War Lord

Chapter 705: Game

[Thanks to the full-time angel, this set again, Lin Honghan and other big monthly pass support! ]

"Can't you refuse?" Yafidi showed a thoughtful expression, then nodded and said: "Yes, we have lost the lives of more than 7,000 soldiers. If we can't completely wipe out the enemy, it will not be enough to wash away this. Shame. They don’t worry about us not going up the mountain, and the mountain is their designated battlefield, which is really tricky."

Leo suddenly let out a cheerful laugh: "It's been a long time since I met such an opponent. I find it very interesting. That young man, not only has outstanding strength and skill, but also excellent strategy, which forces us to have to Challenge." The old leader said, and there were dull pains from all over his body that reminded him of Ling's beautiful face with golden flames in his right eye.

Yafidi looked back to several staff officers and said: "Call out the topography of the southern end of the Eternal Mountain, and calculate where they are most likely to set up the battlefield."

The three staff officers nodded and had a close conversation with the operators under them. Under their orders, the operators input various parameters and used the powerful logic performance of the brain to calculate the most likely area of ​​the enemy's position. After a series of lengthy calculations, the brain and the plasma tactical board are connected, and the map of the Eternal Mountains is presented on the tactical board as a three-dimensional model.

In the middle of the southern end of the mountain range, three areas are shown by high red cursors. They are arranged from a to c. They are the areas where the staff are most likely to be enemy positions based on their own experience and the calculations of their brains. These three areas are the platform areas in the middle of the mountains, which are conducive to the formation of troops. The marching route marked by orange highlights was also brightened one by one, winding up from the foot of the mountain to the middle position.

"It is foreseeable that if we attack from the front, then they only need to concentrate their firepower and carry out the bombing from a commanding position, and they will be able to make us suffer." Leo used an electronic pen to click on several orange marching lines.

"Then they won't take the initiative, Yafidi frowned.

Leo Haha smiled and said: "Two chess players compete for the active advantage, and leave the passive chess path to the opponent. If the opponent only knows how to respond one by one and cannot create a new path, then it will only be Was eaten to death. One of the most fascinating aspects of a wonderful game is how to turn passive into active. Yes, at first glance, our opponents have the advantage of taking the initiative, but they are not without weaknesses."

"Oh, what did the teacher mean?"

"Time!" Leo used his pen to focus on the three positions. "What they lack the most is time. Even if the enemy has transferred all the stocks of supplies, they will have a day to eat no matter how much food they have. What's more, the reconnaissance team is here. The report has pointed out that the workers and slaves in the three towns of Tucson and Fort Cannon still have supplies. If our opponents are not too benevolent, then they are too arrogant. They believe they can defeat us in a short time. Because they leave it to themselves. The supply is barely enough for a few days."

Yafidi's eyes lit up and said: "What the teacher means is that we are only sleepy and not attacking, and starve them to death?"

"This is certainly a way, but I think Lord Sauron should not have so much patience to wait for so long. Moreover, if we are only sleepy and not attacking, some people will question the martial arts of our Knights. Difficulty means being sleepy, but only They are trapped for three days. During these three days, we don’t have to rush to fight, but do another job."


"Yes, open the way!" Leo scribbled between the several marching lines with a pen, and said: "Since the road is too small, we will blow up rocks to open the way. The enemy wants to limit the number of our marches, but I am not as good as they did. Hope. Three days later, I will lead 10,000 people from a frontal attack to contain their firepower. You and Frank each bring three thousand elites to cut through their positions from the side, and join me in the center line!"

"Then their high-end group?"

Leo said lightly: "According to the information we got, they only have three Tier Nine, and the rest are all Tier 8. If they dispatch Tier Nine, we will avoid fighting, or use a large number of soldiers to entangle. Live them. As far as Tier 8 and below, Frank and I both have the confidence to defeat them. Remember, as long as they beat their troops, there are only three Tier 9s who can't get over a big wave."

Yafidi nodded first, and then said solemnly: "I don't know if I have an illusion, I always feel that Captain Frank doesn't seem to care about the success or failure of this war. Like the previous few times, knowing that you have been injured, but the enemy's high-level attack, Frank's group Long also looks like standing idly by. If this is the case this time, I'm afraid that your arrangement won't be implemented, teacher."

After Leo muttered Frank's order back and forth in silence, he said: "I will talk to him. Don't worry, I won't let him hold us back."

