War Lord

Chapter 697: The intersection of destiny (debt pay

ps: This is how credibility is accumulated. Thank you for the monthly pass of Purple Night Phantom and Chen Buburn (this is not my trumpet ==). The New Year is almost coming, and I wish you all a happy new year and great luck in the year of the horse! By the way, brazenly ask for tickets, ask for subscription, ask for rewards! !

In this world, there will be no people without records. If there is no record, it can only show that the work of intelligence collection is not perfect. As the earliest human civilization organization established on the Central Continent, the Dark Council's intelligence network is undoubtedly the most powerful. Almost all noteworthy characters have been entered in the database of the super brain Omisga in Yongyecheng.

In terms of Moni's demonstrated ability, she should undoubtedly be included in the list of notable names in the Dark Council. However, when Xiuya searched with her own authority, she couldn't find the slightest information about Moni. This phenomenon is not common. It is important to know that every capable person has a certain background or a relationship with which organization or company.

Once these seemingly unobvious clues are combined, a detailed report can be formed. The capable people are the special group of people who are the most difficult to conceal their identity. They represent the new evolutionary model of human beings. Even low-level abilities, once they appear, they will be noticed by the area where they are located, and groups such as hunter unions and mercenary unions will register abilities.

Generally, people who are new to the ability will register with these two types of unions to receive tasks and earn rewards in these two types of unions. These trade unions themselves have close ties with various organizations and cities, and it is not difficult to obtain the records of their capable persons. It is no exaggeration to say that as long as a capable person needs to earn some reward for his own life, he will inevitably appear in the database of the Dark Council.

Since the database could not find Moni's information, there is only one situation. Moni became a capable person for a very short time, and it was even possible that she became a capable person when she came to the dark earth. Because of this, no record exists in the database of the Dark Council.

But this does not conform to the laws of nature.

There are many talented people who are surprisingly talented, and Xiuya is one of them. But even for a genius like Xiuya, he has come one step at a time in improving his ability level. It's just that Xiuya walked much faster than others, but he couldn't make it to the sky in one step. There is almost no record of being an ordinary person like Moni before becoming a high-level ability person.

As a result, Moni's abilities had an unnatural taste.

This incident was reported back to Yongye City by Xiuya, and he took the opportunity to impeach the relevant personnel of the intelligence department. During that time, the intelligence agency of Evernight City devoted all of its power to tracing Moni's origins. After using a lot of manpower and material resources, information about Moni appeared on Xiuya's intellectual brain like flowing water.

In Xiuya's eyes, these materials pieced together a rough outline of Moni's past.

She was born in the wilderness, her father didn't know who it was, and her mother was a dancer. When the mother and daughter wandered to Fury Reef City, they stayed in a bar in that town for a while. Moni's mother performed in the bar every day to earn a meager living expenses, and soon after, she let a man take it away. So the young Moni was abandoned, and this was nothing new in the turbulent years.

Things like this are happening almost every day.

In order to live, this little girl embarked on an extremely difficult road. She was even controlled by local villains to become a prostitute. This unfortunate fate took a huge turn until she was twelve years old.

A mercenary from the same wilderness took her away from Fury Reef City. The two travelled along the coast for a period of time, and they didn't separate until the shadow capital. From then on, there was a boy named Girutan beside Moni. Regarding this teenager, the intelligence department pointed out that he might be an alien named Amanda in the Black Earth.

In the next few months, Moni and the teenager wandered in the wild cities, and the girl seemed to have been looking for her biological mother.

After trying to find no results, Moni and young Girutan suddenly came to the black earth for unknown reasons. After this, their whereabouts were beyond the reach of the Dark Council. After all, on the Middle Continent, there are also certain corners that cannot be reached by the forces of the Dark Council, and the black land is one of them. Especially Moni and the two went deep into the hinterland of the black earth, which was a forbidden area in the forbidden area, and it was only natural that the dark council would not receive any information.

The report ends here.

According to the data, Moni came to the Black Earth as an ordinary person, but when she appeared before the blood cavalry army, she was already a high-ranking person with a wind system and a fighting domain. It took no more than a month before and after that, so Xiuya couldn't know where her ability came from. However, Xiuya believed that it would have to pay a very huge price.

In the following time, Moni gradually became Xiuya's number one enemy. In the alien race, there may be more powerful than her, but Moni's tactical style makes people a headache. She led the natives of the black earth to swim around the blood cavalry army like wolves. As long as the blood cavalry showed a flaw, the wolves would take a bite of meat.

