War Lord

Chapter 61: busy body

The Eberron Tavern, formerly a seamen's club in Angry Reef City. After the cataclysm, the city of Fury Reef was rebuilt, and the original seamen's club was also converted into a tavern, so that the energetic men had a place to vent. In addition to selling a variety of cheap beer, the pub also provides performances by dancers and singers. Of course, the pub only provides them with a stage for performances, and is not responsible for safety.

But in this era, keeping one's body like jade is a joke. Food or money can allow men to take good-looking women here. These women may become their partners, or it is common for them to sell them to other people as slaves after playing enough.

In turbulent times, without enough power to protect themselves, women are like flowers drifting in the wind. Wherever the wind blows, where the flowers can only fall, you can't help but choose.

Zero came to the door of the tavern, but was stopped by a big guy.

The black man, who was two meters tall, was bare-chested, showing strong muscles. There were circles of eggplants growing on his chest, which looked like some kind of mutated tissue. In fact, here in Fury Reef City, although the ubiquitous purification devices dilute the radiation sources in the air, ordinary people who live on the surface for a long time will more or less experience body tissue changes. This is most common among mobs and stray bandits wandering the land, and the environment of Fury Reef City has also caused organizational mutations in the residents here.

"We only entertain women, members and local residents here. Boy, you're nothing, get out of here." The black man was condescending, looking at Zero's relatively thin body, his eyes made no secret of his contempt for Zero.

In the wilderness, the law of the jungle is followed, and the power of the weak and the strong is supreme. Zero slender body may be liked by wealthy ladies, but in the eyes of people like blacks, zero is a soft egg. The soft egg has never been respected.

Zero knew this. In the past two years after waking up, he had been exposed to enough of these things. I was too lazy to explain to the black that the performance of power was not based on his size. He just took out a few coins and stuffed it into the black's hand and said, "I just want to go in for two drinks."

Money is also an expression of power. The black man put the money in his pocket and let it go.

Zero pushed open the door of the tavern and got in. Immediately, the harsh air that confuses the smell of beer and the smell of woman's pungent perfume immediately penetrated into Zero's nostrils. Zero frowned and almost wanted to shut his breath. The tavern is now the busiest time. Not only is there no empty seats, but there are also a few ordinary-looking young women on the dance floor in the middle, but young women with hot bodies are twisting their limbs, using various implicit body language to seduce the onlookers below. man.

People keep throwing money on the stage, even stuffing them into women's **** body parts. But they didn't stop dancing their limbs, but worked harder and made all kinds of attractive postures to turn the men into beasts.

Among them, there was even a man who couldn't throw it away. After throwing enough money to sell the next woman on the stage, he hugged the dancing girl and started to work on the stage. The groans of women, the roars of men, and the roaring of people around them all merged into a thunderous sound wave, as if they were going to lift the tavern into the sky, and there was no ear pain.

Zero, who had recovered from the trauma of the Spider Queen, found that his ears were more sensitive. And the environment like this is nothing more than torture.

He sat in front of the bar, trying to stay away from the dance floor as much as possible. That place has become a gathering of wild beasts. After several men threw out a large amount of money, they went to the stage and pulled their favorite dancers to settle on the spot. This kind of madness was unimaginable in the old days, but now it is commonplace.

Zero ordered a glass of beer, and almost didn't squirt it as soon as he took a sip. This kind of thing can't be called wine at all, it's just the liquid poured out of the lees soaked in water. There is no taste like beer, and some are just pure alcohol.

The bartender glanced at him and said with a smile: "This is the first time the guest has come. If we are not used to drinking, we have a relatively mild cocktail. Would you like to try it?"

Zero shook his head, he wasn't really here to drink. He took out a few coins from his pocket and put them on the bar, and said quietly, "Tell me who has the best news here, and the money belongs to you."

The bartender squinted his eyes, swept the money with his hand, and quickly swept the money into his pocket: "In Fury Reef City, of course, the best informed person is Master. He usually comes to the tavern after ten o'clock. Wait a moment."

Afterwards, the bartender described Master's image characteristics to zero again. Under the influence of money, there are no secrets. Besides, Master is not a secret. He is a snake in Rage Reef City, a character similar to Claude. It's just that Master has never done anything to the people in Fury Reef City, including outsiders. He has a good relationship with the Ron Company in Fury Reef City, and he has a private force in his hand~lightnovelpub.net~ which has been active for many years.

I heard that this person has been to many places, so I know a lot. However, Master does not tell others the news casually, and even money may not be useful. This makes Ling quite a headache. He is not good at dealing with people. Perhaps someone like Theon can make him speak as long as the opponent is not a rock. But Zero definitely does not have this ability.

The madness in the tavern continued, but Ling was keenly aware that other voices appeared in the waves of sound.

"Don't run, little bitch!"

In the sound of small footsteps, someone slammed into Zero's foot. Zero response was quick, and he held the opponent as soon as he reached out. Looking closer, she was a beautiful girl who was only 13 or 14 years old. The girl has long pale silver hair and a dance gown that doesn't fit. But looking in from the loose neckline, you can see the small steamed buns that have begun to develop.

"Sir, please help me. They want to catch me..." The girl trembled all over, like a cat getting wet in the rain, which made people feel very pitiful.

She moved her steps and hid behind Zero. Unconsciously or unconsciously, the girl clings to Zero, putting the little bump on her chest behind Zero.

Four or five big men were chasing the girl. These people have all kinds of weird tattoos, with rivets on their faces and tongues, and they know they are good at first sight. One of the white people called to Zero: "Boy, it's none of your business, let the uncle go quickly. This little **** has collected our money, and now, she must go back with us!"

"No!" The girl gripped Zero's clothes and said tremblingly: "I said that I only drink songs, but they, they want to..."

The following words are self-evident, Ling drank inferior beer silently, but didn't even intend to move his butt. Since he doesn't plan to leave, it means that he has taken care of this nosy!