War Lord

Chapter 698: Army north to

It is the early winter season, but at this time of noon, the temperature is still as high as 30 degrees. The extreme temperature difference between day and night is a climatic feature of the new era. Don't look at the current thirty degrees, but at night, the temperature will drop to about minus five degrees. As time goes by, when winter really comes, the temperature difference will shrink a bit, but the temperature is much colder than it is now.

The average temperature during the day is very close to zero, and in the middle of the night, the temperature will even drop to minus 20 or 30 degrees. If there is not enough heating and food, life is very difficult to survive a cold winter.

Like the Central Continent, most cities appear in the form of underground bases, which is conducive to isolation from the cold. In the Western Continent, there are obviously not so many underground bases. But every big city will inevitably have a perfect heating system, which can ensure that people can stay safely in their homes in winter without being stunned. Naturally, this kind of welfare is not available in all cities. Except for New Rome, only a few other important cities will be equipped with such a system.

As for other places, only the most primitive heating method can be used without a heating system. Wood and fuel are essential things for the winter, and many people begin to store fuel, food and water in the fall. Then when the winter comes, they will hide at home. Like animals living in hibernation, what people do every day is to eat and sleep.

Of course, there are also many people who cannot store enough supplies. Take the harsh outer islands, which has always been the place with the highest number of casualties every winter.

Humans must prepare early in order to survive the winter, as do animals.

Just as now, a red wolf was chasing the brindle sheep, and the two animals moved quickly among the bushes and ran onto the highway. In the end, the Red Wolf was better at it, and it killed the brindle sheep.

These two kinds of animals are new species on the Western Continent. In the great cleansing of the alien beasts in the dark age, many of the powerful mutant beasts on the mainland have died out. However, some weak beasts have gradually evolved to adapt to the mainland environment after the tempering of time. It’s just that perhaps the great cleaning of the Pope’s Hall left a deep impression on the animals, so these later species seem to be very slow in the process of evolution, and the direction of evolution is mostly based on adapting to the environment, and less Evolution in aggressiveness.

This may also be out of a kind of self-protection, so as not to be too biased towards aggressive evolution, which will lead to the second sweep of the Pope's Hall.

Red wolves and striped wolves are new species after the Great Purge. Red wolves are close relatives of coyote wolves, but their physique is stronger. An adult red wolf is the size of a lion, they are agile and cruel. Red wolves have more or less affinity with fire elements, which makes their hair always red and can emit three flames.

It's just that the ability to breathe in flames is also a very huge burden for them, and each breath will consume their huge energy. Generally speaking, red wolves are better at using their agility, and also have their teeth and claws to cause harm to their prey.

They are the more powerful beasts on the Western Continent, with few natural enemies. It's just that the reproductive ability of red wolves has seriously degraded, and the total number of the entire continent has not reached 3,000. This species can only maintain its own existence.

The brindle sheep is an animal loved by red wolves and even humans. They are natural foods, the fur of brindle sheep can keep warm, their muscles are rich in protein, calories and nutrients are quite high. More importantly, these grass-grazing animals have a high reproductive capacity, which is the opposite extreme of the red wolf.

Killing the prey, the red wolf is about to drag it back to its lair. Coupled with this brindle sheep, it can store enough food for the winter for its family. A gust of wind blew from the north side of the highway, with some complicated smell in the wind. The wisdom of the red wolf is very high, so it can easily distinguish the smell of gasoline and gunpowder in the wind.

There was also a feeling of vibration from the thick pads under the limbs, which indicated that something was approaching in front of the highway. The Red Wolf stood up very alertly. It looked at the corpse of its prey, and finally could only reluctantly leave it alone and leave. The red wolf ran off the road like a stream of fire, and plunged into the bushes. Using the bush as a cover, it calmly hid its body, and then a pair of wolf eyes looked out.

On the horizon at the northern end of the highway, a large truck jumped out of the horizon first. Its engine screamed, and the wheels of the truck ran across the road, and quickly passed by the bush where the red wolf was hiding. In the pupils of the red wolf, two rows of soldiers were sitting in the carriage of the truck. Following truck after truck from the north end of the highway, they rolled by in a torrent of steel.

This red wolf also wandered to the outskirts of human cities. It knew that those big iron blocks could carry humans quickly on the ground. But Red Wolf had never seen so many cars before, and there were so many cars that you could barely see the sides. The red wolf squatted there and dared not move, and the traffic passing by it had lasted for half an hour without stopping.

