War Lord

Chapter 704: Home

When Leo led the army into Cage City, more than 7,000 soldiers had stayed on the bloodied road forever. In the final distance of nearly two thousand kilometers, the loss of the Knights exceeded the sum of the previous two battles. It is just that most of the soldiers lost in battle are recruits in the reserve, and the number of casualties of regular veterans is limited, which is a great fortune in misfortune. However, nearly half of the tanks and mechas were destroyed, leaving Leo and Yafidi heartbroken.

The value of this batch of war equipment is even higher than the soldiers who died in battle.

The only person who can still look indifferent is Frank. It can even be said that the activity of the zero class is exactly what Frank hopes. As a result, the morale and strength of this group army dropped by more than half. As long as the Poseidon Group is stronger, then a war that will hurt both sides can already be foreseen.

After entering Cage, the old mayor, Alex, personally received him. In the last zero attack into Cage City, the old mayor and some officials withdrew from Cage City in advance. After hearing that Ling had not left a single soldier, they returned. After Zero and his army left, the old mayor also fulfilled his duties with due diligence, allowing Cage to quickly restore order.

This time Leo came with the Knights, and Alex came out of the city to greet him, led Leo and the other two commanders and a group of non-commissioned officers to the municipal building, and told Leo about the city of Cage in these days. Condition.

Leo was silent all the time, but the more silent he was, the more nervous the old mayor became. Speaking of later, Alex had to take out a square towel to wipe the cold sweat from time to time on his forehead. In the meeting room of the municipal building, Leo sat down, tapping on the table with one hand, while quietly listening to Alex's report. When he heard that 20 Paladin mechas had been snatched by Zero, Leo's sound of knocking on the table suddenly intensified.

He tapped his fingers on the table to form a long high pitch, shaking the old mayor's body. Leo turned his head to look at Alex, and slowly said: "Mayor Alex, the Paladin mechas are an important war resource of the Pope Hall. Even if they are a generation mecha that is about to be eliminated, this fact cannot be changed. I I don’t want to be reminded. You should also know what it means to lose war resources?"

As the mayor of Cage City, how could Alex not know that in the laws of the Pope’s Chamber, losing war resources is a felony.

The old mayor drew his head to his chest and said tremblingly: "My lord, I didn't mean it. At that time, Lord Mesa almost drew out the forces in Cage and surrounding towns, and the whole city was in an undefended state. Those robbers The bee swarmed in, we didn't even have the power to stop us, so they would **** the batch of Paladin mechas."

Leo hummed heavily from his nostrils, but he also knew that Alex was telling the truth. Even if the matter was reported to the Pope's Chamber, Alex would not be punished too much. Leo just wanted to scare him with this, so that the mayor could cooperate with them in the next work.

After continuing to knock on the table three times, Leo said: "I won't mention this matter. The most important thing is to annihilate the chaotic party. It is for this purpose that we are here. Our food is here. Already eaten on the way here, you see, you can’t let the soldiers go to war hungry. So, Mayor Alex, please prepare food and water."

The old mayor raised his head and asked cautiously: "I don't know how many soldiers are in the army brought by the lord this time?"

"About 18,000 people." Leo replied.

Alex said with an embarrassed expression: "My lord, because the robbers robbed a lot of supplies last time, there may not be so much food available in Cage now."

Leo said unhurriedly: "So how many permanent residents are there in Cage?"

"More than 20,000."

"Plus the two surrounding towns?"

Alec probably guessed something. He looked nervous, but still replied: "Then it will be about 30,000 people."

Leo looked at him and said, "Then it shouldn’t be difficult for these 30,000 people to tighten their waistbands and save some food for my army. Don’t forget, we are here to suppress the chaos. The party, protect you, don't you even want to make this sacrifice?"

Alex smiled bitterly: "My lord, the civilians don't have enough food. What they have left now can only barely survive the winter. Prepare food reserves of nearly 20,000 people at one time. I am afraid that many people will starve to death this winter. "

"It's just civilians. If you die, you will die." Frank interrupted suddenly: "Actually, there is an easier way. Mayor Alex, are you interested in listening?"

Alex smiled all over his face and nodded and said: "What does Lord Falbank mean?"

Frank made a decapitating gesture, and said: "There are 30,000 civilians nearby, how much food these pigs consume. Or, if we kill half of the civilians, then the food saved will be enough for our army. Mayor Alex, what do you think of my proposal?"

