War Lord

Chapter 719: Underground base

[Thanks to Brother Xiang for his monthly support! ]

Zero threw the insect spears one by one at a constant speed of three per second, and the short spears pulled out afterimages in the air, and the broken air flow formed a strange howling sound. Amidst the roars, the short spear kept hitting the strange insects hanging above the cave. Only five seconds passed from the spear falling from the first monster worm to the last spear being thrown. In a short period of time, a dozen or so strange bugs slammed down with spears, but when the last one shot out, the strange bug closest to Zero had already awakened.

It moved a thread faster than the worm spear and let go of the tentacles biting the cave roof, and fell to the ground like a big spider. The insect spear was shot on a stalagmite at the bottom of the cave, and the stalagmite was deeply pierced by a short spear like cooked cheese, which shows how powerful the zero-throwing spear is. The strange insect swept across the dead companion's body that had fallen to the ground, and screamed angrily from the cavity. Its limbs quickly attacked towards Zero as if it were sliding on the surface of the water.

The ground in the cave is rugged and uneven, but the strange insects seem to be unrestricted. The eight arthropods can stretch and contract freely, allowing the strange insects to walk on the ground as if they were flat. Zero disappeared in a hurry, waiting for the strange bug to approach and bite him. He moved away like a ghost, and then expanded the anti-gravity field. The whole person violated the laws of physics and rose vertically into the air, avoiding the onslaught of the monster's tentacles.

A turning trajectory was swept in the air, and it fell behind the strange insect, with one leg swept out like a whip. The feet swept out several afterimages in the air, and finally merged in one place, forming a cone-shaped ripple that blasted into the monster's body. The whole body of the strange insect shrank and made a terrible cry, but the cone-shaped ripples that Zero kicked out came out of its mouth. Wherever the ripples passed, the body tissue of the strange insect was twisted into a piece of flesh.

One shot succeeded, and immediately flashed back. As the worm was dying, it was frantically attacking everything that could be seen in the same place. It wasn't until more than ten seconds later that it gradually stopped moving, and the worm fluid poured out like a pour, flowing from the penetrating wound in its body to the ground.

Fifteen bugs just died in one place, making the whole cave seem crowded. Zero pulled up a short spear from one of the corpses and used it as a tool to pry away the hard shells of each worm's head, and then picked the worm crystals out of their brains. After a while, Zero collected fourteen insect crystals of various sizes. As for the last insect, Zero's blow penetrated its body, and it shattered the insect crystal, but it couldn't be recovered.

On top of the original two pieces, there are a total of 16 insect crystals. Based on each piece of 100,000 gold coins, the small bag of Zero contains 1.6 million. This is not a small number, it is equivalent to the Canon Fortress and the map. The economic benefits produced by working hard for one month in Sensan Town. Now, Zero hopes that there will be more such bugs. But the cave is so big in total, and you can tell at a glance whether there are strange bugs.

Ling went to the depths of the cave, and the more inside, the mountain walls on both sides closed together, and then there was only one path left, only enough for one person to walk through. It is no longer possible for the strange insects to enter here, but on this small road, Zero saw a piece of insect skin. The strange insects that came here have also evolved several times, and these insect skins are the proof of their evolution.

Soon I came to the end. The wall was covered with luminous moss. When it reached the depths, the temperature of the air increased significantly, and the rocks and mountain walls were covered with water drops. Originally, Zero thought that there should be something similar to a cave at the end, otherwise these weird worms would never be born out of thin air. With a cave, it might be possible to reach the surface, but he didn't think that there was still a cliff at the end.

He didn't give up, he reached out his hand and fumbled on the moss, and soon he found that the wall was abnormal. It is too flat, there are no bumps under the moss, and it doesn't feel like a natural stone wall. Zero simply tore off these moss clothes. After a while, a metal gate appeared in front of Zero's eyes. Behind these moss, it turned out to be a door, and there was even an electronic lock on the right hand side, which was like an underground base!

Zero checked the electronic lock, and found that there was a little green light on it. Obviously the base power supply was still operating. With a base, there must be a passage to the outside world. But then you have to enter the base. Zero flexed fingers hit the metal gate, and a gloomy sound rang out from the gate. Obviously, the gate was very heavy and could not be forcibly damaged by external forces.

To enter the base, it seems that you have to start with the electronic lock, but zero does not know the password to open the door. He went to the direction and tried to give the memory group the substance to generate the electronic code. Even he doesn't know whether this method is feasible. After all, one side is electronic technology and the other side is biology. There is a big difference between the two. But Zero’s command still caused the memory team’s reaction. Soon, Zero saw a short, pointed bone spur protruding from the middle of his right fist. The bone spurs were surrounded by pocket spars of various colors. The stone kept shining. With every flash of light, Zero can feel that there are several detection wave energies in it.

