War Lord

Chapter 631: Bet

(m)() "Here again!" Leah exclaimed in the control room: "This big guy doesn't seem to be passing by, but is coming towards us. There will be a collision in 10 seconds!"

"Ola, avoid it!" Ling said anxiously: "Attention other personnel, the peripheral weapon platform is on standby, ready to meet!"


Destiny’s internal broadcast immediately sounded: "The peripheral weapon platform is on standby, please enter the relevant personnel to prepare for battle. Other personnel stay in the cabin, please fix yourself, there will be violent bumps next. Repeat again... .."

When he heard the broadcast, Feng Zheng lifted the Mutation Shark, Hai Wei smirked beside him, and Ye Liu stared at the ice sculpture with enthusiasm. After hearing the broadcast, they were a little surprised, and followed Destiny's hurdles. Even though the three of them were all skilled, they lost their balance for a while.

From a high altitude, I can only see the sea side. A billowing sea surged straight forward, and on the track of this torrent, Destiny swung to the left at an extremely fast speed. Before he could let it happen, let the waves rush past his port ship's side. The dark shadow under the sea became thicker and thicker, and finally Kaiton, who was outboard of the ship, saw a giant beast leaping out of the sea!

It looks like a huge lizard, but it is somewhat different from a real lizard. On the lizard-like head, there are a pair of strangely huge pupils. The pupils are yellow and look like one eyeball, but there are countless small pupils densely distributed inside. Each pupil can look in a certain direction independently. , When Kayton, who was on the side deck, saw this unusually unique eyeball, he couldn't help but feel a chill.

The big head is dark green skin, but the part that extends to the neck forms a prismatic crown of flesh. The two sides of the fleshy crown are fork-shaped, and a dense cluster of fleshy hairs grows behind the fleshy crown. The fleshy whiskers are short and thick, and look like a flower bud from a distance, covered with raised fleshy balls. From the roots of the fleshy hairs, there is a continuous blue energy gleaming and rising, and then dispersed into these fleshy balls, so the fleshy **** light up like light bulbs.

Next, there are a pair of forelimbs that look like a shovel, short and thick, which should be a sharp weapon for this giant beast to attack. On its back, there is a shark-like dorsal fin, and the surface of the dorsal fin is lined with a dense row of short yellow spines, which is not known for its purpose. The hind limbs are a pair of frog feet. The soles of the feet are large and flat. The length of the feet when straightened is three times that of the forelimbs! And the fleshy membrane that connects between the toes clearly gives this behemoth a very powerful driving force in the sea.

The last is a slender tail, which splits into three ends, like a fork. When the lizard-shaped behemoth jumped from the sea, the long tail swept a graceful arc in the air. Then it flicked, but it shot on the sea near the Destiny, and directly hit a huge wave, hitting the Destiny to float out.

Cayton tightened the railing of the ship's side to prevent it from being swept away by the waves. Seeing the sea water receded, there were some strange-looking abnormal fish on the deck. At this time, the sound of the hydraulic press sounded under the deck, and Kayton stretched his head out of the railing to take a look, but the external weapon platforms on both sides of the ship opened one by one. The shipboards installed on both sides of Destiny are not only a buffer space connecting Destiny and the outside world, but also storage warehouses for peripheral weapon platforms. The weapon stands outside Destiny's operating system and has its own independent power system. Below the sides of the ship is a row of rapid-fire heavy artillery, and each turret requires manual operation. Now, the heavy gunner in protective clothing behind the turret is ready to attack.

When the behemoth submerged in the water again, their communicator received an instruction from Leah: "At 9 o'clock, 30 meters underwater, shoot!"

Leah is using mental scanning to capture the movement of the behemoth. She is like a live radar on the Destiny. The movement of the behemoth in the sea cannot be separated from her monitoring. Under her instructions, all the heavy artillery on the left side of the ship fired together. In the roaring tongue of the muzzle, the heavy artillery shells blasted into the water. On the body of the beast.

The giant beast made a roar in the sea, its body turned, its forelimbs were close to its sides, and its hind limbs pushed hard, and immediately pierced the sea like a torpedo.

"After 3 seconds, the target is about to go to sea!"

"Anti-armor missile preparation!"

The missile launch chambers on the left side of the ship were opened one by one, and the missiles were loaded. When a huge wave blew up in the sea, the monitor lizard pounced from the sea and volleyed over the Destiny.

"Missile launch!"

Swish swish, connect ten anti-armor missiles, drag flames and shoot out of the magazine, pull out an arc-shaped smoke trail on the sea to the sky, and then explode masses of orange on the back of the monitor lizard like a bead. Fireball! The flames and shock waves of the explosion swept across the sky, blooming rings of fire visible to the naked eye. The monitor lizard plunged into the sea with a roar, and when the long tail swept away, another huge wave hit the starboard side of the Destiny. The Destiny was lifted by the towering waves and almost lost its balance. Fortunately, the pressure of the waves prevented Destiny from capsizing.

The waves were surging, but the monitor lizard was nowhere to be seen. In the control room, Leah suddenly turned pale, and said: "It's just below us, rising rapidly! A collision will happen after 3 seconds!"

