War Lord

Chapter 678: Silver Ride

The wind was howling, blowing like a knife on the driver's face. No matter how you look at it, Xiuya's face can only be described as exquisite, but this exquisite face faced the cold wind like a knife, but it shattered the wind knife, and the face did not even leave a trace. Even the long blue wind blowing wildly with the wind did not announce its arrival to the wilderness for a moment.

The off-road vehicle ran over a stone, the stone broke, and the modified big guy just jolted. There was a metal collision sound from behind, and Xiuya looked back and made sure that a few oil drums hadn't tipped over as a result, so she was relieved to continue to increase the throttle to roll forward. There is no road in the wilderness, and Xiuya is not on the interstate highway. But under her off-road vehicle, she ran out of her way abruptly.

On this road, there are weeds that are depressed, and rocks are crushed. More are corpses, living corpses, corpse wolves, rock scorpions, and even wild mobs or unlucky refugees who don't have eyes. Regardless of whether the opponent is a human or a beast, whether it is intentional or unintentional, as long as he appears in front of the front of the car, Xiuya does not care about the past. As a result, this road seemed a little bloody, and even the huge wheels of the off-road vehicle were already covered with a thick layer of fleshy mud.

Xiuya didn't take it seriously. In her life, she has always believed in the principle that those who stand against me die. She didn't care what was in front of her. To a certain extent, the first knight was quite fair.

Juan City was watching, and Xiuya yawned rarely. It's not tired, it's just habit. It is the instinct of life to find a place to sleep in dark. But before going to bed, I'm afraid I have to do more exercise. From the ruins of the city, Xiuya heard the hollow roar of the living corpse from a distance.

"Dirty things." Xiu Ya said.

Four or five powerful beams of light on the off-road vehicle cut through the night like a knife, and the car has already entered the city. Under the beam of light, suspicious dark shadows passed by from time to time in the abandoned buildings on both sides of the street, Xiuya didn't care, and deliberately slowed down. So some smarter things ran away early, while the unwise living corpses smelled the fragrance of blood from Xiuya's body and swam over like a shark.

By the windows of the abandoned buildings, at the corners of the buildings, and in the wreckage of abandoned cars, the living corpses continued to gather. Xiuya walked slowly for a while, and at least attracted all the living corpses in this area.

I don't know which living corpse attacked first, anyway, in a blink of an eye, he heard howling again and again. Only the living corpse rushed towards Xiuya. From the sky, the living corpse was like a huge wave, surrounding the group of Xiuya and rushing up.

However, Xiuya is the hardest reef.

Not seeing how she acted, six blue ice walls suddenly stood up from the ground centered on the off-road vehicle. The ice wall was stronger than stainless steel, and the living corpse that rushed to the front was either shattered by the top of the ice wall, or hit the ice wall and flew back upside down. But let alone say there are two to three hundred living corpses, and the successors are constantly approaching the ice wall. It is not that there are no gaps between the ice walls, and the living corpses have no wisdom, but their instincts let them know how to drill when they see a gap.

But as Xiuya snapped his fingers, the disaster of the living corpse came.

Some sharp points protruded from the surface of the ice wall, and then frost guns shot out from the ice wall. Each frost gun penetrated the head of a living corpse with unparalleled accuracy. There were as many frost guns as there were living corpses. After a round of shooting, the roar of the living corpse stopped abruptly, as if it had been cut by an invisible giant scissors, making people mad in haste.

It only takes 1 second in the middle of the sound to turn into silence.

After a while, the off-road vehicle's engine rang, and the big guy ran over the corpse again, so he painted a **** tire mark in the city.

In an abandoned building more than five hundred meters away, the fire in front of Moni has been extinguished. That was when she noticed that a new traveler entered the city, she directly pressed it down with one hand, and engulfed the fire. Together with the slices of cooked wolf meat on the fire, it became fibrotic in an instant, and then turned into a fluffy smoke, which made Girutan feel heartbroken.

