War Lord

Chapter 644: Sea chase

[Thanks to Tian Wuya 992, just for reading (5 votes), and several big monthly tickets supported by Brother Xiang. There are also mortal soaring, a few big rewards from cats and other friends' subscription support! Thank you, work hard to codewords. ]

"I will never be a memory..."

From nowhere, a man sighed like a voice. In the nose, the pungent smell of heavy smoke after the explosion and the oily smell of engine oil. In the blurry vision of the eyes, there is a bright red color all over it. Like blood, like flames!

His vision became blurred, and his consciousness slipped into the darkness again.

I don't know how long it took, and when I opened my eyes again, it was the picture of the mecha disintegrating. The splashing oil and parts reflected the city's fire, and the faintly heard explosion sounded like Yu Lei in summer. It seems to be coming from a very far place, and it has been in the ears and echoed continuously in a moment. Who is smiling smugly, and who is roaring unwillingly. His mouth was full of the smell of rust, it was blood flowing.

It was still a blurry picture, the arrogant winner inserted a steel bar into the loser's chest. In an instant, there seemed to be fire burning in his chest. The inexplicable anger wanted to vent, but the weak body could only kiss the cracked earth, and then watched the picture blur again, and entered the black dreamland with unwillingness.

He was dizzy, as if someone was calling. The body seemed to be burned by flames, and there was the smell of fire and blood everywhere. Opening his eyes, the sky was occupied by darkness, and countless fireballs continued to fall to the ground, bringing an aura of destruction. The swaying figure, the beautiful face was full of hesitation: "Franklin, my king..."

She said, but the words fell silent, a pillar of fire fell from the sky in the billowing heat and enveloped the figure. In the wind, there seems to be a lingering fragrance of her. But this breath was also swallowed up by the flames.

How cruel!

"No, no!" Franklin woke up in a roar. His head seemed to be crushed by a tyrannosaurus, painful.

After a few quick breaths, his eyes gradually came into focus. So a hexagonal lantern swayed regularly in his eyes, and the air was filled with the smell of kerosene and the faint smell of sea water. Franklin shook his head to make himself more awake, so he saw clearly that this was a certain cabin, and the hexagonal wind lantern only illuminated one pup. He is at the front end of the cabin, with a wooden ladder in the left corner pointing diagonally upward.

There are some wooden barrels piled on the right, and you can smell the faint aroma of wine. It looked like some wine barrels, but some of them were knocked over on the ground, and there was no wine flowing out of them. Obviously, the wine had been drunk. The cabin was very damp, and the sound of waves beating against the ship came from outside the walls. The body swayed with the sway of the cabin, and the ship should be sailing right now.

Then there was a sharp pain from both sides of the wrist, Franklin looked at it. The Phillips screw with the thick fist of a child passed directly through the palm of his hand and nailed him to the wall of the cabin. He then found that he was half kneeling on the ground. Three steel bars as thick as adult arms fixed his body on the wall. Franklin moved. When he tried to free himself from these things, a strong electric current suddenly appeared from his back and back of his head.

He was trembling all over the electric power, and then fainted directly.

But this time it didn't last long, and he woke up again. When his head was dizzy, he seemed to see a middle-aged man's face and another figure that looked like a pillar. Franklin recognized him. It was Deborah, the captain of the Ironscale.

Franklin kept repeating it in his awake and coma. As time passed, the awake time became longer and longer, and the coma time became shorter. In the past few days, he has also noticed that there are more small things behind his back and the pillow of his head. These things are similar to some kind of discharge device, which has its own fixed cycle of power generation, which is related to the time between Franklin's wakefulness and coma.

These discharge devices are the first objects Franklin wants to remove. In fact, dealing with them is not complicated. As long as it is shocked with short but high-frequency energy, the device can malfunction, but the cleaning time must be mastered. After all, apart from Deborah on this boat, the other man didn't look easy to provoke. Franklin planned to escape. Without the attention of the two of them, a meat row needle was born on his back against the arm of the wall. The needle penetrated the wooden board of the cabin with a slow and subtle amplitude, allowing Franklin to be behind. Facing the wall becomes fragile, ready for emergencies.

