War Lord

Chapter 628: Dilei’s Counterattack 2

Facing De Lei’s questioning, Horn was unmoved, and just whispered to himself: “Where did the pig die from Sander, it’s a waste to let this crazy girl run back.” He snorted and said to himself. The crowd came out and said to Di Lei: "You are nonsense. When did I harm my father, let alone send someone to chase you down. If so, you can now point out who is going to kill you! "

Horn has no fear.

Waha was indeed murdered, but to be correct, he killed someone with a knife. The person who had been used by him had already silenced, and De Lei couldn't find it anyway. As for the guys who were sent to kill De Lei, Sander was not in the village, and he was more happy to let De Lei recognize people. Horn didn't think that a little girl like De Lei would be his opponent, no matter whether it was strength or means, she would never be able to match her.

Dilei straightened her chest and looked into Horn’s eyes and said, "My dear uncle, do you think everything works perfectly? It's a pity that the souls of our ancestors are watching you. You bought Gila, the poor one. Child. You coerced and lured him and asked him to infiltrate the poison you gave him into the medicine that the priest Barry gave to his grandfather. Afterwards, you wanted to kill him again, of course you thought you had killed him. What a pity, in fact, Ji Ra is alive. He is there!"

The girl pointed into the crowd, and the crowd suddenly dispersed, revealing a thin young man. With a mask on the boy's face, he ran towards De Lei. Horn's pupils dilated, and he said loudly, "This is impossible!" At the same time, he touched his hand and pulled out the curved bone knife on the waist. With a throw of his hand, the bone knife whizzed and flew away, and instantly cut into the young man's neck. The young man was shocked and fell to the ground. Before he died, he stretched out his hand in Horn's direction, and the eyes under the mask made Horn feel familiar.

It's just that Horne didn't have time to recall these eyes, but the Garan tribe onlookers roared. Horn's killing in public was tantamount to acknowledging what Derei had previously accused. The dozens of fighters who did not belong to Horn's system had already stepped forward, all looking at Horn with solemn expressions. Ten people came out from Horn, forming a circle with the three bravest soldiers under him, protecting Horn.

"Uncle, you have sold your soul to the devil. For the sake of power, you not only kill your own relatives, but also your own son." Dilei said coldly: "Gila was swept through by you. How can you still survive? It's a pity that you have been blinded by power, and you kill without seeing who the person under the mask is. Take a look and see what your ancestors have punished you!"

She walked up to the young man, bent down and took off the mask gently, so a young boy's face that was still a bit childish, with puzzled eyes reflected in Horn's eyes. Horn trembled as if struck by lightning, and followed the earth-shaking cry: "Mag! My Marg!"

This young man was Horn's eldest son, Mag, and Horn did not expect that it was his own son that he had killed himself! His face suddenly became extremely hideous, and he said to Di Lei: "You bitch! You designed me! I'm going to kill you today, no, that would be too cheap for you. I want every man here to take you Play as a bitch, play until you die! Give it to me!"

Horn yelled, and several soldiers rushed towards De Lei. At this time, the neutral soldier next to him saw that the situation was clear, and the priest of Di Lei also admitted that he was the new patriarch. He shouted: "Protect the patriarch!"

So a dozen soldiers rushed to Dilei to protect her. Several more people greeted Horn's soldiers, and they immediately fought into a group. The three powerful generals under Horne, carrying a long machete, roared like a beast, and joined the battle group. These three people were very brave, and their fighting skills were much better than the others. When they met each other, they beat De Lei's fighters to the ground.

Horn strode up by himself, and a soldier slashed with a knife. Horn just simply dodged the bone knife, clamped the warrior's head with his arm, and twisted the warrior's head with the other hand, breaking the warrior's neck.

For a time, Horn and his three fierce generals, like invincible demon gods, killed more than a dozen warriors who were protecting De Lei. Seeing them pushing in, a figure suddenly appeared from behind De Lei. The figure was so fast that it almost just appeared, and it had already come to one of the men wearing the beast helmet. With his hand lightly patted on the man's chest, Horn's fierce star lost his eyes, then stepped back while holding his chest, and then fell to the ground in a big font. Only then did blood slowly flow from the nostrils and mouth, but he was already dead.

Zero frowned. Just now, he simply slapped power into the man's body and shattered his heart. This blow is perfect in both skill and strength, without wasting a trace of strength, it is the manifestation of the realm of micro-control. Using it on the battlefield is a guarantee of a protracted battle, but what he needs now is shock. Such a "gentle" killing technique will only make people blind to it, but will not feel scared.

For ordinary people, the visual impact brought by blood flying and amputation is even greater. Therefore, the current method was changed, zero giving up any skills and abilities, and purely using the roughest and violent power to beat the soldiers of the Horn faction into flight without any sense of beauty. As a result, the onlookers of the Garan tribe were shocked. They didn't know where this man came from, but his seemingly slender body had hidden power like a tyrannosaurus.

