War Lord

Chapter 689: Mass production

[Thanks to darthseer, full-time angels, and several big monthly tickets since 2000! ]

This is a week after the capture of Canon.

The outer wall of the fortress is being rebuilt. The original two walls inside and outside have become ruins in the previous battle, and only the walls of about ten meters on each side are barely retained. It will take at least a month to restore it to the previous level, but it doesn't make much sense to do that. The reason is that the design of the fort is a product of twenty years ago. Nowadays, under the threat of high-level abilities and various heavy firepower, the external defense of the concrete structure is dispensable.

The original meaning of "Zero" is to use local materials to build a 10-meter high wall of mixed materials using the wood from the Jade Forest and the stones from the ruins. Within the scope of defensive power is no longer considered, the main function of this high wall is to support heavy firepower equipment including heavy artillery, and use a powerful firepower net to replace the defensive ability of the city wall.

But now, pieces of metal armor plates up to 20 meters high have arrived in the fortress. They were accurately erected on the city wall under the hoisting of a crane, and the workers were welding, welding pieces of armor plates into a section of the metal city wall. Billy and his technical team were directing near the construction site, and Franklin even went on the field personally to help the workers speed up the progress of their work.

A strip of steel brackets up to 30 centimeters wide connected the armor plate and the city wall at an oblique angle. With the thick screws tightening the brackets, they were like giant arms extending diagonally from the ground to the sky, supporting the armor. wall. These brackets will strengthen the impact resistance of the armored walls. With them, even if the missiles focus on fire, it is difficult to blow up all the walls at the same time as last time.

The original city gates were replaced by two armor plates up to 20 cm thick, and the devices to activate them were replaced by hydraulic mechanical systems. They will be installed at the end. Now materials and machinery are temporarily parked in the open space outside the fortress. .

When the entire exterior wall is updated, the defense of Canon Fortress will jump several levels in succession. These materials were also available thanks to Zero who swept several towns near the fortress with Barbarian Mountain and 200 soldiers a few days ago.

On the afternoon of the second day after the capture of Canon, Ling took the wild mountain and soldiers along the **** road northward, and found two towns a hundred kilometers away, namely the town of Montgomery and the town of Marley. As expected, these two towns are actually the supply bases for the fortresses, but after so many years, due to the increase of factories and workers, a small town with a population of about 2,000 has gradually formed.

At that time, Essien's fleeing team came to these two towns to rest, and had a battle with Zero. The situation of the battle was naturally one-sided, with zero even without a shot, and Manshan and his team defeated the deserter with a crushing posture. The battle took place just outside the town of Marley, and the battle lasted only half an hour. When Zero and the others entered the town, the bodies of three or four hundred soldiers of the Knights had been left outside the town.

The next thing went smoothly. Zero took over the two small towns. Food processing plants, water purification plants and a steelmaking plant are concentrated in the two small towns. The steelmaking plant was an unexpected gain. A whole batch of armor plates and steel brackets were found in the warehouse of the factory area. Upon inquiry, it turned out that it was planned to update the outer wall of the fortress next spring.

If it weren't for Zero, they attacked the fortress first, and after Canon updated the defense system, the attack would not have been so smooth.

Two days after taking over the two small towns, a knight regiment drove towards the town of Mungo. This is a team of a thousand people, and two trucks are carrying more than ten Paladin mechas. Outside the town of Mengge, the zero side was under intense artillery fire. In the end, Zero first destroyed the Paladin mechas, disintegrated the heavy firepower of the Knights, and then combined with the wild mountain to defeat this troop.

That night, after the Knights left more than half of the soldiers' bodies, they did not rush back. Zero immediately transferred a 500-man troop from Cannon, and Berion accompanied the team. It was night, and entered at full speed after confluence with zero, and ran for two hundred kilometers in the middle of the night, attacking another town, Tucson. Strictly speaking, Tucson is a military base, and it is a thousand-man army stationed here under the command of the 2nd Army.