Alex's face turned green, and he trembled: "My lord is joking, I don't think it's necessary to use this method. The citizens will definitely provide food for the army, so I'll let someone do it." After speaking, he looked towards him as if calling for help. Leo.

Leo closed his eyes and waved his hand to go down. Alejandro was amnesty and bowed his head and exited the meeting room. After leaving, he immediately asked his assistant to issue the order for the requisition of food. Although some civilians would starve or even starve to death in the winter, it was better than letting Frank kill nearly half of the civilians at once. That legion commander was no different from the devil in Alex's eyes.

In contrast, those robbers looked much cute. At least they only robbed things after they attacked Cage City and didn't hurt lives.

In the conference room, Frank smiled lowly. Yafidi looked at him angrily, but the bald head didn't care. He knew why Yafidi was angry, this handsome captain believed in that set of chivalry very much, his own proposal just now obviously violated Yafidi's bottom line.

Leo finally opened his eyes. He glanced at Frank slightly and said, "Your proposal is getting bolder and bolder."

"What's wrong with being bold, being fearful of your hands and feet can't do a big thing. It's the same thing as the previous sentence, civilians, you kill them. What's the difference between dying a civilian and 10,000 deaths?" Frank's mouth turned up. Smile.

Leo said solemnly: "Yes, we are the people standing at the top of the pyramid. But don't forget, if there are no civilians, there will be no cornerstones of the pyramid. Killing a civilian is called Liwei. Kill one. Ten thousand civilians, that is brutal. I think there is a difference among them."

Frank looked at Leo with a smile, shook his head and said, "It's not enough, Leo. You should completely let go of yourself, then you will discover how broad the world is without any restraints. At least, you can Look at the world in a higher dimension. At that time, you will find that how many civilians die is not the point. The point is how to achieve your goals faster and more effectively."

The bald head stood up, patted Leo on the shoulder, and then left the meeting room with a laugh.

Yafiddy glared at Frank, who was frantic, and thought of accusing him. Leo made a gesture and told him to sit down. After Frank left the meeting room, Leo said: "He will not understand, after letting go of all the shackles and opening all the shackles. What he gets is not absolute freedom, but confusion and destruction. When one looks at it from the perspective of God When it comes to things, either he is not a genius or a lunatic. And he, I guess he is the latter."

Yafidi finally smiled: "I guess so."

"Well, leave Frank alone, let's talk about suppressing the chaotic party. Have the scouts been sent out?"

"Before entering Cage City, I have arranged a group of personnel to conduct reconnaissance first. We will have news by tomorrow night at the latest."

"Very well, after we get the information, we can deploy the next operations." Leo paused, and said in a voice that he could only hear: "I hope I can hurry up, my time... seems to be already Running out."

In the evening of the next day, the reconnaissance team sent by Yafidi came back and brought the exact news of Canon. What surprised Leo and Yafidi was that the Poseidon group headed by Zero had not only abandoned the three towns of Tucson, but even the Fortress of Canon. They assembled all the supplies and troops, and all moved to the Eternal Mountain. If Leo's goal is to retake Fort Cannon, then they can do it now without any effort.

But is it really that simple?

"What an incredible opponent~lightnovelpub.net~ Leo sighed.

The same is still in the meeting room of the municipal building, but this has changed. A large number of tables and chairs were removed and replaced with plasma tactical boards and several intellectual brains. Three staff officers and a group of operators formed a think tank. They could deduce most of the conventional tactics for Leo, thus saving Leo's time and energy.

Yafidi heard Leo's sigh, frowned and said, "Teacher, what did you think of?"

Leo stood in front of the plasma tactical board. The tactical board was a map of Fort Cannon, the nearby Eternal Mountains, and the three towns of Tucson. The old team leader took the electronic pen and drew a circle in the Fort Cannon and the Eternal Mountains, and then connected them with a straight line, thoughtfully: "Obviously, our opponent has chosen a favorable battlefield for himself. I have to say , He was able to abandon the fortress and move to the Eternal Mountains, indeed has an extraordinary strategic vision. After all, no matter how strong Canon is, it can't stop our army of nearly two people, and hundreds of tanks and mechas."

"But if the battlefield shifts to the Eternal Mountains, it will be different. First of all, our tanks cannot drive up the mountains. Even the mechas are greatly restricted. Secondly, the restrictions of the mountain roads prevent us from being as large as the plains. March to limit the number of our offensive personnel. This is the home field chosen by the enemy. The hateful thing is that we can't refuse." Leo replied.