War Lord

Chapter 653: Bold

"It's Hook!"

"Ah, he has come."

"Oops, it looks like you don't want to fight here, right?"

The pirates speculated that a tall and thin man walked into the outdoor bar with a sullen face. Zero clearly felt that Cinderella's skin tightened when she saw this person, and she was nervous in her heart. Ling Xinxia was strange, and looked at the man.

He is thin and tall, with long hands and feet, and rough knuckles. There was an iconic scar on the plain face, and I don't know who gave it. The eyes were turbid yellow, and at first glance dull. But when you look closely, you will find that the pupils are shining extremely hard to detect. Wearing very ordinary loose cloth pants, I don't know how long ago the clothes, some places on the clothes have been cracked.

Only some of the more important parts of the body are seamed with soft leather pads, but the surface of these leather armors has worn out, and some even cracked. The only decent thing about the man is the short light green cloak behind him, and the yellow mane of an unknown beast is embedded on the neck guard. Three spears protruding from under the cloak are fanned apart. This is a bit like the Eureka on the Hindrella. The difference is that this man is equipped with or Ming or Ming on the back of the waist, waist, thighs and other places. Dark weapons.

It seemed that the man was like a mobile warehouse of cold weapons. In terms of his temperament, he is more like a wandering warrior. However, Ling heard that Hindrella described the images of the other three great pirates, so he knew that the man in front of them was actually Captain Hook.

Hook didn't even look at zero, just stared straight at Hindrella, and said in an inexplicable tone that other people listened to: "Tell me, why?"

Cinderella lowered her head, seemingly not wanting to answer Hook's question.

Hook suddenly reached out and grabbed her shoulders and said, "As long as you say a word, I will take you away immediately."

Cinderella suddenly shook his whole body, raised her head and said coldly: "Let go! Otherwise, don't blame me for the shot."

Although her tone was cold, her palms trembled slightly. Even if Zero is blind, he can see that there is a story between the two. He sighed inwardly, stood up and said, "Captain Hook..."

Hook didn't raise his head, and burst out with a powerful force all over his body, rushing to zero: "It's none of your business!"

The power of Ling gave him his hair flying, and several pirates behind him directly stunned Hook. With a chill in his eyes, a faint golden flame ignited in the pupil of his right eye. Suddenly, an awe-inspiring power was emitted from him, and he slammed into Hook without giving way. Hook turned around in surprise, and the power of the two had already collided. There was a thunderbolt-like explosion in the air, and the power of the high-ranking power collided to generate a shocking airflow that overturned several tables, and the ordinary pirates near the three lay down for a full circle.

"Don't let me repeat it, let her go!" Ling's cold eyes pierced towards Hook like a sharp sword.

Hook's heart stunned, he put his hand on the hilt of his waist, and slightly pulled out the small half of the sword to be able to withstand the impact of the second wave of zero. There was no weird collision this time, but the two of them shook their bodies lightly at the same time, as if they were all right. But Hook knew that he lost a small game, because Zero only relied on his eyes to condense into an impossibly imposing manner, but he had to use a long sword to help his reputation to be able to resist it.

In comparison between the two, he is really weak.

"I know who you are, and Captain Hook’s reputation is like thunder in this sea. At the same time, I also respect you as an excellent master of weapons. I admire. But now, your hands are placed where they shouldn’t be. Hindrella is my woman. If you offend her, I don’t mind to challenge you immediately!"

Cinderella was slightly surprised, she looked at zero. The zero sharpness at the moment was revealed, like an unsheathed sharp sword, which was far from the humble and low-key man she knew, but a blockbuster at the critical moment. But it is undeniable that the zero-spirited spirit at this moment, and the boldness to fear all challenges is fascinating.

Hook snorted coldly. He has been flying across the sea for nearly ten years, so he is afraid of challenges. When the long sword on the waist was half an inch out of its sheath, he had to respond to Zero's words with his own actions.

