War Lord

Chapter 655: guillotine

Adjusting his breathing, Hook wiped the blood from his mouth. Zero's punches were heavy, really heavy, so heavy that he seemed to hear the wailing of bones all over his body. Especially the violent energy attached to the fist, it oscillated its muscles, bones and internal organs with a crazy frequency. If the whole body is not wrapped in the defensive field, ordinary people will burst into fragments with this blow?

But even so, under the double offensive of that blow, Hook got the most painful punch since his debut.

Now even the breathing wind is hot and painful. But this feeling...

(It's so cool! Blood, severe pain, wandering on the edge of life and death, life-saving battle...all of these, I haven't experienced it for a long time!)

So Hook was smiling, his eyes overflowing with excitement. The blood in the whole body was boiling, and the battle instinct called him. So he assumed a posture, bowed his right leg forward, and the two knives were erected and the other horizontally aligned.

When the third Peng Xinghuo appeared, Hook moved.

He leaned forward to the limit, and his upper body was almost horizontal to the ground. The whole person was slanting across the arena, leaving behind a series of afterimages rushing to zero.

Two cold blades swept across the arena.

The double knives dragged a cold light in the air, and pulled a curved arc on both sides of Hook's body. The tip of the knife turned inward, and cut to the zero chest like a pair of horns!

With zero hands interlaced, the body's center of gravity is downward, facing Hooke's attack in a stable defensive posture.

Hook is like an angry bull, and the two knives are the horns of the bull. He pressed against Zero's hand fiercely, and suddenly the violent friction between the knife and his hand spewed out a big spark. Next, Hook yelled and mobilized with all his strength to slip back in the arena.

Zero's feet were almost nailed into the ground, but he still couldn't stop Hook's momentum, causing him to retreat rapidly.

Gliding across most of the arena in a blink of an eye, he could almost hear the sound of waves hitting the shore reef behind his head.

But by this time, Hook was already exhausted, and Zero finally stopped. However, after the double knives, Hook showed a meaningful smile, and then new power suddenly emerged from the double knives, and the tip of the knife swung out slightly.

Zero crash and decisive, change gears to press. Pressing his hands on Hooke’s saber, he leaped backwards with strength. When he volleyed over Hooke’s head, Ling clearly saw Hooke’s double knives oscillating and slashing outwards with a subtle frequency that was extremely difficult to detect. Suddenly, a sharp howling sound sounded in the air, and two milky white air waves swept across the arena, bringing up violent air waves.

It was an extremely sharp vacuum slash, and if it were cut, it would be difficult to protect it even with the current toughened skin.

The person was in the air, and Zero quickly fell back to the ground. However, Hook, who had done nothing at all, looked back from side to side.

There was no expression of annoyance in the air on Hook's face. He was maintaining a flat posture with his two knives, and Hooke suddenly turned wildly around his feet, and the two knives pulled out a knife wheel and swept towards zero like a top.

Hindrella in the audience was biting her thumb lightly with her mouth: "A windmill with both offensive and defensive capabilities? This is a bit troublesome."

Knife skill "windmill", another technique of Hooke. Using itself as the axis to perform a 360-degree frantic rotation, cut out a continuous wall of blades with no gaps to approach the opponent. Facing Hooke's windmill head-on is a terrible move that is extremely difficult even to defend.

Zero also frowned. With his eyesight, it was not difficult to see that Hooke's surface formed a circular wall of swords. But in fact, driven by the double knives, his whole body was covered with cutting air currents that were invisible to the naked eye. These air currents were not only a means of defense, but also a weapon of attack when necessary.

Seeing Hooke's windmill approaching, Zero does not retreat but advances instead. The person rushed forward, his hands slightly shrank back, and then a dense fist shadow came out. The fist kept swinging like a machine gun, bringing a burst of crackling sounds, and attacked Hook like a gust of wind.

Gun fighting, unlimited barrage!

It is also an intensive blow, the difference is that Hook’s windmill is a 360-degree attack, while the zero barrage focuses on the front. When the two touched, sparks immediately exploded between the wall of swords and the barrage. At the same time, the waves of air generated by the collision of the two swords and fists were also blown away. For a while, it seemed that no one could do anything.