When the thin fist was swung, the warrior who was rubbed immediately cracked, and the body that was directly hit was exaggerated and deformed. When those fists were waving, they even carried bright bands of light in the air, so the light bands came, blood and bone debris danced together. Even Horn's remaining two fierce generals knocked the man into the air in an instant.

One of the heads hit a fist directly, and the smaller half of his head exploded into blood powder, and even an eyeball rolled on the ground before being crushed by the man's foot. The other one was grabbed by him with one hand, and the other hand blasted the opponent's chest wildly. The people at the back clearly saw that there were faint fist marks on the thick back of the soldier Horn, and the last piece of spine bone was directly blasted out, and the small half of the bone was hung outside with **** pieces of meat. Then the soldier knelt on the ground and couldn't get up anymore.

If Horne were like demon gods before, then this **** man is a war ghost! Like an evil spirit rising from hell, he brought down all the fighters on Horn's side in less than a minute, and then walked towards Horn in silence.

Horn yelled, his joints snapped, and strode toward the man to meet him. The muscles of both hands were stretched with blue veins, and he slammed at the man. Seeing Horn catch it, Zero naturally wouldn't be afraid of him. At the moment, both hands greeted him, and the four palms held together tightly in mid-air, and then the most primitive wrestling was carried out. Horn is a lot taller than Zero, and Zero only comes to his chin, so Horn can be said to be condescending. But he pressed down with all his strength, but Zero was like a hard rock, no matter how hard Horne couldn't crush him.

Ling smiled slightly, his arm suddenly reacted. So in the exclamation of the Garan tribe, they saw that Ling kept pressing Horn's palm down. In order to prevent the wrist from being crushed, Horn had to squat down first, and finally knelt down on the ground. Zero suddenly added gravity, and there was a dense sound of bone breaking from Horn's knees, but it was Horn's bones that directly crushed Zero. Horn screamed, and then there were two soft noises from his wrist. After his knee, his wrist bone was also broken.

At the moment, Horne was ashamed. Ling went around behind him, grabbed Horn's hair with one hand, lifted his upper body straight, and then looked at De Lei.

De Lei's face faded with blood, but she still waved away the warriors who were protecting herself, and then walked towards Horn. As he walked past a soldier, De Lei pulled a bone knife from his waist and finally came to Horn.

"Uncle, go and apologize to Grandpa and Marg!" After speaking, De Lei gave a strong stab, and the bone knife sank deeply into Horn's chest. With another twist, Horne shook his whole body, and there was a **** hole in his heart. There was no time to say anything, a lot of blood spilled from the wound and mouth. When Ling let go of him, Horn's body fell heavily in front of De Lei. In that way, it was like Horn performing the most advanced ceremony in the clan to De Lei.

In this **** morning, De Lei finally succeeded in counterattack and saved his position as the patriarch from Horn's hands. And the methods of the matriarch, coupled with zero blood, deeply shocked the other tribesmen. It's just that they don't know, all of this is planned by zero.

Yesterday, after taking down the members of the Horn faction, Priest Zero and Barry returned to the tent and talked about the death of the former patriarch Waha. According to Barry, Waha was already seriously ill at the time, but his medicine was hanging on his life, and he shouldn't have died suddenly. Therefore, Horn must have done the tricks. But from Waha's illness to his death, Barry stayed by the patriarch's side. Horn never stepped in at all, but he didn't know how he did it.

After zero inquiries, I learned from Bari that in addition to Bari and Di Lei who took care of Waha at that time, there was another named Gila. He is an orphan like De Lei, and his parents died in a hunt. Waha saw that he was pitiful, so he stayed with De Lei as a company. Judging from the situation at the time, it was naturally impossible for Barry and De Lei to move their hands and feet, so the only possibility was the young Gila.

When asked about Gila, Barry was silent. Then he said that Gila died shortly after De Lei left. He went hunting alone with the hunters, but it was his body that came back. So Ling asked what to do with the corpse. According to the customs of the Garan tribe, the corpses were buried in the land behind the village. So Lian Yeling and De Lei went to dig out Gila's body. The body had begun to decay, but the two still found a wound on Gila's chest.

That was not a wound that any beast could cause. It was obvious that a sharp sharp tool was used to pass through the chest. In other words, Gila killed Horn. Based on this, Ling Bian worked out today's good show that made Horne confess his guilt. He saw that Horn's eldest son, Marg, was about the same size as Gila, so he kidnapped Marg before the rally this morning. Let Dilei trick him into putting on a mask again, saying that he was going to surprise Horn. Margot was younger than Dilei, so she didn't know so much. Originally, De Lei couldn't bear to let Marg do this, but she knew that this was zero testing herself. To test their determination and the means of carrying sin karma, as Zero said, the road they took could not be flowers and applause, only blood and darkness!

But on the other hand, if it wasn't for Horn's fear of being revealed and hurriedly murdered, how could Marg die. So in the end, Horn made his own decision.

