War Lord

Chapter 670: sponsor

After the battle of Roaring Bay, the pier of Sea House was not calm, but busier.

There are at least nearly a hundred pirate ships traveling between the Whisperer Strait and the sea in the middle of the sea, which is out of the need to count the battlefield in the strait. In the Battle of the Whisperer Channel, Franklin and others were almost completely destroyed except for the warships in the Pope's Hall on the first day. In the next battle, in order to save resources and firepower, even if he attacked the warship, Franklin took the paralysis of its functions as the primary goal.

Therefore, when the Pope’s Hall evacuated, the Knights also dropped dozens of warships that were only moderately or slightly damaged.

These warships are extremely rich materials for the Sea House.

The warships are of high quality, and they can be put into use as long as they are brought back to the Sea House for repairs. In addition, the turrets, ammunition, and munitions on the warship are a huge asset. Although it was not enough to make up for the materials consumed by the pirates in this battle, it also made up forty to fifty percent, which was quite good. What's more, the quality of military materials has always been good, and those pirates who make a living by looting warships know this very well.

After all the materials were transported to the dock, under the supervision of Mr. X, they were all sent to a warehouse in the house of the sea, where they were kept in separate categories. Through the Poseidon Order, Zero has integrated all the pirates and has become the master of the Sea House. These materials are naturally regarded as zero property. If anyone wants to embezzle one or two of them, Mr. X doesn't mind giving these people who are not long-sighted a deep lesson.

It's just that Poseidon made Ling Ling cold the pirates, and the Battle of Roaring Bay won their respect and loyalty, so no one dared to make ideas about supplies. Pirates are rebellious guys, it is not easy to win their loyalty, but Zero finally did it. This is his base point on the Western Continent, but this base point is obviously not enough, so expansion is an inevitable and imminent issue.

Zero is waiting, waiting for them to recover from their injuries. At that time, it will be the day to set sail again. And that day, their destination will be the Western Continent.

When the pirates are busy, Billy and his technical team are also not free. From the battlefield in the Whisperer Channel, the pirates recovered several Paladins and Griffon mechas that were only slightly damaged. For Billy and his team of experts, these mechas attracted their attention even more than those huge materials. Billy asked Ling for these mechas, and then he and his team deconstructed the structure, systems, equipment and other elements of the mechas day and night.

The number of capable people in the Western Continent is far less than that of the Central Continent, but their technology, especially the power mech technology, is far better than that of the Central Continent. Take the raiders of the Green Capital as an example, it is already a very cutting-edge mecha technology in the Central Continent. But in the Western Continent, the looters are at most equivalent to the technical content of the Paladin mecha. The paladin mecha is the first mecha of the Pope’s Hall and belongs to the inventory. Strategic materials that do not need to occupy land and are not too heartache to be damaged.

As for the lightweight Griffin Rider, it is a qualitative leap in mecha technology. It involves material processing technology, more sophisticated operating systems, fuel and flight systems, and other technical issues that are not involved in the Central Continent. As for the Knights of the Round Table that Mamiro brought back, it was a terrifying meat grinder that could be called a war puppet.

It is no exaggeration that even if ordinary people are allowed to drive the Knights of the Round Table, they can beat up a dozen or less capable people of Tier 8. As for ordinary soldiers, I am afraid that war-damaged units can be counted in thousands. Of course, the operating system of the Knights of the Round Table itself is not customized for ordinary people. It requires the unparalleled quick response of high-level abilities and rich combat experience in order to fully display the combat effectiveness of the Knights of the Round Table.

But in Billy's view, if the Knights of the Round Table can be mass-produced, then the operating system requirements can be completely reduced. After all, ordinary drivers can be trained, but there is one less high-level driver, which is a resource that is difficult to regenerate.

For turbulent times, resources are everything!

When studying the first and second generation mechas, Billy also mentioned the idea of ​​studying the Knights of the Round Table. Zero knew that he wanted to overcome this set of techniques and then return to the Central Continent. Even if Billy can't innovate, it would be a terrifying combat power if the reduced version of the Knights of the Round Table could be mass-produced. Therefore, Chang went to find Mr. X and expressed his wishes euphemistically.

The next day, Mamiro drove the Knights of the Round Table to Billy's temporary workshop, an island edge on the south side of Sea House. When he saw Mamiro's Knights of the Round Table, Billy immediately plunged into fanatical work of deconstruction. His main research is the power system and operating system of the Knights of the Round Table, these two are the core of the technology of the Knights of the Round Table.

The former solves the power problem of driving big men, and the latter deals with the control error between the driver and the mecha. It can be predicted that when Billy returns to the Central Continent with this set of technology, a new type of mecha unit will quietly appear in the Zero camp. Even with sufficient resources and factories here in the Western Continent, he can build such a force.

But for now, it's just the envisioning stage.

The problem still lies in resources.