The commander is Mesa, the deputy commander of the 2nd Army, a Tier 7 capable person. After the connection received the fall of Canon, it was learned that the two towns of Mengge had also fallen into the hands of Zero. What is important is that when the soldiers who fled from Marley town learned that Ling had brought two hundred soldiers, Mesa immediately mobilized nearly 90% of the soldiers from the base to Mengge Town, hoping to retake the two towns in one fell swoop.

However, Mesa was still afraid of the opponent's abilities, so only one major was sent as a commander. But when he learned of the result of the battle, he was still shocked. Ten Paladin mechas were destroyed, and even the troops were mostly killed and injured. You know that the enemy has only two hundred men!

When Ling brought Berion, Wild Mountain, and a 500-man troop into the base, Mesa didn't even have the intention to resist, and escaped from the base with his guards overnight. As a result, the battle at the base was over before 10 minutes. This was due to Berion’s powerful thunder system. Under the power of high-level elemental domains, an army composed of ordinary people was no different from a lamb to be slaughtered. As Lien raised his hands, all kinds of powerful abilities blasted past, and the army of the base fell in pieces.

In such a situation, the commander of the base ran away again, and the soldiers soon lost the mind to resist. In the end, two hundred soldiers surrendered. They let Zero temporarily take them into custody, and Tucson, a special town composed of military bases and outer residential houses, fell into Zero's pocket.

There are no processing plants in Tucson, and its supplies are also supplied by the towns of Montgomery and Marley. There are thousands of residents in Tucson, of which four to five hundred are workers, and the others are responsible for simple tasks. For example, the cleaning of towns and maintenance of facilities, etc., where workers usually go to work is in a military base, which has an arsenal.

Most of the work in the arsenal is the production of some parts for the second-generation Griffin Riders, and the others are rifles, grenades, missiles and other equipment dedicated to the Knights. The inventory of a unit was collected at zero, mainly for ammunition. A batch of armor pieces that did not know what they were used for were also found in the warehouse. After the supervisor's confession, it was discovered that these were special mechas for the fourth-generation mecha "Empty Angel".

From this point, it can be seen that the fourth-generation mecha and drone "air angel" studied by the Pope's Hall has reached the stage of close to mass production. However, the external mecha required by Sora Angel is very special. In addition to the scarcity of materials, the requirements for refinement and metal processing technology are also quite strict. Even if it can be mass-produced, the amount of output is probably very limited.

But no matter how limited, a four-generation mecha that can have the mobility of a Griffin Rider and the firepower of a Paladin is also a big threat to the high-end.

Even if it is still not comparable to Tier Nine, the number of Tier Nine is limited, and Sky Angel can be mass-produced.

Mass production is an advantage, but also a threat!

After occupying Tucson, Zero had someone escorted the supervisor back to Canon with information about the empty angel. The supervisor and the information are all handed over to Billy. In the hands of an expert like Billy, these information will become an important basis for studying the strategy of countering the air angels. As for the arsenal, the production of Griffon Rider armor has been discontinued from the date of zero control, and all the armors of the Griffin Rider have been used instead to be used in the production of other equipment.

It can be said that because of this arsenal, Tucson Town is only worth less than Canon.

So far, with Canon as the starting point and Tucson as the ending point, the nearly 500 kilometers south of the Bloodstained Road are all under zero control. Zero left only a small number of soldiers garrisoned in the two towns of Marley and Mongo. Their most important task was to maintain law and order on weekdays. And here in Tucson, Zero Basu changed over to replace Barbarian Mountain, and five hundred soldiers stayed.

The two hundred surrendered knights scattered them and dispatched them to work in the wood mines of the Emerald Forest and the iron mines of the Eternal Mountains.

Ling took the wild mountain and returned to the fortress of Khanom. Most of the slaves who had escaped into the Emerald Forest had already listened to the call and returned. There are more than 5,000 slaves in this group. Zero announced on the spot that they are no longer slaves, but workers, and each received 2 gold coins as a reward. In front of gold coins and food, these slaves finally knew that they had a chance to change their destiny, and they all embraced zero.

