War Lord

Chapter 675: Frustrated

In the arena, two figures entangled like the wind. Haiwei is a storm, especially those long and straight legs, which can always burst out amazing power. The various foot skills of opening and closing were perfectly performed on her long legs, and the strong wind driven by the overflowing shock wave could be clearly felt even in the audience.

This girl and Zero met at the z7 base, and with her talent and diligence, she finally grew up to be alone. Even if it hasn't been promoted to the eighth rank, it is only a step away.

Compared to the dazzling Haiwei, Ye Liu was like a ray of breeze. It is always hovering around the storm, but it has not been blown away by the storm. Instead, from time to time, he took advantage of the gap to dive into the storm, giving Hai Wei a simple but deadly attack. In Zero's eyes, Ye Liu's movements were terribly concise. And when something becomes extremely pure, it is a kind of power.

This is the case for Ye Liu, after he was promoted to the rank of Night Dancer. Her already succinct movements have become more refined. Since the start of the fight, Ye Liu has made very few shots. But every time you shoot, the storm will suffocate, and even show signs of collapse.

In contrast, Hai Wei played very publicly. But at the same time, her physical strength has plummeted.

Looking at Ye Liu, he was thoughtless.

The brain automatically replayed the scene of the recent confrontation with the leader of the knights.

At that time, facing Caromon's golden double guns, Zero took a straightforward approach. With the toughened skin and defensive force field against the opponent's bullet rain, after successfully creating this illusion, he used shadow jump to appear behind the captain and succeeded in one blow.

In the whole process, Zero Success confuses the opponent and delivers another fatal blow. This is his fighting style, he relies on the tempered skin and the abnormal recovery ability of the memory group. Otherwise, only the defensive power of Franklin's level can dare to charge against Caromon's bullet rain, but Franklin has no shadow jumping, and there is no means of surprise after the confusion, so the confusion naturally loses its necessity.

So this is a zero style, not everyone can imitate it. For Zero, this was what he was able to do at the time, a tactic to tell the winner in the shortest time. But now looking at Ye Liu, he is thinking whether there is a faster way?

The answer is yes.

The current level of Zero has reached the ninth level, and the golden right eye has also opened the third stage of genetic lock, and has reached the level of deep opening. When he advances to the tenth level, the right eye of Golden should open the next level again, thus gaining new abilities. And even now, the original ability of Golden Right Eye has been strengthened. The original structure detection has been deepened to gene detection. For the creatures scanned by the zero gene detection, information about the opponent's strength level, gene arrangement, and ability structure will be seen in Zero's eyes. As far as the currently known equipment or capabilities cannot prevent zero detection, the only useful thing is level suppression.

As for the prophet, it deepens into extreme computing, which makes the zero brain computing power to an order of magnitude, and the deduction probability of real-time computing has reached 100%. This means that with a single action of the opponent, zero can deduce the opponent's attack trajectory, additional power levels, attributes, and what kind of consequences it will cause. This information will naturally become the basis for zero countermeasures against opponents, but the duration of the extreme calculation is very short, only about 10 seconds.

After this time, the processing power of the brain will not be able to keep up, unless the zero continues to advance, so that the processing power of the brain will continue to upgrade.

This was a problem that could not be solved in a short time, but when looking at Ye Liu, Ling suddenly had an idea. That is, what will happen if you use limit calculations on yourself? In theory, when extreme calculations are used against opponents, too much data needs to be processed. These data include subtle factors such as changes in the environment, the strength of the opponent, the fighting style, and even the psychology, etc., which are all processing fragments to be captured by the extreme computing. In this way, because the variables are too large, the maintenance time is at least not long.

But if you use it on yourself, after all, no one knows yourself better than zero, so the data to be processed by the limit operation will be greatly reduced. In exchange for this, it is naturally an increase in time. The most direct manifestation of using extreme computing on your own body is the improvement of the degree of micro-control!

In the world of the capable person, subtle manipulation is a skill no less than domain. It's just that the field can be encountered but not sought, and micro-control requires some insight and opportunities. In general, micro-control is always easier to harvest than the field. And the realm of micro-control is also divided into superior and inferior, which is reflected in the degree of control over oneself. The ultimate manifestation of micro-control is that it requires the power of 10 to cause an effective blow, and it absolutely does not use the power of 11 to achieve it. On the basis of 10, the more the overflowing power value, the lower the realm, and vice versa, the higher it is naturally.

Take zero as an example. The best he can do now is to control the overflow value at about 10%. This is already in the middle and upper class in the micro-control realm, but if you use extreme calculations to strengthen your own control, can this value be compressed to 5% or even lower? Generally speaking, taking 10% of the overflow value as the baseline, for every one percentage point drop, the benefit in exchange is not calculated in terms of one percent, but ten percent or more.