It's not that there are no resources on the Sea House, but it's not enough to make ends meet. After all, it is completely different now and before. In the past, pirates were moving around and fighting each other, basically living a safari-like life. But once these things are put into war, they are not enough for one or two wars. War burns a lot of money. Of course, it is also very profitable. It's just that Zero can't make money with it yet.

And to fight against the Pope's Hall, and even eventually bring Sauron down, is not a normal burning of money.

The Sea House has just won the second battle, looking at the scenery. But as long as you do it again, Zero Basic can be sure that the pirates will definitely not be able to hold it. So now, he needs income, a lot of income!

Only then did he realize the difficulties of being a family leader. When I was in Central Continent in the past, the company was small in the early stage, but it was not reflected. Later, he became the invisible leader of the alien race, and Ademili helped to manage the finances, so he didn't need to worry about it naturally. After fighting again, to build the City of Dawn, simply take the Black Rose with him. With Beyonce's methods and the family staff behind her, the construction of the City of Dawn is very smooth, not to mention nothing to do with nothing.

Until now, when he integrated the pirates to become their leader, and once again stood in this position, he realized that this is completely different from operating an adventurous team. The difference is far away on the Western Continent, but there is no such talent as Ademili or Beyoncé to help him, everything can only be on his own.

War is a money-burning machine, and war is also the creator of great wealth. The difference is that the choice of time and the object of the battle are different, which is related to whether to burn or make money after a war.

Zero wants to oust Sauron, of course, he can't show off at sea. Therefore, the invasion of the Western Continent is a necessary and necessary expansion behavior, so the next question is the choice of target. You must be cautious about choosing zero this time, because the pirates can probably only support another battle of the same degree as Roaring Bay. Therefore, the choice of the target must be the kind that can make money after the attack.

With income, the consumption of war can be replenished, and zero can achieve the goal of expansion.

The West Continent is not an iron bucket. On the contrary, Zero believes that under Sauron's high-pressure policy, there must be enough opposition in the Papal Chamber. It's just that these voices are still afraid to make a sound. What Zero needs to do is to poke a large enough gap in the seemingly strong but actually fragile barrier of the Pope's Hall. Let these voices vent, and as long as there are internal dissatisfaction and someone eager for power reorganization, then Zero will be able to get enough funders.

It would take too much time to operate on zero alone to be able to completely fight against Sauron. He didn't plan to spend ten or eight years in the Western Continent, so he had to seek as many funders as possible and tie these people to his own chariot. To do this, the second battle is crucial.

After the victory of Roaring Bay was passed back to the Western Continent, Zero could be expected to form a huge influence. But this is not enough, after all, this is in Roaring Bay, on the home court of the pirates. Zero still needs another victory, and this time he must be on the home court of the Pope's Hall. Only if he proves that he has enough strength to slap him at Sauron's home court, those funders who dare not say anything will consider throwing an olive branch of kindness to him, a stranger.

Under the combination of all these factors, it seemed that Zero's first battle against the Western Continent was of utmost importance.

He has to choose a goal that has weight and can increase his income as his choice. The former proves its own strength, while the latter can develop into a fulcrum of forces that cannibalize the Western Continent.

Just when Ling was holding the map of the Western Continent and thinking about his next target, Oran came.

At the port of Sea House, led by Zero, Wild Mountain and Hindrella are separated from each other, and hundreds of pirates are behind them. Pulling out this huge team is just to meet the Watcher Oran, one of the three giants of the rebel army, and zero can be said to have given the female leader's face. As for the others, Hook is recovering from a serious injury, while Su and others are Zero’s secret trump cards, and Zero is not generous enough to reveal all the cards for others to visit.

With him, two legendary captains, and hundreds of pirates, such a welcome team is sincere enough. Especially at the moment when Istar defeated, and zero new wins, even if Oran was picky, he couldn't find anything wrong.

To no surprise, the arrival of Oran also brought a batch of supplies. The materials are mainly ammunition, and food and medicine are the secondary. It happens to be the most in short supply of Zero now. On the dock, the pirates assisted the soldiers of the rebel army to unload the materials one by one from the ship to the dock, and after handover and confirmation, they were transported to the warehouse of the Sea House.

After a brief exchange with Oran, Zero said directly: "Excuse me, dear Ms. Oran. Isn't Istar right now when the tension shifts? Why do you still have time to go to Roaring Bay for a tour."

Oran smiled and said to Zero that she could just call her by her name, and said: "I heard that you did a big fight on Roaring Bay. Based on the standpoint that we all have a common enemy, I will congratulate you and send some gifts. I think the help of my friends is very necessary."

"Then I thank you for your generosity for everyone present." Ling smiled slightly and said: "I guess, Olan, you are here this time, shouldn't it be as simple as congratulating and sending supplies?"

"This is obvious, isn't it?" Oran replied with a smile.

Zero is not surprised at all.