But Zero knew that he was at a disadvantage.

The problem lies in the rotating characteristics of the Hooke's windmill.

Most of his infinite barrage is dominated by straight attacks, but Hook's windmill keeps spinning. As a result, ten rounds of punches landed on the windmill, and at least seven or eight rounds for the windmill's neck were taken away, and it was impossible to give Hooke a real blow.

So Hooke's windmill gradually penetrated into Zero's barrage. In order to maintain the distance between the two, Zero had to gradually retreat.

But everyone knows that this situation will only be worse for zero.

Ling's face remained as calm as ever, his eyes were fixed on Hook, and he analyzed his flaws with all his strength. Soon, Ling discovered the only weakness in Hook's windmill. Just like a tornado, the eye in the center must be the safest area. The same goes for Hook, the only place above his head that the windmill cannot attack or defend.

There will never be perfect things in the world, and all abilities and moves are like this. There are advantages and disadvantages. The difference is that the high-level strong will be good at using certain methods to cover up the deficiencies in their abilities or moves. But as long as these weaknesses or flaws are found, no matter how terrible the technique is, there is a way to crack it. Of course, this requires a small gap between the two.

Otherwise, there is a big gap, and the strong can make up for it with strength. This is the so-called one force drop ten meeting.

But now, the gap between Zero and Hooke is obviously not big.

If we catch the weakness, we should make good use of it.

Zero blasted another barrage, blocking Hooke's windmill. The man bounced up and passed Hooke's windmill to the top of his head. Then he slammed a punch with all his strength and fell straight on Hook's head.

The fist blew his face, and Hook looked up in amazement.

Zero's fist expanded infinitely in his eyes!

The windmill suddenly dissipated, and the rotating double knives swayed along the way, staggering zero blows overhead.

It's just that zero is to gain momentum, while Hook is hurried to respond, and the two are far apart.

Fists and knives struck each other, and when there was a bang, Hook's knives immediately shook.

Zero this full blow, his fist went straight down, pressing Hook's hands violently. The latter finally couldn't resist the power of a thousand equals like a mountain, and squeezed this force out uncontrollably. At the same time, the tiger's mouth cracked, and the two swords flew to Zero at the same time, spinning in the air to bring out circular arcs, and finally plunged to the ground in the arena.

At this time, Zero's fist hit the ground, and the ground sank down, and then a wave of rocks exploded. Shi Lang soared to the sky, submerged Zero's figure, and then fell again. Zero had already stood on the ground.

Hook staggered several times before he stabilized his figure.

On the other side, Zero finally managed to win a city back, which allowed Hook to regroup.

At the moment, he was ready to defeat the Tiger Shark's ship, but the audience behind him shouted in exclamation. Then the pressure suddenly appeared behind him, and Ling looked back, only to see a rolling stone pressing towards him!

Just where does the rolling stone come from in the arena?

Without time to think about it, Zero turned around and put his hands on the rolling stone. Suddenly, a series of sparks were spattered due to the violent friction, and at the same time, the rolling stones kept sliding towards the back of the arena.

In the audience, the pirates exclaimed again and again.

"Look, that's the giant rolling stone of the Wild Mountain, right?"

"Here again, those weird and terrifying moves of Barbarian Mountain."

"The new captain is in trouble now!"

It turned out that under the steel corridor, the figure of Manshan had long been lost. The huge rolling stone that was pressing towards zero was transformed by the captain of the Walrus.

Hook naturally recognized that this was Barbarian Mountain's ability. He didn't like it and turned angry, and shouted, "Barbarian Mountain, didn't I tell you not to interfere?"

Zero, who was resisting the Rolling Stone with all his strength, suddenly heard Manshan's laugh from the "stone": "I'm so sorry, I can't sit still watching you guys fight so hard."

Ling answered Hook: "It's okay, it's better for you to come together."

Speaking, kicked fiercely under the rolling stone, and the tip of his toe was under the rolling stone, and immediately sounded a startling sound from the mountain. However, the rolling stone changed its direction and flew out like a small stone. I saw that "big rock" rolled quickly in the air, and had already turned out of the arena in a blink of an eye, and there was a raging sea below!