The other pirates saw that the situation was not good, and all of them retreated. Just as the swords were drawn, another violent might appeared behind them. Mr. X stood up and turned slowly, with a hideous expression on his face and said: "The two little ghosts over there, don’t just let me. Fight on the ground! If you want to fight, go to the Poseidon Arena tomorrow to fight enough! But if anyone does it now, don't blame me for being polite!"

The situation immediately became complicated, and Hooke looked at X and then at Cinderella. When I was about to take a shot desperately, my shoulders sank, but it was true.

A tall shadow enveloped Hook and also covered Zero. Behind Hook, a huge mountain of meat appeared quietly. It was a big man with a strange hat and layers of fat on his upper body. With a grinning expression on his face, he said to Hook: "Brother, Mr. X is someone we all respect. If you don't give him this face, then I'm sorry, I'm afraid I will have to intervene."

If there were daring pirates watching around, now that the big Roshan appeared, all the pirates would not dare to watch the excitement anymore.

"Man Shan! He really came too."

"Go, go quickly, if even the wild mountain does it, it won't be an exaggeration to razed this place to the ground."

Of the three auras that had been maintained until now, Zero was the first to withdraw his aura. He spread his hands and said, "I respect Mr. X and Captain Manshan. Captain Hook, see you tomorrow in the arena."

After speaking, pat Cinderella's hand. The latter sighed slightly, stood up, and left the bar behind Ling.

Hook's face darkened, he withdrew his sword and simply said "sorry" to Mr. X, and then left in the opposite direction. However, Man Shan laughed and sat on the ground. He was fat, and there was no suitable chair for him in the bar. x looked at him, raised his brows and said, "Looking at your happy look, I'm afraid which warship is unlucky again, right?"

"Don't worry, Mr. X. I try not to move the tenth group of ships, should you buy me a drink?" Man Shan patted his stomach, shaking layers of meat.

Mr. X turned around and said: "Those things have nothing to do with me, do as you like. What's more, those guys back then are probably no longer in the tenth regiment."

Then he said to the waiter: "Go to the cellar and get a barrel of Welsh wine for him asshole!"

"Wow, thank you so much, Mr. X, it's not in vain that I will help you out." Manshan said happily.

X ignored him and continued his great cause of building walls.

Looking at the atmosphere that started to become active over the bar, Ling said: "Mr. X looks very difficult, unlike the owner who just runs the bar."

"Of course he is not simple. It can be said that he is our godfather!"


"Yes." Cinderella whispered: "Mr. X, in fact, is the only surviving first-generation pirate, the first man to gallop on the sea. A lot of our knowledge is passed on by him, and for all pirates, he is ours. Godfather. Moreover, he used to be the head of the Tenth Regiment of the Knights of the Seal!"

Zero was surprised, and said: "He turned out to be the leader of the Knights? So, he betrayed the Knights?"

"You can't say that. As far as I know, when Sauron initiated the coup, Mr. X belonged to the line that supported the Pope. Unfortunately, he finally lost power and Sauron took the power and killed Mr. X for the first time. Wife and children. Mr. X desperately escaped and became a pirate, vowing to avenge Sauron."

"Really a powerful old man." Zero sighed.

Cinderella suddenly shook his eyes and bowed his head and said, "That's not what you want to ask, right?"

Lingyi stayed, and then smiled and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't tell, everyone has one or two secrets, don't they?"

"There is no secret, at least the guys in Barbarian Mountain know it. Yes, Hook has always pursued me. He even challenged me once to get me, but I just beat him, but no one knows the result. "Cinderella bit her lip and said: "I admit that he is a special man. But now, I have let you..."

Before he finished speaking, Cinderella suddenly felt that his waist was swept away, and then stuck to him. Petty lips sealed her mouth, and after a hot kiss, Hindrella was breathing quickly, her eyes blurred.

For a long time, the lips are divided. Ling chuckled and said: "I know what you want to say, don't worry. I am still a little confident in terms of charm."