In the past, pirates were like scattered sand, and there was no cooperation with the rebels at all. Moreover, the former Istar is strong, and there is no need to cooperate with pirates who have been labeled as arrogant and undisciplined. But now is not what it used to be, Istar's power has greatly shrunk, and the pirates have become a real powerhouse under the integration of zero. Then, with the new victory of Roaring Bay, the two finally have the cornerstone of cooperation.

Cooperation can be carried out on many levels, from the most direct money trade to even the deployment of the army, all of which are cooperative projects. Therefore, Zero still holds a considerable expectation for the arrival of Oran. Since they wanted to talk about cooperation, they naturally couldn't talk in a place like a wharf. Zero needed a place that was quiet enough and not easily disturbed, so they came to Mr. X's bar.

The basic framework of the bar has been rebuilt, the only difference is the necessary decoration. Now, there is no one in the bar, so it is a good meeting place for a few people.

In addition to Zero, there are Cinderella and Wild Mountain in the bar. In addition, Oran, a table of four people, after Mr. X sent people beer and food, he blasted all unrelated people out, leaving space for them.

Next, as Zero guessed, Oran moved the word "cooperation" to the desktop. So Cinderella and Wild Mountain watched an alternative battle. The battlefield was on this small wine table. Olanro listed dozens of projects that could cooperate with Zero. Among them, Zero’s most important arms deal. This is what pirates currently lack in this regard.

Attacking the Western Continent is not like naval warfare. Land warfare means to withstand the full artillery fire of the mecha troops of the Pope’s Hall. In this way, the high-level ability group alone is not enough to suppress it, which means that the zero side needs strong firepower support. But the equipment of the pirates is not comparable to that of the Pope's Hall, and even the rebels are inferior. The advantage of the pirates lies in enough ordinary abilities, but this advantage is not enough to reverse the situation that the equipment and technology of the Papal Hall are far superior to them.

To open the situation, strong enough firepower is necessary, so the arms and equipment provided by Oran are naturally the top priority of all cooperation projects. In the list of armaments available for trading listed by Oran with his brain, all kinds of electromagnetic grenades, landmines, and electromagnetic pulse firearms that can counter or even threaten mecha units have attracted zero attention.

Although Istar could not produce as powerful a power mech like the Pope's Hall, he has accumulated enough countermeasure experience after dealing with them over the years. The last time Sauron was able to sink almost the entire Istar with King Arthur, he actually took advantage of the sneak attack. If Istar is properly prepared, let alone a King Arthur, or even a few more Knights of the Round Table, may not be able to bring benefits.

But now, Zero's eyes naturally fell more on these electromagnetic weapons. Then began to bargain with Oran about these electromagnetic weapons. It can be seen that Oran really wants to find change and cooperation, so the price offered is not high. It's just that zero is not rich now. Based on the principle of saving, zero is almost always the last price. Oran also generously stated that these weapons will be sent to the Sea House in the near future. As for the repayment issue, taking into account the current financial situation of Zero, Oran can let him do it by loan.

This means that zero has more room for turnover.

The next level of weapons and equipment, such as machine guns, land mines, and anti-armor missiles, is relatively smooth. This part of the transaction is in cash, and part of it is in exchange for goods. In general, Oran is equivalent to fully supporting zero-sum pirates, and many of these things are half-buy and half-free. Oran is indeed very generous, generous enough to make zero surprises.

But then, Oran told another news that made Zero even more unexpected.


"Yes, that's right." Oran took the head and said sternly: "I think the three of you should be able to see that the transaction we discussed just now is about 30 to 40% of the market price. Of course, I appreciate the performance of Mr. Zero and the captains, and I am willing to provide you with help or trade in some aspects. However, electromagnetic weapons will never be involved here. After all, it is our cutting-edge product. Even trades cannot be followed. Sell ​​it to you at such a low price. To be honest, the amount of our transaction can't even cover the cost. The reason why we are willing to do this is the request of our funders."

"I don't know which adult is the funder behind Istar?" Hindrella asked ~lightnovelpub.net~ This is also a question that Zero wants to know.

As he had inferred before, the rebels could not start from scratch on their own, let alone compete against the Pope’s Hall for so long. Of course, the containment of the pirates is one of the reasons why the Pope’s Chamber cannot start a full-scale war against them. But more importantly, there should be someone behind Istar, or a group of big people with enough weight to support them.

"Sorry, due to the current depth of cooperation between our two parties and the reasons for protecting our funders, I cannot disclose specific information to you." Olam organized a rigorous wording, and said: "What can be revealed is that our funding The strength of the person is not weak. Because of your recent active performance, he has attracted considerable attention and intends to develop deeper cooperation with you."

"But our ultimate goal is not any big figure in the Pope’s hall, but the commander Sauron who holds the real power. Therefore, our funders hope to see further performance from your side. At least let him see that he has defeated Sauron. Long’s chance, even if there is only a 50% chance, he will fully support you, and may even consider the possibility of the merger of our two forces!"

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