Next, Horn's remaining wife and children were also controlled. They are Horn's immediate family members. According to the rules of the clan, Horn should be put to death after he committed so many evil deeds. And his wife and children were not spared either, so amidst a horrible cry, without Di Lei's own action, there would naturally be priests and other soldiers performing the execution ceremony.

In the patriarch's tent, Di Lei's body shook slightly when the crying outside suddenly stopped. At this time, after washing his own blood and changing back to his original clothes, Zero walked in. He looked out of the book, Horn's wife and children's heads were held in their hands by the soldiers, loudly warning others of the fate of the betrayers. Ling said indifferently: "History has always written victors, and it is Horn who loses today. If you are the one who loses, then you are the first level in the hands of those fighters. Later, Horn will paint this place. Everything, and it won’t be long before everyone will forget the real reason. So you don’t need to care about these, just make sure that you are still alive today!"

He seemed to tell Dilei, and he seemed to tell himself, but there was no difference. The two of them walked the same road, the difference is that the zero road is farther and harder to walk. So on the road to zero, there will only be more blood and corpses.

The next day, De Lei had changed into the costume of the patriarch. Said it is a dress, it is actually a cloak painted with a certain symbol, a scepter decorated with green crystals and a crown of feathers. These things are the symbol of the patriarch. With such a dress and a team of dozens of soldiers, De Lei sent Zero to the rocky beach where they met. The Destiny not far from the rocky beach amazed the soldiers of the Garan tribe. Some people even called it a divine spacecraft and bowed down on the rocky beach.

"Okay, let's not spend it here." Ling looked at De Lei, who seemed to have grown up a lot all night, and said: "Operate well. When I come back next time, it's time to fulfill our agreement. "

"We will wait for you, by the way, I still don't know your name?"

"Me? My name is...Zero! Zero from zero!"

Leaving this sentence, Ling walked towards the end of the rocky beach. The stormy weather has passed, the steel wings of the Destiny slowly rise, and each feather emits a blue energy flame, and it will set sail again to the unknown world.

"Zero? I'll remember this name!" De Lei said as he looked at the man who disappeared in the strange spaceship.

————~\\(≧▽≦)/~La la la, I am the dividing line————

"Arrived, we have reached Roaring Bay!"

On the Ironscale, the sailors cheered. Arriving at Roaring Bay means coming to the territory of pirates. You don't have to worry about being caught by the Knights of the Seal, and you can have a good rest for a while. Of course, the so-called news is inseparable from women and wine, and Roaring Bay does not lack this. In this undercurrent filled bay, there is an island floating, and the pirates call it fthesea. It means the homeland of the pirates on the sea, but in fact, there is a harbor city on this island.

People living in this city are all pirates, or their families. There are three piers on the island, which can berth thousands of ships. There are more towering walls on the island to protect the homes of the pirates. The metal reflections of the artillery barrels can be vaguely seen on the walls. These weapons have repeatedly repelled the sea troops of the Holy Seal Knights and become the patron saint of the pirates. . Therefore, they call these artillery Poseidon Cannons.

The Iron Scale was so huge that it was almost like a moving island, so it couldn't walk over the Whisperer Strait. It took a detour and took another route to reach Roaring Bay. This route is swift and turbulent, and even more dangerous sea creatures are infested. Not all ships can walk. Only a behemoth like the Ironscale, plus the ability of Deborah, the Shield of Flame, can pass safely.

Franklin stood on the deck and saw the island named Sea House from a distance. After more than two months, he finally came to this place extremely close to the headquarters of the rebel army ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ and was one step closer to achieving his goal. On the way to Roaring Bay, the first mate on the Silver Hook and several crew members who had been rescued by Franklin finally could not withstand the intense radiation of the sea and died. The pirates threw the bodies of these people into the sea, looking very rough, but this is a custom among pirates. For them, since they choose to become a pirate, it means that they can no longer set foot on the land of returning home in this life. Then after death, naturally the corpse sank in the sea, and the shroud fish belly became their home. They believe that when the carcass is eaten clean by fish, their souls can go to heaven.

After bidding farewell to the bodies of the chief mate and several crew members, Franklin stayed on the Ironscale and came to Roaring Bay together. Seeing the port approaching, Deborah's outspoken voice sounded behind him: "Damn, I'm finally back. Hey, big man. I'll be in the city later, I want to have a nice drink with you."

Deborah is already very tall, but standing with Franklin is still a lot shorter. But this man was like a reef that was sharpened by the sea, rough and condensed, not inferior to Franklin. The past few days have nothing to do. These two men made of steel have been competing on the ship, but no one can do anything about the ending. After going back and forth, Deborah took Franklin very seriously and invited him to join his Iron Scale many times. It's just that Franklin has other goals, so he refused many times, but Deborah didn't take it seriously. But looking at his appearance, anyone who knows him well knows that the Flame Shield is not so easy to give up this giant who has a good fight against him in all aspects.