War Lord

Chapter 685: The Path of Blood

Compared with the battle loss of the Knights, the loss of the Poseidon Group was relatively lighter. There were 17 members who died in the Trident battle, 15 of them died in the missile bombing, and the rest were killed by Essien’s dying counterattack. Ordinary soldiers killed more than 200 people in battle, and wounded 300 people. For the Poseidon regiment, they were only slightly wounded. But when he saw another set of numbers, Zero's eyelids jumped heavily.

The first is fifty missiles, each with a price of 500 gold coins, for a total of 25,000 gold coins. Then there are the 15 electromagnetic explosive bombs. They are more expensive than missiles. One is 800 gold coins, which adds up to 12,000. In other words, just these two attacks, zero spent nearly 40,000 gold coins, which is not even the consumption of other ammunition.

In the past, the wars with zero participation were mostly squad operations. Later, he attacked the Northwest Tundra and participated as a soldier. Counting battle losses is not his task at all, so there is no concept. Now only a battle of 3,000 people has cost 40,000 gold coins. God knows how many 10,000 people, or even a war of more than 100,000 people, would have to spend.

"War really is a money-burning machine." He exclaimed.

The next step is the harvest.

The strategic reserves of the fortress are fairly adequate. First, there are many storage units for food, water purification and synthetic food, enough for the two legions in the fortress and the entire slave camp to survive this winter. It can be seen that the Pope’s Hall invests a lot of money in the Fort Cannon every year. The two legions of this fortress were unwilling to move away. Such excellent conditions are not something other knights can have. As Mamiro said, the place where his army is stationed is very sinister, and the subsidy is still low.

With these foods, the Poseidon regiment's supply on land would be no problem for the time being, and it would even be more than enough to add three to five thousand people.

Then came the ammunition.

Ordinary rifle bullets have 100,000 units, and special bullets include armor-piercing rounds, sniper rounds, and incendiary rounds totaling 30,000. A total of 1,000 fragmentation grenades, 500 infantry missiles, heavy artillery shells and revolver gun magazines total 200 sets. As for firearms, there are 500 dragon guns, 50 anti-aircraft machine guns, 10 heavy artillery guns, and 10 revolver guns for the knights. In all, there are plenty of stocks of ammunition and firearms.

Needless to say, the ammunition was basically needed by the Poseidon Group. The dragon gun type machine gun can be regarded as a new era firearm, with two modes of continuous shooting and sniper shooting, using standard bullets. When you need to sniper, you can switch to the No. 2 magazine and you can switch to the sniper round to fight. The power of the dragon spear is not comparable to those of the ordinary rifles used by the Poseidon regiment. Soldiers can get an extra boost when they change into this machine gun.

Of course, the dragon spear in the warehouse is obviously not enough. But this is not a big problem. When the battlefield was counted, a batch of dragon spears and ammunition of the Knights were also recovered, some of which were damaged, and the rest, plus the inventory, were enough to equip the existing soldiers of the Poseidon.

As for the anti-aircraft machine guns and heavy artillery, they are additional gains. The firepower of these heavy weapons is strong. Had it not been for the Trident's first attack on the fortress gate last night, these weapons would have been destroyed. If it is a frontal attack, it is not known how many people will be lost in the face of these weapons. Even Franklin was reluctant to face the power of anti-aircraft machine guns and heavy artillery, let alone ordinary soldiers.

After they are equipped, they can replace the damaged batch of fortresses. The city wall was rebuilt in advance, and the damage to the city wall is basically hopeless, and there is only one way to rebuild. It is estimated that it will not be available in a short time, especially the five heavy artillery. As for the anti-aircraft machine gun, it can be arranged at other commanding heights in the fortress, and can provide powerful fire support when necessary.

Most importantly, they can move much more flexibly than heavy artillery.

The only thing that can't be used is the revolver guns dedicated to the Paladins' mechas, which are more ferocious and huge than the machine guns Brown used before, and they are not weapons that can be used by humans. Not being able to use them does not mean that they are of no value, and Lingxiang Istar may be interested in acquiring them. So when converted, it is also an income.

A batch of special ammunition was also found in the warehouse, which was the special ammunition used by Essien's Knights of the Round Table. This batch of ammunition zero is not going to be sold anymore, they naturally have to be used on the captured Knights of the Round Table.

The final harvest is crude oil. There are hundreds of tons of crude oil stacked in the entire crude oil warehouse. They are packed into more than fifty oil barrels and discharged neatly in the warehouse. After seeing this report, Zero couldn't help but be grateful that the war last night did not spread to the crude oil warehouse. Otherwise, the entire fortress would have to explode into the sky, and hundreds of tons of crude oil would be worth 500,000 gold coins at the price of the Western Continent.

This is a huge sum, and the crude oil alone makes zero profit. If you count other materials, at least one million gold coins will be credited in this battle. But the greatest wealth is not these, but the three oil well platforms under the control of the fortress. The three platforms produce nearly 100 tons of crude oil every month, so if you control the fortress, you don’t need to do anything, and you get 500,000 gold coins every month.

