiders have yet to reveal their traces. They are clearly well planned and have certain local forces near the coastline as a cover to hide from the parliament's intelligence network. Of course, the number of outsiders will not be large. Otherwise, if a large number of people penetrate the line of defense, then the council might as well close its doors early. In this way, it is basically certain that this foreign force belongs to a team with a small number of but a large number of elites.

A team like this is best at point breakthroughs.

Ryan used his fingers to tap the wilderness between Death Mountain and Windmill Town. Each tap produced a sign, and each sign represented a hidden sentinel. The distance between each sentinel is about 10 kilometers. Judging from the map, these sentinel points are deep and shaped like a large net. Even if it breaks through one of these points, it cannot completely escape the scope of reconnaissance. On the contrary, because the distance between the sentinels is moderate, they can know each other. When one of them is attacked, the other sentinels can respond immediately, playing a role of containment and delay.

Handing the brain to the engineers, Lein ordered: "In my name, order the nearby monitoring station to mobilize all the soldiers and arrange for manned defense according to my arrangement. Let us see how big this exotic fish is? "

Ryan didn't dare to entrust him, and immediately contacted the headquarters in Phoenix, and asked Hart for some capable people in "Fallen Angels" to come over, preparing to surprise outsiders.

While the Ninth Horseman was busy casting a net for fishing, the big fish near the Great Lakes area to the west of Death Mountain hadn't noticed the subtle changes near the coastline.

In the marching tent, after listening to Jin's request, Zero said: "Your sister, the gene has already collapsed. With normal methods, it is basically impossible to prevent this phenomenon from continuing to develop. At most, it will delay the rate of collapse. ."

Jin's face darkened. For Alice, his mood can only be described by two words of complexity. From the first time I learned that Alice had destroyed the town’s resentment and helplessness, she was chased by her, and now Tyr is dead, and she has come to the end of her life without being bound by any more. During this period, I went through all kinds of things, and only Jin understood what it was like.

He had hated, but had no choice but to finally be relieved, and even now hopes to keep this woman's life. After all, during those dark days, she was the only one who brought her warmth. Before the arrival of zero, although Jin had this idea, it was always limited by reality, so it was not strong. But after Zero came, this undoubtedly brought hope to Jin.

Even if there is no such thing as Faro, he will look for opportunities to get close to zero. Lieutenant Blood Knight only gave Jin a better reason, but now, Zero gave him only another disappointment. He did not blame Zero, nor did he question whether Zero refused to help. Because Zero must know that if Alice can be rescued, then at least Jin will owe him a favor. This is definitely a good thing for Zero, and if it weren't for the truth, Zero would not say that.

But when Jin was disappointed, Ling said, "But I have a method that I can try, but I'm not sure whether it will succeed or not, because there is no such precedent." War Lord 609

What I think of is my own DNA memory group. According to the characteristics of the memory group that can generate any life matrix, perhaps letting them enter Alice's body may be able to repair the woman's genes that have begun to collapse. Of course, if Alice's life can be saved, Zero will also use the memory group to leave some controllable means in Alice's body.

After all, it is difficult to say whether Alice will be an enemy or a friend in the future, and he has not been generous enough to rescue a person who may become a great enemy, even if Jin may obey him for a while. In turbulent times, you can't be too careful.

Hearing a turn of his breath, Jin immediately lifted his spirits and said with joy, "Really? No matter whether he succeeds or not, this is always a hope."

"That’s right, but you can see that I still have things to do here, and I can’t help you right away. Let’s go back to Asgart tomorrow. You and I will go with me, and we will talk about it when we go back. "Ziyou said: "Moreover, you seem to have to discuss with her. To be honest, I don't see any survival skills in her."

Jin smiled bitterly and nodded: "This is the biggest problem."

At this time ~lightnovelpub.net~ the sound of cranes working outside the tent, and then the sound of water crashing loudly. The two people came out of the tent, just in time to see the six-wing spacecraft burst out of the water in the afternoon sky. The water flowing down from the hull of the ship reflected the sky light, and the water vapor that was stirred on the lake surface slowly dispersed, and the water vapor diffused the sky light to form a gorgeous rainbow bridge on the lake surface, which lasted for a long time.

"God, it turns out you salvaged this kind of thing..." Jin looked at the streamlined spaceship on the lake, shocked beyond words.

The salvage project has come to an end. After the six-wing spacecraft was pulled ashore, the cleanup work began. This final work is mainly to drain the damaged part of the hull, and then start to install the towing components so that it can be shipped back to Asgart tomorrow. In the whole plan, the return journey is the most important issue. For this reason, Zero called everyone to the camp at night to study the route and defense work of the return journey. It was not until late at night that he and everyone determined that he would be responsible for tomorrow. Work.

The night was dark, and Ling looked at the six-wing spacecraft that had already installed the towing components. The spaceship that once carried him out of the abyss of the crevice of the earth reappeared in front of him after an absence of more than two years. And this time, Zero hope it can lead itself to explore more unknown worlds. It seems that when he and the spaceship first met in the bottom of the earth, such a fate was already destined, so Zero Decision. Starting today, this spaceship will be called "Destiny"!