At the same time, he began to deliberately conceal the time he was awake, thus creating an illusion for the two high-ranking officers on the ship and making them believe that he was still in control. He was waiting quietly, waiting for the opportunity to come.

When he woke up from the coma again, Franklin was still in his physical condition. From respiration, body temperature, heartbeat to energy level, the state was maintained at the time of coma, and only the consciousness had begun to move. He didn't open his eyes, but a complaining voice came in his ears: "Damn it, how long do we have to spin around!"

"Master Sauron, don't complain anymore. You have to know that to destroy Istar, I even sacrificed the deputy captain." This was Deborah's voice. He seemed to be smoking a cigarette, and his voice was a little vague: "Before the helm was all done by Biga, now I have to take care of the course, wind direction, raising and lowering sails, and steering the helm. It is not easy for me. Besides, I am not familiar with this section of the waterway. It is normal to get lost. ."

"Then when are you going to let us wander around here? Ten days? One month? Or one year?"

Franklin secretly noticed that the other man was Istar's arch enemy, Sauron, the commander of the Holy Seal Knights in the Pope's Hall. And Sauron even mixed up with the pirates, and Deborah had to listen to Sauron. In this way, Franklin could almost conclude that Deborah was a **** secretly cultivated by Sauron and placed among the pirates.

Thinking about it again, the encounter with Deborah near the Whisperer Strait and the subsequent series of events may have been designed by Sauron. Then, this man cannot be underestimated.

When thinking like this, Franklin's heartbeat speeded up a little. And this subtle change did not hide from Sauron’s induction, Franklin’s voice immediately rang in his ears: "It seems that our Mr. Beast is about to wake up again, Deborah, hurry up and go. Never return to New Rome. City, the old guys in the Pope’s Hall probably thought I was missing."

"Well, I look at the current situation and I should be able to find a way back to Roaring Bay. But Lord Sauron, I always find it difficult to control this big man with such a few palm-sized things. According to me, cut off his hands and feet. It is the safest."

Sauron sneered: "What do you know, the electric shock device that Jane specially configured for Mr. Beast can generate 200,000 volts of electric current. Do you know what that is? It is enough to power a Tyrannical Whale. If not, The adaptive cells in this beast’s body will kill him when he gets an electric shock for the first time. Now, it’s a miracle that each discharge only leaves him in a coma for 12 hours. I have to rely on this stuff to keep him fresh. ."

"It's not better to freeze it if you keep it fresh." Muttered, Deborah was gone. Franklin heard his heavy footsteps and the groan of the stairs bearing his weight.

"It's really a pig, I don't even know a channel. If it weren't for this plan, hum. After a while, I will find a crime and put him to death. If I let others know that I will use a pirate, Paul's brat probably I'll make a big fuss about this. Speaking of which, this kid has become a lot more courageous recently, so he dared to question my majesty in public gatherings..."

While listening to Sauron’s words, Franklin suddenly felt that he was being lifted up by a hand, and then he heard Sauron say again: "Fortunately, Mr. Beast. If it wasn't for Master Gaia to live, I would have spent so much. Work hard to take you all the way back to Rome."


Franklin's heart beat again violently.

What a familiar name, this reminded Franklin of some memories in the past. He didn't expect that there was another messenger behind Sauron, but he was still not sure whether this Gaia was the one he knew. If it is the Gaia he knows, then things are complicated.

(Agradis, how many mistakes did you leave?)

When Franklin's thoughts fluctuated because of Sauron's words, Deborah was equally angry. In other words, he is also one of the four major pirate groups. Although it is a chess piece specially cultivated by Sauron, his iron-scale pirate group has been very popular in recent years. Everyone in the waters of the Western Continent didn't know Tielin and his Deborah, but this time he lost all the crew for Sauron's plan and almost got him in.

