War Lord

Chapter 723: Queen Andura

[Thank you for your monthly pass, Little Azhu! ]

Hearing Ling told the reason why he appeared in this underground base, Froman's expression was very surprised. It took him a while to say: "You actually played against the man Leo, **** it, and forced him to blew himself up. But you didn't explode to death, and you fell from such a high place to come here...what the **** are you? monster……"

"Anyway, it won't be a monster like an Andura bug. How about it, are you interested in cooperating?"

"Nonsense, it's a rare opportunity, it's an idiot who won't grasp it!" Fromman suddenly slammed open the door and yelled at the Zog man outside: "Bring me the floor plan of the base!"

After a while, Jona and Yi Fei beforehand took a floor plan and walked in. They should be Froman's confidantes. After Jonah came in, her eyes were hot and bright looking at Zero. Froman and Iphia looked at each of them, but they had different expressions. Fromman gave a few dry laughs, while Yifei was obviously hostile, and he didn't see it. He didn't have the time to take care of Yifei's feeling now.

Spread the floor plan on the table, and Froman's big hand lay heavily on the living area of ​​the base. Said: "There are three floors in the living area of ​​the base. It is a place for the staff on the base to rest and entertain. But now it has become a **** because the Queen of Andura occupies this place. The monster is in the living area. At the lowest level, a passage has been opened between the layers. All passages to the living area have been blocked by the Andura bug and the rear guards. The only one who can enter the living area is from the food passage..."

"Food passage?" Zero pointed at the map and said, "Does it mean the vertical passage opened between the floors?"

"That's right. Ten years ago, the queen of Andura was larger than the adult. It occupies the first floor of the living area alone. As time goes by, its body is getting bigger and bigger, so Constantly expand his territory, and directly open up the three-tier base to expand a larger space. That guy is just a giant, and the Andura worm feeds on humans, and the queen is no exception. And Andu Pull insects will throw the strongest and most energy-saving humans to the insect queen for consumption. This work is done by the insect guards. They will throw the food that has turned into corpses through the upper part of the channel for the insect queen to eat." When talking about this, Fromman's expression was obviously unnatural. Among the reasons for the sharp decline in the number of people who wanted to come to Zog, part of it was probably because of the Queen of Andura.

"So what about the situation in the living area? Are the Andura insect guards also in this area? They should protect the queen close to them, right?" Zero asked again.

This time it was Jona who answered: "No, it's just the opposite of what you think. In the living area, the Andura Queen does not need any protection from the insect guard, and it is the strongest in the entire ethnic group. At the same time, as the queen of insects, it seems that other insects are not allowed to approach. In the world of Andura insects, the level of hierarchy is far beyond our imagination."

"In addition to the living quarters, there should be other passages in the base." It would be best if conflicts with the Andura bug can be avoided, so Zero wanted to confirm whether there are other passages.

"It would be great if there is such a place." Fromman gave a wry smile, and he shook his head: "You probably can't imagine how smart those **** bugs are. They have already destroyed the living quarters for the first time after occupying the base. The other access routes. Only the emergency access in the living quarters is left. Do you know why?"

Zero took a breath: "They deliberately wanted to leave you with a hope and keep tempting you to try, but in the end, they turned you into food?"

"Yes, when we discovered that the emergency passage in the living quarter was not destroyed. Everyone was happy and broke, and then organized a storm, but most of the manpower was lost, and we had to retreat. Since then, No one dared to make the idea of ​​a passage in the living quarters anymore." Fromman sighed.

Jona also said: "I used my expertise to enter the living area alone, wanting to see how to avoid the monitoring of the insect guard and the insect queen. But I found that this is basically impossible. The insect guard is okay, They will always have a dead corner of defense. But the queen is different. It always stings at the bottom of the living area. If you don’t observe it carefully, you will think it is dead. However, every time I enter its area, I will I feel a sense of being watched. I have tried many times, and every time is no exception. Therefore, I believe that Chongsheng must have a certain special ability. You can find them without using your eyes to confirm intruders."

"Of course..." Ling sighed slightly: "Mind scanning, or similar abilities. The Andura bug is not easy, but we are not completely out of chance. Well, although we don't want this, we can only take risks. NS."

"You already have a plan?" Fromman's eyes lit up, and he asked happily.

"That's right, but before that, we still have to confirm some things." Ling raised her head and looked at the red-haired leader in front of her and asked: "You have lived in the base for so many years, so you should know this place well. No. I know if there is a place where I can persist for a while under the mad attack of the Andura bug."