After all, stronger concentration will be exchanged for more terrifying destructive power, and less power consumption means that the time to be able to fight will increase exponentially. Under the superposition of the two, the ability to control the overflow value below 5% and 10% is definitely not the same order of magnitude!

Zero's right eye exuded a faint golden glow, and silver symbols appeared in the golden glow. This is a phenomenon where the two abilities of gene detection and extreme calculation are activated at the same time, so Ye Liu's data and movements are analyzed one by one, and after 5 seconds, Zero has obtained a data. Ye Liu's overflow value in micro-control is controlled at about 9.7%, which is already a very remarkable data!

At this time, the wind in the arena subsided. Hai Wei's sweep of the legs not only missed Ye Liu, but instead made her focus. Then Ye Liu flicked her little hand, and Hai Wei turned into a ground gourd. Hai Wei gasped, Ye Liu just showed sweat on her small face. Comparing the two, Ye Liu, who was ranked higher than Haiwei and had a deep-spectrum micro-control realm, obviously won by a few more.

"Come and come again!" Hai Wei, like an energetic little lion, waved her pink fist and planned to fight again.

One hand fell gently on her shoulder, and then several clever forces fell on her body, making her sit on the ground easily. Hai Wei was taken aback, if it was on the battlefield. This hand alone was enough to deprive her of combat effectiveness. She looked up and saw Zero's profile.

Zero smile: "It hasn't been long since you got out of bed. It's not advisable to exercise vigorously. Let me give it to me. I feel itchy when you see you discuss it."

Ye Liu looked at Zero, then at Hai Wei, and then said a thoughtless sentence: "You have become a little more dangerous."

"How do you say?" asked Zero Shame.

Ye Liu grabbed his fingers and said seriously: "Before today, if I fight with you with all my strength. In a head-on duel, the winning rate will be around 35%. If you don't use any means, you can increase to 55%. But now, I only have 20% of the head-on duels. The odds of winning, even if all means are used, the probability will not exceed 40%. I am curious, how did you do it?"

"You won't know if you have a fight." Ling smiled, remembering that he and Ye Liu had also fought a long time ago. The result of that scene was that Ye Liu pressed him under his body, and put his hands in a pretty good place.

Seeing Zero's gaze shifted to his chest, Ye Liu seemed to think of something, and his face was flushed quietly.

Hai Wei looked at this, looked at that, I don't know why Ye Liu blushed. Curiosity was scratching in her heart like hundreds of ants, which even made her forget the depression that Ye Liu had just knocked down easily.

"Okay, let's fight." Ye Liu took a deep breath and bounced his little hand, and a few strands of pitch-black energy flew out from his fingertips: "You have to be careful, I won't let the water go."

"Me too." Zero nodded, and Jin Jin's right eye lit up again. The limit calculation is activated, but this time, it is acting on itself.

At the moment of activation, the brain gets a piece of data. 15 minutes, this is the limit time that the limit calculation can maintain. It doesn't seem to be long, but a quarter of an hour can be used well, and it is more than enough to tell the winner.

"I'll come first." Ye Liu said first, and then disappeared in place.

Hai Wei's eyes widened. When did that naturally stunned fellow become so proactive?

When he reappeared, Ye Liu appeared behind Zero. But that didn't mean her final position. The young girl stepped on a thin step, leaving at least four or five afterimages behind Ling, and each afterimage sent a blow to Zero. Four or five attacks, each attack is to the point of zero. But before these attacks arrived, Zero disappeared.

Almost at the moment of disappearing, Ling appeared behind one of the afterimages.

Ye Liu's eyes exploded, and at the same time, all the afterimages and the deity disappeared completely.

Next, Hai Wei saw an alternative battle that stunned her.

Both Zero and Yeliu chased and killed each other with high-speed movement~lightnovelpub.net~ The two figures kept flashing in the arena. Sometimes Ye Liu's energy threads are cut horizontally, and the only thing that is being cut is air. Sometimes Zero One punches straight, of course, the impact of the fist is also air. The two of them just cut a punch and slammed a punch to the west, but there was no intersection, it looked like they were fighting each other.

But for some reason, Hai Wei couldn't take a breath when looking at it. At first she couldn't understand it, but after watching it for a long time, the girl found out. Every time these two people seem to be attacking the air, the opponent's figure will appear on the attack trajectory in the next second. However, their response was too fast, so a simple flash move made the attack truly fall into the void.

But this kind of battle method of calculating the opponent's movement trajectory before taking the first shot made Hai Wei crazy. It was enough for Zero to be able to achieve this level, but now even Ye Liu could easily keep up with Zero's speed, and he had time to fight back.

There is no doubt that if Ye Liu had used this fighting method from the beginning, Hai Wei would not be able to hold on for ten seconds. So Ye Liu's words "I'm afraid you will be hurt" before the battle continued to impact the girl's brain, and the girl was extremely frustrated for a while.

ps: Only three thousand words? Of course I know, so there is still a chapter on_ha in the evening!

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