If the wisdom of the red wolf is higher, then it can be estimated much more, this car dragon stretches for several kilometers. The total number of soldiers in this car is tens of thousands!

The truck finally passed, but another monster appeared in the eyes of Red Wolf.

The Red Wolf had never seen such iron blocks. They were shorter than the truck in front, and they did not walk on wheels. A surrounding iron pipe was tied above those iron blocks. Looking at the iron pipe, the Red Wolf felt extremely uneasy. With the wisdom of the red wolf, it is still impossible to understand what an artillery tank is, but instinctively perceives the danger in this human war weapon.

After trucks, there is a phalanx of tanks. Behind the artillery tank, there are missiles and armored vehicles, and after that, there are three heavy tractors. Every car passed by, groaning constantly. On these three tractors, the Red Wolf saw giants!

The giant lying quietly on the trailer behind the tractor, with a metallic body, gleaming in the midday light that made the scarlet wolf feel terrified. The Red Wolf lay itself firmly on the ground, only in this way could it slightly reduce the fear in its heart.

What it saw was the Knights of the Round Table in the Pope's Hall, which represented the crystallization of the top technology of the Western Continent, which made the primitive animal like the Red Wolf instinctively frightened.

After finally waiting for the convoy to leave, Red Wolf found that he had no strength to stand up. It squatted there for a while before leaving the bushes panting. It returned to the place where it had killed its prey before, and the carcass of the brindle sheep had turned into a puddle of mud under the tires of the truck that had just passed by. The red wolf sobbed sadly, and then hastily bitten a few bites of blood that was still accessible before leaving the road.

It came to a hillside not far from the highway, and looked into the distance, the motorcade was like a black dragon, winding across the ground and heading south.

In the evening, the black dragon stopped his pace.

The convoy parked on a plain area, occupying a large area of ​​high ground to set up a temporary camp. The soldiers in the vehicle quickly got out of the vehicle and performed their own tasks. Soon, one by one sentries appeared around the camp, and the five-man team began to patrol the surroundings to prevent accidents.

The vehicles are parked together neatly, and the areas are divided according to the vehicle type. In the vicinity of the three heavy tractors, three marching tents were set up. The three tents are decorated with different patterns, representing the commanders of the second, ninth, and eleventh legions of the Knights of the Seal.

Yafidi walked out of his tent, glanced at the nearby military camp, and walked to the tent of Leo of the 2nd Army. He was stationed in the port of Fásello, and received the order of the Pope’s Hall to return to Rome. And formed a group army with the 2nd and 9th Knights to go to the fortress of Canon, to suppress the pirate chaos that took the fortress.

Oh, by the way, those guys now call themselves "Poseidon". Yafidi didn't know where their courage came from, so he dared to confront the Pope's Hall openly.

It is true that Fort Cannon has a high strategic value, coupled with the three oil well platforms under its control, and the mine factories within a total of five to six hundred square kilometers in the three surrounding towns of Tucson, it also makes Canon has a certain economic value. .

But the sum of these cannot be a basis for opposing the Pope’s Hall. Even if those pirates have a few high-ranking ranks, Yafidi doesn't think they can survive the counterattack of the Knights Group.

The two previous battles of Roaring Bay and Fort Cannon, the reason why they were able to get them to succeed, Yafidi believes that it was a careless failure of the Pope's Hall. As it is now, they gathered three army commanders, 25,000 soldiers, hundreds of tanks and mechas. With such a terrifying force, even if the enemy is huddled in the fortress of Canon, Yafidi believes that even if the pile is past ~lightnovelpub.net~, it will be enough to level the entire fortress.

That is the result obtained after countless deductions, and Yafiddy believes in this.

As for the high-level combat power, the group army now has the strength not to lose to the opponent. It was Leo and Frank, the two commanders of the army. When Yafidi returned to the Pope's Hall, he found that these two colleagues had both advanced, and now they are both powerful men of the ninth rank!


Yafidi looked at Leo's tent, a complicated look flashed in his eyes.

The promotion of Leo and Frank seemed unusual, and the energy level they showed now was already above Yafidi. But the breath is very rough, and the two have a difficult grasp of power. If you want to describe it, it's like a child carrying a cannon, seemingly powerless.

What worries Yafidi more is the mental state of the two legion chiefs. From the confluence of the Pope's Hall to the present, their state has been very bad.

Quite bad!

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