To say that Istar was destroyed this time, Deborah could say that he set up Dasu. But Sauron didn't give himself a good face because of it, as it would be no different from treating a dog. No, maybe the dog is treated better than him. Deborah's face was gloomy, his eyes kept rolling, and various ideas flashed in his mind. In these thoughts, there was even a plan to sink Sauron into the sea.

Deborah is not a good man and woman, he knows very well that there is no better chance to attack Sauron than now. After killing Sauron, the city of Rome will definitely become a mess. Without the commander of Sauron, the 13th Regiment of the Saint Seal would definitely fight each other. And his Deborah will be soaring with Sauron's head, and he is more likely to become the leader of the pirates.

At that time, in the troubled times, relying on this power, it is impossible to fight against the Pope's Hall. Even if you can't destroy the city of Rome, you can at least have a land to be king. Being a maritime overlord is better than being a dog. Thinking of this, Deborah couldn't help but feel moved. But when he walked to the rudder, Deborah sighed sadly.

If Sauron had been so easy to eat, he would have been slaughtered a long time ago, so how could it be his turn. In addition to having the strongest mecha in the Pope's Hall, that man was also the strongest man in the entire Western Continent. As the ninth rank, he stabilized Deborah in his rank alone, not to mention that Sauron still has a domain. In a one-on-one situation, Deborah was not sure of winning. And if Sauron can't be killed this time, then his future life will be very sad.

Thinking of this, Deborah had to put away his murderous heart. Of course, life as a dog will not be easier, but no matter how you say it, it is better than death. Deborah smoked silently, turning his hand, and the Ironscale slowly drove towards the direction of Roaring Bay.

During the ups and downs of thought, Deborah's ears suddenly twitched, and then he caught a sharp sound. His face changed, he wandered the sea for many years, and he had fought with the troops of the Pope's Hall. How could he not hear the sound of heavy artillery shells breaking through the air! Just before he had time to look behind him, he saw a cannonball fell on the left side of the ship, brushed the side of the ship, and lifted a section of the railing on the deck!

The cannonball fell into the sea while grazing the ship's side, and when it blew up a column of water, the Iron Scale shook.

Deborah raised his eyes and saw a shadow of a ship appearing in the sea behind the ship. It was a multi-masted dhow, which looked similar to the Iron Scale in terms of size. From a distance, the three heavy artillery turrets in the bow of the ship were aimed at this side, and then the fire flashed, and heavy artillery shells burst into the air. Looking at the pattern on the mainsail again, Deborah's heart sank sharply. It was one of the three giants of the rebel army, the symbol of Jesse the Sunk!

In a blink of an eye, the Tielin was shot again. Fortunately, the two ships were so far apart that the heavy artillery line was lowered, so it did not hit the point. It was just that the water column struck by the cannonballs kept shaking the Ironscale, which made Sauron in the cabin unable to sit still and ran to the deck and shouted, "Dibora, can't you just sail?"

The rudder wheel in Deborah's hand turned sharply, and the Iron Scale moved to the right, avoiding three shells. While the water column on the sea exploded, Deborah said indifferently, "Master Sauron should ask them about this question!"

Sauron also noticed the sinker ships behind him, so he had no time to care about Deborah's disrespect in his tone. He only frowned and said, "Can't you get rid of them?"

Deborah sighed and said, "We originally had manpowered marine equipment, but unfortunately now we are the only two on board. Even if you are willing to condescend to step on the marine engine, you will only have one person after all, which is useless."

As the captain of Tielin, Deborah knew very well that his ship was not good at speed and flexibility. In the past, when the people on board were all there, it was possible to use the external engine to speed up the voyage. Now it is Deborah and Sauron. The wind alone cannot get rid of the sinker, which is also a hybrid type.

In terms of personal combat power, just a sinker is not an opponent of Deborah or Sauron at all. But now on the sea, Jesse only needs to use heavy artillery to sink the Ironscale, and the vast sea is where Deborah and Sauron are buried.

