War Lord

Chapter 721: Loopholes

The red-haired man Froman pulled out a metal box from the bed. He opened the box and took out a thick stack of documents and placed it in front of his body, saying: "These are the diaries of the base and some of the experimental reports. These are all these years. , We have successively found documents from Andura’s strongholds. It helped us understand many things, including the fact that the Pope’s Hall deceived us."

Zero took it, and Fromman left the room without disturbing him. So there are only zero people left in the room, and the data has been sorted out, with the date as the axis. Although the information is incomplete, it can let zero see a general idea. Unknowingly, time passed in the reading. During the period, Fromman came in twice and brought some meat from the specimens and water with a certain amount of radiation.

No matter the food or the water, the taste is terrible. But they can provide some energy to Zero, so Zero does not mind eating it. As for the toxins or radiation contained in these two things, they are neutralized by the substances produced by the air. Of course, zero has better food, which is the brain crystal of the Andura worm. Fromman has already said that this thing can greatly increase its energy after being absorbed.

Zero also tried it, but found that the effect was not as good as expected. It is true that the energy reserves of brain crystals are still considerable. If it can absorb all of it, it is equal to 20% of the energy level of zero itself. Unfortunately, this is only a theoretical value. When the spar layer outside the brain crystal is broken, the energy inside will quickly volatilize. Even if part of it is cut off by the human body, because of the different life forms, there will be "impurities" in the energy in the brain crystal that cannot be absorbed.

Excluding these acrobatics, the remaining energy is pitiful, dropping from 20% of the original theoretical value to 3%.

Of course, the value of brain crystals is still very high for people with low-level abilities or people who have changed their bodies like Zog's. The former is because the energy reserve is not in the same order of magnitude at all. Energy that is too small for zero is a huge number when placed on a low-level person. The latter is due to physical changes, and the energy purity requirements of the brain crystals are relatively lower. Perhaps the way they are now is caused by the absorption of the brain crystals of Andura worms for many years, so the use of the brain crystals for the Zog is undoubtedly Is the highest.

However, after returning to the fortress, you may be able to find an effective way to extract brain crystal energy through experiments, but all of this will have to wait to leave here.

The history of this base can be traced back to the time when the New Roman City was just established. From the data point of view, after the establishment of the Roman City, Sauron sought to seize the Pope's throne and became the real master of the Papal Hall. Jagged journey. After finally clearing out almost all the dangerous species in the entire Western Continent, Sauron began to establish this secret base in the hinterland of the Eternal Mountains.

Like the Central Continent, the West Continent originally developed biochemical technology. At that time, Sauron's request was to build an army of capable people, and these capable soldiers must be absolutely loyal and strong. So at that time, the "Project of the Chosen" came out quietly.

Sauron won the respect of the entire continent with his lifeless military exploits. At that time, he was still unsuccessful. People on the continent, especially young people, had a fanatical belief in him, thinking that he was appointed by God to rescue them. messenger. With this enthusiasm, Sauron launched the "Project of the Chosen", recruiting strong young men and women from 13 to 25 years old across the continent, with the goal of creating an invincible army of iron and blood.

So from all corners of the mainland, all those who met the requirements flocked to New Rome. There, they undergo strict assessments and physical examinations. More than 90% of the people were brushed down, and only about 10% of the young people qualified, and quietly moved to this hinterland located in the Eternal Mountain Range.

Those who weren't selected at that time were very upset, wondering that they were the real lucky ones. It was because after the so-called Chosen people left Rome, no news came back. They either died, or they became the Zogners who are now outside.

Sauron recruited them, not to train them into iron-blooded soldiers, but to directly transform them in order to achieve his goal of building an army of capable people. At that time, the entire Western Continent was shrouded in a blind enthusiasm. Whether it was Sauron or his scientists, they were convinced that they could change the course of life on behalf of the Creator.

The overall victory of the **** road has swelled the confidence of these people to an unimaginable point. It is conceivable that under such a fanatical belief, any experiment simply lacks a lot of necessary data support. Sometimes just a flash of inspiration, a certain laboratory director will immediately take a talented person to conduct experiments, and rarely perform relevant verifications on other organisms before transforming the human body.

Under such circumstances, the young men and women who were selected became white mice. For them, this base is no longer the paradise they had imagined when they came, but the real hell!

In less than a year, the number of selected people with fewer than 1,000 people dropped sharply to about 200. During that period, corpses were thrown out of the base almost every day. The base didn't even bother to dispose of their corpses, and allowed the beasts outside to decompose their corpses in the most primitive way.