Cinderella laughed: "You men are always so self-confident when they talk about this kind of thing."

"That's not the case, it's just that I know the secrets of your body and your heart before the guy from Hook." A light kiss on Hindrella's ear beads, and a zero smile.

Cinderella felt soft, and suddenly hugged him tightly and said cruelly: "I want it! This time, I'm not allowed to play with my old lady."

It seems that she was so worried about the other kind of "invasion" made by the petty mental power last time, and she nodded and said: "Yes, please, sister here."

Hearing him calling himself in the tone of those subordinates on the pirate ship, Cinderella laughed and took to the hotel on the island of Zero. After the two of them left, a figure flashed and appeared in the place where they had just stayed. Hook clenched his fists and whispered softly: "Cindrila, did those words deliberately tell me? I know, from this moment on, I will stop all delusions about you. Tomorrow, I will Defeating that man upright. In that case, you still belong to me!"

Turning around, Hook left, leaving only one or two drops of blood flowing from the palm of his hand under the grass on the ground.

At the Sea Emperor Bar, Man Shan's ears twitched. Mr. X's voice floated over at this moment: "Eavesdropping on other people's speech is immoral."

"Don't say that, I just care about my friends." Manshan made a haha ​​fool.

At dawn, a ray of golden light in the hotel room shone on this big bed. Zero lifted the quilt and woke up from the messy bed. The four feet of the big bed had been broken, and there were several thrilling cracks in the wall of the bed. An oil painting hanging on the wall was severely slanted. As for the bell on the other side, it had fallen to the ground, and even the floor was covered with dust falling from the ceiling. And all of this originated from the battle between Zero and Cinderella last night.

Thinking of last night's madness, zero laughed at it. This time he was considered to have truly conquered Hindrella. As a high-level water system capable person, Hindrella's body was far more crazy than the women that Zero had possessed. Zero remembered that when she entered her body for the first time, she almost lost her armour and armor from the place that was as tight as a furnace.

Zero now knows why so many men want Hindrella, apart from the pleasure of conquering this superwoman, Hindrella's **** place is indeed a place for people to indulge.

She is very sensitive, but it is difficult to reach the **. Last time, it was her petty mental strength that she could achieve that result by both her **** and mind, but last night it was a lengthy confrontation. At least after making Hindrella satisfied, Ling rarely felt tired, showing how difficult it is for her to touch the peak of happiness. And this also makes the battle between the two people an interesting game, and at the same time it makes Zero feel quite fulfilled after completion.

Seeing the red dots on the sheet, they fell towards the perfect back facing him. He stretched out his hand and stroked Cinderella's smooth back, and the latter said in a vague voice: "You go first, I'll lie down again."

With a soft kiss on her cheek, Cinderella closed her eyes, but showed a happy smile and patted Zero's face with her hand and said: "Please, don't bother me, you tossed me last night and I almost fell apart."

"It's not the same for me. If people are defeated today because of this, I guess I will laugh at people as a joke for a hundred years, right?"

Cinderella grinned, pulled up the quilt to cover herself and said, "That's your business."

Zero slapped her elastic buttocks hard, then jumped out of the bed and put on clean clothes. When he came downstairs to the hotel after freshening up, Mr. X was already waiting: "Are you ready?"

"Anytime." Zero nodded.

Mr. X stood up and said, "Then go. It will take a while to get to the Poseidon Arena here."

Walking out of the hotel with Zero, there was an old-fashioned motorcycle parked outside the door. A silver helmet hung on a rear mirror of the motorcycle. Mr. X put on the helmet and stepped on the motorcycle, beckoning: "Come on, I will take you there."

Ling watched a flag with a skull painted on the back of the motorcycle, making Mr. X look like a runaway. Ling smiled and walked to the back seat. Mr. X twisted the engine, so the rear wheel of the motorcycle turned frantically. But x propped one foot on the ground, so the motorcycle stayed in place.

