War Lord

Chapter 71: The King and the Soldier


Zero put down Colt, turned and left the hiding spot, and started looking for the next sniper position.

The trap in the first sniper spot was designed by Zero carefully for Sauron.

The power of the Dark Council is beyond doubt. This is the conclusion drawn from the observation of Sauron's team before Operation Zero. Those efficient and practical equipment, to the soldiers' marching equipment, and Sauron also have different abilities of the second to third ranks as his followers. From these points alone, we can see the strength of the Dark Council from the side.

But Sauron's team is not completely without weakness, and the biggest weakness is Sauron himself.

Through observation, Zero found that Sauron always occupied a corner of the camp by himself, and even those with supernatural powers must keep a distance from him. This shows that Sauron is a proud person and holds his own identity. Such individuals may be very powerful, but the tacit understanding with the team is bound to be pitifully low.

In this team, Sauron is the king, and the others are soldiers.

As a result, a plan for Sauron was formed in Zero's mind.

Zero's sensitivity to the breath of a mutant creature is still above Sauron. This has nothing to do with ability, but a pure intuition from the heart. Zero couldn't explain why this happened, but he knew that he knew exactly where the greedy and dangerous creatures were hiding in the city, and even near the camp of Sauron, there was an aura of abnormal creatures. It's just the force of the team that makes these guys hiding in the dark fearful. However, when the individual appears in the ruins, even though the individual is slightly stronger, the monsters in the ruins will not care about them.

For them, they are super powerful individuals, and their flesh and blood will be even sweeter.

After completing the observation, Ling walked away quietly. There is no limit to the distance in his free vision, so Zero hides from a distance to observe Sauron's team, and will not be discovered by the ability of the anti-reconnaissance ability in that team.

After zero retreat, he bypassed Sauron's camp and headed to the ruins of the city. He used his own blood to attract some bloodthirsty creatures to the mansion of the first sniper position. There, Zero fired a shot and killed a soldier in Sauron. He knew that this approach could not be tolerated by a proud person like Sauron, and the fact that Sauron single-handedly killed just as he expected.

Now that Wang took the shot, the rest of the soldiers could only stay in the camp obediently. If Sauron did not personally issue the order, they would never dare to intervene in the contest between Sauron and Zero. Zero knows this, Sauron's pride will become his opportunity to win.

In that sniper spot, Petty used his own blood to set up a simple and effective trap. Those monsters attracted by Zero, after Sauron was soaked in blood, not only stimulated the monster's ferocity, but also made them regard Sauron as prey. The two shadow killers were the feast that Zero carefully prepared for Sauron. Based on common sense, Sauron would never make the mistake of competing with the shadow killers in a narrow area, so he had only one choice.

That is to escape from the building, and then solve the two monsters that are closely following in the empty place. Therefore, the zero sniper rifle has long been waiting there. Judging from the terrain, Sauron's fastest escape route can only be left through the window of the original corridor. In an unexpected situation, Sauron could not have expected a zero move, so there was a great chance of zero success.

It's just that Zero miscalculated Sauron's sensitivity to danger, so the shot he thought he would have hit the window frame.

Only so little, Zero was able to kill Sauron. The plan failed, but Zero was not frustrated. He still has something to follow.

In the building, being blocked by Zero, Sauron had lost the best time to escape the building. The agile shadow killer has come behind Sauron, keeping a safe distance. But Sauron knew that if he still wanted to come out through the window recklessly, even if Zero didn't attack. But as soon as he jumped out of the window, it was bound to attract the attack of two shadow killers.

Being attacked at such a close distance, Sauron didn't have the confidence to retreat. The safest way now is to kill these two shadow killers in the corridor and then leave calmly.

However, to do this is not easier than the first choice.

Shadow killers, like living corpses, belong to human mutant life forms. It's just that they are different from the mutation route chosen by the living corpses. They still maintain the shape of seven people, but they are closer to the beasts than the living corpses.

The shadow killers are as black as ink, and their hair or nails are all black. Only the eyes on the face are silvery white, and those with long feet and hands lie on all fours like wild beasts. On their shoulders, elbows, and knees, there are substances shaped like magic crystals. These things seem to be the energy supply organs of the Shadow Killer. Scholars once dissected this kind of creature and extracted valuable biological energy from these magic crystals. However, the surface of the magic crystal is as hard as steel, and although it looks brittle as glass, it can withstand the test of high temperature and strong acid. Therefore, forcibly breaking the magic crystal to stop the function of the Shadow Killer, this strategy is not to be adopted.

The weapons of the Shadow Killers are derived from their arms, but their elongated arms have disproportionately large palms. And this pair of giant palms can be freely combined or split, allowing the Shadow Killer to generate weapons like giant shears. The abnormal big scissors, even the cannon barrel on the armored vehicle can be cut off. And with the speed of the Shadow Killer equal to the human Tier 4 agility strengthening, this pair of sharp scissors has become a deadly weapon in the dark, making people hard to guard against.

In the corridor, these two shadow killers have entered a state of battle. Their palms split open in the middle, and then the phalanxes on both sides were closed, and then they were covered by a continuous layer of flesh. After completing this mutation process, another layer of armor-like material envelops the abnormal palm. While the biological armor provides a certain defensive power for the Shadow Killer, the edges are sharpened, and the frightening scissorhands are completed at the same time.

The monster opened and closed his big scissors, made a crisp sound of iron hammering, and carefully approached the distance between the two sides toward Sauron.

Sauron took a deep breath, and a red light rose from under his feet. The surrounding fire elements were all mobilized by him, and the red flames soared, and spears and shields were formed in Sauron's hands. More red light condensed on Sauron's chest, shoulders, arms and legs, so an elemental armor made of soaring flames appeared on Sauron's body.

Elemental armament is a deeper application of the elemental force field, which manifests the elemental force field that is invisible to the naked eye, and then compresses it into weapons and armor. The ability of the elemental weapons depends on the strength of the abilities. As far as Sauron knows, the high-level elemental abilities of the Scarlet Knights can even display the elemental cannon, a highly wounded killer weapon. That bombardment was directly the annihilation power of a certain single element on the space, and it was definitely a powerful ability of the destruction level.

Although Sauron has not been metamorphosed to the extent that he can use elemental weapons to a level of destruction, in this special environment, elemental weapons have a greater effect than Sauron's other abilities.

Every blood knight has the art of fighting that is tailored to the environment, and Sauron is no exception.

(This week’s recommendation is over. Thank you all for your support and rewards. One week’s push, 20,000 clicks, and more than 400 collections. These are all thanks to everyone. Thank you very much, Xiaochen, you must work hard to code and use more. Good text to report back to everyone. I will recommend it next week, I hope the data will not be too miserable, Amen.)