There was no idea about money before, it was because Beyonce took care of him. Now everything is done personally, and zero finally has a more intuitive concept of wealth.

After reading the report, Ling stood in front of a plasma panel, on which was a complete map of the Western Continent. This map was much more detailed than the one in Mr. X's hand. Zero eyes fell on the fortress of Canon, and then followed the blood-stained road to the Pope's Hall. On this 8,000-kilometer road, you have to pass five heavy surface cities and hundreds of small and medium-sized towns under the control of the Pope’s Hall.

From the distribution of these cities, we can also see what price the Pope’s Hall paid all the way. Thousands of corpses are probably formed in the foundations of every heavy city on the surface. This road that runs through almost the entire continent, every inch of the land is stained with blood. No wonder the road will be named the Road of Blood.

"Go and inform the regiment leader and them, let them come here for a meeting." The soldier outside the zero pair said.

After a while, all the core members of Zero and the three leaders of the Poseidon Group walked in. Looking at their faces with excitement, it seems that these guys were still excited in the battle last night. Only Franklin's face remained as usual, and this mysterious deputy captain was more calm than the others.

"Sit down, everyone." Ling said lightly. This is the command room. Usually only Essien and Thunder are active. The chairs are pitiful, but now there are enough chairs in the command room so that everyone in the room can get one at this moment.

Of course, Franklin didn't have a chair. Even Essien's newly-built chair was not enough for the giant to squeeze half of his **** down, Franklin could only sit cross-legged on the ground. Ling Chao showed an apologetic look, then looked at the others and said, "Everyone, how do you feel now?"

"Very good, but it's not enough to kill. Boss, I will leave me with some harder opponents in the future. I can't kill ordinary soldiers at all." Manshan laughed. If you don't know him, you may be brutal. Bewildered by the simple and honest smile on the mountain's face, who knew he had killed someone last night but rolled over all the way. Under his giant rolling stone, I don't know how many corpses of the knights are.

Next, everyone expressed some of their feelings. Compared to the members who had followed Zero early, Cinderella and the three of them were obviously more emotional. After all, this is what they participated in. For the first real war, it is inevitable to be a little excited.

After they finished speaking, Zero stretched out his hand and said, "You can see that everyone is very happy. But don't be too happy. If we just slapped the Pope's Hall last time at Roaring Bay, then this time, the battle of Cannon, I just punched them directly. A slap would naturally make you hard to survive, but a punch directly would not be as simple as a face. I believe this punch should hurt them, so the Pope’s Chamber will soon fight back. return."

"It's better this way, I wish they would all come back, and then we would beat those guys back fiercely." Man Shan punched his fist and said with excitement.

"No, it's not that simple. You have to be mentally prepared. If you don't fight the Pope Hall this time, it will definitely be a deadly battle." One bucket of cold water was poured down to prevent them from underestimating the counterattack of the Pope Hall. .

Zero walked to the window, pointed to the bottom of the fortress, and said: "Look carefully, this place can no longer be called a fortress. If the Pope's Hall comes over now, do you think you are sure to defeat them in such a place?"

"We can rebuild the broken wall." Hindrella said.

"Yes, but it takes time, and time is exactly where we have a headache." Ling said with a smile.

Feng said at this moment: "Head, just say what you want to do!"

These old people who have been with Zero for a long time are very aware of Zero's style, and he must have convened a meeting after he had already figured out the countermeasures. Ling smiled, walked back to the plasma panel, and said: "Fortress Canon, we can't just give up like that. Instead, we have to rebuild it. It will be our important stronghold on this continent. In our hands, we Want it not to fall again!"

"This is the determination we should have. If we don't have a stronghold, we will lose the space to advance and retreat. In that way, it is impossible to overthrow the behemoth of the Pope's Hall. Then again, determination is not enough, we have to act." Zero Extend your finger, click on the fortress of Canon, and then cut forward to cut into the blood-stained road, and continue to reach up to the Pope's Hall.

Everyone moved their eyes with his fingers. At first everyone was confused and didn't understand what zero meant. But as his fingers traversed the blood-stained road and pointed directly at the Pope's Hall, everyone's eyes became hot. There seemed to be a fire burning in my heart, and as the fingertips moved, the fire became more and more prosperous!

"Since you set foot on this land, I think you should all have realized. This road is definitely not easy to walk. Every step in the direction of the Pope's Hall means blood and sacrifice." Zero looked down seriously. Everyone clicked their fingers vigorously and said, "This will be a **** road. I don't know how many people will lie on the road forever when I reach the end. I only know that every step forward is taken on this road. , It must be a huge blow to the Pope’s Hall. And when we reach the end..."

The petty effort struck the place of New Rome: "The Pope's Hall will no longer exist!"

"They fought from New Rome back then, now, we will fight back from Canon Fortress!"

No one spoke, but the breathing sounded quietly and quickly. The zero plan can be said to be wild or stupid. Because he gave up the power of devouring the Pope's Hall with guerrillas, and then continued to shrink and eventually eat the New Roman City, which is a safer method. Instead, the most radical and dangerous means were used. But it is undeniable that this is also a blood-boiled strategy.