Moni stood at the window, her position was very clever, making the most of the shadow space. At the same time, the aura of the whole body converged, and no one would be able to discover her existence unless a strong person of the same level wandered around the window.

People who wander in the black land without dying know that if they want to survive in the land where dangers are everywhere, hiding will be the first and most important skill.

"It's a big battle, and it's so precise control."

After watching Xiuya leave, Moni retreated and said lightly: "It's a coincidence, I didn't expect to run into this woman here."

Girutan looked at a few pieces of raw meat, and while considering whether to eat it, he asked casually, "Which woman?"

"Xiuya." Moni said nonchalantly.


Suddenly, Girutan's hair stood up all over. People bounce from the ground, on all fours, hunched around, like a wolf that is about to pounce at any time. He shouted in a low voice: "Why is she here!"

"How do I know, don't worry, she's gone far." Moni waved.

Only then did Girutan put away his attacking posture, and sweat loomed on the boy's forehead. It seemed that Xiuya frightened him. It's no wonder that the two years in the black earth once became a nightmare for Girutan. It's no wonder that when he heard Xiuya's name just now, he almost turned into a beast.

But Girutan had just let go of his care, and Moni's words made him raise his whole heart to his throat again.

"Let's go make some trouble for that nasty woman, just take some interest."

Girutan said madly: "She didn't find us, why bother to mess with that pervert."

Moni glanced at him with a faint smile: "Are you afraid?"

"Of course I'm not afraid!" The boy tried to straighten his chest and said with his fist clenched.

Moni shrugged and said, "That's not the end. Besides, she is the only one this time, and the troublesome Glacier Guards are not there, so it's just to bully her."

Seeing the girl had made up his mind, Girutan had to give up. Moni speaks calmly, but Girutan knows that once the two sides meet, they will never die. On the black earth, the blood feud between the two women has been countless. By now, it is impossible to tell who is right and who is wrong.

"Give me some of your blood." Moni said with a dagger.

Girutan stretched out his hand directly and said, "What do you want to do?"

"Make her a little surprise." As he said, he stroked Girutan's arm. Immediately, the dagger was stained with Girutan's blood.

So before I knew it, there was a **** smell in the ruins of Juan City.

This **** smell will make people ignore the past to a large extent. After all, the smell is too weak, and the smell of two or three hundred dead corpses can easily cover up the past. Even if it is Xiuya, if you don't concentrate all your energy to sense it, you won't notice the smell of blood in the air in the city.

However, this **** smell is very special, as long as the living corpse smells it, it will be tempted. With their instinct, it is easy to get information such as food, complement, and evolution from the smell of blood. The first message is enough, but the latter two messages will make some special living corpses crazy.

In a profitable store at a gas station, the shelves in the store were torn down long ago, and the goods were dumped on the ground. These expired items were unwilling to pick up even if the refugees passed by. What's more, for the shelves that fell on the ground, their brackets were bent and deformed. It looked like a violent bend, and then a head was inserted on each bracket. There are humans, and there are mutant beasts.

As for the ground, it was even more messy. There were only half of the corpses left, and there were also broken hands and feet. As for the intestines and internal organs, they were thrown all over the ground. In the rear of the shop, there was a monotonous slashing sound from time to time. There is a tall figure there, this is a butcher. It was hacking a living corpse with a strange knife made by **** together an iron frame and a saw.

The male corpse in the clerk's costume has been cut in the waist, and the butcher lifted the knife and gradually cut it upwards mechanically. After repeating this action two or three times, it suddenly sniffed in the air forcefully, and then roared. The next moment, the door of the store was smashed directly by the butcher. Carrying the strange knife still moistened with minced meat, the butcher looked at a certain position and ran in that direction with strides.

When the butcher didn't run a few steps, the nearby darkness quickly fell on the road or the car, and then quickly crawled between the vertical walls. There was no difference between speed and peace. The butcher roared at the black shadows, but the ripper did not stop because of it.