Zero immediately held Leah tight, and at this moment, Destiny trembled violently. The lights in the control room flickered, screaming again and again. In addition, all operators have secured themselves to their seats with safety belts so that they will not be thrown up by the force of impact from below. However, looking from the sky, a monitor lizard floated on the sea where the Destiny was located, and this big guy carried the Destiny fast forward with his back. The Destiny is unable to move at all on its back, the monitor lizard is fast, like a giant torpedo smashing through the waves in the sea.

Just in front of the big monster, a lonely island appeared. If the monitor lizard does not change its direction, it will crash into the island along with the Destiny. When everyone in the control room was helpless, the monitor lizard suddenly sank back to the bottom of the sea, while the Destiny still plunged straight towards the island under the influence of inertia.

"Right full rudder! Prepare for side impact!"

"The buffer system is activated!"

"The anti-collision system is activated!"

In the control room, the operators nervously carried out a series of defensive measures. Under their operation, the steel wing of the Destiny first sprayed blue flames to the right, pushing the hull to change into a direct collision. Then one buffer umbrella popped out from under the left deck. They expanded in the wind and held the sea breeze to form a buffer. Cooperating with the four steel wings of the Destiny, they sprayed blue flames in opposite directions, finally reducing the speed of the hull.

At the same time, air cushions popped out under the hull on the right. The air cushion instantly charged and formed a buffer zone when Destiny hit the beach, greatly reducing the direct impact of Destiny and the ground. But even so, Destiny still ploughed tens of meters on the beach, and finally the port side of the ship was raised high, and when it was almost over the highest point, it crashed down.

The hull shook suddenly, but finally stabilized, and the people on the ship breathed a sigh of relief. When Ling arrived on the ship's side deck, she just saw the giant beast leaping on the sea in the distance, and couldn't help but shook her head and smiled bitterly. There was a scream in the cabin, and Feng ran out of the boat, followed by Hai Wei with a smirk. She was holding the mutated shark in her hand, the ice in front of the shark's big head had fallen off, and the mutated shark opened its mouth wide, and was bitten by Hai Wei after being held in her hand and chasing Feng's ass.

Feng jumped onto the beach and yelled at Hai Wei: "Dead girl, give me the shark!"

Hai Wei made a grimace and called into the cabin: "Ye Liu, let's bake it and eat it."

Ye Liu walked out, nodding expressionlessly. Feng roared: "You have a bit of common sense, okay, this thing is full of radiation and you are not afraid of stomach pain if you eat it!"

"What does it matter? Just take an isolation light bath."

"Are you an idiot? How can anyone take a light bath for food!"

When the two were arguing on the beach, people came out one after another in the cabin. Leah walked to Zero and shook her head: "These people are really energetic."

"They were as okay as they were so bumpy just now, remember that they would be dizzy every day when they first went to sea." Ling smiled, looking at the Destiny stranded on the beach, he said: "Let’s rest here today. Seeing this, I won’t be able to leave for a while."

So the soldiers on the boat jumped to the beach, and they divided into several groups and started to work. Some are responsible for setting up marching tents, while others are conducting safety inspections of the surrounding areas, but Gang Duo is cooperating with Billy's work to assess and repair the Destiny. In general, the damage to the Destiny is not serious. Except for a generator outside the ship's side that was damaged due to violent friction with the beach when it ran aground, other equipment was operating normally. As for the hull part, the friction surface part has been dented and damaged, but it can be re-launched after simple repairs.

According to Billy's estimation, the voyage can be restarted tomorrow morning at the earliest. It's just that the Destiny is now stranded. On an isolated island without lifting equipment, it is not a simple problem to get this big guy back into the sea again. To this end, Billy and the staff have begun to develop plans.

Regarding these things, Ling and the others are basically laymen, so they are the most free, so Ling called on Feng and Kaiton to go around on the island, wanting to catch some prey and come back to improve the food like last time. But the area of ​​the island is small, and there are no large prey on the island to eat, but they found a clean water lake for them, and there are plump freshwater fish swimming in the lake. As a result, hunting turned into fishing, and Feng returned to the boat to take the extra-large fishing rod he made by himself. In the evening, the three of them returned to the beach with several big fishes.

Although some of these freshwater fish have changed locally, they live in the freshwater lake on the island, but they are not like life in the sea with serious radiation. Feng deliberately went to Billy to borrow equipment for testing, and found that the radiation content of these fish was within a safe range, so they lighted the fire and grilled the fish, which was the first seafood they had eaten since going out to sea.

Later, it was discovered that this fish was not enough to eat, and Ling ran back into the lake in a short dress. One person caught a lot of big fish and came back. In the end, even the soldiers on the boat were given a barbecue. But one night, at least one-third of the fish in the lake disappeared.

Eating and drinking enough, nothing happened, everyone went back to sleep in their tents. Sleeping on the beach, listening to the sound of waves hitting the shore, they soon fell asleep. Zero had already fallen asleep holding Leah, but suddenly, a very special feeling suddenly appeared in his heart. It's like seeing an old friend I met at the end of many years, but where did the old friend come from on this island?

