War Lord

Chapter 677: traveling

The earth is in solace.

Time quietly ushered in the early autumn.

Autumn is the harvest season. In the old days, harvest had many meanings. It can be wealth, love, or heavy wheat on the ears of wheat. However, for the new era, in addition to the meaning of all the above harvests, there is an additional one.


Yes, death. In turbulent times, life is as cheap as grass, and only those who are above all beings and steadily occupy the middle and upper part of the pyramid can have so much protection for their lives. It's just that this guarantee is far less heavy.

Early autumn has come, can winter be far behind? If there are not enough materials for wintering in autumn, life will die in batches. Without the protection of the underground base, without enough heating, and without food to maintain the baseline of survival, it would be difficult for ordinary people to survive a winter.

More than half a century has passed since the new era. In the first ten years, the number of deaths appeared explosive. Then it gradually slowed down. By the last ten years, the death line has been maintained at a low level. But even so, this horizontal line is based on the dark age, and it is still a shocking number in the old age.

Even if human reproduction capacity continues to increase, resources are also reduced in proportion. This means that if the newborn does not have supplies as protection, it will eventually become a small skeleton in the wilderness.

The wilderness is full of the smell of death, here is the back garden of the **** of death. Every ten years, a large settlement on the ground will become small, and small and medium-sized settlements will go extinct. There are many reasons for the extinction, either being attacked by a mutated beast, or captured by a powerful organization as a slave. But the biggest reason is being eliminated.

The sharp decline in resources makes this planet no longer have such a large carrying capacity, so it uses its own way to refresh the number of lives in order to maintain a relatively balanced ecology.

An off-road vehicle appeared in the wilderness.

In front of it is a wilderness ruin. The size of the city seems to be medium, and there may have been millions of people in the old days. But now, it is just a silhouette on the horizon. From that silhouette, the smell of loneliness, death, and danger was revealed.

The off-road vehicle is also lonely because it has no companions. Driving alone on the intermittent wilderness road, the driver of a car seems to be a novice, and the vehicle cannot keep moving in a straight line. If the trajectory of its progress is represented by a line, you will find that the curve is like a snake winding. It's a pity that the curve doesn't talk about any beauty, but it is thrilling.

However, no matter how shocking the driver is, at least a teenager in the back seat of the car keeps his eyes closed. Looking at his posture lying casually on the seat, yes, you can be sure that he is sleeping.

Sometimes a sharp bend in the car will throw him into the seat. At this time, the sleeping teenager will unconsciously stretch his hand on the seat and pull his body back to the original position. There were some bumps and bumps on the way. Even once he hit the car with his big head, the boy just rolled over and continued to sleep.

Compared with the calmness of the teenager, the girl driving is a bit cramped. She was sweating profusely, but the word stubbornness was written on her little face. The hand holding the steering wheel is so hard, it seems to be competing with off-road power. This made a chubby creature in the front passenger's seat very scared, even though his chubby body was secured by a seat belt, but the little thing was not at all at ease in his eyes.

In this way, the off-road vehicle twisted into the ruins of the city and even knocked off a sign at the entrance of the city. The sign says "Juan City", which is the name of the city. Below is a warning: Beware of the dead corpses.

The car was parked in front of a damaged building, which had about six or seven floors. Most of the building facing the street was cut off by something, exposing the structure of the building, and a stone wall was built near the street. Obviously, the car can't drive directly past, it must be detoured to pass. But seeing that the sun has gone down, the driver in the car decided to rest here for one night.

She wiped a bead of sweat on her forehead, then pulled up her silver-colored hair, tied it into a ponytail with a rubber cord, and then carried a surprisingly long sword from the car. Jumped down. The girl looked at the teenager who was still snoring in the back seat, then raised her hand and threw it to the ground. This throw used a clever force, the boy landed, bounced, and was pressed down by a gloomy force. After doing this three times, the boy jumped up with pain. Holding the cheek that was kissing the ground passionately, the boy complained: "Can't you wake me up in a normal way?"

The girl replied: "Can I wake you up in a normal way?"

The teenager was speechless.

The silver-haired girl knocked the boy's head with her scabbard and said: "Go, get some food back, our dry food is all eaten."

The boy covered his face and looked at the city drooping down at night. He twitched his nose and said, "I only smell the smell of living corpses. Can't you eat that kind of food?"

"There will always be other things, go quickly, don't waste time." The girl said in a bad mood.

Then he caught the strange creature in the passenger seat with one hand and swaggered into the abandoned building. The boy shook his head, the city was full of the smell of living corpses, and many such things hovered in this abandoned building. But he knew that the things in that building would soon be gone.

He must find something to eat when he leaves.

After the boy left, a roar of living corpses resounded in the abandoned building. The howling appeared quickly and disappeared quickly. After a while, a fire appeared in a window on the third floor. The girl found this relatively clean room and picked up some furniture that was no longer usable. With a few wisps of finger wind, she chopped up these things and lit a fire.

The fire can be used to keep warm or to bake things. Of course, it may also attract something else. For example, living corpses, but at least in this building, there is no need to be afraid of the fire attracting living corpses. Because those things have become real corpses.

Soon, the boy came back. He pulled back two corpse wolves, the youngest of which was as big as a teenager. The wolf's head hangs loosely across the ground, and the cervical spine has been violently broken. The blood dripping from the wolf's kiss draws a red line on the ground and extends into the room.

Moni looked at the blood line on the ground and said angrily: "This thing will cause unnecessary trouble."

Giroud gave her a confession: "Are you afraid of trouble?"

"It's also ~lightnovelpub.net~ Moni nodded, no longer caring about Girutan's small mistakes. With a flick of her hand, a dagger appeared in her hand. Then the familiar peeling, deboning, and lifting Meat. Moni’s techniques are extremely proficient. She quickly turned two corpse wolves into pieces of wolf meat with an anatomical technique comparable to that of a surgeon. Then set up a simple grill on the fire, dagger jumped, the wolf Pieces of meat flew onto the grill.

Not long after, the smell of meat was already floating in this small room.

For Moni and Girutan, it was an ordinary night. They rest here for one night, replenish food, and then continue their journey tomorrow. However, the fate is strange. When the two of them dealt with the little half-wolf meat, another off-road vehicle drove from the same direction. The driver in that car fluttered with flamboyant blue hair, like a blue flame burning in the night.

So this night became extraordinary again.

ps: A small chapter, as a small surprise. The New Year is almost here, and work has come to an end for the time being, and there will be more time in the near future. So small surprises like this should appear more frequently. I don’t have much recommendation anymore. After reading the book, do you leave a comment in the book review section? Don’t make me too lonely~~