With workers, three oil well platforms can be started. Only half of the workers came back, and zero had to give priority to the platform operations of the oil wells. As for the wood mine and cloud iron mine, a small number of workers are allocated. However, a few days later, the first batch of workers recruited from the outer islands arrived at the fortress. There were two thousand of them, and they were soon assigned to work in two mines.

After that, workers and soldiers recruited from the outer islands continued to arrive, so the fortress of Khanon became very lively and full of vitality.

Standing under the roof of the main fortress building, looking down at the busy scene below. The workers entering and leaving are like densely packed worker ants, while the fortress is a nest. The worker ants worked hard, using their actions to make the nest stronger and stronger. In another week, the armored walls will be able to complete the basic installation. Then there is the installation of city gates and hydraulic machines, and finally the configuration of adding heavy firepower points.

After all this is completed, the defense of the important case will jump several levels in a row. Seeing this, Hook was calm on the surface, but there were waves of shock in his heart.

"Can't believe it?"

The voice of Manshan came from behind, and when he turned his head, Hook saw that the fat body like a hill of Manshan was moving hard. Sit down on the edge of the roof, Manshan put his hands around his chest, looked down and said: "Our head is really capable. To be honest, I never thought that one day I could sit on the roof of the Fort Khanom."

"That man will lead us into a new era. No, to be precise, we are already in the new era." Hook murmured.

"Yeah, how long has it been since Poseidon's order to now, we have already stepped into this continent. I thought that there would be no chance in this life." Manshan scratched his head and said: "Actually, I was thinking, if If we united earlier, would we have already landed on this continent without relying on an outsider?"

"Outsider?" Hook looked at Manshan, squinted his eyes and said, "This is a dangerous name."

Man Shan laughed and said, "Come on, Hook. Don't pretend, don't tell me, are you really willing to be his subordinate?"

"Oh, so you are not reconciled."

The mountain fell silent for a moment, and said, "Are you willing to do so?"

Hook said nothing.

Manshan said: "We laid down a military base a few days ago, called Tucson. You know."


"We will call that female swordsman soon, so let's call it Su. Hey, replace me with this woman and bring me back. After all, he still doesn't trust us." Manshan touched him. A bald head said lightly.

"It's normal." Hook said calmly: "And that is always a high-level. If the Pope's Hall comes over, Tucson will immediately become the front line. I think there is nothing wrong with having a ninth-tier sitting there. As for the issue of trust. , As you said, how long has it been since Poseidon’s command until now? I don’t think I can build enough trust in such a small amount of time. Just like you treat him as an outsider?"

"Then in the future, if the city of Rome is captured one day, maybe people will treat us as pirates. After all, we have a criminal record."

Hook glanced at him and said, "You may not think too much, Manshan, I have to remind you. Your thoughts are very dangerous."

Hook turned around silently and left the rooftop.

Manshan still touched his bald head and muttered: "Danger? I don't think so, but I think it is necessary to plan for myself."

At this time, several off-road vehicles drove out from the Emerald Forest. There was a woman in one of the cars, Oran. Man Shan blew his whistle and disappeared on the roof with a smile.

In the main building of the fortress, a room on the fifth floor has been transformed into a laboratory. The Destiny, which arrived at Fracture Bay a few days ago, not only brought Billy and his technical team leader, but also doctor Ji Ya. This female student brought out by Victor has low-level perception domain abilities. These abilities cannot be used on the battlefield, but they are of great help to Ji Ya's research.

At least some of the links like X-ray fluoroscopy and the like, Dr. Ji Ya only needs to look at it with his eyes, and what is omitted is a lot of time. You can't see much from the local area, but in the long run, the time Ji Ya has saved cannot be ignored.

Ability, no matter from which level they have unparalleled advantages.