"Sit down, I'm not responsible for falling." After speaking, x put his feet away, and the motorcycle rushed out like a roaring bull. In the morning light of dawn, follow the winding mountain road towards the west of the island.

The Poseidon Arena is on the cliff on the west side of the island, where it was originally the altar of the Poseidon sacrifice. After being rebuilt many times, it became a circular arena nowadays. The arena is hanging in the air beyond the cliff, and below is the raging sea, and it will be fatal to fall. Below the arena is fixed by a thick steel frame, and three steel support frames as wide as a road are used to hold the arena and let it hang in the middle of the sky and the sea.

On the other side of the cliff is the auditorium, which is said to be the auditorium. In fact, on the side of the cliff facing the sea, a series of ladder-shaped ramps lined up and down are cut out. The spectators sit on these ladder-shaped ramps and watch the battle on the arena.

The entire arena is full of primitive and ancient aura, representing the pirates' respect for the vast sea.

When Mr. X came with Zero, the audience in the arena had already arrived one after another. However, there is a special channel for the entrance of the auditorium, and Mr. X takes zero to take another channel. This passage is for challengers. It is said that the passage is actually a tunnel through the mountainside. The tunnel is not very spacious, with torches lit on both sides. There is a base on each side of the tunnel, and a pile of bones is placed on the base at intervals.

A flag was planted behind the pile of bones with some kind of sign painted on it. Mr. X said: "These are the bones of the defeated. If you are defeated and killed, you will become a member of this place."

Zero was silent.

In a blink of an eye the exit of the tunnel arrived, and the motorcycle stopped at the exit. A brilliant light shone from outside the exit, and after Zero's eyes got used to the light, he saw that there was a steel corridor at the exit leading directly to the arena in front of him. That is the supporting steel frame of the arena, and at the same time it is also the way into the arena. The entire corridor became black with oil, with a yellow arrow in the middle pointing to the arena.

"The challenger's road." X said: "Go, your stage is ahead. The challenge will begin soon. All the captains participating in this competition have already drawn lots to determine the order of appearance. Later, they will continue from both sides. The passage enters the arena."

Nodded zero and said, "Thank you, Mr. X."

X shook his head and said, "It's nothing, I just want to take a gamble."

He didn't say anything to bet, so he drove back from the direction of the tunnel. In the tunnel, X said lightly: "I want to bet whether you are the man who can challenge Sauron."

As soon as he walked out of the exit and stood on the path of the challenger, there was a loud voice behind him. Looking back, he saw that on the cliff behind him, those trapezoidal ramps were already full of pirates. They shouted for zero, which is to pay their respects to the fearless. Regardless of whether the zero final challenge succeeds or fails, the courage to challenge all captains alone is enough to make people admire.

With thunderous voices, Zero's gaze swept across the auditorium above, and then he turned around and walked on the path of the challenger, all the way to the center of the arena.

The Challenger’s Road is located in the middle of the three passages. At the entrance of the other two passages ~lightnovelpub.net~ the captains who have accepted the zero challenge have arrived. Among them are worried people, and there are no lack of brainless excited people. A pirate with a "1" sign on his chest was the latter. He cocked his fist excitedly and said, "I really want to go up and beat that beautiful boy."

A pirate captain with a cockscomb head cut and dressed like a hippy smiled sideways and said, "I think you want to play with Cinderella..."

At the end of the speech, a sleeve arrow suddenly drew across the captain's face, pulled a hole in his face and then nailed it into the hard wall. The cockscomb head was startled and turned around and roared: "Who the **** doesn't have eyes..."

While speaking, he saw a pair of eyes glowing with turbid yellow. Being stared at by these eyes, the cockscomb swallowed the rest of the words back into his stomach. Of course he did not dare to go on, because that was Hook, the captain of the Tiger Shark.

Hook leaned against the wall and whispered impatiently: "Hasn't it started yet?"

"I can't wait..."

On his chest, there is a brand of "58"!