War Lord

Chapter 717: Underground monster

An irregular rock shook, suddenly fell inward, and rolled into the darkness from the diagonally downward slope, making a few cracking sounds. A faint golden light appeared behind the rock that was pushed down, zero got in, and he stomped on the air, and the whole person fell suddenly. He didn't panic, stimulating Kong Yu's new ability, an invisible force field wrapped his whole body, under the action of the anti-gravity field, he fell to a standstill, and Zero was suspended in the air.

He was looking for a meal outside just now, and finally found this gap. This is already in the belly of the mountain, but the wind is blowing from below, it seems that the belly of the mountain is still directly underground. Entering the space in the belly of the mountain, it is obvious that the air is much wetter than the outside, and the temperature is also a lot higher. After staying for a while, you can see patches of blue luminous moss growing on the rocks in the mountain's belly. These fungi make the mountain's belly appear a little brighter. Even if the faint blue light emitted by them is not enough to light up the entire mountainside, Zero still has a panoramic view of the entire mountainside through the low-light vision.

His current location is a slope, and the **** leads to the depths under the mountain's belly. The end is hidden in the darkness, and there is no way to see what kind of place the depths are. I don’t know if this **** is natural or man-made, but there is a way to go, which is better than being stuck in place. Zero down back to the ramp and strode down the slope. The underground of this eternal mountain range is a huge underground space, with towering stalagmites as thick as pillars that support the sky, densely connecting the ground and the mountains above it. The stone pillars are covered with luminous moss, so when you look from a distance, these stone pillars are like an upside-down star waterfall, with blue light faintly and magnificent.

The height of this **** was nearly a hundred meters, and after walking for more than half an hour, the zero reached the bottom of the earth. There is a moss lichen growing under the ground, strange rocks are everywhere, and several rivers meander across the ground. At the end was a high ground, which arched from the ground like a hill. Behind the hill is the rock wall, but there is a dark hole on the wall, which seems to lead to other places.

When Ling just wanted to go to the entrance of the cave, he heard a strange cry sounding elsewhere in the ground. He hurriedly drew back to a huge boulder and looked out, and he saw an abnormal giant mouse the size of a puppy emerge from the darkness. These idiots seem to be a little different from the violent giant rats that are common in the Central Continent. Because of their long living underground, their eyes are basically degraded, and their bodies are covered with bristles like hedgehogs.

These underground giant rats are eating moss on the ground and drawing water from the banks of several underground rivers. However, Ling noticed that not all the giant rats were eating or drawing water, and some of them were scattered and wandering around. He neither eats moss nor drinks water, guarding something like a guard.

Are there their natural enemies here? Linggang gave birth to this idea, and there was a crawling sound of "Shushasha" from the high ground. When these sounds were heard, the giant rats in charge of vigilance opened their mouths and let out a sharp howling sound. As soon as they warned, a row of monsters climbed up from the high ground. These insects have large heads and small bodies, with a praying mantis-like head, with four or five compound eyes distributed on their small heads. Each compound eye is shining with a different light, and the body is an oval abdominal cavity like a spider, flanked by a row of worm-like limbs full of bristles.

The bodies of these monsters are covered with black shells, and the surface of the shells also has purple lines. Under the blue light of the glowing moss, the shells flowed through a beam of metal-like light from time to time. Obviously, the quality of these hard shells is good, comparable to metal.

Strange insects rushed down from the other side of the high ground like a black tide. Although there are only a dozen of them, and the number of giant rats is more than ten times that of them, giant rats are very afraid of this strange insect. They ran away screaming, but the worms dispersed. Four or five of them swept at high speed, and sometimes even bounced off the ground, ejecting a stream of exhaust from both sides of their abdominal cavity, pushing them. Reach your destination faster.

Seeing Ling was awe-inspiring, these strange bugs are obviously born hunters, they have a high IQ, and they know how to hunt rats. Judging from the underground situation, Roman City thought that there were no dangerous alien creatures in the Western Continent. This idea was obviously wrong. The kind of monsters that Zero sees, once they form a quantitative advantage on the ground, will become a very terrifying force.

Looking at the hunting in the distance, a few strange insects swam around and drove the rats together. The group of rats shrank into a circle, and the outer periphery was guarded by the strongest giant rats. They uttered threatening whistling noises at the strange bugs, but the strange bugs were obviously unmoved, and their eyes were constantly shining with lights of different colors. Zero noticed that these lights are regular, obviously this is a way of communication for the strange bugs.

They didn't rush to attack, they just kept shrinking the encirclement circle, so a huge pressure was formed, constantly impacting the rats. The rat group began to be unable to restrain it, and finally a particularly strong giant rat rushed out. The giant rat sprinted fast in a short distance, and jumped onto a monster in the blink of an eye. Then opened a huge mouth full of sharp teeth and gnawed at the bug, but it seemed to bite a piece of fine iron, and there was a fluffy fire between the sharp teeth and the insect shell, making a sharp rubbing sound. Voice.