"I know what he is thinking!"

When I left the meeting room, there was already a thick night outside the municipal building. Leo glanced in the direction of the Eternal Mountains and walked towards Frank's room. Under the same night, at the southern end of the Eternal Mountain Range, there was a bit of light in the middle of the mountainside. Three mountainside platforms have undergone some transformations, and Franklin, who led the troops to arrive here first, spent a few days building up layers of defensive positions here.

The defensive positions were built on the basis of the mountain. Facing the direction of the mountain, there were rough bunkers poured with cement on the surface. These things were erected with a steel frame. The shape of the bunkers was not modified and varied in size. Their only advantage is that they are thick and hard enough, even if they are directly hit by heavy artillery, they can still fight for the soldiers behind the bunker.

The bunkers are scattered and rigorously protected on all three sides. Behind the position are several heavy artillery turrets. They were dragged up the mountainside by Franklin and other capable people. With them, the defense of the position would be more secure. In addition, the shadows of anti-aircraft machine guns and snipers can be seen on the commanding heights of the position. They are the firepower points second only to heavy artillery turrets.

Now, the soldiers in the position rest, chat or smoke in the trenches dug and sold behind the bunker. In a semi-underground bunker fortification behind the position, it was arranged as a temporary command post. The command post is very simple. The rough ground uses several ammunition boxes to form a simple "table". There is a tablet brain on the table, and on it is a three-dimensional map of mountains that is constantly rotating.

Zero stood on one side, with one arm around her waist and the other with her chin, silently holding the map in Zhinao.

He and other capable people returned to the Eternal Mountains today, and there are still some burn marks on the back of their hands and body. Those are the marks Leo left him, but these marks will be replaced by new skins in two days. Now, even if Zero does not deliberately clear the injury, the memory in the body will faithfully perform all repair work.

With the sound of footsteps, Leah walked into the command post with a box of food. Put food and water on the table, and the girl said, "Let’s eat something, you haven’t eaten for a day today."

With a zero smile, he said, "It doesn't matter if I haven't eaten for a few days, but you brought it, so the meaning is naturally different."

He opened the box, and inside was a few slices of hot roasted meat, next to it was a stack of fluffy bread. Zero picked up two slices of bread, sandwiched the barbecue, and it became a simple sandwich. He delivered the food to his mouth, and the tip of his tongue immediately distinguished the various pheromones contained in bread and roasted meat, as well as the total nutrients and energy levels they can provide.

Zero turned off this feature with some irritation, otherwise a meal would become a report of various information. What fun is there to talk about?

As he ate, he smiled and said, "Remember when I was in the z7 base, the first thing I ate was two pieces of moldy bread. As it is now, there are fresh bread and delicious barbecue on the battlefield. eat."

"Yeah, you still wanted to complain at that time." Leah covered her mouth and said.

Three or two ate the bread and meat, and Zero drank again, and sighed: "When I think about it now, it seems that it has happened a long time ago. Time flies so fast."

"It's fast enough." Leah leaned herself against Zero, rested her head on his chest and said: "At that time, my biggest wish was to become a doctor in the base. How could I have thought that one day I would Come to other continents. It's as if all this is a dream."

"This is not a dream." Ling lightly kissed her forehead and said, "I don't think it will take two days before the lords of the Knights will come up. You don't have time to dream."

Leah chuckled and said, "I heard Feng say that you have killed many people. Do they dare to come up?"

"They have to come up." Zero smiled, and said, "If it is said that they might have regained their lost ground before, then if we were tossed before, they would have to come if they didn't want to come. Otherwise, their face would be too much. I know, they are knights. In the world of knights, there is no precedent for being slapped."

"So ~lightnovelpub.net~ they will definitely come."

Leah nodded and said, "Come on, anyway, everything is under your control, isn't it?"

Ling Shi smiled and said, "You have confidence in me."

"Of course, you are my man!" Leah said proudly.

Zero couldn't help but retake a photo on her hip, saying: "Nothing is absolutely perfect, but there is no perfect plan. All I can do is to minimize defects. In my plan, the same exists. The defect depends on whether our opponent can detect it."

Leah asked: "What flaw, why didn't I see it."

Zero's gaze fell on Zhi Brain again, and said lightly: "It's time."


"Yes, time. The longer the delay, the more disadvantaged it is for us. Apart from anything else, the food for five thousand people is a big problem. Here, we lack supplies."