After these abnormal living corpses, a large number of ordinary living corpses also went in that direction. If the siege of Xiuya before was just a wave, then the living corpses popping out of the entire city are now an ocean. Under the curtain of night, countless living corpses rushed in the direction that exuded the strange **** smell.

There, on a quiet street, Moni gently inserted a dagger on it, and then left silently like a ghost. And a hundred meters away from the street, there was a flash of fire. Girutan's blood has an inexplicable attraction to the living corpse, and now, the dagger stained with the young blood is attracting the living corpse in this direction. As long as the living corpse is close, then Xiuya, the only human nearby, will naturally become the target of the attack.

This is the obvious reason.

The next thing Moni had to do was to wait. When the living corpse caused trouble for Xiuya, she would surprise the woman by the way.

Xiu Ya probably wouldn't like this surprise, but Moni didn't plan to take into account her likes and dislikes.

A tablet brain is displaying a map and calculating the time to reach the destination. Slightly frustrated by Xiuya, she found that she continued to move forward at this speed. It will take at least a month to reach the Shadow Canyon, and Xiuya can't get any faster, so she can only accept it. Put away the wisdom brain and take a backpack from the off-road vehicle. When you open it, there are all kinds of high-quality cans, including meat and fruit. Xiuya randomly picked a canned meat and two canned fruits in it. As soon as he opened one of the tabs, before he had time to taste it, Xiuya frowned, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"Excuse a lady to eat, but an unforgivable sin!" With such a sigh, the first knight stood up. Take it easy, 300 meters away, a frost gun instantly pierced from the ground.

A living corpse just jumped down from the building next to it, so he pierced the Frost Gun with a heart-warming feeling as if he had delivered it to the door. But after this living corpse, more and more living corpses appeared. They found that the **** smell that was crazy for them was gone, but it could be replaced by a sweeter smell. It was the smell of a living person, and in the distant firelight, a human figure seemed so dazzling.

The living corpses roared in bursts, rushing in the direction of the fire at the fastest speed they could achieve.

The battle broke out in an instant.

Faced with the massive number of corpses, Xiuya just sneered again and again. First, she waved and summoned five ice puppets, which can be produced as long as the elemental puppets are advanced elemental domain abilities. But most of them are one or two, and their figure is only about two meters. Elemental puppets are more to contain opponents, and provide certain output protection when there are not many guards around the capable person.

There were five elemental puppets created by Ko Xiuya at once, and each of them was three to four meters tall. Forget it, what's even more surprising is that these elemental puppets are not empty-handed. In their hands, either an ice axe or an ice spear was in their hands. After being made by Xiuya, the elemental puppets strode towards the living corpses. These big guys blocked the waves hit by the living corpses like a reef. They raised their hands and threw themselves, and countless living corpses slapped away. For a time, no living corpse rushed to the area within ten meters of the study.

With the elemental puppet acting as a guard, Xiuya showed the skills beyond the ordinary elemental domain ability under the night. The same is a frozen ray. There are more than ten ways between Xiuya's waves. In addition to the strong penetrating power, the more terrible thing is that these rays can also change their orbits according to Xiuya's mind, making the frozen rays more flexible and also Hard to be defended.

After putting down dozens of living corpses, Xiuya realized that the speed of harvesting was too slow. The ability to transform now, with a wave of his hands, hundreds of rotating ice flakes were generated, and then rushed into the sea of ​​living corpses. Immediately, a wave of living corpses in the front cut their heads and arms to the ice flakes one after another, bursting out a circle of blood mist, and also clearing a blank.

Follow Xiuya's ability one by one.

One is Frost Spear, another is Frost Breath, and another is Frost Star. Xiuya's killing was simple and efficient. Under the premise that the elemental puppets ensured the output space, she almost used a flat pile to harvest slices of living corpses.