Fromman's face changed, and he said, "It seems that what you are going to do is not small."

He was thinking hard, but he couldn't seem to think of a place that could meet the zero requirement. Yifei looked up, as if thinking of something, but he shook his head in denial. Fromman couldn't help but said: "Just say what you think of, and we can all refer to it."

Yifei sighed, "You should also know that place, it's there..."

Fromman frowned, but Jona suddenly shouted, "Experimental area a?"

"Yes, that's it." Yifei nodded.

Froman finally stretched his thick eyebrows and clapped his hands: "Good boy, why didn't I expect it. By the way, that place is unpleasant. However, it can last for a while."

"Experimental area a..." On the map, Ling quickly saw the area they were talking about. It was a part of the experimental area that was far away from the living area. There were several corridors connected to each other. It was just from the map. It is hard to see what is special about this area.

Fromman said in a deep voice: "Experimental area a is also the place where we stayed the longest. It was the experimental site planned by the Chosen. Before the base fell, the Pope's Hall wanted to clean up all our waste. At that time, we were there. Detained in area a. There is a special room where the material used is composite armor plate, which is resistant to impact and high temperature. There is only one channel made of the same material to connect with the outside world, but this channel has a fatal layout. The trap...laser laser net."

"At that time, the Pope's Hall locked us in this room, originally to let us die in despair. Unexpectedly, it saved us because of this. It's ironic. The place where we were buried has become the Ark of life. With the solid structure of this room, we survived the Andura worm massacre. After that, the main power supply of the base was cut off, making the room useless, and we were able to leave." Jona added: "Here, except Outside the laser network of the channel, there are also weapon platforms and high-temperature flame jet devices. This is originally used as the most dangerous biochemical experiment site. These devices are also used to prevent the powerful biochemical weapons from losing control or escaping. If it can provide enough energy , Once these devices are activated, even if the Andura bug comes over, they should be able to last for a long time."

"If the backup power supply is fully supplied, it will last about ten hours." Yifei said: "But this time has passed, and we are greeted by darkness and death. So you'd better talk about the so-called plan, which requires Betting on our lives and future."

Zero nodded and said: "Listen well, since only the emergency passage in the living quarters can be used, then we can only fight with the Andura Queen. But there is no chance of winning in this way. If you want to lean, you have to win by surprise. "

"Based on the information you just provided, I probably have a plan, and the success rate should be quite a bit." Zero stretched out three fingers: "If this plan is to be successful, the following three points must be achieved."

"First, launch a feint on the Andura bug. It can be said to be a feint, but there will be sacrifices. And in order to fully attract the attention of the worms, all of you Zog must be dispatched."

"Secondly, in this feint, I will lie in the dead body of the victim. According to what you said, the Andura bug will feed the strongest to the queen, so I will release it appropriately enough to attract their attention. The energy breath. If there is no accident, they should take me as feed. Then, I will enter the living area smoothly, and even swallow the Andura bug into my stomach. At that time, it is the time for me to fight back. , I will kill the queen in the living quarter! This part will be done by me."

Zero has pulled down two fingers, leaving the last one. He looked at Fromman: "Third, before the feint. I hope you will transfer all the materials to the experimental area a ~lightnovelpub.net~ and supply the backup power to that area. After the feint, the Andura bug will definitely be there. Pursuing, I need you to hold them firmly. Otherwise, when the queen nymph encounters a desperate situation, she may call the insect guard, and then my situation will be even more dangerous."

"But our situation will not be easy." Yi Fei said coldly: "I think this plan is prepared for yourself, let us attract the attention of Andura insects, after you kill the insects alone. After that, you can just leave, as for what we will become, it is not in your consideration at all!"

"Shut up, Yifei. He's seen the information..." Fromman nodded, "I know what you think. There is a relationship between the Andura Queen and the Swarm. It can be said that the Swarm and the Queen are dependent on each other. If the queen dies, the swarm will also collapse. This is the conclusion given by Dr. Andura, who made them."

"So, if we can persist until he kills the worm, then we will be saved at the same time!" Fromman said again: "Just, how can you guarantee that you can kill the worm?"

"I can't guarantee, I'm also betting. No business is profitable, Mr. Froman. If you want freedom and the future, it depends on whether you dare to bet this with me." Ling smiled.

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