There were exclamations from the audience.

However, the wild mountain in the middle of the sky laughed, and the fat face of the captain of the Walrus suddenly appeared in the middle of the stone, and then he breathed in the air. Suddenly the "Boulder" changed its direction and slammed into Zero like a cannonball!

"It's a giant marble!"

"It's an incredible move, you can attack even in that situation!"

"So I would rather face Hooke's sword than hit the wild mountain. Those moves are too abnormal."

The voices of the audience kept coming, but there was an explosion from the arena.

But it was the "marbles" transformed by the wild mountain that hit the corner of the arena, and suddenly a piece of tumbling dust blew up. When the sea breeze dissipated, a shallow crater about three meters wide had sunk in the arena. The marbles of Barbarian Mountain stayed inside, and Zero had already jumped to the other side.

In the shallow pit, hands, feet and heads emerged from around and above the marbles. It turned out that this meat ball was the body of Manshan.

Looking at the wild mountain with a smile on his face, Zero frowned and said: "You are a mutant type capable person."

"Almost. My ability is to control the muscles at will. When needed, I can become a mollusk like sea cucumber. You have to be careful." Man Shan said like a good old man.

"Thank you for reminding." Zero nodded.

Suddenly the sound of footsteps sounded, but Hook pounced again.

He pressed his hands on the two one-handed long swords on his waist and shouted: "Let's go on." He said to Manshan: "If you insist on getting in, be careful not to let me cut it."

The talking room has come to the vicinity of zero, and the double swords unsheathed and brought a hazy light curtain to zero. Zero's hands popped out, holding Hook's horizontal cutting and vertical cutting respectively, and shaking his hands, he shook the two one-handed swords away. Hook snorted and used a set of slashing techniques without revealing water. All movements consist of the simplest three movements: chop, cleave, and slash, but the movement and movement are very smooth. Looking from a distance, Hook's double swords pulled out pieces of sword screen light and shadow to wrap Zero in them.

Zero was not idle, he used his arm as a weapon to constantly block Hook's attack. There was a burst of intensive fighting between the hand and the sword, and at the same time, shoulder bumps, elbows, and leg sweeps were added from time to time in the action. If Hooke is good at all kinds of cold weapons, then Zero is to turn himself into a weapon. Whether it's fists, knives, finger guns, whip legs, or shoulders, he seems to be able to attack others up and down.

The two of them played fast, and under a fast fight, they turned into two human-shaped whirlwinds and wandered around the arena. Everyone in the audience was dazzled.

During the fight, the strength on the Zero Discovery Hooke's sword is increasing at a constant value, which seems to come from some kind of wonderful use of strength. After taking a closer look, he discovered that while Hook’s double swords were attacking, a sword strength would always remain in the air, and then the subsequent attacks would make up for it. This sword strength would be attached to the sword to enhance the current cut. At the same time as the attack power, it will stay in the second one for the next attack.

Under such a reciprocating cycle, Hook's sword weighed more than one sword. Although it was insignificant at first, as the attack unfolded, the feeling became clearer and clearer.

"Have you noticed? That's right, this is my sword skill..." Hoke said lightly: "Undercurrent!"

Sword skill "undercurrent", stays a sword strength while attacking, and increases strength in coordination with the next attack. At the same time, a second sword strength will be reserved. In such a reciprocating cycle, the opponent's sword seems to be in a sword wave undercurrent. When the highest value of strength is reached through this special technique, it is when Hook makes a thunder blow!

The sword waves on this side were surging, and the wild mountains on the other side were not idle. The captain of the Walrus chuckled, his hands stretched out like boneless to grab the ground, and then his head and feet retracted into a ball of flesh. Immediately after that, the meat ball spun quickly, and it was fixed in place because of the hand gripping the ground. The meat ball spinning on the spot made a sharp rubbing sound, and at the same time expelled air waves on both sides.

In the distant auditorium, Cinderella's eyes tightened. And the pirates beside them already exclaimed: "Here again, this time it's a giant yo-yo!"

"Oh my god, it's another perverted move."