Fighting back from the front, stepping over the enemy's corpse and hitting the nest, just thinking about it makes people feel excited.

Especially desperadoes like Manshan, Zero's almost crazy strategy is the most appetizing for people like him.

"Boss, just give the order, let's pack the guys and go on the road now!" Even though he knew that it was impossible, Man Shan said hehe, having a mouthful.

Unexpectedly, Ling nodded and said, "I just meant it. Take two hundred soldiers, Manshan, and go out with me in the afternoon."

Now Manshan was stunned and said, "I'm going to fight again so soon?"

"It's just a little trouble." Ling said with a faint smile, and looked at the map on the plasma board. On the map, starting from Canon, cut into the blood-stained road and walk about a hundred kilometers, where there are two small towns. Zero reached out and circled the two small towns gently with his fingers.

Fort Cannon does not have the conditions for self-sufficiency. Its slave camps serve more oil well platforms, the wood mines of the Emerald Forest, and the iron ore mines at the foot of the Eternal Mountains. As for drinking purified water and synthetic food, naturally they have to be imported from another city, and there are two small towns within a hundred kilometers of the **** road, and they are most likely to be the supply points for the fortress.

If they are also included in the sphere of influence, then daily life will not be a problem, not to mention that the gates and outer walls of the fort have been demolished, so it is necessary to properly establish some sentinel points. Zero didn't want to wait for the Pope's Hall to hit the nest to find the enemy's trail, so he asked Manshan to arrange manpower. There will definitely be troops stationed in the town, and Ling didn't take it in mind. The only worry is that the people in the town ran out, so that it would not be able to operate without equipment or manpower.

In the next morning, Zero played a highly efficient office. Orders were issued in his hand, even if he wanted to use the wildest way to go back to the Papal Hall, Zero was not arrogant enough to think that such a big thing could be done with this little power. Set the direction, then the details must be carefully considered, and then put them into action, in order to successfully reach the end.

To win this war, soldiers alone are not enough. Zero also needs a base that can provide logistics. This base is undoubtedly Canon. The wood mine, iron ore and oil well platform under the control of Canon can produce a large amount of resources for zero every month. These resources can be exchanged for the required materials or gold coins through Istar. This is to maintain the war. Capital needed.

There is no shortage of soldiers under zero men for the time being, but workers are missing. So his first order was to recruit workers, first of all the slaves who ran away last night. Zero believed that they were still hiding in the Emerald Forest, so he asked Hindrella to arrange for some people to find these slaves in the forest. The conditions for Zero to leave were very attractive. All those who are willing to return can get rid of the status of slaves, and they will be workers in the fortress. In addition to providing them with accommodation and food, Zero also settles their wages.

Not to mention wages, food and water alone were enough to attract these slaves back. Without these things, let alone winter, they might not even be able to survive this autumn.

But these slaves are not enough, they can only maintain the normal work of the fortress. After reading some information in the fortress, I knew that the deposits of wood ore and cloud iron were actually very rich, but their value was not as great as that of crude oil. Half of the slave camps in the fortress serve the oil wells, and the rest are allocated to the construction sites of the wood mine and the cloud iron mine.

The fortress obviously made a special assessment of wood and iron ore. From this information, it is not difficult to see that the four thousand slaves have not yet reached the daily average production level of these two industries. Essien doesn't like them because the value of crude oil alone is equal to the sum of the other two mining industries. But for Zero, no amount of money would be enough for him.

The more wealth accumulated, the less time this war will take. Wars have always been piled up with money, and Zero Decision makes use of all wasted resources. If you want to do this, you will need to increase workers and food accordingly.

The slaves recruited from the Emerald Forest are the first batch of workers, and the second batch of workers can go to the outer islands to recruit. This work is carried out together with the recruitment of new recruits. There will be casualties in the war, and soldiers are also consumables. The current number of soldiers in the Guanghai God Group is definitely not enough to open up the entire blood-stained road, so the recruitment of new recruits is also imperative.

I have seen the hard life of the residents of the outer islands on the western continent~lightnovelpub.net~ For the city of Rome, these people living on the outer islands are not their business at all, so naturally there will be no corresponding supplies and assistance. These people will be the target of zero-key absorption, and the recruitment of workers and recruits can be held at the same time, and they will be classified according to their quality and career orientation.

Next, we have to call for destiny, and Billy and Ji Ya will be indispensable important personnel. Their active place is not in the battlefield, but in the base. Zero Need Billy and his technical team checked all operating tools including oil wells and saw if they could be modified to improve the efficiency of the operation. As for Ji Ya, she might have to integrate with some female soldiers into a field medical team to ensure the survival rate of soldiers to a greater extent.

There is one more thing that needs to be handed over to Ji Ya, and that is the corpse of thunder. The army commander who died in battle didn't even have half of the evolution point left to zero. He believed that there should be major secrets on this corpse that could be unearthed.

So after a morning, Zero's brain is running at high speed almost all the time. After all the orders were issued, he breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing the piles of information and reports on the table, he suddenly missed the days when he was a mercenary in the wilderness.

Although the days at that time were hard, they were relatively simple.

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