He came out of the tent gently, the bonfire on the beach had long been extinguished, only the fluorescent energy flowing through the shell of the Destiny from time to time was dotted with the night. Although the light is very dim, it still can't help being zero. Zero's right eye has automatically switched to infrared vision, so he clearly saw that a giant beast appeared silently from a distant seashore, then climbed onto the beach and walked straight to the forest not far away. And that behemoth was the big guy who suddenly attacked Destiny during the day. On the fleshy crown of this monitor lizard, a figure stood. That familiar feeling comes from this figure.

After thinking about it, he left the beach silently like a ghost and swept into the forest where the giant beast had entered.

I don't know when there was a fire in the forest, and a tall figure was reflected on a raised rock. But when Ling went around a cedar tree, he came to the lake where he fetched fish during the day. There was a fire on the edge of the lake, and the owner of the figure was preparing to grill fish to eat. The shadow reflected by the fire is very tall and full of momentum, but in fact, the owner of this shadow is a short man who is less than 1.5 meters.

But he is not a human being, but a kind of human life. They have faces similar to those of human men, but behind their heads are some flying fleshy whiskers. Each of these special "hairs" seems to be an independent individual, and their dancing movements are not repeated! The body was covered with fine purple scales, and the shoulders, chest and knees each had a yellow crystal turning.

The dwarf was holding a trident, and a big fish was inserted into the halberd, which was being grilled on the fire. Behind him was the monitor lizard, and now the big guy was lying on the ground very docilely, and even zero came. The monitor lizard only rolled one eye to look at him, and then closed it again. Only occasionally the long tail like a fork will plunge into the lake, then roll up a fat fish and throw it into his mouth, and then eat slowly.

Zero's gaze fell on the dwarf. The latter had apparently found Zero, but stared at the grilled fish on the fire intently, and said: "These fish in the lake taste good, but I have improved their genes several times. Second, let their meat become more elastic. Especially when they are cooked and eaten, they taste better. If it weren’t for Hamomis’ sake, I wouldn’t let you taste these delicacies. But I regret it now. You guys ate up half of them all at once. You have to know that their reproductive cycle is not short..."

Suspiciously, the dwarf raised the golden fish on the halberd, pointed at Zero and said, "Something more?"

"Thanks, I'm full." Ling patted his stomach and sat down by the fire, and said: "So, you asked the big guy behind to invite us to the island? Dear Beiyang Lord Belafa you?"

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Zero would definitely not believe that as one of the Seven True Kings and a 100% combat type, the Lord of the Northern Oceans was actually a dwarf. However, in terms of the classification of the strengths and weaknesses of creatures in the new era, body shape is not the focus, energy is the key to determining strengths and weaknesses. If someone looks down on Belafar because of his size, or despise him, then this person will definitely regret it.

"Ha, you said Little Green. Well, the way it invites is really rough, but you still shoot it with a gun. If it weren't for me to repeatedly emphasize that you are guests, now your strange ship is not stranded on the beach. It's in Xiaolu's belly." Bella Far put the grilled fish in front of his nose and smelled it, then threw it to the monitor lizard behind, but he himself grilled the fish and didn't eat it.

Zero was dissatisfied with what he said just now, he said lightly: "That's not necessarily."

Belafar flicked the trident with his hand, and a blue brilliance like water flowed across the surface of the halberd, and the grease and other things on the halberd were immediately cleaned up. He glanced at zero, and said casually: "I know you are not easy. In addition to you, there are two Tier 9 guys on the boat, and there are several other Tier 7 or 8 guys. As for you, let Hamomis be willing to do it. If you choose, you won’t be weak. But boy, this is the ocean. You have to learn to be in awe."

"Okay, then I take back what I just said." Ling Huafeng turned and said: "I was still thinking about how to contact you when I arrived at the Gate of the Abyss. I didn't expect that you..."

"Bring it to the door by myself?" Belafar hugged his trident and said with a smile: "Come on, if someone else, I would have let these cute guys take you to the sea for a visit. It's you and me. I came here to meet you specially. Tomorrow I will let Xiaolu put your boat back into the sea, and then you will go back wherever you come from!"

With zero sign, UU read www.uukanshu.com and said: "But, Hamomis asked me to come to you. He said you..."

"It's true that he and I are old friends." Bela Farr interrupted Zero: "Hamemis is indeed worthy of our respect, because he made the choice before us. But I didn't realize it, I had to Stand up and help you. Listen, kid. You know why I hide in the gate of the abyss, because the turbulent magnetic field there will disturb my mother's perception of me, and at the same time make the **** knight unable to find me."

"Boy, if you come a month earlier, maybe I will play with you. It's a pity that you came late. During this time, a lot of things happened!"

"What's the matter?" Ling asked in surprise.

Belafar's expression suddenly became very lonely: "In just this month, the breath of two true kings disappeared forever. The conquering king Siloas has been conquered by others, and the knight selected by Prosius has gone west. Come from the mainland. Now the only true king left is me and the black plague Herbach. This is a defeated war, so why do you let me put all the bets on you?"

"Just because you are the choice of Hamomis? The inheritor of the planet's will?" m