Only 3 minutes had passed since the battle, and there were thousands of fallen corpses. But soon, the elemental puppet shattered under the impact of countless living corpses, so in front of the living corpses, there was no buffer space for Xiuya!

Facing the impact of the living corpse, Xiuya sneered more. During the wave of his hand, three frost jet **** slowly slammed into the group of living corpses. These frost **** continuously fired undifferentiated bursting ice cones into a space within a half-meter radius of their own at a rate of four rounds per second. With three frost balls, the cross coverage reaches more than 300 meters. In this huge space, the bursting ice cone ejected from the frost ball also has the effect of splashing and frost.

After the Frostball walked ten meters, it fell into pieces of living corpses. They either blown up the ice cone beyond recognition, or the released frost froze into ice sculptures.

After the three frost **** slowed the attack of the living corpse for a while, Xiu Ya's mouth sprayed, and a frosty air swept an arc-shaped trajectory in front of her. On this trajectory, a continuous ice wall was immediately climbed from the ground. The ice wall is one meter thick and five meters high, making it a simple but effective barrier.

When the living corpses climbed the ice wall, but before they fell from the top of the wall, they were greeted by hundreds of rotating ice flakes!

At this point in the battle, the number of fallen corpses is no longer known, but Xiuya never dropped a single strand of hair.

At this moment, a huge strange knife slashed against the ice wall with a whistle. With a click on the ice wall, cracks appeared. Then a huge figure hit the ice wall, and the ice wall was torn apart. The living corpse that came from the convenience store of the gas station before, raised a strange knife and roared in protest. It's a pity that this big guy just roared, four or five frost guns plunged into its big mouth, directly bursting its big head wrapped in the iron cover!

The butcher then threw a plop to the ground, but after smashing it across the ice wall, a large wave of living corpses rushed towards Xiuya.

Xiuya frowned, not afraid, but didn't want the living corpse to dirty her hands.

During the wave of his hand, there were hundreds of ice flakes whizzing away, and the living corpse in front of him fell down instantly. But from the living corpse behind, a few flexible figures suddenly emerged.


Xiuya smiled contemptuously and flicked her fingers. Several frost rays came out, and the frost rays turned flexibly in the air, sending them into the heads of every tearer unhappily. So several tearers turned into corpses at the same time and fell from the air, Xiuya was still laughing. The ridiculous face suddenly froze, because she found that one of the rays had missed!

Suddenly a huge pressure that makes people unable to breathe appeared on the top of the head!

Xiuya suddenly raised her head, and her blue hair rose up like a blazing blue flame. In Xiuya's eyes, a suspected female ripper jumped up in the air, then fit and rushed down! In the hands of the tearer, a gun-like weapon was tightly gripped. But if you look closely, you will find that it is an overly long one-handed sword and a strange spear blade combined with a scabbard.

On the tip of this gun blade ~lightnovelpub.net~ the surging energy all shrank to one point, exuding an unremarkable brilliance. However, this brilliance is full of the smell of death and destruction!

"Death assault? Spear skill in full bloom! It turned out to be you? Silver Ranger..." Xiuya cried incredulously, "Moni!"

Despite the accident, Xiuya's response was not slow. Commanding the shower room, dozens of frost rays hit the blade of the death assault one after another. So Moni's offensive slowed down, Xiuya took the opportunity to flash, and at the same time placed an ice shield in front of her.

The gun blade hit the ground.

With the death assault as the center, a wave of waves suddenly appeared on the earth. The ground shattered, and the earth waves spread in all directions. Not only passed the Xiuya off-road vehicle, but also rushed under the feet of countless living corpses. As a result, the off-road vehicle sank into the road, and the living corpses were blasted to death by the destructive power contained in the earth waves.

A crack appeared in Xiuya's ice shield first, followed by more and more cracks, and finally burst into pieces!

One of the fragments was lightly scratched across Xiuya's face. So a drop of blood dripped from under the fair skin.