To be honest, the days of Xiuya in the Black Land were not easy, and the feeling that people remembered every day was very uncomfortable. Xiuya had chased and killed Moni several times, one of which went deep into the black earth and almost killed the silver-haired girl. It's a pity that she was ultimately defeated by Moni's amazing toughness and endless tricks. That time, it was finally returned to Moni and led to the stronghold of the Amanda clan, but Xiuya almost couldn't return.

Since then, Xiuya don't want to forget the girl with long silver hair for a moment.

"It's a terrible fate, I'll run into this little thing here." Xiuya stretched out her hand in front of her eyes and couldn't help sighing as she looked at the faint scars on her hand.

She jumped out of bed, opened the curtains, and looked at the small town outside the window. With a big yawn, Xiuya grabbed her long hair with one hand, and said, "Why is that little thing here too? Is it here to snipe me?"

Then she shook her head again. Obviously, this speculation was too unfounded, but it was a coincidence that it was a chance encounter. Xiuya sat down on the window sill, biting her fingers and thinking about the reason why Moni appeared here. Suddenly the text of a report flashed through my mind, it was a mission record I saw in Yongye City. Regarding Rhein's mission record, it was a rare failure record of the Ninth Knight. If it were not, it would not have attracted Xiuya's attention.

In that record report, it was described in detail how Ryan went to the Shadow City to execute a wilderness mercenary, but unexpectedly failed due to the intervention of the Hall of Valor. In that report, Xiuya saw the words "silver-haired girl" in it. At that time, her interest attracted Ryan's record of failure, and she decided to see what kind of person the mercenary called Zero was.

So Xiuya will appear here.

And the words that had been ignored before now recalled, and confirmed with Moni's information, Xiuya's mind flashed. She suddenly jumped off the window sill, and the window behind her was covered with thick frost in an instant, and then Xiu Ya's exaggerated long smile came out of the house, which made all the passing townspeople look at her.

In the room, Xiuya finally stopped, she shook her head and said: "It turns out that it is, fate is really a wonderful thing. Before you know it, did you put us all together?"

Xiuya was already certain that the description of the silver-haired girl in Rhein's records must refer to Moni. And the wilderness mercenary who took Moni away from Fury Reef City is the purpose of this trip, zero!

Only this possibility can explain why they ran into Moni so accidentally on the westward road, because they were also looking for change.

There were originally two lines that did not intersect, but they came together because of zero. Now, Xiu Ya is more interested in meeting this man.

Suddenly, she seemed to have forgotten the trauma that Moni had brought to her, and she was still humming a small tune in the room. After a while, she changed into a shirt and jeans, went to the living room, caught one of the women in Osas, and asked her to call Osas back.

After hearing the news, Osas hurried back from the bar, and Xiuya threw him a list at the beginning. There were all things she asked Osas to prepare, and these things must be put in the evening before she could see them. Where to see. This list includes an off-road vehicle, enough fuel, and the rest are clothes, food, and water. There were so many things, Osas didn't dare to neglect, and quickly left to find someone to raise the materials needed by Xiuya.

In the evening, Xiuya walked out of the gate. There is already an off-road vehicle parked by the door. The car cannot be compared with her previous car, but it is not bad to be able to find a transportation tool in a small town in the wilderness. Especially the back of the car is full of things she called for~lightnovelpub.net~Xiuya rarely smiled, and patted Osas’s shoulder hard and said, “Good job, then, I’ll go. NS!"

After speaking, he jumped into the car, and Osas' face turned pale. He knew from Yasan's mouth that Agath had turned into a piece of icy debris. Xiuya patted him twice just now, and he was really afraid that he might accidentally pat this woman into icicles. Seeing Xiuya's departure now, he breathed a sigh of relief and quickly said, "This is what I should do."

"You are really a cautious guy. To be honest, I rarely find a reason to kill for three days like now. So, you have a bright future!" I don't know if it is admiration or meaning. , Xiuya waved her hand, stepped on the accelerator and drove out of the town, facing the afterglow of sunset in the west.

Osas breathed a sigh of relief when he watched the car become a black spot on the horizon, and then shouted vigorously: "Tomorrow, everyone will have a rest. I will treat you tonight. Let's play!"

The unexpected news stunned people, and they all cheered. The wind faintly sent the cheers to Xiuya's ears, and the first knight frowned and said to himself: "Why does it sound like celebrating my departure? Damn, I want to kill these bastards. "

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