"I heard that even the warship will make a hole if hit by a single move."

"What a terrible man."

In the exclamation, Manshan suddenly let go of his grip on the ground, and the meat ball bounced and flew out. While spinning rapidly, the surface of the meat ball was covered with a layer of sharply rotating gray ripples, dragging a terrifying wave of air and crashing into the space between Zero and Hooke.


Hook cursed secretly, but at the same time he bounced Manshan away like Zero. The rotating ripples attached to the meat ball were a terrible centrifugal force, and the foreign objects flew away as soon as they touched it.

"Don't mind, Hook. Don't worry, I will give you a great opportunity to attack. You can grasp it!" A heroic laughter emanated from the meatball strangely, knocking out Zero and Hook. The spinning meat ball popped out of his limbs and head, and Man Shan's light hair fell to the ground like a ballet dancer, and then he bounced toward zero.

Zero didn't know what strange ability this guy had, so he didn't dare to be careless. Moving in place and flashing across the Barbarian Mountain, although the Barbarian Mountain did not hit zero, he smiled insidiously. He took a sharp breath, and suddenly the fat all over his body made waves of flesh. Under the wave of meat, Manshan's body flattened out like a mollusk.

The arena is like a meat curtain opened, and it quickly wraps zero in it. Then the curtain shrank, so that the zero was tightly wrapped in it, followed by the wild mountain into a big meat ball, quickly spinning and rolling in the arena. From time to time, he bounced high and smashed down fiercely. In the violent shaking, the suffering of Manshan's body was beyond words.

It seems that various forces are squeezing him in all directions from different angles. This is simply a weird trick that cannot be defended.

"It's the cradle of the giants of the earth!" a pirate suddenly yelled: "My former former captain died under this trick. This is to let the wild mountain be wrapped in it and shake the whole body bones and internal organs into a paste. Horror moves!"

The meat ball stopped suddenly after wandering the arena for several weeks, and the meat wave stretched out, gently tossing the zero that was about to fall apart because of various forces. Man Shan's body contracted quickly again, and then his belly twitched, directly hitting the zero bullet in the air. Man Shan smiled, squatted down with fat feet, and kicked again. The whole person flew from Zero like a cannonball, and came to the sky above Zero. Manshan's hands were entangled like a snake, and finally he hugged his fists and swung towards Zero fiercely.

"Eat my trick, the giant hits a home run!" Man Shan laughed wildly, and said: "Hook, catch the ball!"

The hands were shaped like large clubs and knocked down, and only had time to make a defensive posture, he knocked Man Shan heavily into the arena. In the arena, Hook yelled and burst into power. The entire arena faintly vibrated, and the three spears and two sabers scattered all around bounced towards Hook from the ground.

Hook first slapped the two one-handed swords, but the one-handed sword had a hidden buckle on its body, so that they were joined together to form a thick sword. But it didn't stop there, Hook threw it up again. First, he stretched out his hand to catch the three spears and combined them into one strand, and then caught the thick sword. In the end, he hurried left and right, and seized two more war knives~lightnovelpub.net~ so a strange giant weapon appeared in Hook's hands.

In fact, all of his seven weapons have hidden buckles, which can be combined when necessary to become the now giant "Dragon Break" with three spears as handles, double swords as the body, and double knives as the blade. . Hook looked at the zero falling from mid-air, holding the broken handle of the dragon in both hands, dragging the huge sword towards the zero point. He whirled again, the dragon sword's blade blew a wave of air and sparks on the ground, and then swung a milky white light curtain and slashed straight up.

The arena is like a waterfall of light rising up against the current, in that awe-inspiring power, the waterfall of light instantly crosses with zero.

The next moment, there was no whole body shaking, and the whole figure kept falling helplessly in the air like a puppet.

At the same time, a large swath of blood was sprinkled from the air!

There was silence in the audience, and somebody said softly, "That's...that's the guillotine, right?"

The final skill "guillotine" is Hook's strongest move. Combine seven weapons to form a giant dragon, and use all the power to issue a straight slash with unmatched power. Hook once used this trick to guillotine a warship of the Knights of the Seal, which was the last and strongest trump card of Captain Tiger Shark!