In the case of repeated failures in the transformation plan, a supervisor whimsically started from other life modes. He proposed to abandon the shackles of human form, and instead seek inspiration from other life forms, and then build a biochemical army. It has to be said that even Sauron was deeply influenced by the theory of theocracy. He was not very interested in inhuman soldiers, and it could even be said to be disgusting.

The plan to transform ordinary people into capable people has been in vain, and Sauron approved the supervisor to conduct research with the idea of ​​giving it a try. However, his project will be independent, and the funding budget available will be limited. But even so, this supervisor is still committed to this project, he is Dr. Andura, and the creator of the Andura bug.

Two years later, the prototype of Andura worm was successfully cultivated. This kind of bug is born to be a life hunter, the prototype is only the size of a puppy, but it already has a high IQ. In many experiments, it has been proved that it is only a prototype body that can easily kill several dangerous mutant beasts that were not many in the West Continent at that time. And in Professor Andura's report, when this kind of bug enters the maturity stage, they are only a tiny bit lower than those with Tier 8 ability. However, Tier 8 is difficult to find, and the Andura bug can be mass-produced. This is the most intuitive difference between the two.

An eighth rank will naturally win against an Andura insect, and then it will feel pressure when facing a hundred. If it is a thousand or more, then the eighth rank will definitely be submerged by the insect sea.

In Dr. Andura's revised plan, he will also design a reproduction function for Andura insects. In this way, the Pope’s Hall only needs to delineate an area for this kind of bug to reproduce by itself, and the Pope’s Hall can harvest thousands of bugs equivalent to about 7th order in one breeding cycle. Sauron needed only time to build an invincible biochemical army.

Due to the progress made by Dr. Andura, the Chosen Project was almost completely abandoned. In the past two years, the project host of the Chosen Project has only gained some inspiration from it and created a complete eighth-tier powerhouse. However, the resources invested are three times the annual budget of the Knights, and the difference in cost performance is obvious to all. So after Sauron recalled the eighth Tier back to Rome, he ordered that the Chosen Project be stopped and instead invested in Dr. Andura's insect army plan.

The Chosen Project has been shelved. In order to prevent the outside world from knowing the truth of this project, the experimental objects and data must be destroyed. However, when these survivors were driven into a closed space to clean them, an accident happened.

In fact, the data diary ends here, and the following diaries are recorded by Fromman himself. After Froman’s investigation and an experimental day obtained by Dr. Andura, it was confirmed that the Andura bug had betrayed their creator. At that time the base was destroyed by the Andura bug. Dr. Andura himself stayed in the specimen room for three days and nights, and was eventually found and killed by his so-called child.

But in these three days, Dr. Andura made speculations about the bug's betrayal. At that time, a large number of insects appeared in the base, and they suddenly rushed out, bloodbathing the entire base. This is something that shouldn't have happened. Andura bugs have been under the close supervision of the doctor, and there are only about ten in number. There shouldn't be so many bugs.

With such a large number of insects, this shows that Andura insects actually have the function of reproduction. Then the doctor did not see in their genes the gene fragments that can reproduce the offspring~lightnovelpub.net~ should be hidden deliberately by them. That being said, the wisdom of Andura worms is more terrifying than their power.

During the experiment, worms will inevitably die. And the dead insects also exposed the corpse wilderness like those of the Chosen. The doctor guessed that the biggest loophole in this incident was the handling of the corpse. Or the Andura bugs have seen the base's handling of corpses in their eyes. With their wisdom, security can find this loophole.

Then, as long as one or two bugs died fraudulently and got outside the base by chance, they were essentially free. In the calculation of the doctor, as long as there is a breeding cycle of about one year, the Andura worm can produce an army. And now his idea has been confirmed, but the price is too expensive.

Finally, the doctor suggested that the Andura worm came from his hands, and his familiarity with this species was unmatched. Once this kind of bug forms a group, then there will definitely be a queen, and the queen will be the brain of the whole group, and it will be the highest commander. If the Pope’s Chamber wants to fight back, it must give priority to killing the queen. Once the queen dies, the Andura worm will have a devastating chain reaction.

This is a backdoor reserved by the doctor in the Andura gene fragment to prevent this from happening. It's just that the slaughter of Andura insects came too quickly and suddenly, so fast that the doctor had no time to respond, and disaster had already come.