The attacked monster immediately shook its body, and immediately threw the giant mouse away. When the giant mouse was in the air, the abdomen behind the monster suddenly opened, and a black shadow popped out of it to instantly hit the giant mouse.

The giant mouse immediately let out a stern wailing, and Ling saw it really, it was something like tentacles. However, the kinetic energy of the instant ejection is comparable to that of a bullet, allowing the front end of the tentacles to easily pass through the body of the giant mouse. The tentacles exposed to the air actually cracked a cross at the front end, knocking out a mouth full of broken teeth, and the appearance was disgusting.

There was a "hissing" cry from the mouth, the tentacles rolled back, and the giant rat, which was still struggling desperately, returned to the abdominal cavity. The abdominal cavity closed immediately, followed by the sound of chewing, the giant rat's cry quickly disappeared, and it seemed that it was eaten by a strange insect.

This is the first time that Zero has seen an abnormal creature that takes prey into the abdominal cavity and eats it. Right now, this strange bug has completely subverted the cognition of terrestrial creatures, and is somewhat similar to some marine creatures.

Seeing that their companions were eaten, the giant rats launched crazy attacks, but their attacks were in vain. The abdomen of the strange insects split open one by one, and a dozen terrible tentacles flew out from the inside. The insects surrounded the rat group, raised their tentacles and waved wildly among the rats. From time to time, giant rats made their tentacles twitched, and there was a sound of cracking flesh and bones. They were often unable to move when they fell to the ground, so the tentacles for the insects were easily rolled up and sent to the abdomen.

The worm's abdominal cavity didn't close at all, so it opened and chewed on the giant rat that fell into it. Suddenly, blood sprayed out from the abdominal cavity, and from time to time there would be giant rats struggling to crawl out of the hell-like abdominal cavity, but without exception, they were pulled back by the tentacles of the strange insects.

The killing of insects is simple and efficient. On the other hand, on the giant mouse, even though there are also fierce and undaunted biting the heads of the monsters, they do not prevent the monsters from hunting their other companions. It is strange to say that usually the weakness of creatures must include the head, and the head of a strange worm is obviously not harder than its body. When it was bitten by a giant rat, it split immediately, and the blood drenched. But even if the giant rat gnawed off one of their compound eyes or even tore off the small half of their head, the worm remained unmoved and continued to hunt down other giant rats.

This battle lasted only about half an hour, and most of the giant rats fell into the belly of the monster. In the end, the worms should have eaten enough, and no encirclement was formed anymore, they dispersed. The remaining giant rats fled immediately, and walked clean in a moment. When the worms were full, they lay directly on the ground, as if resting. But then, they did something unexpected to Zero.

The monsters rolled their bodies hard, turning their chubby bodies back to the sky before stopping. But at this time, their row of worm arthropods has undergone an abnormal change. The forelimbs that were upturned suddenly turn down, and it seems that their arthropod joints can move at will. After the first limbs were on the ground, they lifted up to support the strange worms, and then turned around, and zero saw that around the oval abdomen of these strange worms, there was another row of compound eyes!

Except for the compound eyes, a dotted line split at the front end of the abdomen, and some indigestible bones were spit out from the mouth like a wide open mouth. After Zero retracted into the rock, he replayed the scene of the insect war in his mind, and he felt that the thing that looked like a giant belly was the real head of these monsters, and the heads that the giant rats attacked were actually It is an organ in disguise, used to attract the attention of the enemy and play a deceiving effect.

To put it simply, it is a trap at all. If you only attack the little head of the monster like a giant mouse~lightnovelpub.net~, you can't really kill them at all. Therefore, the monsters simply ignore the giant rats that are biting their heads, but the giant rats that jump on them will be thrown off, because the giant rats attack their real weaknesses.

The high level of intelligence, the tentacles capable of high-speed ejection, and the organs that act as traps have made this kind of weird enough to easily squeeze into the ranks of first-class hunters. It is conceivable that when faced with such strange monsters, no matter who will habitually attack their heads, they will fall into the trap they kill.

And when I figured out the characteristics of the monster, I don't know how many lives it will cost.

At this time, the filled monsters began to return to the high ground. A strange worm walking at the back suddenly stopped. It turned around, and its big head with compound eyes looked towards the boulder where it was hiding. Its eyes became a little puzzled, so it left its companions and headed towards Zero alone. Hearing the sound of insect claws scraping across the ground, it was coming towards her, and Ling knew probably where the strange insect had been spotted.

In the distance, the other weird worms had already jumped off the high ground, and all retracted towards the dark hole, as if there was their nest. At this time, a large shadow suddenly appeared on Ling's head. When Ling looked up, he could just see the strange worm facing him, and on that huge head, he could even see the black bristles emerging from the cracks in the worm shell!