Zero point a bone spur on the electronic lock, and the tip of the thorn immediately softened, melted away like mercury, and penetrated the gap of the electronic lock. Soon, Zero's brain received a series of random numbers. These numbers kept beating, and were quickly resolved under the detection wave energy of the bone spurs, and finally the numbers gradually stopped. When they were determined, Zero got a set of passwords.

He retracted the bone spur, and the bone spur automatically retracted into Zero's fist after leaving the electronic lock. The password obtained from the petty use is entered into the electronic lock, and the LCD screen of the electronic lock immediately displays the correct password. As the door vibrated, the moss clothes that had not been torn off fell off as the door shrank upward. In the end, a dark space appeared in front of Zero.

Zero walked in, and after a brief period of adjustment in his eyes, he could see that this was a corridor. The two sides of the corridor are very deep and I don't know where it leads. At this time, the door behind him fell again, isolating the two worlds, inside and outside. After arriving in the base, I realized that it was not really dark and dull. It's just that the main power supply of the base should stop working, so the lighting equipment is a virtual cast. But every ten meters there is a red emergency light flashing, which is proof that the base backup power supply is working.

It's just that the base's backup power supply should only be used in a certain important area, and it is only necessary to ensure that the channels throughout the base can be opened normally. With the faint light, Zero could see the environment of the base clearly with the help of low-light vision. He saw a plan of the base on the right hand side of the entrance. From the plan, he was located near the biochemical experimental area. Walking from the biochemical experimental area to the east corridor, he could reach the living area of ​​the base. In the living area, there are obviously several elevator signs, which should be an exit to the outside world. I'm afraid that these elevators have stopped working, but since there are exits here, there should be emergency passages and the like.

In short, there is still hope for leaving this underground world.

Ling re-engraved the floor plan in his mind. According to the instructions on the map, he should walk to the corridor on the left. There is a specimen room, and the specimen room is the experimental area. Entering the experimental area is not far from the exit. As he walked, he wondered who established this underground base and when it was put into use.

In theory, there is no doubt that only the city of Rome has such strength to build an underground base. But the city of Rome obviously focuses on mecha technology, but this underground base is obviously built for the development of biotechnology. If there are no accidents, the strange bugs outside the base, and even the giant rats that are used as food by the strange bugs, are the finished products of biochemical technology.

But this base has obviously been abandoned, but I don't know why?

Before long, Zero came to the end of the corridor. A metal gate still stands here, with an electronic lock beside it. Zero Duplicate used the old trick to decipher the code on the electronic lock with a bone spur and opened the door. As soon as the door opened, an unpleasant smell came out. The smell is a bit like rotten eggs, but more, it is the peculiar smell left by the decay of the corpse.

It can be seen that the specimen room has not been opened for a long time, and the air filtration equipment inside has also stopped working, which makes the peculiar smell inside it hard to disperse. Ling had to shut his breath and looked in from the door, and he could see the specimen vessels, which contained various abnormal creatures of different shapes. Many of them are unknown to Zero, and they are more like some kind of aliens. Judging from their physical characteristics, these aliens are undoubtedly the best biological hunters.

Some utensils were knocked over to the ground, and the fresh-keeping liquid in them had long been lost, leaving only a weird corpse. Among these corpses, Ling also saw a few skeletons. They were wearing the uniforms of the research staff. They should be the unfortunate ones who were trapped here before being evacuated when the base was changed, and eventually died.

Zero found an identity electronic card in one of the skull's jacket pockets, with the words "Dr. Andura" written on the electronic card. He put away this electronic card. With this electronic card, he should be able to pass everywhere in the base.

Suddenly, Zero’s ears caught a faint sound ~lightnovelpub.net~ and replayed the sound in her mind, and Zero automatically constructed a picture of a pair of feet stepping on the ground.

somebody is coming!

It's just that this base has been invaded for so long. God knows that the guy who is still alive in the base can still be called a human? Zero quickly darts over to a row of intact specimen vessels, and then sees a few figures walking in at the other exit of the specimen room. The bodies of these people have all been alienated. Their skins are covered with scaly cuticles, their hands and feet are distorted to varying degrees, and some are simply beast claws.

The head still maintains the appearance of a human, but both men and women have their heads bald, but their eyes are gray and white, which looks very strange. After they came in, under the command of a particularly strong man, these people broke some specimen vessels near Zero, and then took out the specimens of strange animals inside. Some even put the specimen under their nose and sniffed it. Seeing that, they seem to have the idea of ​​treating the specimen as food.

Zero is sure that this specimen will not taste so delicious. But for these people, the specimens in the containers seem to be the only food they have in the base. Who are they? Are they the researchers at the original base, or are they also products of some kind of biochemical technology just like those strange bugs outside?

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