After arriving at Fort Canon, Zero has cleared a room as her laboratory. At the same time, some of the necessary equipment on the Destiny were also brought in. After a long time, the release of the room was completed. Now there is a surgery here, as well as some simple equipment and facilities. As for more complete equipment, it will take time to purchase.

In any case, with this laboratory, Thunder's corpse can already be routinely analyzed.

At that time, the thunderous corpse was saved by Kaiton with ice flames, and under the equipment in Ji Ya's hands, the corpse of the legionnaire had become some parts. His chest cavity was fully opened, and there was a chest expander to open it, and there was already a cavity inside. As for the original organs, they have been picked up in the past two days and soaked in vessels filled with nutrient fluids to keep them alive.

Thunder is dead, but his organs still maintain incredible vitality. According to Ji Ya's words, they are all living beings. The preliminary report on Thunder has been compiled and passed to Zero’s hands.

Ling was sitting in the command room of the main building, and in his brain was a report about thunder.

Dr. Ji Ya initially judged that Thunder is not a human being, but something similar to an artificial human. Artificial humans are not human clones. The latter is a life born by cloning a certain human gene. It can be regarded as a reproduction of the original gene owner. However, man-made humans are creations out of thin air, in fact thunder is like this.

Although he looks like a man, after tearing off that layer of human skin, what is revealed are various high-tech biological organs and artificial fiber ducts. Even in the thunderous brain, 20% of the tissues are non-biological structures. That is the core processor of Thunder Brain, and Ji Ya's evaluation of it is no less than a super brain.

As for the others, whether it is the heart or other internal organs, they are all biological organs. They are independent individuals, but they cleverly form a subject. Their entire function is to supply thunder with eighth-order energy and convert the energy into high-frequency pulse currents, which can disguise thunder as a high-level elemental domain ability person.

In fact, Thunder is more like a humanoid weapon.

In general, Thunder is not a human being, not even a life. Except for the internal organs of the brain, his muscle tissue is just a kind of bionic base layer. It is not a blood vessel but an energy conduit that connects the internal organs and the body. Various functions such as screenshots.

In this way, Zero can explain why you can't get the evolution point by killing Thunder. I haven't heard of any examples where you can get evolution points by destroying non-living bodies. That's because non-living bodies don't have the characteristics of self-evolution, so they can't bring evolution points to destroyers.

However, Thunder is still valuable, and his biological organs have greatly touched Ji Ya. The doctor had locked herself in the laboratory for several days and did not show up. Except for people to send her food from time to time, and at the same time she threw the research results into a report to zero, Ji Ya seemed to have evaporated.

Looking at these reports, Petty tapped on the desktop with his fingers. Twenty years ago, there was an eighth-order humanoid like Thunder, so the achievements of the Papal Hall in the field of science and technology cannot be ignored. But it seems that the entire Pope’s Hall is just such a thunderous man~lightnovelpub.net~ and after the thunder, the Pope’s Hall has focused on the mecha.

In other words, the resources used by high-level cyborgs like Thunder must be very huge, so the Pope's Hall did not continue on this path. From the perspective of visitors from the Central Continent, the Pope’s Hall actually touched the threshold of biological weapons a long time ago, and it was still a very high-level threshold. It’s a pity that he was limited by resources and did not continue to study, but this seems not a big problem for Zero. In addition to an entire alien federation behind him, there is also the City of Dawn under construction, as well as the powerful Asgart. Allies.

Leiming's body may be a reference. After improving and perfecting the use of materials, it is not impossible for people with the ability to mass-produce the eighth level. Zero does not need to produce a Tier 8 artificial person out of thin air. As long as the heart capable of supplying Tier 8 energy fits into a living person, then by implanting foreign organs, Zero can make a Tier 5 or 6 capable person. Fall to become a high-end.

Even if they no longer have the possibility of continuing to evolve, a Tier 8 army that can be mass-produced is a terrifying force sweeping the mainland!

So on Ji Ya's feedback column, Ling gently knocked down some of his thoughts.

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