So now Deborah didn't expect to be able to get rid of the chasers behind. He only hoped that the Sinker could get closer, so that he could still board the ship and kill people forcibly, so that he could leave.

It's just that the opponent can obviously speed up to catch up, but keeps a relatively safe distance, and then frequently fires with heavy artillery, seemingly not intending to make Deborah his wish. Deborah had to steer the ship silently, and tried to avoid some shells that fell to important positions on the ship.

On the sinker's warship, Jesse in red stood upright. Half of his body was covered with a bandage, thinking it was for the injuries he suffered from the previous battle with Deborah at the North Island Nuclear Power Plant. Rage jumped in Jesse's eyes. After Istar was destroyed and Urson died in battle, Jesse finally repaired the warship that was only slightly damaged, and hurriedly mobilized manpower to go to sea.

This was originally an impulsive move, and Jesse had already planned to return after a few days of driving. Unexpectedly, he found the Ironscale spinning around in the nearby waters, and the enemy was extremely jealous when they met, and Jie Hong didn't let the truth of the Ironscale escape, and immediately chased him up. He wanted to get on the boat and kill him now, but Jesse knew it well. Not to mention Sauron on the Ironscale, it's just that Deborah is not his opponent.

But he has other advantages, such as the heavy artillery turrets on the ship. Jesse's plan is simple, sinking Ironscale with heavy artillery. As long as they fall into the sea, without his hands, the intense radiation in the sea will kill these two people.

"It's a godsend, just sink them like this!" Jesse gritted his teeth.

There was a rumbling, and there was the smell of gunpowder. Jesse's face was reddened by the fire, and the heavy artillery shells swept across the sea to greet the Iron Scale. Poor Tielin obviously also had artillery equipment, but it was decorated because of lack of manpower, which made the ship of the sinking breathless.

"No way." Sauron sighed and walked to the stern leisurely.

At this time, a cannonball swept an arc and fell towards the deck, and Sauron suddenly stopped and swept out with one foot. When the seemingly nonexistent ripples greeted the cannonball in the air, Dangji detonated the cannonball.

A ball of fire burst into the sky, and the exploding wind blew Sauron's hair. Sauron looked indifferent and stood proudly at the stern like a target.

Deborah glanced at the man thoughtfully.

Sauron rarely takes action in person, and if he participates in the battle, he will fight with King Arthur, so few people know what Sauron's real ability is. Judging from just now, he should be a capable person in the fighting domain, Deborah guessed so.

In fact, the captain was right. The strike just now was called a cut-off kick. It kicked out a vacuum wave with extremely fast legs to attack the opponent. It was known for its speed and explosive power.

On the ship of the sinker, UU reads www. uukanshu.com Jesse saw Sauron at a glance. He snorted, and said angrily: "Lock me on Sauron, cover it with ten heavy artillery, shoot!"

Under his command, the gunners on the three heavy artillery turrets in the bow of the ship immediately carried out a series of operations. The barrel of the heavy artillery made a dull bombardment, and a round of shells fell precisely towards Sauron amid the flickering of the fire. There was an astonishing sense of oppression in the air, and the covered shooting of ten heavy artillery was no joke. If left alone, the stern of the Ironscale will definitely explode.

Of course, Sauron, who was not going to go to the sea, would naturally not let these shells fall. So the man on the stern deck kicked out with his feet staggered, like dancing a tap dance. Under Sauron's calm and elegant "dance steps", transparent vacuum waves shot into the air, intercepting the heavy artillery shells one by one.

Boom boom boom—

In the continuous sound of explosions, the exploded fireball spread out and turned into a dazzling fire cloud. The shock wave caused Sauron's clothes to hunt and hunt, but this round of offensive by the Sinker Warship was kicked in vain in Sauron's cut-off.

Seeing the unharmed Tielin and Sauron after Huoyun passed, Jesse's steel teeth creaked and squeezed out a word from his mouth for a long time: "Keep on fighting for me!"